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Mass Exodus in Laas Caano

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Somalia: Thousands Flee Homes in Disputed Region Fearing Renewed Clashes


Increased tension between the self-declared republic of Somaliland and the neighbouring self-declared autonomous region of Puntland over the disputed region of Sool has led to the displacement of up to 20,000 people from the area, local sources told IRIN on 22 October.


Forces loyal to the Somaliland administration took control of the Sool regional capital Las Anod, which was previously controlled by Puntland, on 15 October.


"There are demonstrations against the arrival of Somaliland forces and large numbers of people have been leaving the town," a local journalist said. "Most of them have gone to neighbouring towns and villages for safety reasons."


A report issued on 19 October by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Somalia, said an estimated 500 families had fled Las Anod, mostly to the neighbouring southeastern district Ba'ome.


Others had fled to Garowe, nearby villages and to northeastern districts such as Hudun and Taleh. "The population is said to be in dire need of food, shelter material and medical assistance," the report said.


Abdirahman Mahamud Bankah, the Puntland minister of information told IRIN on 22 October: "Our estimate is close to 20,000 people are now displaced."


Tension created by the arrival of the Somaliland forces, he added, was hampering humanitarian assistance to those affected. Somaliland, however, dismissed the claim, saying many of the displaced were forced to flee by Puntland propaganda that said they would be harmed.


"They [Puntland] are engaged in fear mongering through the media," said Said Adani, Somaliland spokesman. "They should stop scaring people with this false propaganda. No one has been harmed since Somaliland took control of Las Anod and no one will be."


Adani said Somaliland forces were not inside the town, but remained outside to ensure the safety and security of the population. He added that only local administration people, ministers and MPs from the area were inside Las Anod to restore calm.


Bankah, however, warned the authorities of Somaliland to withdraw its forces from the region. "It should be clear to them [somaliland] and everybody else where the people of Sool want to be," he said. "This region [sool] along with Sanag [another disputed region] is part and parcel of Puntland."


Dismissing fears of renewed clashes, Adani said that Somaliland "will defend its borders but will not attack anyone".


Further protests were said to be taking place on 22 October.


"Demonstrators are burning tyres and blocking roads," said a local resident.


"Yesterday [21 October] saw the worst demonstrations, with them burning tyres and attacking ministers from Somaliland."


Sool and Sanaag geographically fall within the borders of pre-independence British Somaliland, but most of the clans are linked to Puntland.



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Can anyone think of why Meles chooses to support Somaliland over Puntland in this Laas Caanood saga? Why have the Ethiopians been mute on these latest developments? knowing that no needle drops anywhere in Somalia without their approval, the least they could have done is ask for "restraint". One would also think Meles is grateful to Puntland for providing militia to help Tigray troops chase "terrorists" in Muqdisho? Why would he then summon Cadde to Addis Ababa and give the tacit green light to Riyaale in the meantime to invade ( :D ) Laas Caanood?


This makes no sense. Surely, Riyaale is no more a dabo-dhilif than Cadde or Yey are.

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^^I am not sure if he supported one over the other!


But here are two hypotheses on this yaa Castro!


1- Melez is setting up Somaliland for a bigger catch! First by his advice they will become a part of the civil war by initiating a military venture which they will not be able to win. Secondly, after the foundations are laid and some stances are loosened, Melez may find the project of creating a bigger, united client state in Somalia more feasible, and provided the Yanks are willing to fund it, he may as well embark on such a project!



2- Or Ethiopia might’ve seen the untenable positions these leaders find themselves in and calculated that a contained conflict may be beneficial for both of them.



On the first guess, for Melez this conflict may still be its first satge, or a proof of concept stage, if you will, and he may not be ready to comment on it yet.


On the second guess, this conflict is doing exactly what the first hypothesis espoused, namely internal conflicts in both states are no longer priority, and instead all the attention is directed at liberating the city of LA and teaching the secessionists a lesson, from Portlanders perspective, and keeping the successes and victories of the Somaliland army, from Somaliland perspective. I can tell you though a lot of people are no longer talking about Ethiopian occupation and muqaawamah, and their efforts are focused getting their city back.


Perhaps that’s what Ethiopia hopped from this.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

I can tell you though a lot of people are no longer talking about Ethiopian occupation and muqaawamah, and their efforts are focused getting their city back.


Perhaps that’s what Ethiopia hopped from this.

Classic divide and conquer. You got it saaxib.

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come on now...dontchya think this la incident was designed by the ethiopian rat!


his basic aim is to secure his free port in berbera, so he gotta make them boyz busy!


u gotta keep them boyz busy..sland, tfg etc., he got them where he wants...keep them running around like crazy chicken!

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The city is peaceful ,,, if anyone wants to leave it is his/her choice but nothing is happening there. Just fears and it will be over soon IA.

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It wont probably wont be long before some Wadaads ect are rounded up in Lasanod on the premise of belonging to i.c..u etc......To asnwer Castro's question: Its a ruwayad, even the Geedi saga. After the failure and disillusionment of all these political leaders they are trying to instigate a clan war/s in the North and South....

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1) How about the SSC being a trap for SL in the sense that it will become some sort of a source for a protracted conflict, something like SL's Somalia Galbeed. So that the xabash has a leveradge on the secessionists.


2) The creation of a new client 'mini-state' in the SSC region with Ethiopian help and the boys from the SSC will be 'gratefull'.


The Xabash midget is giving us Somalis a masterclass in divide and conquer. Will we learn? Ilaahay un ayaa og taas.


Sheekada dhulka SSC hada ka dhacaysaa wey iska cadahay, Ta Kismaayo iyo Jubooyinkuma wey iska cadyihiin, anigu waxaan is weydiinayaa muxuu xabashku ka soo wadaa Xamar.


*Somalidu waligeed jileecan wee lahayd, in qabiil lagu kala furfuri karo iyo in aan taariikhdeena waxba aanan ka baran. Waxa maanta nagu dhacaya 100 sano ka hor wee nagu dhacayeen.*

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Originally posted by Castro:

Can anyone think of why Meles chooses to support Somaliland over Puntland in this Laas Caanood saga? Why have the Ethiopians been mute on these latest developments? knowing that no needle drops anywhere in Somalia without their approval, the least they could have done is ask for "restraint". One would also think Meles is grateful to Puntland for providing militia to help Tigray troops chase "terrorists" in Muqdisho? Why would he then summon Cadde to Addis Ababa and give the tacit green light to Riyaale in the meantime to invade (
) Laas Caanood?


This makes no sense. Surely, Riyaale is no more a dabo-dhilif than Cadde or Yey are.

Very good question....Lemme try to answer that question for you Castro.Somaliland elections are very close and unlike the last one, this one Silaanyo is expected to win.Silaanyo is well a Somaliweyn believer and one who can can actually pull of unification of Somalis better than the present somali politicians.If you remember when Mogadisho was being burned to the ground by the Ethiopian army he spoke out and compared it to what happened in Hargeysa in 1988.That annoyed the Ethiopians and made them more resolute to keep their current puppets and ensure that elections do not take place.Under the Somaliland constitution if there is a state of emergency arising from wars or hardships the Guurti and only the Guurti can extend the presidents term with a simple 2/3 majority and the current Guurti are very much behind UDUB.The last time this happened was in 1995 when Egals term was extended because of the inter clan wars in Burco.Like a true student Riyaale seems to be following in his teachers footsteps , the only difference is he seems to have solicited the help of Mr.Zenawi and he got that.I hope that answers your question.

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^^^Siilanyo is pro somaliwayne?


That is just a joke of the day. Rer Somaliland don't want a union with the South, therefore he wouldn't win if he believed in such.

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^^Redka, it’s really incongruent of you to dismiss any discontent with the secessionist agenda in Somaliland and project a false political uniformity to mask it, on a one hand, and to cite any group with political grievance in Puntland as a significant division within that entity, on the other hand :D !

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Soo layaab maaha, a classic double standard


Reer Sool, Sanaag & Cayn support united Somalia and don't want to join any entity with a secessionist agenda

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Our friend Baddacase used to be a qunyarsocod. Laakiinse suu ugu soo noqday Soomaaliya, ninkii waa isa soo badalay?


Waraa Badda, see camaleeto. Maxaa laguugu soo siiyeen goofkaas? Saar maa lagu soo saaray? :D Waxaan caano gaal soo cabid ka badan waayee.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


But here are two hypotheses on this yaa Castro!


1- Melez is setting up Somaliland for a bigger catch! First by his advice they will become a part of the civil war by initiating a military venture which they will not be able to win. Secondly, after the foundations are laid and some stances are loosened, Melez may find the project of creating a bigger, united client state in Somalia more feasible, and provided the Yanks are willing to fund it, he may as well embark on such a project!


I agree with your first hypothesis

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:


But here are two hypotheses on this yaa Castro!


1- Melez is setting up Somaliland for a bigger catch! First by his advice they will become a part of the civil war by initiating a military venture which they will not be able to win. Secondly, after the foundations are laid and some stances are loosened, Melez may find the project of creating a bigger, united client state in Somalia more feasible, and provided the Yanks are willing to fund it, he may as well embark on such a project!


I partially agree with your first hypothesis

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