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Faisal Ali Warabe accuses Djabuti for creating regional conflict,critizes BBC.

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(Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ee UCID Faysal Cali Waraab e)



hadhwanaag 2006-12-06 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):-Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ee UCID Eng, Faysal Cali wabee ayaa jamhuuriyada Jabuuti ku eedeeyey inay abaabul ka wado Galbeedka Awdal oo ay uga danleedahay sidii ay jiritaanka iyo midnimada beelaha wada dega ee gobolkaasi ka dhex abuurto.khalkhal iyo nabadgelyo, sidaana waxa uu ku sheegay shirjaraa’iid oo uu maanta ku qabtay xafiiskiisa magaalada Hargeysa.


Waxa kale oo uu shirkiisa jaraa’iid kaga hadlay shirkii dhawaan lagu qabtay wadanka mareykanka, iyo canbaareyn weyn oo uu u jeediyey Idaacada BBC-da laanteda Af somaliga siday ugu kala xagliso Umada soomaaliyeed ee dhageysata


Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaardika ee UCID Eng Faysal Cali waraabe ayaa si kuluul u canbaareeyey Shir lagu qabtay wadanka mareykanka kaas oo uu ragii soo qabanqaabiyey ku tilmaamay qaar beryahaaba caalamka kula meeraysanayey fikirka ah hadii Somaliland la aqoonsado dagaal ayaa dhici, isagoo arintaa ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi “Qoladan ku shirtay Washington bishan 2-deedii 2006 waxay ahaayeen niman beryahaaba aduun la marijiray cidii Somaliland ictiraaftaa in lagu dagaalamayo oo aanay beeluhu isku raacsanayn gooni iku taageeda, arrinta waxa fashilisay ilayn 15-sanadood ayeynu dawklad ahayayne, ismaynu dilin oo nabad ayeynu ka qaadnay markii ay ku dhawaaqnay Gooni isku taageena oo belihii Afweyne isku diray ee reer Somaliland heshiiyeen, Kooxahaasi(Kuwa Washington ku shiraya) waxa ku jiray rag badan oo shirkii Boorame inagala qeyb galay oo markii ay dantoodii shakhsiyadeed ku waayeen ka baxay, nin kale oo digtoora oo Maxamed Siyada Barre gacantiisii midag ahaa markii Reer Somaliland la xasuuqayey ayaa ka mida ragaasi, waana niman fashilmay”


read complete report here...

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Who is listening to this Majnoon? If any body was the righthand man for Siyaad Barre,it is him. Was he not the cheap little rascal who was spying on the UFO members in the 80's? It is a sign of the times that we are in today! Waa wax lala yaabo in weli dad dhagaysanayaan ninkan jaanjaank ah.



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Jaylaani,did you listen his interview the other day,man this guy doesnt hide anything,he is just like Iranian leader.


He said and I quote "If I win the next election,and Insha Allah I will,by then I hope the situation stays put,because I would take a neccessary step about Southern Somalia.I would give to them what they didn't get in good",the people which we have welcome their good doings have turned on us and claimed they will reach Cadaadley,I wish Insha Allah I win the election so I can show these people what we are made of".

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

Jaylaani,did you listen his interview the other day,man this guy doesnt hide anything,he is just like Iranian leader.


He said and I quote "If I win the next election,and Insha Allah I will,by then I hope the situation stays put,because I would take a neccessary step about Southern Somalia.I would give to them what they didn't get in good",the people which we have welcome their good doings have turned on us and claimed they will reach Cadaadley,I wish Insha Allah I win the election so I can show these people what we are made of".

I rather him not saying it in public for political reasons but I agree with him in that regard. Somaliland administrations are too passive. You don’t have to provoke war but you must be able show people that are willing if is necessary.

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Originally posted by me:

Che be careful with your words...its De-faqas-hized.

Tanug you for da correction. I know it is loaded word.



Jaylaani....Maybe the camp is running out of ideas. Other than scare mongering, what else do they have to offer the Somaliland public. Maybe someone like Siilaanyo should assume the leadership.

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Faisal isn't politician and he won't be the president for the coming election. Yet again, if Rayaale could win anything is possible.


Siilaanyo will be the one..I HOPE.

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Che xaasid,Maxaad ula dhisaysaa fooqa beenta?


Jaylaani & Ridwaan when will you die-hard Somali haters assume the leadership of the secessionist mafia? I mean why are swapping Siyaad barre's errand boys? be creative please.

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Originally posted by Che-Guevara:

Is there a constitutional limit to the number of terms a president can serve?

Two terms.




I don't hate Somalia I just love Somaliland more.

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Thankx Jay,



Me....LoL. I was just being curious buddy. Someone like Waraabe atleast to me seems to do more than harm than good it comes to the Sland cause. The guy has bone to pick with all Somalis that nieghbor his country, and plus I believe he does lack the stature to engage the international community whom the Sland so badly needs to join.


And his endless tirade of constant hate mongering and war threats just shows the man is joke. How did even get to lead what I would assume to be a major political oppisition?


Siilaanyo on the other hand is a more true diplomat, very deliberate and calculating man, and able technocrat. If merits are anything to go by in judging people , this man should have been leading SLand.

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