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300 soldiers deserted PL and join SL

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Ciidamo gaadhaya 300 oo askari oo kasoo galaya Puntland oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Laascaanood.


Waxaa kaasoo galay maamul Goboleedka Puntland ee Somalia ciidamo gaadhaya 300 oo askari kuwaas oo ku sugnaa magaalada Tukaraq oo ah halka ugu soo horaysa ciidamada maamul Goboleedka Puntland iyo waliba kuwo maleeshiyo Beeleed ah oo ku sugnaa halkaasi muddo dhawr bilood ah.



Ciidamadan ayaa dhamaantood waxa ay kasoo jeedaan Gobolada SSC waxaana ay horay ugu jireen ciidamada maamul Goboleedka Puntland ee ku sugan magaalada Tukaraq waxaana ay magaalada Laascaanood soo galeen habeenimadii xalay halkaas oo ay kusoo dhaweeyeen masuuliyiinta Gobolka iyo saraakiisha ciidamada ee ku sugan Gobolka Sool.


Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Gobolka Sool ahna siihaya xilka Gudoomiyenimada Gobolka Maxamed Faaraxa Indho buur oo u waramayay shabakada afnugaal ayaa waxa uu u xaqiijiyay in ay maanta ay la kulmeen ciidamo gaadahya 300 oo askari kuwaas oo dhamaantood kasoo jeeda Gobolada SSC hadda noqon doona kuna biiri doonaan ciidamada qaranka ee Somaliland.


Xaflad lagu soo dhawaynayay ciidamadan oo ahaa labo qaybood ayaa waxa ay ka kala dhacday guriga Guulwadayaasha ee magalada Laascaanood iyo halka lagu magacaabo Dabaqii C/rashiid ee dhanka Galbeed ee magaalada waxaana halkaasi hadalo kala duwan kasoo jeediyay masuuliyiinta Gobolka iyo saraakiisha Somaliland uuna kamid ahaa Cismaan afdhiilo.


Gudoomiyaha oo halkaasi hadal kasoo jeediyay ayaa waxa uu yiri ‘ hadda waxaad kamid tihiin ciidamada qalabka sida ee Somaliland horayna waxaad u ahaydeen dad khaldan oo aan dantooda garanayn laakiinse waad kasoo noqoteen waxaadna kusoo laabateen dalkiinii iyo ciidiinii waxaadna hadda wixii ka danbeeyaya lamid noqon doontaan ciidamada Somaliland’


Hadaba ciidamadan maanta ay xaflada u sameeyeen masuuliyiinta Gobolka Sool iyo saraakiisha Somaliland ee ku sugan aaga Gobolka ayaa waxa ay ku wareejiyeen ciidamadan hadda soo gaadhay magalada Laascaanood kana soo goostay Puntland Saldhiga 7aad ee ciidanka Mahad Canbaashe halkaas oo ay ka tirsanaan doonaan.




Afnugaal News Desk

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Saxiib is that the only building Somaliland fixed? lol I mean come on and they painted it white and blue. looooooooool How come you never see the rest of the city?

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^ That building is the office for the region's governor.


If you are enquiring about the buildings that SL rehabilitated, it includes almost all the governtal and public buildings from Police buildings to regional and district Courts. Basically, every public and government office is operational and fully equiped now. A farcry from when Puntland melitia ruled the city.


But that is not the only development. Lascaanood is now one of the most peaceful towns in SL. It was common to see people carry guns on the street a year ago, but today there is no guns at all. And the crime rate or clanish tit-for-tat killings has been reduced to Zero since SL took over the city.


As of May 2008, the city also enjoys clean and sweet tap water.


A change for the better in every respect.

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kuwa ishiidbkoodii ba battay tallow maxay waddaan they wanne creata a inside man


laakin haa uu baqan first mandheera aya la geeynaya for a few months lugu soo tabbo baroo

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I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news?? :confused: It means they have no loyalty, and you should never rely on someone with no loyal, when push comes to shove, they will only end up wasting your time and hoosasis. They are only looking after their interest, if PL offered them a better deal, they will be gone within a day. Easy come, easy go. I don't think they should be rewarded with positions and wages. Instead they should be sent back to police the streets of their home towns.

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I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news??

it's Good news for us .. perhaps not for you! :D


The recognition is on Horizon :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news?? :confused: It means they have no loyalty, and you should never rely on someone with no loyal, when push comes to shove, they will only end up wasting your time and hoosasis. They are only looking after their interest, if PL offered them a better deal, they will be gone within a day. Easy come, easy go. I don't think they should be rewarded with positions and wages. Instead they should be sent back to police the streets of their home towns.

They desserted the Puntland melitia and came to their families and home city.


If they are changing their minds that is up to them but part of the SL army's job is to win the hearts and minds of the locals. And that is where this falls under.


But in any case, the army has enough experience in dealing with any threat posed both from inside or outside. Ha u baqina ciidamada qaranka.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news?? :confused: It means they have no loyalty, and you should never rely on someone with no loyal, when push comes to shove, they will only end up wasting your time and hoosasis. They are only looking after their interest, if PL offered them a better deal, they will be gone within a day. Easy come, easy go. I don't think they should be rewarded with positions and wages. Instead they should be sent back to police the streets of their home towns.

I totally agree.Is obvious they have no loyalty. Let them police the streets of their home town or split them up and put them from corner to corner across the border.

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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

I don't understand, how someone who has deserted their families and home towns is good news?? :confused: It means they have no loyalty, and you should never rely on someone with no loyal, when push comes to shove, they will only end up wasting your time and hoosasis. They are only looking after their interest, if PL offered them a better deal, they will be gone within a day. Easy come, easy go. I don't think they should be rewarded with positions and wages. Instead they should be sent back to police the streets of their home towns. mean like 'ka dhex-toos'?


But these are SOOL, SANAAG natives not Gorowe or Galkacayo natives. So basically they are back home now.

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I know all of you secessionist do not see the fitna you have caused in Sool but to gloat about it everyday shows how you'r blinded to suffering of other Somalis and how the virus of clan supermacy have taken over your body.

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Originally posted by Peace Action:

I know all of
do not see the fitna you have caused
in Sool
but to gloat about it everyday shows how you'r blinded to suffering of other Somalis and how the virus of clan supermacy have taken over your body.

À la KoolKat, looooooooooooool.


Karma is a B!tch.

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^^^^ Cheer the occupation and the war crimes in Xamar then cry over "fitna" and "suffering" in Sool.


Let me repeat: looooooooooooool.

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