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Faisal Ali Warabe accuses Djabuti for creating regional conflict,critizes BBC.

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^^Inaadeer Aakhirona ka salaad li'id, aduunyana ka kaba li'id.


National pride hadaadan lahayn maxaad anaga noogu diidaysaa? Ma anagaa laf dhabar kuu diidney? Qaranka Soomaaliyeed baad ka soo horjeedaa. Walaaltinimada dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeeda. Wada noolaashaha dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeedaa. Markaas ayaad aniga rabtaa in aad iila timaadid laba wajiilanimo. Marna aad aniga igu caayaysid in aan ka doortay Jacayl Soomaaliyeed, Jacayl diineed. Is maanan afgaran anagu. Indhahaaga fur.


SOMALINIMO diin neceeb lama sin'na.


Ta labaad. Riyaale Kaahin waxa aan ugu Sacbinayo, waaxa weeye waa ninka riyadii kooxda Soomaalidiidka ihi ay dhisatay qarxiyay. Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu u qabtay midnimada Soomaaliyeed ayaan ugu sacbiayaa. Cade Muusenana Sidoo kale ayaan ugu Sacbinayaa. Muuse Suudi & Qanyerana sidoo kale. Ragani waxey na tuseen jidka qabyaalada. Jidka Qabiil takoorka, Jidka Soomaalidiidka.


Marka garo waxa lagu farxayo marka hore. Waxaan ku farxayaa, in kuwii dadkeena rabay in ay isku diraan ey yagu yihiin kuwa dadkeena tusaya in qabyaaladu meelna ay na gaadhsiineen. In aan ku wada lug'gáyno.


Badacasoow, maskaydaada si fiican u isticmaal.


Soomaalinimo waa walaaltinimo, ha ilaawin taas. Soomaalinimo iyo diinna ma kala haraan. Ha u moodin in qofka wadankiisa jecel uu diintiisa necebyahay.


Ta aad ka hadlaysay in aan Siyaad Barre taageero. Siyaad Barre taageradaada iyo teeda uma baahna. Garaacida uu garaacay Burco iyo Hargeysa, horta ka may darneen, garaacidii Bari iyo Gobolada dhexe. Wuuna ku saxsanaa in uu garaaco.


Budhcad amar ka qaata amxaaro ayaa wadankeena soo weeraray anagoo xili dagaal ku jirna. Maxadweenahayna iyo ciidamada qaranka hal jawaab un ayee u hayaan hadii cadow wadankeena soo weeraro, jawaabtaasna waa kirbaash.


Hada hadii aad leedahay, xaq umuu lahayn Siyaad barre in uu wadankiisa difaaco, riyaad ku nooshahay.

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Mr. Me:


I think you crossed the line here when you justify the atrocities committed by the former regime against its own people in Burco, Hargeysa or elsewhere. These were one of the worst massacres committed by Somali's against their own in the recorded history. Shame on you bro for justifying the killing of innocent human beings and your fellow compatriots.


The of Mr. Red Sea for Ina Cali Waraabe I also shamefull. Ina Cali Waraabe is lunatic who preaches hate and should not tolerated.



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Mr. Me:


I think you crossed the line here when you justify the atrocities committed by the former regime against its own people in Burco, Hargeysa or elsewhere. These were one of the worst massacres committed by Somali's against their own in the recorded history. Shame on you bro for justifying the killing of innocent human beings and your fellow compatriots.


The support of Mr. Red Sea for Ina Cali Waraabe is also shamefull. Ina Cali Waraabe is a lunatic who preaches hate and should not tolerated.



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What is going on here .................. Fasal Ali Waraabe has a right to say whatever he said period.... I don't get what other people are saying... Somaliweyn get loss. Died

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Originally posted by me:

This waraabe dude or the other hate mongers are not better the Muuse Suudi and Qanyare.

Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Me,keep dreaming your dream of witnessing another Siyad Barre ruling Hargeysa once again,that dream is not attainable buddy.By the way,the only hater in here is you a true Somali and Muslim always wishes the best for everyone,just like Chevuara has done.



Halkey is ka soo galeen Ina waraabe iyo diintu!!!


Red Sea maxaad Ina waraabe u difaacasaa? Are you saying no one can say anything about my Adeero Waraabe


Maxaa ku daaray Sheikhuna Red Sea,


"me" only critizized Waraabe, Me said Waraabe is hate monger, he didn’t say anything about, ?


Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

^another idol worshiper of that so called nationalism,talk about your faith more,that is what you exist,singing the tunes of Aabow Siyad isn't going to get you anywhere.


It's unfortunate that you people name call the noble folks like "Surwaalgaabs" while worshiping idealogy based on rubish believes such Somalinimo,when does one take pride of being a Muslim,when does Muslinimo become your priority?

Red Sea, if Nationanalism (=Somalia/Somaliweyn) is idol worshipper, and somalino is rubish believes


How about those advocating for tribalism, clan supremacy (=Somaliland/Somalilandnimo)? Maybe something worse than idol worshipper and rubish like dirty ideology, and we can describe those advocating for it as animals


Red sea, I didn't understand the purposes of this thread are you singing the tunes of Aabow Ina Waraabe? By the way its interesting the big picture of adeer waraabe that you posted


I didn't know that red sea was keen supporter of waraabe, I surprised even how you concluded that waraabe and Iran president share similarities, are you sarcastic? Mise run bey kaa tahay,


madaxweynaha Iran nin gaalada neceb, Ina warabana reer Addis Abbaba ka jecelyahay reer mogadisho siduu afkiisa kuyidhi




ina waraabe yuu wax u sheegi? ninku cagliba malaha


Anuu ina waraabe waxaan u aqaan, muuse suudi version of north


Riyaale and Siilaanyo are 100 times better than Waraabe


ina waraabe waxa kaliya uu caan ku yahay waa laascaanood aan dagaal ku qaad no, Red sea is that why you defending Waraabe?


Anu wali ma fahmin macnaha maqaalkan, Waraabe aflagaadeeyey shirka reer dad reer woqooyi ey ku qabsadeen Washington

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Originally posted by Waaheen:

Mr. Me:


I think you crossed the line here when you justify the atrocities committed by the former regime against its own people in Burco, Hargeysa or elsewhere. These were one of the worst massacres committed by Somali's against their own in the recorded history. Shame on you bro for justifying the killing of innocent human beings and your fellow compatriots.




Nr. 1. No one is justifying the civilian casulties.


Nr. 2. The SNA (Somali National Army) was in its full right to punish those that attacked Somalia.


These rebels where armed, trained and supported by our enemy Ethiopia, they attacked our cities while our country was in a state of war, They stabbed us in the back, they betrayed our country . Their intention was creating lawlessness and overthrowing the Somali government. What do you think the government should ahve done? Welcome them? Throw roses at them? NO! The government had done what was expected of it, they crushed them.


So Waaheen, read first then write back. No one is justifying civilian deads, but those traitors should have been brought to justice.

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Me Spell it out Somali National Army. Me and Red Sea calm down wixii tagay tagsiimo maleh we have very success story in Somaliland now. Siyad Bare was in wrong postion and wrong time because he did not brought the union which was the place the problem started from. the only solution of

Somalia is Federalism or beyond because somalida dhexdooda waa dab iyou naar kala foog waligaaa oo ha isku geenin.

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Originally posted by Kamalu Diin:

Me Spell it out Somali National Army. Me and Red Sea calm down wixii tagay tagsiimo maleh we have very success story in Somaliland now. Siyad Bare was in wrong postion and wrong time because he did not brought the union which was the place the problem started from. the only solution of

Somalia is Federalism or beyond because somalida dhexdooda waa dab iyou naar kala foog waligaaa oo ha isku geenin.

Dear Xabash,


You don't make sense. On one hand you are critisising the union and on the other hand you are supporting federalism? Federalism is another kind of union, you do understand that right? and how are Soomaalidu dab iyo naar? Soomaali xagee ku taqaanaa. Aniga iyo Badacase si kasta aan u muran'no waan isku raacsan nahay in Soomaalidu ay MID tahay, oo midnimadeenu lama huraan tahay. Waxa aan u murmayno ma'aha nacayb aan isu qabno, waa jacayl aan wadankeena aan u wada qabno, oo aan wada dhiibanayno waxa aan xal u aragno. Soomaali dab iyo naar iskuma aha, Soomaali waa walaalo. Soomaali waad Mid. Waligaa taas ha ku khaldamin xabashow. Ethiopia ayaa la kala furfurayaa, Soomaaliya in aan dhul ku soo kordhino maahee, Soomaaliya lama kala jarayo.


NO one is defending Siyaad Barre, but he had the responsibility for defending our nation against all threats external as well as internal.

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^^ Ma waxaad u malaynaysaa in loo qaleenayo Somali Galbeed, Soomaali Koonfur Galbeed, Iyo Jabuuti?


Soomaaliweyn un weeye sheekadu. Marka ha umoodin in laga haray dhulkaas. Sland wax la yidhaahdaana ma jirto. Hal Soomaaliya un ayaa jirta, hadii aad indhahaaga ka xidhanaysid taas waa danahaaga.

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To Garaad Canood: my dear Lad,I think you dont' understand the point of discussion here,so let me bring you up to date so you may stay current.


You asked what was the original intention of this thread? well you see dear friend,this is political discussion which we come to discuss and express our thoughts,it's sort of entertaining place to come in some ways.No one has the right to question someone why they posted something,since everyone has the right to freely say anything they want in regards to the rules of SOL,everyone has the right to post and say what they feel is right or wrong.This particular topic is intended to create a discussion among nomads,the reactions of the respondents which resulted have nothing to do with the original topic starter,you should know that.The picture and the news article are both from Hadhwanaagnews,which I gave you the source of the pic/article conviently at the bottom of the page,did you missed it,mise red sea ayuunbaa kuu muuqda waa layaabe?


You accuse me of defending Faisal Cali see brother,this is when I am talking about when i say you need to pay attention to the points made rather than coming out with accusation swifly.I haven't defended anyone nor do I speak on behalf of a politician,however as you may understand the topic has gone from its original intentions into totally different territory,that is where we are at the moment.


You thought in sort of way that the topic was relating religion to Faisal Ali Warabe or something along those lines,which is way off,so once again reevaluate the point of the thread and the points that I am making before you start to accuse someone again.


Similarities between Faisal Ali Warabe and Iranian leader? you see,you shouldn't make assumption once again,the similarities I talked about are that I stated,which is that Faisal Ali Warabe says whatever comes to his mind regardless of what it's just like the Iranian leader says some things such he would wipe the Jews off the phase of the earth,sure who wouldnt' want to see Jews disappear,but as Politician you need to use logic,which the reason I related them both,nothing more,but I gues you didn't understand that either.


Finally,you must not come to rather easy conclusions,I think you read one line and boom off you go,you shouldn't do that if you ask me,take your time,read,think,evaluate,see where the people are missing their points,if you do that,then I would be more than glad to address any issues which you may raise,but if you just simply accuse someone because you THINK they said something is just weak buddy imana qabato.


lastly,when I said Idol worshiping,I was refering to Somalis puting their National heritage before everything,they will say I love Somalia then I love being Muslim,instead of I love the Muslim and my faith and I love my heritage,faith should be the priority not other way around,if not then it becomes just that,idol worshiping idols such as national pride and being so full of your tribe or heritage,that is the point.


gladly, I await your response.


'me' says:


Originally posted by me:

^^Inaadeer Aakhirona ka salaad li'id, aduunyana ka kaba li'id.

Hore loo yidhi aduunyada ninkii jooga,maxaa aragti ulaaban!


Aakhiro iyo aduunba Hal waxbaa lagu liibaanaa,waa Camalkaaga oo wanagsan,maaha dadka aad ka dhalatay iyo calanka aad hoos taagan tahay midna aakhiro iyo aduun waxba kuuma tarayo,markaa lasoco taa,waana iga waano,waano waxay gashaa kuwii Ilaahay caqli siiyey uun,kuwii kalena waa in lawaaniyaa uun .



National pride hadaadan lahayn maxaad anaga noogu diidaysaa? Ma anagaa laf dhabar kuu diidney? Qaranka Soomaaliyeed baad ka soo horjeedaa. Walaaltinimada dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeeda. Wada noolaashaha dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeedaa. Markaas ayaad aniga rabtaa in aad iila timaadid laba wajiilanimo. Marna aad aniga igu caayaysid in aan ka doortay Jacayl Soomaaliyeed, Jacayl diineed. Is maanan afgaran anagu. Indhahaaga fur.

National Pride ama loo yaqaano Kibir cid kuu diidan marjirto,waabad kujirtaa taas,laakin in laqooqaa ma fiicna.Dadkaaga iyo dalkaaga in aad jeclaato waa gooni.In aad diintaada jeclaato,dalkaaga,iyo dadkaagabana aad jeclaato diinta Islamka ayaa dhigaysaba,markaa maaha wax aan kasoo horjeedi karo waayo diinta Islamka ah ayaan aaminsanay.qofna wuxuu yey kama faani karo,anigu Somali ayaan ahay,Islam ayaan ahay kahor taa,laakin midna waa waxaan ahay midna wax aan aaminsanahay.Hadii Islamnimo lawaayo,somalinimo waxba iimatrayso aduun iyo aakhiro ba.Taan waxaa ka wadaa waxay tahay,Somali sharaf waxay ku leeday in ay diinteeda raacdo oo Allah ka cabsato ama Jabuti,Somali gelbeed,SL,PL,Koonfur,NFD meeshay doonaanba ha joogeen,laakin diin dhag uma dhigayo kabacdina walaaltinimo ama diin muhiim kama dhigayo oo calanka blue ga ah ayaan babinayaa oo sacab tumayaa isagoo kitaabkii Quraanka ah dayacanyahay wax isgala maaha,qofna in uu waxaa intuu sheegto kabacdina Muslim uu sheegto maaha.Anigu sidii labadaba la'iskugu wadi lahaa ayaan raadinayaa oo aan rabaa,adigu se waamaxay fikradaadu,ma in aanu gacmaha isqabsano oo Aabow Siyad aabihii Jahligow ku heesnaa,mise waa inaynu rajaynaa hogaamiye wanaagsan oo diinta Islamka ku dhaqaya dalka iyo dadkaba meel kasta oo ay joogaan, anigu taas ayaan aaminsan ahay, waxaad aaminsan tay adigu bal sheeg hala maqlo oo aan ahay calan labood bilaa macno ah,waayo qaxooti ayaad ka tay maanta,kafakar taas?



SOMALINIMO diin neceeb lama sin'na.

Mararka qaar waxaa fiican inta aad xooga is yar dhibto oo caqliga wax kadaydo,waayo cid ku tiri majirto Somalinimo waxay limid tahay diin necayb.Waa maya jawaabto,Somalinimo waa identity,Diintuna waa camal ama wado lamaro si aad wax wanaagsan uheshid aduun iyo aakhiroba.markaa hadii aan kuugu celiyo,diin la'aantu waa dadka waxa rida oo waata abuurta in ay khal khal galo umad dhisan ama dawlad dhisan.


Somalinimo habayaratee wax xumaan oo aan ka sheegayaa majirto,laakin dadku waa in ay ku dhaqmaan diintooda wax kasta ka hor,that is all.



Ta labaad. Riyaale Kaahin waxa aan ugu Sacbinayo, waaxa weeye waa ninka riyadii kooxda Soomaalidiidka ihi ay dhisatay qarxiyay. Riyaale Kaahin waxa uu u qabtay midnimada Soomaaliyeed ayaan ugu sacbiayaa. Cade Muusenana Sidoo kale ayaan ugu Sacbinayaa. Muuse Suudi & Qanyerana sidoo kale. Ragani waxey na tuseen jidka qabyaalada. Jidka Qabiil takoorka, Jidka Soomaalidiidka.

Riyale Kahin,iyo dadka kale ee aad sheegtay intuba cidna dan umawadaan waana isku mid haka darnaadeen eh,laakin adigu ninkostoo xunba markuu yidhaahdo Somali ayaan waxu qabanayaa ama aan wax tarayaa ayuu agtaada wax ka noqdaa,aniga se agtayda waxba kamuu ahayn kama noqon doonana waayo waa nin xun sidiisaba.


Marka garo waxa lagu farxayo marka hore. Waxaan ku farxayaa, in kuwii dadkeena rabay in ay isku diraan ey yagu yihiin kuwa dadkeena tusaya in qabyaaladu meelna ay na gaadhsiineen. In aan ku wada lug'gáyno.


Ana ila garo hadaba waxan rabo,anigu waxaan rabaa in aad iska daysaan sheeko baralaydan shaqayn wayday oo ah tii Siyad Barre watay oo uu meel xun kudanbaysiisay.Kuwii dadka kala dilayana meel walba way joogaan oo maahoo kaliya kuwa Somliland joogaa,laakin adigu hadii aduunku halkaa uu kasoo rogmanayo,waligaa Somaliland shimbirta ka cida ayaa kuu muuqata.Dal kala go'ay macnaheedu ma'aha in lagu Aakhiro seegayo,waayo dadku walaalo ayey ahayeen ahaan doonaana,laakin Somali waxay wax kaga lumaysaa markay lugaha iswada qabsato iyadoon wax xal ah aan uhayn mustaqbalkeeda.Maanta maaha in aad udurbaan tunto adigu laftaada dadkii Somali kala dilay oo ahaa Siyad Barre iyo wixi lamid ah,Somali iyadoo wada socota oo cidna isku qasbayn ayey kala dhimatay sababna waxaa uhaa shakhsiga aad waynayso adigu laftaada.Taana ka fakar hada..



Badacasoow, maskaydaada si fiican u isticmaal.

Badacas,wax buu ogyey,oo wuxuu ogyey hadii aad xoogaa maskaxdaada hoos ugu yar dhaadhacdo in aad utagi solution ay somali ubaahnayd,taasina maaha taad wado oo ah in aan gacmaha iswada qabsano oo aynu ku heesno aabow Siyad,taa lasoo mar,qaxootina waad katay maanta.


Soomaalinimo waa walaaltinimo, ha ilaawin taas. Soomaalinimo iyo diinna ma kala haraan. Ha u moodin in qofka wadankiisa jecel uu diintiisa necebyahay.

qof walba wadankiisa waa jecelyey,nina ma necba dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa toona,laakin waa in la'eega hadii dad walaalaa isku dhacaan sidii loo xalin lahaa ee ugu fiican,laakin hadii aad halkan inta aad soo gasho kabacdi aan ku handacooto Hargeysa iyo Burco iyo Bari in laduqeyaa wax ku fiicnayd makeenayso walaaltinimo iyo wehel toona waxayse abuuraysaa cadow tinimo iyo in aan la isk sheegan,taasna Ilaahbaan ka amaan galaynaa.


Ta aad ka hadlaysay in aan Siyaad Barre taageero. Siyaad Barre taageradaada iyo teeda uma baahna.
Garaacida uu garaacay Burco iyo Hargeysa, horta ka may darneen, garaacidii Bari iyo Gobolada dhexe. Wuuna ku saxsanaa in uu garaaco

Horta hadalada sidaas ah cidna waxba kuma yeeli kartid,waayo dhacii dhacay way dhaceen,maanta waa maalin cusub,Burco iyo Hargeysana Allxamdulilah bay ku jiraan,meel aanay waligood gaadhina way marayaan,cid aan Allah ahayna wax uguma baahna laakin waxaad ogataa,hadii aad hadala saas ah aad lashir timaado in aanay cidna kaadhagaysanayn walaalaynu nahay iyo waxyaabo saas ah,waayo nin gacan kudhiigle ah qofka ku raacsan isaguba waa munaafaqwayn oo ehlu naar astaantisa leh,Aakhirana waalaga su'aali doonaa,laakin adigu haku aakhiro seegin.


Budhcad amar ka qaata amxaaro ayaa wadankeena soo weeraray anagoo xili dagaal ku jirna. Maxadweenahayna iyo ciidamada qaranka hal jawaab un ayee u hayaan hadii cadow wadankeena soo weeraro, jawaabtaasna waa kirbaash.

Kawaran,miyaanay kadarnayn kuwa soo ijaartay calooshood ushaqaystayaal ah south Africans,NamibiAns ay udilaan dadkoodii oo maati ah.Karbaash wuxuu kudhacay shacabkii somaliyeed,laakin Siad Barre laga adkaa duli iyo foolxumona waa kii Nigeria ugu dhintay,taasi waa taa,waana Allah mahadii.


Hada hadii aad leedahay, xaq umuu lahayn Siyaad barre in uu wadankiisa difaaco, riyaad ku nooshahay.

Madax kastaba wadenkeeda in ay difaacdo waa xaq,laakin lama odhan karo intu midi dadkiisa uu madhiyo kabacdina uuyidhaahdo dadkayga iyo dalkayga ayaan difaacayey,waa wax caqli hagaagsan soo marin taasi, mid xun mooyee.


Hadii Somalinamdu ay dhab kaatay ilama aha in aad waxaa aad ku hadli lahayd,waxaagu Somalinimo maahee waa waxaan lasheegi karan oo layaab leh,Somalinimo matidhaahdo dad rayid ah oo Somali ah in la'laayo ayaa ku fiicnayd,waa dulinimo iyo cawaanimo halkii ugu danbaysay,simply idiotic to put that way.


maalin wanaagsan,

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

....waa inaynu rajaynaa hogaamiye wanaagsan oo diinta Islamka ku dhaqaya dalka iyo dadkaba meel kasta oo ay joogaan, anigu taas ayaan aaminsan ahay...

Saas yaa kuu diiday in aad maalin walba u hadashid? Yaa kuu diiday? Maxaad marwalba oo aad wanaag ku hadashid, ugu dartaa difaac aad difaacaysid qab ka mid ah qaranka Soomaaliyeed. Maxaad u kala soocdaa Soomaalida, maxaad ugu diidaa wada noolashaha? Maxaad ugu diidaa in ay walaaltinimo ku wada noolaadaan isku wadan ah? Hadii ay dhab kaa tahay wixii aad hada qortay, maxaad maalin walba ugu hadliwayday saas?


Aniga iyo adiga Diin iskuma haysano, waxaan isku haysanaa, difaaca aad difaacaysid kuwa raba in Soomaalidu is nacdo, kuwa raba in ay Soomaaliya kala jaraan.


Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Somalinimo habayaratee wax xumaan oo aan ka sheegayaa majirto,laakin dadku waa in ay ku dhaqmaan diintooda wax kasta ka hor,that is all.

Diin Islaam cid ka soo horjeedaa ma jirto. Diinta Islaamku waa lama huraan, Somalinimo iyo diin islaam ma kala haraan. Hasayeeshee, maxaad hada u leedahay Somalinimo wey fiican tahay, marka kalena aad u difaacdaa kuwa raba in nala kala jaro, Oo aan is nacno. Badacasoow waxaan ku odhan lahaa, hadii ay dhab kaa tahay waxaad hada leedahay. Wax aan ku wada muranaa aniga iyo adiga ma jiraan.


Diin kuguma haysto. Wadaninimo ayaan isku haysanay. Hadii qaranka Soomaaliyeed uu kaa nabad galay oo aad wanaag, walaaltino iyo wada noolaansho aad u rajaynaysid dadkeena, anoo ku difaaca un igu ogow, daan'daansigaygana waad ka nabad gali.


Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Madax kastaba wadenkeeda in ay difaacdo waa xaq,laakin lama odhan karo intu midi dadkiisa uu madhiyo kabacdina uuyidhaahdo dadkayga iyo dalkayga ayaan difaacayey,waa wax caqli hagaagsan soo marin taasi, mid xun mooyee.

Waan kugu raacsanahay tan. Anigu waxaan idhi in la kirbaasho budhcadii magaalooyinkeena soo weerartay ayee ahayd. Anigu marnaba maan odhan in maatada la laayo ayee ahayd. Madaxweyne Siyaad Barre sida adba tiri in uu difaaco wadankiisa ayee ahayd. Wuuse ku gafay in maato badani dhimato. Dadka Soomaaliyeed waxyaabaha ay aadka ugu naceen ayee ahayd. Anigu ma lihi maato in la laayo ayee ahayd, anigu waxaan leeyahay Maxadweynuhu wuu ku saxsanaa in magaalooyinka amarka xukunka lagu soo celiyo. Budhcadana laga daba tago, si xun'na loo garaaco.



Ninkii wadankiisa cadow u soo raacay, in la dilo maahee wax kale oo uu istaahilaa ma jirto. Taasna igulama murmi kartid waad ogtahay.


So here is the deal, drop this SL bullshid and embrace Somalinimo. Intaas un ayaan anagu isku haysanaa. In aad walaaltinimo, wanaag, iyo wadanoolaansho isku wadan u rajeesid dadka Soomaaliyeed.

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^lol..walee waa yaab.


Somalinimo iyo Islam ha isku darin horta,hadii aan yidhaahdo maanta Carab ayaan ahay ama American ayaan ahay laakinse aan Aaminsanahay diinta Islam sooma ogid in aad wax xumaan aanay kujirin.


Teeda kale Somali ayaan ahay siday tayba,Somalinamadan aad sheegayso miyay tay wax kabadan taas?


SL waa wadan Somaliyeed haday go'do iyo hadii kale,hadii aan Somaliland aan sheegto kun jeer iyo hadii kaleba aniga shakhsi ahaan waxba igama dhimayso,Somaliwayne hadii aan sheegtana waxba iguma kordhinayso igamana dhimayso,laakin ta wax dhimaysaa waxa weeye mentality xun ee aad aaminsantay ee ah in hadii lakala go' ay danbi tahay,waa wax daciif ah.


SL is the land of all Somalis,if you don't like that,then it bothers me not,if the citizens living in SL chose to stay seperate and they are happy in that regard so be it,I can only hope the best for SL as well as Jabuti and everyone esle as long as they remain Muslims.This is how real Muslim should think.


However,walaaltinimo waxay kujirtaa wixii Muslim ah,markaa hadii SL ay diinta kabaxdo,markaa waad odhan kartaa iskaga hadh dadkan diinta kabaxay laakin dadku waa Muslim nabadna way ku nool yihiin,markaa su'aashu waxa weeye maxaa baas ee aan ebrace garayaa,ma diinta layidhaa somalinimo,sorry I am Muslim.


Teeda Kale runta waxba yeynaan iska indha tirin,Siyad Barre Hargeysa iyo Burco wuu ogaa in ay maati dagantay,markaa lama odhan karo sikastaba ha ahaatee wuu kuhagaagsanaa in duqeeyo.


Su'aashan kajawaab,muxuu usoo ijaartay South African and Nambimbian mecinery Pilots? can you tell me,speaking of bringing into the country,could you also answer,when did SNM brought Ethiopian enemy with them into the country,they never did?


Besides,today,you are witnessing Tigray troops in Southern Somalia,I haven't heard much about,what is the deal,where is your love for your country,side with me along with the ICU,if you are true to your word.

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Islam and Unity


By Professor Maqsood Jafri




Unity is strength. When the sand grains unite they become a vast desert. When the sea drops unite they become a boundless ocean. The conglomeration of stars in the firmament of sky soothes our eyes. The seven colors emerge in the shape of a bewitching rainbow. The unity of people makes an invincible strong nation. This is the reason Islam lays great stress on the importance of unity. The Islamic concept of Towhid is the other name of the unity of humankind. The corner stone in Islam is the unity of God. Allah’s unity teaches us the message that we should not divide humans into sections and sects. Almighty Allah in the Quran says that the division of people in the races and clans is only for their introduction. The best one out of them is the man of piety. Dr. Mohammad Ali Al-khuli is his book titled “The Light of Islam” writes. “Islam is the greatest unifying force in the world. It is a religion to all humans regardless of color, race and language. It is a religion that tolerates other religions and orders its followers to respect and protect all humans.” According to a Hadith of the Holy Prophet all persons belong to Adam and Adam was from soil. The racial discrimination has been strictly prohibited in Islam. In the last sermon from the Mount of Arafat the Holy Prophet had clearly announced that no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab; or the white over the black. This is the reason that in Muslim countries we do not find racial discriminations. Islam gives clear injunctions for the respect, safety, security and prosperity of the non-Muslims as well. Unity teaches peace, equality and paternity. The absence of unity brings and breeds disruption, devastation and disputes. Islam ordains protection of non-Muslims simply to show the respect for the Canons of divinity and humanity. God is not only of the Muslims. God is the God of all human beings. The unity of all humans is the ultimate aim of the teachings of Islam. The doctrinal and ideological differences should not lead to war or bloodshed. Man is a thinking creature. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher introduced Rationalism in Philosophy. The Quran time and again asserts on the need of cogitation. “Ijtihad” is an analogical and analytical approach towards the matters of jurisprudence. Ashab-e-Suffa were the people of wisdom. They gave more time to cogitate on social and academic matters along with their saintly and spiritual practices. They were praised by the Holy Prophet for their involvement in intellectual pursuit. Once the Holy Prophet said: “The juristic scholar who receives two rewards for every correct decision and even one for every incorrect one, for he is endeavoring with all his effort to reach the correct decision.” The difference of opinion must be positive. It should not lead to prides and prejudices of priests. It should be decent difference on the bases of logic like the differences of Philosophers. Aristotle was the pupil of Plato. He differed from his teacher on many points but he never issued the edict of his assassination. Hegel and Bergson differed. Immunel Kant differed with Nietzche. None cursed or condemned the other. These differences were on principles; not personal. But unfortunately the so called scholars and clerics of different religions brought immense misery to mankind in the name of religion. The Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, the Hindus, the Buddhists and others had mercilessly shed the blood of each other in the name or religion. Each of these sects then killed the followers of their own religions on minor interpretative issues. Even to date the bloodshed in the name of faith is rampant. This is the greatest error and must be rectified. The Quran discusses the concept of unity on three levels. Foremost is the unity of humanity. The Quran in Sura Al-Hujurat (The Inner Apartments) says: “O, Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is the one who has piety.” (49:13). The Quran no where addresses the Muslims. Either it addresses the believers (momineen) or the people (Annas). The Quran on second level refers to the unity of the people of the Books: the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims- In Sura Al-e-Imran the Quran says:” O, people of the Book! Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with him, and that none of us will take others as lords besides Allah. Then if they turn away, say; Bear witness that we are Muslims” (3:64). The fifth verse of the Sura The Clear Evidence and the forty eighth verse of Sura The Table Spread also shed light on the unity of the people of the Book. Then on third level the Quran asserts on the unity of the Muslims. In Sura Al-e-Imran the Quran says; “And hold fast, all of you together to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves.” (3:103) . Then Quran condemns sectarianism and regards it shirk (polytheism). The Quran again in Sura Al-e-Imran says: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam.” This verse clearly ordains that instead of adhering to Sunnism, Shiasim or Wahabism we should strongly adhere to Islam. In Mishqat Sharife there is a tradition of the Holy Prophet which says; “The Muslims are like a body; if one limb aches, the whole body aches.” Then the Messenger of Allah says; “whoever does not care about the affairs of the Muslims is not one of them.” From the above Quranic facts we deduce the result that Islam believes in the unity of all humans and preaches peace, justice and equality. Religion is to serve humankind. Religion has come to reform and unite humans, not to divide them. We must condemn extremism and terrorism in the name of religion and unite humankind if we believe in the unity of God.



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Why are you on one hand claiming to support islam and on the other hand defending the dismenberment of Somalia.?


Islam supports unity not disunity. You are going in against teh teachings of Islam if you want to dismenber an Islamic nation.

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