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Is Al Shabab Khawarij?

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Salaam All,


Below is an article written by a leading young enlightened scholar by the name of Al-Akh C/raxmaan Abyad who is the leading daaci in Denmark.


This is somewhat a long article but well worth reading as it demystifies the issue with nusuus.







Mahad dhammaanteed ALLAAH baa iska leh , intaas ka dib, Umuuraha murugsan ee Soomaalida dadka la socda waxaa beryahan danbe dhegohooda ku soo noq-noqonayay, oo qaar badan xaajo uguba ku noqotay , odhaahda ah “ Ciddii aniga i khilaafta , ama aan u okobnaan waxa aan keeno waa Khawaarij , amaba koox heblaayo waa Khawaarij, iyadoo marar badan si gaara loogu duur xulo xarakada Al- shabaab.


Arinkaas waxaa ka dhashay in dad badani is weydiiyaan horta “ Khawaarijtan “ la sheegayaa maxay yihiin sidoodaba, halka qaar kalena isku maan dhaafsan yihiin garta ama gardarrada hadalkaasi amaba canjarafkaasi waa sida qolyo kale u arkaane , xanbaarsan yahay.


Sidaas darteed waxaan jeclaystay inaan akhristaha qormadan u soo gudbiyo xog kooban oo ku saabsan firqadan hadal haynteedu badatay ee “ AL- KHAWAARIJ “, iyo jawaabta su’aashayda cinwaanku xanbaarsan yahay .


Qormadani waxay ka koobnaan doontaa afar xidhmo :


B- Xog guud oo ku saabsan Khawaarijta .


T- Jawaabta su’aasha cinwaanka.


J- Yaa ku sheega Shabaabka Khawaarij .


X- Gabo-gabo .


Intase aanan galin muca iyo ujeedka qormadan waxaan gogol dhig uga dhiganayaa hal-beeg “qaacido” lama huraan u ah marka koox ama qof waxa uu yahay la gorfaynayo :


Dhaleecaynta ama amaanidda aad qof ama koox u jeedinaysaa waxaa lagama maarmaan u ah labo shardi oo kala ah


1- Aqoon , cilmi la’aani hadday jirto waxaa shaki la’aan ah in xad gudub iyo


Gabood fal imanayo .


2- Caddaalad , haddiiba qofka wax qaadaa dhigayaa cilmi leeyahay , haseyeeshee uu caddaaladda ka fog yahay waxaa loo aanayn karaa amaba lagu tuhmi karaa dulmi .


Intaas haddaan ku dhaafo halbeegaas , bal aan u gudbo inaan wax ka tibaaxo xog kooban oo ku saabsan khawaarijta .


Xog ku saabsan khawaarijta.


Sidii aan hore u soo tibaaxay waxaaan ka horeysiin doonaa jawaabta waydiinta cinwaanku xanbaarsan yahay – si jawaabtu u fududaato – xog ku saabsan firqada khawaarijta , sida :


· Qeexidda khawaarijta , ama waa maxay khawaariji ?.


· Astaamaha lagu yaqaan .


· Soo yaalkooda iyo goorta ay soo ifbaxeen.


· Xukunkooda.


· Dhibaatooyinkii ay geysteen


· Qaar ka mida nusuusta ku soo aroortay .


Qeexidda khawaarijta , ama waa maxay Khawaarij


Khawaarijta ” ??????? ” waa eray Af- carabi asalkiisu yahay, Af-soomaali ahaanna waxaa macnihiisu yahay ” baxayaasha ” , ama kuwii baxay .


Maxay ka baxeen tolow? Yayse ku baxeen ? .


Waa labo waydiimood oo kusoo deg-degi kara maanka akhristaha , jawaabtooduse waxay ku imaan doontaa qormadan dhexdeeda .


Khawaarijtu waxaa kaloo ay leeyihiin magacyo kale oo ay caan ku yihiin , sida: Muxakkimah , Xaruuriyah , Maariqah Shuraah …


Culimadu waxay isku raacsan yihiin in Khawaarijtu yihiin koox ka mida kooxaha halaagsamay ee lunsan , kuna gafay waxyaabo badan oo caqiido iyo camalba leh .


Tilmaamaha khawaarijta


Waxay firqadani leedahay summado badan oo qofkii aqoon u lihi aanu ka hadfayn,


Hayeeshee aanay qormadan koobani wada xanbaari Karin ,halkanna aanan kusoo wada minguurin Karin , waxaanse si korka xaadis ah u sheegi doonaa kuwa ugu wax ku oolsan uguna waawayn , waana kuwan :


1. Inay qofkii danbi wayn ku dhaca sida : beenta, xanta, gogol dhaafka , khamriga , dilka , ribada , iwm ku tilmaamaan inuu yahay GAAL naarta ku waaraya , muslimna aan lagu sheegi Karin .


Taasina waxay sabab u noqotay in ummadda muslimka ah oo dhammi agtooda gaalo ka noqdaan wixii aan iyaga la fakir ahayn “ kaligood muslim “ maadaama oo aan dunuubta macsuum laga ahayn , sidaas darteed muslimka lama tukadaan , gawrocooda ma hungureeyaan , xabaalohooda wax kuma aastaan .


Muslim ka fogaan shaha gaadhay inaan xataa lala tukani, waxay ka dhalatay gaalaysiinta muslimka la gaalaysiiyo, iyadoon loo aabbe yeelin amaba loo kitaab furin , waxayna culimadu u yaqaanaan ” ????? ??????? ”


2. Saxaabadii Suubanaha “??? ???? ???? ???? “ qaarkood sida : Cuthmaan , Cali , Dalxa , Caa’isha iyo kuwo kaleba oo ay ku tilmaamaan inay amaanadii khiyaameen ama gaaloobeenba !!!.


3. Sunnada nabiga “??? ???? ???? ???? “ oo ay inkiraan in la xujaysto haddii aanay waafiqin shuruudo gaar ah oo ay iyagu dajisteen .


4. Dirirtooda ama halgankooda oo ay ku wajahaan muslimka halka gaaladu ay ka badbaado .


5. Jahli iyo diinta oo loo fasiro si’aan xaqa waafaqsanayn, lana adkeeyo wax aan mudnayn in la adkeeyo .


6. Haweenka oo ay ku waajibiyaan inay soo qalleeyaan salaadihii dhaafay intii dahaaradu ka jabnayd .


7. Magacyada iyo tilmaamaha ALLAAH oo ay ta’wiiliyaan ( marin habaabiyaan ) .


8. Ahlul cilmiga oo laga fogaado lana xaqiro .


9. Midawga muslimiinta iyo madaxdoodaba in guluf colaadeed lagu kiciyo , iyagoo ka duulaya inay gaalo yihiin .


10. Suuradaha Qur’aanka qaarkood oo kooxo ka mid ahi diidaan , sida suuratul yuusuf.


Calaamadahaas ayaa ah kuwa ugu tunka buuran ee firqadaasi lagu ibtileeyay.


Sooyaalkooda iyo goortii ay soo ifbaxeen


Waxaa culimadu isku maandhaafeen goorta ay soo ifbaxeen , waxaanse ku ekaan doonaa soo bandhigidda saddexda aragtiyood ee ugu xoogga badan :


· Culimada qaarkood waxay qabaan inay soo baxeen wakhtigii Suubanuhu noolaa, aragtidoodaasna waxay u cuskadeen , ninkii nabiga “??? ???? ???? ????“ ku yiri isaga oo qaniimo qaybinaya : caddaalad samee maad caddaalad samayn ee!!!!.


Ninkaas oo ah aabbaha khawaarijta , waxaana la oran jiray “ dul khuways sarah “


· Waxay soo baxeen sabankii Cuthmaan ayaa culimo kalena qabaan .


· Inay soo baxeen wakhtigii Cali ayaase loo badan yahay , maadaama oo dagaallo ba’ani dhex mareen Cali iyo nimankaas ibtilaysan , oo ay ugu magac dheer tahay goobtii nahrawaan sannadkii 37 H ugu danbayntiina iyagu ay dileen - saddex sano kadib - saxaabigaas weyn ??? ???? ??? ??????


Si kastaba ha ahaato e’ waxaa inoosoo baxaysa in kooxdani ay tahay tii ugu horaysay ee daba marta waddadii suubanaha “??? ???? ???? ???? “ , ceelalyona u noqota 72kii la sheegay inay soo bixi doonaan .




Kooxdani sida ay ummadda inteedii kale u khilaafeen ayay iyana isu khilaafeen , waana arrin dabiici ah oo ay la kulmaan kooxaha lunsani .


Laamaha firqadan ka farcamay waa tiro badan yihiin , waxaase ugu magac dheer :


1- Al azaariqah “ “ oo ku ab tirsata nin la oran jirey ” Naafic binu Azraq” .


2- Assufariyah “ ??????? “ oo ku ab tirsata nin la oran jirey “ Zayaad binu Al asfar” ???? ?? ?????? .


3- Al ibaadiyah “ “ oo ku ab tirsata nin la oran jirey ” Cabdullaahi binu Ibaad ”




Waxaa xusid mudan in khawaarijtu tiro ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaanba ay maanta dunida farakutiris ku yihiin, walow ay iyagu xukumaan gaar ahaan firqada Ibaadiyadu waddanka” Cumaan” oo ka mida waddamada gacanka carbeed ” ?????? ?????? ” .


Xukunkooda .


Markii dadka aqoonta lihi lafa gureen kooxdan iyo waxa ay rumaysan tahay , waxay arini la dhaafi wayday inay ka kala qaateen laba aragtiyood :


· Muslimba maaha oo xanafiyadaba kuma jiraan , sidaas darteed baana loo yidhi khawaarij = kuwii baxay , loogana gol leeyahay inay diinta ka bexeen .


· Waa firqo lun san oo xaqa aad uga baydhay oo ahlul bidac ah , laakiin waxaa lagu tirinayaa guud ahaan inay ahlul qiblaha ka mid yihiin .


Qaar kamida nusuusta ku soo aroortay .


Waxaa lagama maarmaan ah inaan wax uun ka tilmaanno nusuusta ku soo aroortay firqadan, si’aan u fahamno waxa ku xanbaaray ahlulcilmiga qaarkood inayba ku gaalnimo xukumaan sida aan kor ku soo xusnay.


Waxaa kamida xadiiskii suubanuhu ku tilmaamay inay ahlu naar yihiin ???? ??? ????? Waxaa kaloo kamida in suubanuhu ku sifee yey inay diinta ka bexeen ?????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ?????? iyo nusuus kale oo aad ka heli karto kutubul xadiis, caqiidah , fiqhi , taariikh .


T – Jawaabta su’aasha cinwaanka .


Aniga oo ka shidaal qaadanaya nusuusta iyo xogaha kor ku xusan , waxaan akhristaha usoo bandhigayaa su’aalahan :


Qofkii kabiiro ( danbi wayn ) ku dhaca, sida: xanta beenta …iwm shabaabku ma ku gaalay-siiyaan?.


Saxaabadii suubanaha afkooda ma la gaadhaan , gaar ahaan , Cuthmaan ,Cali Dalxa , Caa’isha ?


Gaaladu ma ka badbaadaa dirirtooda ?


Su’aalahan jawaabtooda ayaa fure u ah su’aasheenna jawaabteeda.


Waxay aniga ila tahay in qof kasta oo caadil ah ay u soo bixi karto in shabaabku aanay khawaarij ahayn , maxaa yeelay ? usuushii firqadaasna kama muuqato , furuuc badan oo ay ku waafeqeenna looma jeedo .


J – Yaa ku sheega shabaabka khawaarij ? .


Aniga aragtidayda shabaabka waxaa sifadaa ku tuhmaysta inta badan afar kooxood :


1. Suufiyada .


Gaar ahaan kuwa masaargaabka ah, kumana koobaan khawaarijnimada alshabaab oo kaliya, ee ciddii xabaalaha la dul dangiigo, iyo lafaha maytida ee la tuugayaba shirkinimadeeda iftiimisaa agtooda waa ka khawaarij !!.


2. Rag ay siyaasadda isku hayaan oo ” dawladda ” ka tirsan oo bar yahan danbe ku xabeeb iyo xuurtoobay ” ciddii i khilaaftaa waa khawaarij” .


Sida muuqata waxaa iskaga dheehmay khawaarijta iyo buqaadda oo farqi wayni u dhexeeyo, waxaana ugu muhiimsan , in buqaaddu aanay had iyo goor dhaliilnayn ee ay gar yeelankaraan, halka khawaarijtu ay ka yihiin firqo lunsan , waaba haddii dawlad nimadoodu sugnaato.


3. Ashahaado la dirirka oo sida ka muuqata helay xadhig ay cuskdaan, kagana aargoostaan raggii shalay dhangalaasooyinka culculus u gaysytay oo ay wali dingaraaradeedii hayso, baladkana ka sifeeyay.


Sida ciil iyo madhuudhyo sadrigooda u jiiftona ma filayo inay shabaab kaliya ku ekaan doonaane , hadday u suuro gasho , waxay olki doonaan waxoodii xilka lahaa , culimo dhoofin, iyo isbaaro birimagaydada lagu baadhona dib bay u noolayn doonaan .


4. kooxo ay isku hayaan masalooyin u badan sida iyo waddada ugu haboon ee lagusoo celin karo xukun islaami ah iyo khilaafadii duntay .


X – Gabogabo .


Waxaan ku soo xidhayaa in qof kasta oo muslim ahi maskaxda ku hayo marka


Uu ruux muslim ah diintiisa gacan togaalaynayo aayaddan qur’aanka ah :



Oo macneheedu yahay : yay idinku xanbaarin qolo cadhadeed inaydaan caddaalad samayn , caddaalad sameeya taasaa cabsida u dhowe .


Ugama jeedo qormadan inaan leeyahay shabaabka waxba kama khaldana oo waa ceeb ka saliim xalay dhalay ah , ee waxaa ujeedkaygu yahay , waxaanay qabin yaan la saarin !!.


Shabaabka wax maka khaldan yihiin .


Waxaan qabaa HAA. Mana aha wax lala yaabo maxaa yeelay waa bashar , basharna gaf iyo daalaa dhacays kama madhna , laakiin taasi keeni mayso in caddaaladda iyo cilmigaba lagu xadgudbo oo lagu sheego waxaanay ahayn iyagana aan berri ku koobnaan doonin. ?????? ???????


W.Q. Cabdiraxmaan Abyad

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An excellent read thanks for sharing it brother.


Qofkii kabiiro ( danbi wayn ) ku dhaca, sida: xanta beenta …iwm shabaabku ma ku gaalay-siiyaan?.


Saxaabadii suubanaha afkooda ma la gaadhaan , gaar ahaan , Cuthmaan ,Cali Dalxa , Caa’isha ?


Gaaladu ma ka badbaadaa dirirtooda ?


Su’aalahan jawaabtooda ayaa fure u ah su’aasheenna jawaabteeda.


Aaway ragii mujaahidiinta ku tilmaamay Khawaarij ma idin ku jiraa nin su'aalhan si daacad ah iga jawaabi kara ?

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Sophist, waa ku salaamay awoowe.



With all due respect this is amateur sheekh, who rushed to defend a deviant group. The most important measure of any firqah is what is called istikhfaaf dimaa al muslimiin, kabiiruu ka hadlayya ragbaana lagu janna tegey :D .


the word khawaarij does not really matter in this debate. These folks are armed takfiiri than anything else. Mar hadduu ku dilay muxuu kuula haray awoowe.


Think about this: the entire tfg entity is considered murtad entity from their perspective. If you don’t understand what murtad means and its theological ramifications, it means these Somalis muslims are khaarij canil diin, killing them is a matter of religious duty.


It was jammacatul islaamiyah in the 1980s and early 90s. It’s alqaacidah now. Alshabaab is nothing other than an offshoot of alqacidah.


there is your answer awoowe

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Xiin, Awoowe Salam, how are you? It has been a while!.



JB: What is the difference between Takfiir and Khaariji?




PS: C/raxmaan Abyad is an excellent daaci with profound understanding of Caqiidatul Salaf.

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JB, I think Takfiir and Khawaarij are the same , labaduba dadka ayay gaaleeyaan, maaha?


By the way Al-shabaab are very diverse group, they have all kind people in them and I believe there are some Takfiiri element in them coz if you call a Muslim person Murtad (i.e. Some of them believe Sh. Shariif and everyone in TFG are Murtad)and if that is not the case, then it will make them Takfiiri wal ciyaadu bilaah!

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"And whoever does not rule by what Allaah revealed, then these are the disbelievers."

[sooratul-Maa`idah, 5:44]


A question/condemnatio n posed regarding some of the Muslim rulers, implying that they are kuffar and that perhaps they should be removed is posed by one of the attendees, [Q]: ‘Is it allowed to remove (supposed) tyrants from the position of their governments when they apostate from Islaam. For example, if you kill a Muslim, rule by something other than Allaah or assist the kuffar in killing the Muslims, are these people meant to be given three days to repent. Please elaborate, to be more specific please mention with regards to Mushaarif and Mubaarak and the ‘self-proclaimed’ custodian of the two Holy Mosques?


In his reply, Aboo Khadeejah mentions part of the following hadeeth,

It his been narrated through a different chain of transmitters, on the authority of Hudhayfah Ibnul-Yamaan who said: Messenger of Allaah, no doubt, we had an evil time (i.e. the days of jahiliyyah or ignorance) and Allaah brought us a good time (i.e. Islamic period) through which we are now living. Will there be a bad time after this good time? He (the Prophet) said: Yes. I said: Will there be a good time after this bad time? He said: Yes. I said: Will there be a bad time after good time? He said: Yes. I said: How? Whereupon he said: There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways? There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings. I said: What should I do Messenger of Allaah, if I (happen) to live in that time? He replied: You will listen to the ameer and carry out his orders; even if your back is flogged and your wealth is snatched, you should listen and obey.


This hadeeth comes under the following chapter:

”Instruction to stick to the Main Body of the Muslims in the Time of Trials and Warning Against Those Inviting People to Disbelief” The Book of Government, Saheeh Muslim #5444.


A sound clarification against the misinterpretations, charming speech and bedazzling slogans of ahlut-takfeer who round up the ignorant Muslims steering them towards the path of the khawaarij. This is exemplified in the mentioning of ‘al-Istanbulee’, a radical takfeeree who tried to spearhead revolt in Egypt by killing the ruler, causing countless murders on both sides and no change in the condition of the Muslims. A manhaj that never ever brought about any good and one that opposes the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam). It is clarified that this ayah ("And whoever does not rule by what Allaah revealed, then these are the disbelievers.") is not specific to the rulers, rather ‘Whosoever’, pertaining to the ruler and the ruled. In addition, clarity is brought to the issue of kufr, kufr less than kufr, major sins and who is responsible for determining these serious affairs (the Scholars). An important explanation of the Saddam Husein/Gulf War/Saudi Arabia issue is also made.

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The Hadeeth of Hudhayfah (ra) beautifully identifies ones action (whether Khawarij or not) then destroys those who are upon Ahlul Bida’a.


The Authentic Hadeeth says we should follow the leaders even if they are not following the Sunnah of Prophet (saw), then what about President Sharif who has vowed to govern his land by the laws of Allah, who was the most influential person in ridding the nation from Ethiopia, who has called the headless youth asking them to give him Naseexa or take his Naseexa. Sh Sharif who all the major Scholars whether Somali or non Somali have endorsed. The same Sharif whose victory in the elections sent jubilation to all Somalis whether in the homeland or the Diaspora.


Verily Al Shabaab as I stated over a year ago are the fitnah of our generation, they have no knowledge, are too arrogant to take advice and more dangerously deviated away from the Sunnah of Rasuulo Allah (Saw)


This link is PDF of an advice SH Bin Baz (ra) gave the Emir of Al Shabaab, its to long to post here /media/pdf/binlaadin .pdf

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

An excellent read thanks for sharing it brother.



Qofkii kabiiro ( danbi wayn ) ku dhaca, sida: xanta beenta …iwm shabaabku ma ku gaalay-siiyaan?.


Saxaabadii suubanaha afkooda ma la gaadhaan , gaar ahaan , Cuthmaan ,Cali Dalxa , Caa’isha ?


Gaaladu ma ka badbaadaa dirirtooda ?


Su’aalahan jawaabtooda ayaa fure u ah su’aasheenna jawaabteeda.


Aaway ragii mujaahidiinta ku tilmaamay Khawaarij ma idin ku jiraa nin su'aalhan si daacad ah iga jawaabi kara ?
Geel_Jire ur friend Sophist quoted an unknown sheikh (lord knows what his manhaj) is and takes his word for granted. If you are to quote sheikhs please quote the real Culimaa such as sheikh IBN BAAZ (raximahullah) and sheikh Muqbil. not these men whom we have never heard of. A couple of months ago, a well known sheikh in Saudi (subxaanallah i forgot his name but i will tell later Insha'allah) that anyone who fires something into the base of the enemy possibly killing one and in return they send back hundreds of mortars killing hundreds of innocent civilians, then that war becomes a fitna because more civilians are dying compared to the enemy. he tthen went on to say that Al-shabaab are INFACT kwaarij a reply to some somali listening to his darsi who asked him if they are indeed khawaarij. If you don't believe me go on and there you shall find the TRUE culimaas views. smile.gif

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cyber sectarian warfare, interesting...


they kill innocent people because religious disagreements, murtad and takfiir and khawa whatever, all unnecessary play with words.

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C/raxmaan Abyad is a sheikh who is known by all those who are close to Dacwa in Somalia. But that is not the point. The issue is do you agree with the Nusuus the good Sheekh has presented in light of the question he intended to answer? If you are not erudite in the Science of Aqeedah and not a student of this feild of our religion then you should not opine on the matter and seek clarification from scholars whom you deem to be on the Manhaj.


Both Ibnu Ba'az and Muqbil ibn haadi alwaa'idi have passed away (Raxmatulaahi Caleyhim) and are not in privy to respond to this matter- unless you believe some have the power to respond to issues facing the over from the grave?


Sheikh Fawzaan is a respectable man but it is all about how one phrases the question smile.gif




PS: Sheikh Abyad of Denmark is Salafi and is someone whom I have known since I was the tender age of 12. He is an erudite man with the Madhab of the Ulama you have mentioned above insha Allah.

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Off the bat, I will state that I am not authority on Islam. The following Hadith have been forwarded to me by a dear friend, and I found them to be both pertinent to the general purpose of this discussion and insightful/meaningfu l, especially with the Al Shabab anarchism in the background.


Imam Aḥmad, Ibn Mājah, and al-Ḥākim recorded a Ḥadīth from Ibn Abī Awfá, and Aḥmad

and al-Ḥākim also recorded it from Abū Umāmah that the prophet (scw) said:


“The Khawārij are the dogs of Hell.”


The Khawārij are a sect of people who innovate and follow beliefs and practices foreign

to Islam. They are called that (derived from the Arabic root verb: - meaning to exit or

rebel against) for their leaving the religion and for their rebellion against the best Muslims

(prophet Muhammad’s companions).


The Khawārij used to renounce ‘Uthmān (the third Caliph of Islam) for several things and

they declared themselves free of him announced their disassociation from him. The origin

of that was that some of the citizens of Iraq criticized the behavior of some of ‘Uthmān’s

relatives, so they blamed ‘Uthmān for that. Those people were known as “Reciters” for

their diligence in reciting the Quran and for their worship. Yet, they used to twist and

misinterpret the Quran from its intended meanings. They used to persist on their own personal opinions, and they used to appear very strict and devout in their humility, their

renouncement of worldly things, and other things.

After ‘Uthmān was killed, they fought alongside ‘Alī. They believed ‘Uthmān was a

disbeliever and whoever follows him. They considered ‘Alī’s leadership to be legitimate and considered anyone who fought against him to be disbelievers – those who fought

him during the Battle of the Camel when their leaders were Ṭalḥah and al-Zubayr. 2

Yet when ‘Alī made a peace agreement regarding the leadership with Mu’āwiyah, they

then declared ‘Alī to be a disbeliever and revolted against him, so he fought them.


They are the Worst of People, the Worst of All


Aḥmad, Muslim, and Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Dharr who narrated that

Allah’s messenger (scw) said:


“There will definitely be a people after me from my nation who recite the Quran


Ibn al-Ṣāmit, who narrated the Ḥadīth from Abū Dharr, said, “I met Rāfi’ Ibn ‘Amr al-

Ghifārī and asked him about this Ḥadīth of Abū Dharr. He said, “I (too) heard it from

Allah’s messenger


The Anti-Christ Will Emerge Among Them


Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Ibn ‘Umar (RA) that the messenger of Allah


“There will arise a group of people who will recite the Quran but it will not reach


Ibn ‘Umar said, “I heard Allah’s messenger (SCW) say, ‘Every time a new

generation of them rises, they will then disappear,’ more than twenty times and then said:


“Until the Anti-Christ finally appears among them.”


They are the Worst of People Killed; The Best are


“(They are) the worst people killed under the sky, and the best people killed are those whom they kill. They are the dogs of Hell. These people used to be Muslims but they became disbelievers.”


I (Abū Ghālib, one of the narrators) asked, “Abū Umāmah, is this something only you

yourself are saying?” He replied, “No, rather I heard it from the messenger of Allah


al-Bukhārī and Muslim both recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī (RA) who

said, “We were with Allah’s messenger (SCW) while he was distributing some

wealth. Dhu al-Khuwaṣirah, a man from the Tamīm tribe, came to him and said,

‘Messenger of Allah, be fair!’ The prophet replied:


“Beware. And who would be fair if I was not? You would be ruined if I were not



‘Umar said, “Messenger of Allah, allow me to strike his neck.” He replied:


“Leave him. He will certainly have companions (from his progeny) whom one of

you would belittle his own prayer when compared to their prayer and his fasting

compared to their fasting. They will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their

throats. They will pass through the religion as an arrow passes through a game

animal. One could then look at the arrowhead and not see a thing remaining on

it. He could look at the binding which attaches the arrowhead to the rod and not

see a thing. He could look at the rod and not see a thing. He could look at the

feathers and not see a thing. It would go straight through the bowels and blood.

Their sign is that of a black man. One of his limbs will appear like a woman’s

breast or a disfigured lump of flesh. They will emerge when the people are


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“From the progeny of this man,” or he said, “From the offspring of this man, there will come a people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. They will go through the religion like a arrow going through a target. They

will murder the people of Islam while ignoring the people of idol-worship. If I were to reach them (their time), I would destroy them like the people of ‘Ād were destroyed


Their Sign is Their Shaven Heads


Imam Aḥmad, al-Bukhārī , and Muslim recorded a Ḥadīth from Sahl Ibn Ḥanīf who


“A people will emerge from the East having shaven heads. They will recite the Quran with their tongues but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a target."


It was asked, “What is their distinguishing sign?” He answered:


“Their sign is shaven heads.”


They are Mostly People of Talk, Not Action


Abū Dāwūd, and al-Ḥākim recorded a Ḥadīth narrated by both Abū Sa’īd and Anas in which the messenger of Allah said:


“There will appear within my nation differences and division – people who will perfect their speech and make evil their actions. They will recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will pass through the religion just as an arrow passes through a target and they will not return until it (the arrow) returns back to its bow. They are the worst of people, the worst of all creatures. Tūbá (a tree in paradise, success) is for whoever kills them or they kill him. They will call to the book of Allah yet they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights against

them has more right upon Allah than they do.”


Their Religious Actions Amaze Some People


al-Bukhārī , Muslim, and Ibn Mājah recorded a Ḥadīth from Abū Sa’īd al-Khudrī (RA) who said that he heard Allah’s messenger (SCW) saying:


“There will emerge among you people whom you would belittle your prayer when compared to their prayer, your fasting compared to their fasting, and your deeds compared to theirs. They will recite the Quran but it will not reach beyond their throats. They will pass right through the religion just as an arrow may pass right through a target (game animal). One may look at such an arrowhead and see nothing remaining. He may look at the arrow rod and see nothing remaining. He

may look at the feathers and see nothing. And he may look at the end-notch (to see if anything of blood stuck to it).”


The Encouragement of Allah’s Messenger SCW to Defeat


al-Bukhārī , Muslim, and Abū Dāwūd recorded a narration in which ‘Alī (RA) said:


“When I speak to you, narrating to you something that Allah’s messenger (SCW) said, I would rather fall from the sky than to lie upon him. And if speak to you about what is happening between you and I, then surely in war there maybe misleading strategy. Yet, I heard the messenger of Allah (SCW) saying:


“There will come towards the end of time a people who will be young in age, having reckless and deficient intellects. They will speak with the statements of the best of creation, yet they will pass through Islam just as an arrow passes through a target. Their faith will not even reach beyond their throats. Wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them will have a reward on the Day of Resurrection.

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This Sheikh is more concerned of what people call these lot rather than refuting their mad brand of Islam that is more destructive than what could ever be said about them, CAJIIB.

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