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Togane cheerleaders: Sakiin Topaz Laqa!

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Miskiin, Good question. Why would an Eritrean be so passionate about A/Y and Somali politics? OLOL might want to minimalize his concern and involvement with Somali politics by portraying himself as an outsider although his profund passion and deeply felt disagreements with A/Y, manifested sometimes in his insults aimed at A/Y, is an obvious clue to who he is ethnically, a somali to be exact. A/Y didn't harm or can harm Eritrea politically or otherwise so there is no reason for an Eritrean to be upset with him or be passionate about Somali politics. OLOL is as somali as anyone of us.



As for Togane issue and some of the guys who are trying to sugar coat his ways of expressions, I ask them to clarify their position about poetry? Do they accept anyone can express in poetry or in artistic writing with anything or anyway they deem fit even if what the person says is a clear violation of the islam they adhere to? If their answer is in the affirmative, then there is no further discussion and Togane is as good as the imam of the mosque. If they reply in the negative, and that islam imposes limitations on our expressions, and it also teaches us a method of teaching and conveying messages of decency to a community who needs to change(as both togane and his supporters seem to claim as an objective), then their defence of Togane's expressions proves to be a hyporisy and double standard.


I kept thinking when I read some of the excuses penned in Togane's defence, that as long as insults are aimed at the usual suspects for some people, it can be excused and actually can be used for or is a source of vindication. And while reading it, such excusers smile from ear to ear and relish in the fact that Togane is saying what they wanted to say about others who embittered them so bad(A banned person comes to mind although I suspect Xiin might fall through the cracks sometimes and catch himself smiling happily). A job that was theirs to do indeed but done by someone else and they have to show their appreciation and thankfulness by coming to his defence. How sweet really :D


PS: An interesting way of putting a spin on the issue don't you folks think? LOOL.

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Miskiin, Good question. Why would an Eritrean be so passionate about A/Y and Somali politics? OLOL might want to minimalize his concern and involvement with Somali politics by portraying himself as an outsider although his profund passion and deeply felt disagreements with A/Y, manifested sometimes in his insults aimed at A/Y, is an obvious clue to who he is ethnically, a somali to be exact. A/Y didn't harm or can harm Eritrea politically or otherwise so there is no reason for an Eritrean to be upset with him or be passionate about Somali politics. OLOL is as somali as anyone of us.

No body labelled him to be Eritrean. He himself admitted. That's where it gets interesting. Here is a partial quote from his admission:


"I would have done and gone to Eritrean Forums but I know nothing about Eritrea, the land of my great-great grandfathers.


I am more Somali than you all. My loyalty is to Somalia and Somalia alone. I prescribe to no clan and fortunately all of my grandmothers are from different Somali clans. This makes me the most unflustered Somali national. I prescribe to no clan nonesense and but I despise certain clans because of their clannish attitude."


For somebody who has "no clan" association, his venom against a certain clan in this forum is noticeable. It isn't healthy, especially if you are a self-admitted outsider. If you love Soomaaliya and your loyalty lies with it, the least and best thing to do is stay out from the sickness endemic and entangled qabyaalad politics of Soomaalida.

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Interesting! But why would I, as a foreigner, be partial in somali politics and Somali affairs? Say, my mother was somali and my father was an eritrean, shouldn't I wish better days, political stability and civilized mores for my mother country and its people instead of being one of the Nomads? Makes no sense to me really.


Unless of course, through his maternal connection, he was fed the usual crap of vainglory, having eternal enemies hailing from X-clan/clans and etc, I see no reason why OLOL can't be an impartial observer to the low culture of somalis when it comes to politics instead of tainting his soul like many Somalis do daily.

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Well; I hate Yeey and all his cheerleaders! I have unsettled grudge for Yeey.


And I am not ashamed of my heritage but I am more Somali than anyone and who said I am an outsider? That shows how some Somali Maryooleey from Baadiyo background are void of rationale and reason.


My derision and ridicule of certain clans is justifiable and it all has to do with experiences. Some may forgive but will never forget!


Why would anyone equate Somalia & Yeey? Are the two the same? That is baffling to me and why you guys are so passionately defending this wicked warlord? can't someone just dislike someone? He is a public figure...for God's sake...we bash Bush Jr..on daily basis ....not even one single conservative redneck is seeing this as a personal affront on thier personality, family and community.


Oh hurts ...he is our hero ...our leader...our president..our hope of ever regaining back our lost past privilege and name!


this is the somali mentality perceive this bashing of warlord Yeey as an assault of your clan! your understanding is ....that if anyone disses Yeey, he/she insults your clan and all the clansmen should take this to mean as an odious attack on their name and honor...So you will come to his defense!! Bravo! Good Job! I must appluad you all!


And for MMA ...the topic is not about me though...It is about the imposter poet Togane and his "Xaar"...I am just a messanger...not the message no killing of ..... you know how it goes and this changing of the topic really undermines your "moderator" function and duties.

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Horta, mar waxaad tiri Soomaali qabiil lama wadaago, hadana waxaad leedahay qabiilo dhan jameeco walba ku jiro ayaa "despise" gareyneysaa.


Wax israaci karo ma'aha. Qabiil walba dad xun iyo dad fiicanba waa ku jiraan. Marka jumlo ahaanteeda in la wada naco macquul ma'aha, unless the person is a die-hard qabyaaladist, which you cannot be if you're to be believed of your non-associated of any Soomaali qabiil.


Teeda kale, ogoow, afxumeyn will never get you anywhere. Meel lagu gaaro maleh caaytin iyo aflagaado. Calling C/llaahi Yuusuf "Caasho Yuusuf" asaga waxba uma dhimeyso ka ahayn in waxaad qortid dhab loo qaadan karin. Aniga shaqsi ahaanteyda, habeen iyo maalin ayaan C/llaahi Yuusuf dacaayadeyaa, his polices that is, waligeeyna uma quurin, igumana soo dhicin inaan aflagaado iyo caaytin ka daba wado; maxaa yeelay meel laga caaytamo kumaan soo korin, mideeda labaadna waa oday Soomaaliyeed, si walba ha haloo nacee, wali caaytin waayeelnimadiis oo awoowegeena noqon karo uma qalmo. Dhaqankeena suuban waayeel la afxumeeyo kuma jiro, si walba haloo naco qofka.


About Toogane, maba aqriye qoraaladiis uu qoro aniga oo sidaan ku arkay kuwii ugu horeeye qabiil ayee u badnaayeen, wax qabiil ku saabsana, ama amaan ha ahaato ama caaytin ha u janjeerto, maba aqriye. Waaba dhaqankeyga.


Mowduucaan sababta u adiga shaqsi ahaan kugu leexday waxaa ugu wacan that provocative title aad ku qortay meesha, waaba og tahay in strong reaction oo jawaab ah heleyso. "Sakiin toobas laqa." :D


I'm no Toogane fan, as I mentioned kor, but ogoow that will make others react, oo aniga waano ayee iga ahayd ee ha iga xumaan, widaayoow.

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Salaan ciid mubaarak ka dib, waan kugu raacsanahay waxwalba, waliba waxaan ka baqayaa inaan aniga iyo adiga isku meel kusoo barbaarnay, yacni fakarkaaga saliimka ah markaan eego. Balse aniga waxaa i quseysa meesha aa tiri qabiilka amaantiisa iima cuntanto.


Waxaan kuu sheegayaa baryihii rasuulka scw lagu hayay dagaalka iyo dacaayada, waxaa jiri jiray nin carab ah oo Makka baneenkeeda daganaa. Ninkaas wax kale kuma caan bixin, wuxuu sameyn jiray wadada xujeyda ay soo maraan ayuu daganaa, markaas buu qabiil walba dadkiisa amaan iyo gabayo u qaadi jiray. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, ninkii wuxuu bulshadii waagaas jirtay ku mutay sumcad iyo wanaag farabadan.


Hadaan soomaali nahay waxaa nalaga la'yahay inaan is amaanno dhexdeena oo aan wanaageena sheegsheegno. Waliba aniga waxaan jeclaan lahaa in hadaan soomaali nahay is qeybino, qolo walbaa ay wax ku caan baxdo oo wanaaga xagiisa ku tartanno. Waa fikrad fiican, si loo waayo caadifad qabiil.


Waa ogtahay dhaqanka Soomaalida waligeed waxaa lagu faani jiray abtiga, sida inaad qof ku tiraahdid war anaa kaa reer abti fiican, oo abtiyaashey waa dad martida soorra oo wanaag u saaxiib ah, halka abtiyaashaana ay sidaas iyo sidaas yihiin. Yacni kaftan dabacsan oo aan ceeb iyo jaa'ifo keeni karin.


Marka wadaayoow qabiilada in la is amaano waa banaan tahay ee maad arinta ka deysid 'waxwalba oo qabiil ku saabsan waa maqdac aan banaaneyn'. :D

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I don’t know Togane. I don’t read normally his poems. Get that, would ye good Xoogsade.


Now, that he is a poet is not in dispute. The fact his mere lyrics have aroused many emotions is testimony for that. Hence, to show the sun with a dimming lamp is futile saaxiib. Is he controversial? You bet. But clannish he is not. That is where Xiin comes in.


As for the poems and how it is used to remark on politics, that is an art. A satire.

Though I would not equate the Great and visionary Syed with this westernized said Togane, yet I see some parallel in how they employ poetry.

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OLOL afkaaga iyo dhagahaagu is ma maqlaan miyaa?

Bal shabshablana ku day, baa la yidhiy e, so far piercing your downward arteries to drill out the bad blood, which was the object in prior attempts did not quite do the trick, so my dear lad, let us try shabshable, shall we?


It is astounding as to why you were unable to work out [in your mind that while you might, rightly or not, “hate Yeyâ€, as you put it], that “Yey†does not equate his “tribeâ€, the same way that you were able to reach the conclusion that “Yey†does not equate “Somalia†or “Somali governmentâ€.

“…My derision and ridicule of certain clans is justifiable and it all has to do with experiences. Some may forgive but will never forget!â€


Here, again you present a dagger only to slaughter yourself in front of the jeering opposite camp. Yes, you could ridicule someone, for instance Bush Jr, but you do not willy-nilly say to dislike his entire constituency, in other words the republican voter base from Texas to Philly to St Paul. Or do you? You did not say you disliked the conservatives or the republicans, but Bush Jr. Why could not you do the same in confining your dislike to Yey, your phantom foe, and leave his constituency or tribe for that matter out of the equation.

“….can't someone just dislike someone? He is a public figure...for God's sake...we bash Bush Jr..on daily basis ....not even one single conservative redneck is seeing this as a personal affront on thier personality, family and community.â€


You see why some of us could hardly take you seriously with your infantile, home-grown outbursts devoid of rationale albeit your continuous claims of being acquainted with the concept, and why no right thinking person will offer a white hankie in return.


A young chap, I believe you are judging from your observations, reflections and the experience you speak of relating to certain Somali tribes, but as MMM noted, criticise the policies of the man [Yey], and not his persona or family for that only belittles your argument and defeats the whole purpose.


Now have a kit-kat, and breathe nice and slow….and discontinue this lunacy of “I despise a whole clanâ€! So you do. Who cares?


As for Togane, whether his “Jacbur†enrages one or not, its injection as a badly needed dose of morphine into the crazed Somali public discourse is a plus.



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Not along ago people were enchanted and claiming that Togane is a genious and is an artist who speaks right. Now that he has spoken words that are uncomfortable to them he is all of a sudden a whimp who knows nothing and speaks rubbish, and a 'qabiileyste'.

Ma anan yabiin..! :D

Speak on Togane speak on huuno. smile.gif

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Qabiil aan Qofi u waalnayn, Qosol kama dhergo :D . Not that I am saying Togane is crackers. In a serious note, however, Togane can be anything you want in a free-lance artist. I confess that I read Togane's pieces, that is, for the literary and word-play delights. He is an ice-braker in a sea of frozen Somali affairs. Let him insult artistically, left and right. Maybe we need someone such as him to loosen us up. We are still too uptight humourly and culturally. And he is, as another user said, needed, atleast for the sake of cultural criticism. If you are not really blinded by some other 'light' other than the real light, you might just come to appreciate Togane's poetic style: pioneering a new free-fall style that is in high demand since Somali classical poetic is too restrictive in its composition. I personally call Togane, the Great PostPositivist of Somali lit.

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Togane is no qabiilist.The old man might be vulgar and harsh in his approach when addressing the Somali masses, but he is right for most part.


OLOL.....Yeey muxuu kaa galay.Asaga xamar kaama soo cayrin, but there is no denying inuu ibtilo yahe.I

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Well, All of this lecturing and talk is a smoke screen for you all take this personal. You are offended by my constant taunting of Yeey simply you all share some lineage. I don't hate his Qabiil but I despise those who cheer for him because of it. Caasho Yuusuf is a derisive nick given to him because of his sissiness and feminine weakness.


I will keep dissing him as long as he is alive. The man is not "oday Soomaaliyeed" at all. people of his age..Soomaali odayaal are in the Masjid for worshipping and repentence. He is a murderer, blood thirsty, clannish, evil, sell-out and may I add an apostate.


and for Sumarai guy....i like kit-kat - but again it shows how devoid you are of reasoning n try to attack the messanger and not the message? IS caasho Yuusuf your eedo? No one chase me out of Xamar, I was there in 2004 and I am planning to go there this coming summer inshallah for a short vacation.

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"and for Sumarai guy....i like kit-kat - but again it shows how devoid you are of reasoning n try to attack the messanger and not the message? IS caasho Yuusuf your eedo? No one chase me out of Xamar, I was there in 2004 and I am planning to go there this coming summer inshallah for a short vacation."



Do not be too sure. I do not think anybody can be save there, unless someone intervene whether uncle “YeeY†or somebody else. A cat eats many of it is kittens before they grow up. You are not very smart if you think your faith in modish will be any different with those who fled before.



For Togane, he should be empoloyed, very sad if he do not get job as his friend. if that was last week poem, I will not surprise if he have another one this week. Although his poets rythmes his emotional poets badly prodict the future.

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"and for Sumarai guy....i like kit-kat - but again it shows how devoid you are of reasoning n try to attack the messanger and not the message? IS caasho Yuusuf your eedo? No one chase me out of Xamar, I was there in 2004 and I am planning to go there this coming summer inshallah for a short vacation."



Do not be too sure. I do not think anybody can be save there, unless someone intervene whether uncle “YeeY†or somebody else. A cat eats many of it is kittens before they grow up. You are not very smart if you think your faith in modish will be any different with those who fled before.



For Togane, he should be empoloyed, very sad if he do not get job as his friend. if that his was last week poem, I will not surprise if he have another one this week. Although his poets rythmes his emotional poets badly prodict the future.

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