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Interesting Interview, gives lots of personal information.



November 28, 2007

Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed is the chairman of the Council of Islamic Courts and is considered a moderate. He talked to SPIEGEL ONLINE about the "popular uprising" against the Ethiopian troops, his opposition to al-Qaida and the future of Somalia.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: Sheik Sharif, why don't you give your rebels the order for an immediate ceasefire?


Sheik Sharif: I'm powerless to do that. The popular uprising against the hated Ethiopian occupation troops -- which every Somali patriot must see as his enemies -- can't be stopped.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: But this isn't just about the Ethiopians. You're also fighting against the army of the legitimate Somali government.


Sheik Sharif: The so-called legal government is a farce. There were no free elections worth speaking off. They're keeping us out of a true national dialogue -- which we've always called for -- with the slimmest of arguments. Critics of the government find themselves in jail without trial or simply disappear without a trace, just because they condemn military collaboration with that very part of Ethiopia which has been oppressing millions of Somalis for decades.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: ... You're referring to the eastern Ethiopian province of ******, which is populated by Somalis and which the last Somali president, Mohamed Siad Barre, wanted to "liberate" ...


Sheik Sharif: ... but how can we question the internationally recognized borders of Ethiopia when our own country of Somalia is breaking up into several regions, where local interest groups have grabbed power for themselves and can operate without any kind of control? You don't need an intelligence service to figure out that Ethiopia and Kenya, along with other countries in the region, interfere pretty openly in Somalia's affairs. But the Somali people, which right now is held together only by a common language and by Islam, is no longer going along with them. The resistance against the Ethiopians and their stooges in Somalia keeps spreading and will sooner or later topple the regime.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: The Ethiopians marched in to keep Somalia from turning into an Islamist state.


Sheik Sharif: That was a weak pretense which only complicated the situation even further. We never intended to declare an Islamic republic.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: But it was clear which way things were heading in Somalia. Alcohol and music were outlawed and women had to wear veils. Some of your coalition partners declared open sympathy with the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. And didn't the terror network al-Qaida gain a foothold in Somalia?


Sheik Sharif: That was an evil slander. Even if a few of our comrades favored a strict interpretation of Islamic law, it was up to the citizens to orient themselves toward Islamic custom according to their own discretion. I was, and still am today, strictly against giving asylum in Somalia to al-Qaida criminals and their kind.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: But that couldn't happen right now anyway, because government troops still hold the reins of power.


Sheik Sharif: The government troops are fighting with their backs to the wall. They control only 5 percent of the country's territory. The Ethiopians, whose army composes the real backbone of the current Somali government, are not very motivated. They are moving through an occupied country, haphazardly murdering and pillaging, fully aware that sooner or later they will have to leave. When the last Ethiopian armored car leaves Somalia, the regime will collapse like a house of cards. We are gaining territory every day -- it's only a matter of time.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: That means the bloodshed will not end any time soon. Is it true that Eritrea is providing you with weapons and money?


Sheik Sharif: Although Eritrea has experienced the expansionist and racist regime in Addis Ababa at first hand, it is neither providing us with weapons nor any other logistical support. We are surviving because the Somali people are on our side. At first it was students and shopkeepers who supported us, but now we are backed by every social class. Our influence is growing inexorably.


SPIEGEL ONLINE: That sounds like wishful thinking. If you truly wanted peace and democracy, wouldn't you ask the United Nations to actively intervene?


Sheik Sharif: If the international community simply opened its eyes to the continuing violation of human rights in Somalia, and if it were ready to make a fresh start here, we would of course welcome a UN intervention. But that doesn't seem likely, unfortunately. Nevertheless, I stick to my position that if, instead of trigger-happy Ethiopian occupiers, we had neutral blue helmets here in our oppressed country, who could make free elections possible and secure a transition to a future of peace and reconstruction, we would welcome them. The European Parliament in Strasbourg has already taken the first step. It has imposed an arms embargo against the current Somali government in protest against the violation of human rights.


Interview conducted by Volkhard Windfuhr




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I am only highlighting how contradictory and dishonesty Sharif sounds.


Waxbaa idinka si ah. Wax walba ma cadaan iyo madow baad u aragtaan?


Is it me or anyone else who has realized that Abdilahi Yusuf is more honesty and practical than any of his politially rival upstarts? :D

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Can any of you give us a detailed explanation of this statement by Sharif? Are Al-Qaida criminals? Is the imposition of Sharia slanderous?


SPIEGEL ONLINE: But it was clear which way things were heading in Somalia. Alcohol and music were outlawed and women had to wear veils. Some of your coalition partners declared open sympathy with the mujahedeen in Afghanistan. And didn't the terror network al-Qaida gain a foothold in Somalia?


Sheik Sharif: That was an evil slander. Even if a few of our comrades favored a strict interpretation of Islamic law, it was up to the citizens to orient themselves toward Islamic custom according to their own discretion. I was, and still am today, strictly against giving asylum in Somalia to al-Qaida criminals and their kind.

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I did my own research and it's true, it was slander.


I have talked with several people who were in Mogadishu under the UIC, and I have investigated the incidents in question.


First of all soccer was not banned, nor was music. I know three people who visited Mogadishu and watched the 2006 World Cup.


The UIC *did* ban movies and videos with nudity and sex, or sexual references. These movie houses often also played soccer games during the daytime and "adult" movies at night. It was one of these movie houses that caused the rumor that the UIC closed cinemas that played soccer games.


The UIC also banned Qaad, which was highly unpopular, but perhaps understandable given the circumstances in Mogadishu. Some courts also banned smoking. This is no worse than most western countries.


The Ethiopian army captured no Al-Qaeda agents, or any foreign fighters at all in their invasion of Somalia. The US special forces literally combed the countryside looking for them on the heels of the Ethiopian army, but it was a wild goose chase. There never were any foreign fighters. Except the Ethiopians of course, they're plenty foreign.


The Shabbab is a different matter, those guys are dangerous zealots, and they have a lot to answer for. The Shabbab never took orders from the UIC though, they have their own uniforms, leadership, and methods. The Shabbab for instance wore no red Cimmamad like UIC soldiers, but a black or dark green turban that they often covered their faces with. They went against UIC orders on several matters, attacking towns without invitation, killing helpless enemies, harassing citizens, etc.


Hassan Turki's al-Ittihad were their own organization too, but at least they are civilized, and not barbaric.


A lot of the things the UIC is blamed for was actually committed by either Turki (attack on Kismayo) or Ayrow's Shabbab (killings in Bu'ale, August invasion of Hobyo and Harardhere, assasination attempt on Yeey).


The Asmara group is the best combination of the UIC minus the zealot Shabbab and aggressive al-Ittihad, plus progressive ex-TFG ministers. It should have more support than it has.

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AP nice one


Camiir no Hypocrisy from the good sheikh mate he is speaking the truth. Shabbaab are a problem in Somalia and their agenda is different from that of the UIC

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During the 8 month rule of the UIC in much of Southern Somalia, they were bashed constantly of commiting crimes against the people. Crimes such as whipping those who stole money, those who set up isbaaroyin and those who were selling drugs and commiting voilence.


The city of Xamar, previously considered the world most lawless city (deja vu all over again) was turned into peaceful oasis in which you could walk and wonder about its streets in 2:00 without a fear of being killed, looted etc. While all these good things were happening, the world and those propaganda machine were reporting and creating false reporting about the UIC cutting people's hands, banning ability to watch soccer and other sources of entertainment.


However, when Ethiopia illegally without the slightest consent from the AU,EU, and the UN as well as the majority of somali people invaded Somalia and then starting killing thousands of people, forcing a million out of their homes, raping women was not noticeable at all.


Even some soccer matches held by the TFG in Muqdisho studium made the news.


It's clear to me as well as it to many people that this is a direct attack on Islam and this is yet another U.S proxy war against Muslims even as far as Horn of Africa otherwise so call world's leading democratic nation wouldn't be aiding a dictatorship state like Ethiopia.


Look closely and you'll detect the irony in here.

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Sh. Sharif knows how to talk ,, and he can defeat his opposition with that but i din't like him since he shared the policy with those cilmaamniyiin ,,,,,,,,,

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^You've got the biggest cilmaani in your backyard. Enough with the double-talk.


But this isn't just about the Ethiopians. You're also fighting against the army of the legitimate Somali government.


Sheik Sharif:
The so-called legal government is a farce. There were no free elections worth speaking off. They're keeping us out of a true national dialogue -- which we've always called for -- with the slimmest of arguments.
Critics of the government find themselves in jail without trial or simply disappear without a trace, just because they condemn military collaboration with that very part of Ethiopia which has been oppressing millions of Somalis for decades.

What do you have to say about the bold sentence Caamiroow?

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At least i elected him but if i'm claiming to be Islamists i would never share the policy with cilmaani ,,,,,,,,,,, Lakum diinakum waliya diin



Anigu kumaan odhan Rayaale is the sheikh ,,, i know he is cilmaani

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Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka:

Sh. Sharif knows how to talk ,, and he can defeat his opposition with that but i din't like him since he shared the policy with those cilmaamniyiin ,,,,,,,,,

Most Islamic movements in the world have no choice but to share power with the seculars. Groups like Alshabab adopt a literal interpretation of the Quran whereby any random pseudo sheikh can declare takfeer on people. According to the secular Somalis are infidels. I am glad that Sheikh Shariff and others are adopting a more intellectual approach to the issue.

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