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Togane cheerleaders: Sakiin Topaz Laqa!

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where I am being daily tortured by two nigger angels called Munkar & Nakir.

That is what he has to say about Munkar iyo Nakiir (the two angels that punish the wrong doers in the grave). I think that is an offensive way of describing Angels, that is utterly despicable and the man says whatever comes into his narrow-minded brain.


To call such man a hero is disgraceful.

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Eebbe-u-baahnoow, hada waxaa leedahay in qabiil la amaano meesha waa ku jirtaa, oo waa wax fiican. Ego-boosting iga dheh. Haye, sug waan kuu BURAANBURAA, koleey buraanbur dhan tol iyo reer amaanid ayuu ka kooban yahay:


Nimaan Eebbe u baahneen manoolaadee


Reer Alla-u-baahnoow

Faracooda asluub badanoow

Hantidooda amaan badanoow

Sumcadooda sharaf badanoow

Darajadooda sare badanoow

Xishmadooda udgoon badanoow


Akhlaaqdooda loo dhasho waayee

Been la iskama keenee

Iidheh kuma imaatee

Eebbe naxariistiis ummada ka doortee

Eebbe balaayo ka soocee

Xikmo ugu hibeeyee


Eebboow la'aantaa lama noolaadee

Karaamada u siyaadi Reer Alle-u-baahne


Haye, reer "abtigaa" xaada ma kacday? grin.gif Yac!

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Olol, my dear boy. Are you new to Toogane words? If you enjoyd that one you surely wil love his earlier work. There is one about Yalaxow, it should go down well with you. ;)

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:



Eebbe-u-baahnoow, hada waxaa leedahay in qabiil la amaano meesha waa ku jirtaa, oo waa wax fiican. Ego-boosting iga dheh. Haye, sug waan kuu BURAANBURAA, koleey buraanbur dhan tol iyo reer amaanid ayuu ka kooban yahay:


Nimaan Eebbe u baahneen manoolaadee


Reer Alla-u-baahnoow

Faracooda asluub badanoow

Hantidooda amaan badanoow

Sumcadooda sharaf badanoow

Darajadooda sare badanoow

Xishmadooda udgoon badanoow


Akhlaaqdooda loo dhasho waayee

Been la iskama keenee

Iidheh kuma imaatee

Eebbe naxariistiis ummada ka doortee

Eebbe balaayo ka soocee

Xikmo ugu hibeeyee


Eebboow la'aantaa lama noolaadee

Karaamada u siyaadi Reer Alle-u-baahne


Haye, reer "abtigaa" xaada ma kacday?



Saaxiib walaahi reer abti waa farxeen sidaad u amaantay, masha-Allah. Laakiin sheeko gaaban aan kuu sheego, waxaa jira xariif aan saaxiibo nahay, markaan anagoo dhalinyaro ah isku imaano, oo sheeko soomaaliya ah la isku soo qaado, waxaan amaan ku bilaabaa reerka uu kasoo jeedo. Been kuuma sheegaayo, ninkaas wajigiisa farxada iyo hamuunta ka muuqato waad yaabeysaa, kaliyah waxaan amaanay cida uu kasoo jeedo.


Marka saaxiib psychology-gaas aa naga maqan, maahee wax walba waa noo hagaagi lahaayeen, hadii aan wanaageena isku sheeg sheegi laheyn. Qabiil aan fiicneyn soomaaliya ma jiro ayaan aaminsanahay. Qabiil iyo qof walba oo soomaali ah waan jeclahay, waxaanse ugu sii jeclahay, qabiilka Shiiqaasha iyo Asharaafta Soomaalida, waa laba cid oo diinta aad ugu hiiliyo, markaad fiirisid aqlabiyadooda guud.


Laakiin dhamaanteen waan wada fiican nahay ee ilaah hana haleeshiiyo qaatumada iyo meesha ay maslaxada ku jirto. Haa... waa sidaas howsha adeer.

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where I am being daily tortured by two nigger angels called Munkar & Nakir.



That is what he has to say about Munkar iyo Nakiir (the two angels that punish the wrong doers in the grave). I think that is an offensive way of describing Angels, that is utterly despicable and the man says whatever comes into his narrow-minded brain.


To call such man a hero is disgraceful.

Not only is it disgraceful, it is blasphemy. Making mockery of the Angels of Allah by this narrow minded, semi-jewish 1diot cannot and MUST not be tolerated.


will keep dissing him as long as he is alive. The man is not "oday Soomaaliyeed" at all. people of his age..Soomaali odayaal are in the Masjid for worshipping and repentence. He is a murderer, blood thirsty, clannish, evil, sell-out and may I add an apostate.

As for you OLOL, I advise you to fear Allah (the creator of u and your clan). Where are 'your' odayaal?...raping and kidnapping innocent girls in Xamar??? or in the mosques making repentance to Allah for their wrong doings????? Allah knows best.


Hon. A. A. Yusuf is the president of Somalia and you are an enemy of peace....


Upon you be peace...

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Jafarel, Saxib, Togane should add the purifying comment of "Allah Knows best" at the end of every malice and invectives like you did so we don't have to be on his case. Wicked :D

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