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General Duke

H.E: Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed sends a short Eid message to the Somali people.

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Obviously, I can guarantee that General Duke and other pro-AY are from his clan. So their opinions are bias towards the vilest man in Somali history.


Just look at what damage he has caused upon our nation


This man wanted nothing more than power for himself and his clan. Just look at his interview and others, he always had a superiority complex because of his so called Arab ancestry. He said that his clans are the king and queens of Somalia. That the Ethiopian led was revenge for 1991 and so on.


He tried to overthrow Siad Barre after the 1977 war when nationalism took a hit. He ran to Ethiopia after being uncovered. He started his own tribal militia, while in Ethiopia. Had a run in with Ethiopians over a border town and jailed for years.


Years later he invites, I repeat invites Christian Ethiopians into our beloved capital city just to control the country. Many people died and innocent suffered under the brutal Ethiopian rule. This was a Somali first, using foreign forces for his own selfish needs. Even Aideed had more respect and honour than this guy


That being said, his death is awaited by me and most Somalis. It will be celebrated more than May 18th and July the 1st.

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Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo imika kusugan Wadanka Yemen ayaa Saacadihii lasoo markale kasoo muuqday Jariiradaha Ugu waaweyn Dunida & Warbaahinta gudaha


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Thiery Adeer we disagree on this and no doubt you are angry at Yusuf as you hinted for clan reasons.


However you can and have a right to your opinion but not on facts, facts are clear as day.


Yusuf has never claimed his clan is bêtter than others as you claim, his own Mother and uncles are from another famous Somali house.


As a young man he fought for the Somali cause, in the wars of 1964 & 1977 in both wars with distiction.


He disagreed with the Barre regime Nd fought it, in hindsight he has admire that it was a mistake to start the war considering it's consequences. This is a halmark of bravery.


Now when you say vile, Yusuf did not lead the hordes that Clan cleansed Mogadishu. Who for 20 years have lived in occupied and killed vast numbers of Somali, are these people

leaders not vile?


Thiery, Adeer Yusuf was instrumental in the leadership of Puntland state and it's sability, which no other leader of the south, central has ever achieved, Aydeed, Abdiqasin, Ali Mahdi and Sharif Ahmed today have achived what for the peopl they claim to represnet aside from getting rich and triggering more blood shed in Mogadishu?


Thiery, President Yusuf,PM Geedi, Speaker Sharif Xasan & the Somali Parliment called on for foreign support including Ethiopia. Today the same troops are protecting your hero Sharif Ahmed. Thus another weak point.


Yusuf is a historic figure, a

an who fought against Ethiopia in 1964, 1977 who fought against the brutal regime of Barre , who fought against the USC clan militia , who fought against Al shabaab's dads and who was closest to bringing peace to the South and ending the war. His ditractors then are the same who are now complaining about Al Shabaab & who made the situation of Mogadishu worse then when he was there.


Yusuf story Adeer will not be writen by his enemies, yes he made mistake but he was a hero and a national figure who will go down in history like other complex, imperfect men.

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By saying the support AY receives is because of clan reason, can be reversed and we can say that the reason you dislike the man is for clan reason. Sure you may support other people from his clan, but Abdullahi Yusuf is the most well known leader and receives the most admiration in Puntland. He is considered to be a man that stood up to numerous threats towards Puntland; whether it was the Siad, USC, NW Somalia and later the ICU. Because of this he has become despised by many of his enemies like you! For the simple fact that the groups they supported all crumbled against his military and political leadership.


So give the whole you support him for clan reason up, when the same could be said about why you are against him.


Puntland is one of the most stable regions in Somalia, where tens of thousands come to seek a peaceful place to live. One of the main reasons of this is H.E Abdullahi Yusuf.

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I don’t know why posters are insisting I am anti AY because of clan. Actually, I am in the same clan as him to some shock. My family and I attended Faroole’s bid for Puntland presidency in Melbourne, Australia and we know Faroole family quite well. We gave him the nod of apporval.


So this assertion that I clanist doesn’t fly.


I didn’t support Aideed,AY and SNM. Nor did I support Barre’s regime after the 77 war.


That being said, what I said holds true about his man.



Most Somalis would side with me on the verdict on this man. Some poor clansmen cannot take constructive criticism for their beloved hero, which is sad. Puntland is peaceful for numerous reasons outside AY control much like Somaliland.


Also I know my location says London, but I live in Melbourne

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Waiting for the mans death is not constructive criticism. Anyone who looks forward to that has a deep seated hatred that goes beyond his policies.


You are against him because of many reasons from fighting the dictator to bringing Ethiopians? Well fine, but remember others see it differently and that his actions were necessary for peace. Puntland being the example!


Every single rebel group was backed and trained by Ethiopia, not a single one wasn't. The leaders of these groups went to Ethiopia to help them fight Siad Barre and destroy their nation. So now you turn around and only blame Abdullahi Yusuf for seeking Ethiopian help?


I don't see much difference between receiving aid to destroy your nation or inviting them in.

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I am criticizing AY more than others because this thread is about him. If it was about Aideed or others I would do the same. Many people did celebrate Aideed’s death. The same thing will happen for Ay regardless


I am perplexed at the notion people from the Somali Diaspora see SNM/USC/SSDF leaders and fighters as warriors. They are the same people that made them refugees.

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walahi are these people for real...walahi they never seize to amaze me.


I dont disagree with abdullahi for clan reasons, i disagree with him because of logical,islamic and common sence reasons.


- i say logical because this is the man who planted the first ethiopian flag on somali soil.

- this is the man who is responsible for the deaths of countless innocent muslim somali's...ilahay ha u naxaristo inshalah, ameen.

- This is the man who brought a christien nation on islamic soil.

- this is the man who created the vermon inclave of racist bigatory and clan polution and qabyalid infestation, known as bugland. your eyes because when you write stuff like that people laugh at you and your people.

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and theiry...dont compare the SNM to the SSDF.. saxib..


The SNM was the Somali national movement, they fought the oppression of the government which reached the extant that they were refused hospital beds sent to them by there people in the diaspora who were all sentence to solitary confinement... there is alot of stuff you dont know...because you were probably young, suckling on your mother in a plush villa in xamar.





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Originally posted by Thierry Henry:

I am criticizing AY more than others because this thread is about him. If it was about Aideed or others I would do the same. Many people did celebrate Aideed’s death. The same thing will happen for Ay regardless


I am perplexed at the notion people from the Somali Diaspora see SNM/USC/SSDF leaders and fighters as warriors.
They are the same people that made them refugees

Intaas haddii la garan waaye laguna faanaayo waa aakhiro samaan runtii. They forgot where they came from. Raise your fake flags and lets see how far you can go by yourself. Caqli xumo fooqal caqli xumo.

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Zack, again you’re making up quotes that were never said!


General Duke already explained Abdullahi Yusuf's role and his ultimate change in belief about taking on Siad Barre's regime. I think everyone knows that Siad had to go, but the way it was done was wrong and things are worse off.


The end result of Abdullahi Yusuf inviting Ethiopians to Somalia in 2006 is nothing compared to the SSDF, SNM, USC and all other rebels groups decision to take training and weapons from Ethiopia in the 80s and early 90s. For the simple fact that after the Ethiopians came in 2006, they left relatively soon after they beat the ICU, where as the rebel groups of the 1980s decisions led to devastating consequences.


Ethiopians aiding Somalis to fight their own government and destroy themselves can't be minimized! Whether you asked them for help to fight against the government like in the 80s or you ask them to come in to fight an armed group like in 06. The difference is that many will admit that taking on Siad Barre’s regime back then was wrong, when you look at the end result, however if you ask people in Puntland was it wise to bring Ethiopia in to defeat the ICU, I am certain the majority would say yes.


So for you it might have seemed bad the Ethiopians were called in back in 2006 to fight the foreign backed ICU, but not for the people who felt they were being protected against them i.e. Puntland.


However like I just said, I am certain that most would admit that taking out Siad Barre in that fashion was wrong. H.E Abdullahi Yusuf is politically wise enough and honest to admit it was a mistake to have taken on Siad in such a manner. How many politicians would do that?

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With all his mistakes Mr Yusuf still remains head and shoulders above those that replaced him in his last two jobs.



I'm tempted to record my own eid greeting to him and the Somali people. :D

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