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General Duke

Garowe: Meeting between Oil companies top Ministers...PICS

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Excellent news for puntland, just shows that we are moving ahead rapid pace..we need to also make sure that the federal government doesn't get involved in our state level projects to benefit our people..

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The Zack   

I didn't know small province of a country can legally sign an agreement with international oil company and authorize them to drill. I thought that was the republic's job. Hmmmm.

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^^^Go and be envious somewhere else dear lad. Puntland what ever you think of it will try its best to develop its state and improve the lives of its people. Oil exploration will benefit the Somali race as a whole. Much like it has transformed the lives of the Arabs.

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Najmudin, Puntland is self-governing state of federal doesn't acknowledge sharif policy of unity based government, Which has proven to be disastrous as you can all see "negioating with terrorist is just never going to happen" and sharif got elected for that purpose to negioatate with them and form this unity based government with them.


But that hasn't worked as u can all observe and sharif has now declared war on shabab, which abdullahi yusuf was doing previously. So really he hasn't brought any unity whatsoever and is following the same footsteps of Abdullahi Yusuf which is really only the logical way to deal with shabab.


As for puntland and it's natural resources, untill a federal government decided upon in arta is fully recognized by sharif and that puntland can remain in it's current set up and provide for it's people they have the right to totally ignore the government.


We will decide our own affairs, and if sharif wants to get involved he must subscribe to federal idealogy and if he doesn't he ain't got no business to do with puntland and we will remain doing our own thing.

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Great work and development. Soon, inshallaah it will take off to a grandiose undertaking, which will profit all of us. Kudos to the State Ministers and CEO representing Range Resources.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Oil exploration will benefit the Somali race as a whole. .

Forget about the "Somali race" already. oil exploration in puntland for puntland. I wont think of you from my end don't think of us :D fair enough?

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