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Garowe: Meeting between Oil companies top Ministers...PICS

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Pilgrim: The final version of the constitution will be translated into English. It has yet to be ratified and with regards to the Oil exploration, from what I have gathered it will increase Puntland's power to exploit its natural resources.

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There is no strategic reason in fighting over a police station or a village. Alshabaab got Jowhar on lock.

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Can someone tell me why Garowe online has given a different version of events from the recent meeting between Range and Gov ministers?


http://www.garoweonl ish/Somalia_27/Somal ia_Range_Resources_w ants_to_return_to_Pu ntland.shtml


It is not unlike GO to put a negative slant on developments to do with Range Resources, but how accurate are they? Is the Gov supportive or not?

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Garowe online is pro farole site, however it's true that farole didn't like range resources because he wanted to get behind the signing. See in Puntland everyone want's be remembered for their history and cade muse wanted to be remembered as the men who got puntland oil industry up.


So farole rejected that and wanted that glory for himself and that is why he put range resources on hold while reviewing the benefits of it for puntland state in respect to production sharing agreement and what puntland get's out of it.


Cade muse already made sure puntland benefits from it and get's its well deserved share, so when farole reviewed it he now supports it. That's why their setting up meetings with range so they can finalize on it. This article is talking about the past signing with cade that farole didn't like and i explained to u why he didnt like it. He says he didn't like it because he thought puntland was getting ripped of which is totally bogus what i say is he wanted the glory of signing and being remembered in history for bringing the oil and not have cade muse take that glory.


Like i said i don't care who signs it even though my sub-clan is the same cade muse. I want it to to get it rolling, if farole want's to take the glory for it. go right ahead just make sure the time table isn't jepordized which sets the drilling to happen end of year, as this will be crucial sector to our economy apart of other sectors like livestock sector, fishery sector, remittance sector, and our financial sector etc.


And inshallah the oil sector will open a wave of other sectors like tourism sector on our coastline, Turning bosasso and other major cites into financial market-place of east africa, Using our strategic gulf of aden passageway to set up bases for the international community in return for new big boy toys like jet fighters, helicopters, etc..setting up industry sector in all major towns and not to mention investing into security sector and purchasing latest jet fighters, navy technology,etc..It's reported our region onshore and offshore could hold the second biggest oilfield in africa.


I hope that answers u, or maybe someone else can. But that is my take on it.

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GO reports Peter Landau conceded Range had made past mistakes, but is now a transformed company. Do you think this admission if true, was to give Pres Farole justification for opposing the deal initially?


Can anyone give give a quick translation of this latest article?


R.Resource oo rabta inay soo noqoto

6 Jun 6, 2009 - 6:06:25 PM




Magaalo madaxda DGPL ayaa waxaa dhowaan booqasho ku yimid wafti ka kooban labo xubnood oo ka socda shirkada Range Resource oo horey heshiis lagu sheegey in khayraad looga baarayo Puntland ula gashey Xukuumadii Cadde Muse.


Waftigaan oo la kulmey sadex Wasiir [ Maaliyada, Arrimaha gudaha & Howlaha Guud] iyo Agasimaha hay' ada loo xilsaarey Khayradka Puntland Ciise Dholawa ayaa wararka kasoo baxaya sheegayan in Range Resource codsatey sidii ay dib ugu bilabi la'haayen dib- u-kala iibinta khayradka Puntland oo horey qaybo kamid ah uga iibiyeen shirkado ay kamid tahay Africa Oil.


Wararka soo baxaya ayaa sidoo kale kulankaan ayaa tibaaxaya in shirkada Range Resource ku xod-xodatey Wasiirada iney meesha ka saareen mamulkii hore ee shirkada kaasoo ay xuseen inuu qaladaad badan galey.


Madaxweynaha Puntland oo aan la kumin waftiga kasocdey Range Resource ayaa wararka GO heleyso shegayaan in Agasimihiisa hay'ada baarista khayradka Puntland la dhacsan yahay sidii shirkada Range Resource dib ugu bilaabi laheyd howlaheedii taasoo la rumeysan yahay iney ka hor-imaan imaaneyso go'aankii dowlada ee ahaa in dib loo eegayo heshiishyadii horey loo sixiixey.


Ciise Dholwaa ayaa wareysi uu siiyey Idaacad Dalmar ee ka holwgasha qaarada Yurub u sheegey in Puntland sixiixin wax heshiis ah islamrkaana maamulka cusub uu wakiishay qareeno dib-u-eega heshiisyadii khayraadka ee horey loo sixiixey.


Agasimaha hay'ada loo igamadey iney maareyso khayraadka Puntland Ciise Dholawa oo horey fikir ahaan u diidanaa heshiiska Range Resource la gashey maamulkii uu madaxda ka ahaa Cadde Muse ayaa hadda la rumeysan yahay inuu aaminsan yahay in shirkadaan tahay mid wadashaqeyn kale lala yeelan karo.


Mr. Faroole ayaa Xukumadiisa cusub markii la doortey sheegtey in dib-u-eegis ku sameyn doonto dhamaan heshiisyadii Puntland la gashey shirkadaha shisheye si loo hubiyo iney ka turjumayaan danta shacabka.


Dhinaca kale wararka kulankaan kasoo baxaya ayaa sheegeya in Waftigii ka socdey Range Resource u sheegeen Wasiirada la kulmey in shirkada Africa Oil jabisey heshiiskii ay la galeen Puntland iyo shirkadooda kadib markii ay kasoo bixi waydey qodobo muhiim ah.


Lama oga sababta xubnahaan booqdey Garowe ugu sheegeen Wasiirada la kulmey in Africa Oil jabisay heshiiskii ay la gashey Puntland iyo Range Resource balse warar aan la xaqiijin ayaa xusaya in shirakadan rabto sidii ay uga soo ceshan saamigeedii hore Africa Oil kasoo ahaa 80% Nugaal & Dharoor kadibna mar kale uga iibin laheyd shirkado kale.


Range Resource oo aan iminka xiriir wanaagsan la laheyn Africa Oil ayaa horey uga iibisay 80% heshiis lagu sheegey in khayrad looga baarayo dhulka Nugaal iyo Dharoor Valley.


Shirkadda Range ayaa kulankan ka sheegtey dhinaca kale in ay baritaan sahamin ee nooca seismic ku samaysnayso badda MGPL (offshore seismic) balse marka hore quudareyneysa iney heshiis arinkas kala gasho mamulka cusub ee Puntland kasoo u saamaxi doona iney saamiyo ka iibso shirkado kale kadib-na u keento.


Africa Oil oo horey shidaal uga baartey Dharor ayaa diidan iney soo wareejiso xogtii laga heley baaristaas iyada oo ku xireysa in DGPL codsato marka hore sidii ay dib ugu bilaabi laheyd howlaheedii shidaal baaritsta ee Puntland.


Shirkadaha sahaminta shidaalka ee yimaada Puntland ayaa laga soo bilaabo 2005 waxey caadeysteen kala iibinta khayradka Puntland [suqyada calamiga ah] kuwasoo lagu kala iibsado saamiyada, iyada oo ilaa hadda la ogyahay in maamulka cusub ee uu madaxda ka yahay Madaxweyne Farole go'aan ka qaatey sidii loola macaamili lahaa.


Africa Oil ayaa asbuci lasoo dhaafey ka gadey heshiis qandaras wax-soo-saar wadag ah shirkad la yiraahdo Raytec Metals Corp kaasoo lagu wareejinayo 25% macashka khayraadka laga helo dooxooyinka Nugaal iyo Dharoor.


Kala iibinta saamiyada khayraadka Puntland ayaa ah mid marey gacmo badan taasoo la rumeysan yahay in shirkadahaan kor uga qaadayaaan macashka ay helaan dadka ku leh saamiyada.

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Pilgrim, this is referring to how the oil companies divide their share of the oil in puntland. They are consortium of africa oil, range, and now raytec. This has nothing to do with puntland government share.

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So the big question will now be, when does Africa Oil expect to follow through with a meeting with the Agency?

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