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Faisal Ali Warabe accuses Djabuti for creating regional conflict,critizes BBC.

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^an IslamiC nation.... raaaaight? point the finger to an Islamic nation,then I will sure be with you on that,however,a nation that contained and contain in the present of former supporting cast of Siyad Barre doesn't even come close to being Islamic nation.In fact,the man which you hold with high regard insulted the our Holybook by claiming he would erase the verse that said that men are the head of the family with red marker,he said it,but I gues you have no idea oo gudcur ayuunbaad gudaysaa.


To further piont out something else to you,the article which you posted is opioniated article meaning it doesn't define or represent our faith.Also the verses that the author quoted have absulately nothing to do or wouldn't even apply to the Somali situation,because what we have isn't faith related,what we have is disunity among different interests.If Somalis had different perspectives of our faith,then this article would apply in some ways in terms of bringing those people to sort their differences out and come together in the oneness of Allah,to come together in terms of not believing something that is not in Islam or to not introduce something new to the religion(Bidca) and to focuson the core values of Islam as it was originally came. These are what the verses of the Quran state,not unity under a dictator or an Idealogy that requires everyone to believe something outside of Islam. The issue is not Islam,if Islam was what we were divided among,then every believing Muslim would be for coming together since Islam was involved,but we dont' have that do we,Somalinimo/somaliwayne will take care itself if Somalis TRUTHFULLY to the teachings of Islam,because those who have the same wants unite.


The article mistranslates and misinterpets the Ahadith and misuses the verses of the Quran,I will come back to tell you how,as for now,see if you can google more articles that have absulatly nothing to do with the situation of the Somalis.


habeen wanaagsan,

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Red.... me is talking about ideology......not reality on the ground.......we all know reality on ground shit is hopeless they all warmongers!!!!.....but ideology is most of us want a united somalia. What ideology u support red: United Somalia, or no?



I searched FAW:


“How can those who hail from the Mudug region preach to us Bin Hashimites about the teachings of Islam?”

dis was funny from article

anyone who has encountered Faysal Ali Warabe to see his thick lips, Bantu-like features and dark skin (and this is true for millions of Somalis) would realize the fallacy of the “Bani Hashimite” claim, and the deep-rooted self hate that produces such a fantasy.


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^reality on the ground is what is all about,it doesn't make sense to chit chat fantasy from your living room then claim that this is the way everything should work.


What amazes me is that some folks actually think it's a sin for Somaliland secceed,do you believe this Khalaf?


As for idealogy of Somaliwayne,it was the thought of some men,we have witnessed it was the thoughts of men like Siad Barre,even let us say that Siad Barre was successful in reaching that goal,but yet he ruled it under a facist as he did in former Somali republic,then what good would have came out of that,if you take us as an example....look where we are today.


I am advancing far better idealogy,the idealogy that I am advancing is Islamic nation under trusthworthy leader with a body of government that is fully balanced throughout all tribes regardless of their numbers.This is benficial for today and herafter,our dunya and Akhira would be brighter,but to sing the tunes of Aabow Siyad,raise meaningless piece of cloth then call yourself a Somali patriot isn't going to get you anywhere.The world has past that stage,we are in a era where you need to make it happen or simply just shut up.


I envisioned an Islamic nation even far greater just Somalis,I envision an Islamic nation that even includes Oromia etc..this probably long shot,so to stay on course,I would say I am huge supporter of Islamic nation under one faithful leader,which is in everyone best interest.

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^I share your vision.....but I dont see how that is different then a united somalia. Red i dont know much about somalia, never heard of somaliland, sool, sanag before SOL. but i am a Muslim and a Natiionalist......I dont support clan states: SL, PL, ect. We are stronger as one.....the reason why we stay divided is we need new blood, a faithful leader.....a nationalist with Islamic aqeedah. Think about it sxb: somalia all its cities, and the OG region with us brothers........we could be Africas finest....its not a fantasy.....just as a Khalifah is not fantasy......we shall make it reality....all nations have wounds, and dark history......but they build......and Somalia too shall build.

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^buddy,I am not a nationalist under the cloak of Somaliwayne of Siad Barre's idealogy.The man critize portions of the Quran,so why even associate with him as some have.


There is only one Islam,clan states you speak aren't any worse of if we were united and were ruled under a facist regime,like we were.Actually they are better,because Hargeysa is by far better than before,so is Burco,Borame,Ceerigabo,Las Anod,etc..


What we need is a Muslim who is faithful and has the trust of Allah,there is no such thing as nationalist and Muslim,a good clean Muslim period is what we need,if you can grasp that,then we are on the same wagon,if not its' not the end of the world.


The difference is that one of them is systamically just a union,just the failed one,and on the other hand,the Islamic nation that I am pushing for is one that is loved by Allah,which is destined to last forever,which gives equal protection and rights to its people which is that guaranteed by the Quran and the Sunnah,this is the perfect union,anything else is just huge myth.

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Somaliland is a sovereign state located in the Horn of Africa. In May 1991, the local Somali clans, declared an independent Republic of Somaliland and it made five administrative regions. The area encompasses roughly the former British Somaliland protectorate, an area of about 137,600 square kilometres (53,128 sq mi), which got its indepedence five days before Italian Somaliland in 1960. It is bordered by Ethiopia, Djibouti, Gulf of Aden, and the autonomous region Puntland in Somalia. The capital of Somaliland is Hargeisa.

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Red sea brother, again sxb no one is talkin about Barres regime, the past or reality on the ground today, we are talking about ideology here:


Soomaalinimo waa walaaltinimo, ha ilaawin taas. Soomaalinimo iyo diinna ma kala haraan. Ha u moodin in qofka wadankiisa jecel uu diintiisa necebyahay.

That is my point, brotherhood, somalinimo is ideology: Islam is my religion, Somalia is my country no contridiction . Soomaaliya ha noolaato.

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How bout if I told you that I am somalilander and I am a Muslim.


then Somaliland ha noolaato!


what do you think of that?


I still don't know this Somalinimo thang that people are runing around with,is it much more than being simple Somali,waa amare?


Khalaf,get something straight,if SL was recognised today and in turn were fully in accordance with the Islamic sharica,would that make them against Islam in any way,assuming that the South was ruled with let us say democratic government?


this would mean,although SL was not with the rest,yet it would be the better since it was functioning under the Islamic sharica.


Walaaltinimo,isjacayl,wada noolaasho,kuma jirto Somalinimo,waxay kujirtaa diinta islamka.Hadii Somali ay isjecshay mabay sidaa isku gasheen.


ahmed Guray,what does a factory has to do with this discussion?

To answer your question anyway,the cement factory and everything would be taken care of Insha Allah with better leader who is faithful Muslim,Riyale isn't that.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

How bout if I told you that I am somalilander and I am a Muslim.


then Somaliland ha noolaato!


what do you think of that?


I still don't know this Somalinimo thang that people are runing around with,is it much more than being simple Somali,waa amare?


Khalaf,get something straight,if SL was recognised today and in turn were fully in accordance with the Islamic sharica,would that make them against Islam in any way,assuming that the South was ruled with let us say democratic government?


this would mean,although SL was not with the rest,yet it would be the better since it was functioning under the Islamic sharica.


Walaaltinimo,isjacayl,wada noolaasho,kuma jirto Somalinimo
,waxay kujirtaa diinta islamka.
Hadii Somali ay isjecshay mabay sidaa isku gasheen


ahmed Guray,what does a factory has to do with this discussion?

To answer your question anyway,the cement factory and everything would be taken care of Insha Allah with better leader who is faithful Muslim,Riyale isn't that.

Red Sea there is a little disagreement between us I loved your conclusion

Hadii ay somalinimo jirto sidaas mayasan isu galeen . In your eyes somalida in South and North only ayaa wax isku dhimay. Miyeysan ahayn Somali la isku kor diriraayo. Miyeeysan kaaga haboneyn in aad tiriaahdo USC/ICU don't hide your agretion under Islamic banner. that is simple You want a peaceful Sharia courts which is contrary what USC/ICU is about. however you still supporting them because you want to take same bath as your uncle Omar Are Qaalib 'Reer koonfurkii lugaha ayaan iskugu dhuftay'

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Ahmed Guray,what compelled you to say such?


explain how you came up with that?


As for Kamalu Diin,I have nothing to do with Omar Arte Ghalib or Tuur,they were politicians,and I am just one individual who soughts for better ways forward while living in this cureent and harsh reality of African continent.


Ask me about Sh.Dirir,ask me about Sh.Mustafe X.Ismail Haruun,these are my role models.


USC leaders such Qaybdii,Qanyare,Muse Suudi Yalaxow were chased out in rather bloody conflict,if the ICU was the "USC" itself,then I wonder why they kicked them out,because usually those who have the same interests dont' fight or get in conflict,they were even from the same sub clans,which is great example that the Islamic courts union is shining star.


But Kamalu Diin,let me ask you of why support Abdullhi Yusuf and his corrupt and nonexisting so called TFG?

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

[QB] How bout if I told you that I am somalilander and I am a Muslim.


then Somaliland ha noolaato!


what do you think of that?

Red bro somali wa somali to me, khayr for all somalis and muslims...but what i dont get is state based on clan.... Reason why somalia has troubles is becuase every clan has region.....clan states are jahilnimo and will produce injustice towards minorities as it is based on clan superiority.


Me said it best here to seccessionists: "Qaranka Soomaaliyeed baad ka soo horjeedaa. Walaaltinimada dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeeda. Wada noolaashaha dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeedaa."

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