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Faisal Ali Warabe accuses Djabuti for creating regional conflict,critizes BBC.

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Che this Sland thing is a sharade. No self respecting person from the North West will publicly assume a post of responsibility there. That's why the likes of waraabe are the only ones that are willing to do it. The fact the responsible people in the North West are not getting involved in politics shows u that they don't believe in this whole Sland sharade. Don't be fooled, these are my people I know them really well. Somalia waligeed ma kala goáyso, Umana kala goáyso qabiilo and tuug dowlad isku sheeg ah.


Muuse Suudi ama Qanyaraba ma yaqaa af hayeen u ahaa beelshooda, mise yagaa xukumi jiray? This waraabe dude or the other hate mongers are not better the Muuse Suudi and Qanyare.


Sland kuwa durbaanka u tumayay 15kii sano ee la soo dhaafay wey og yihiin in Sland geed ey ku xiran tahay. I love Riyaale to be honest. He is the man that single handedly ended the dream of the secessionist mafia. Waraabe can talk all he likes, Riyaale is king, if he did what he did on purpose then he is a genius.

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Musse and Qanyare are household names in Southern Somalia Waaw.... any one of them I see says something about Qanyare/Muse oradoo u baxso cilaaykiina dhalandoona sanadaha soo socda. and forget about decent people.

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Jay and Che,


I agree Silanyo best fits Somaliland as he more educated than both Riyale(Udub leader)X,and Faisal Cali Warabe(Ucid)X,so Silanyo(Kulmiye) would be my choice as well to lead SL.


Me,keep dreaming your dream of witnessing another Siyad Barre ruling Hargeysa once again,that dream is not attainable buddy.By the way,the only hater in here is you a true Somali and Muslim always wishes the best for everyone,just like Chevuara has done.

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I honestly do not understand why Mr. Red Sea is accusing Mr. Me of being a hater. Me. On the one hand he is defending the Numero Uno demagogue of all Somalis and on the other hand is accusing Mr. Me of being a hatemonger. Adduunyada nin noolow maxaa aragti kuu laaban!


Secondly why is he pretending as if he represents Hargeysa. My friend you can support any bigot you like or be one if you choose so, but please do not bring Hargeysa into your little muddy world. Hargeysa ka weyn meel aad adigoo sidaa u hadlaya metesho.



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I agree with you Xaruuri good job well done.

Mr. Red Sea become just like his Uncle Omar Arte Qalib.....he is being recreated Southern Somalia Boys, but he cannot have both at same time.


I second to that


Mr. Red Sea.


"you can support any bigot you like or be one if you choose so, Please don't bring this Hargeysa into little muddy world". orgianly posted by Xaruuri

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Originally posted by Xaruuri:

I honestly do not understand why Mr. Red Sea is accusing Mr. Me of being a hater. Me. On the one hand he is defending the Numero Uno demagogue of all Somalis and on the other hand is accusing Mr. Me of being a hatemonger. Adduunyada nin noolow maxaa aragti kuu laaban!


Secondly why is he pretending as if he represents Hargeysa. My friend you can support any bigot you like or be one if you choose so, but please do not bring Hargeysa into your little muddy world. Hargeysa ka weyn meel aad adigoo sidaa u hadlaya metesho.



I am sorry Xaruuri, so since when did someone says he likes Riyale Kahin just because he has created political turmoil in Hargeysa and Somaliland,a one who always claps and wishes that Hargeysa was under Aabihii Afweynimada isn't a hater...very good looking out mr.Xaruuri.Also since you dont' visit this place I am assuming,you should do little research of what this guys says daily about mr.Red Sea,whether it's calling him a liar or even worst things,I gues you wont'see that eh?


someone who speaks on behav of all Somalis everywhere doesn't have the characteristics of the so called mr.Me,because I know he itches whenever he sees a new mall,hospital or positive note coming out of that corner,he simply cant stand it,however the likes of Che,Paragon,Xiinfaniin,Soo maal, Abadir, these are true Somalis in my book.


as for Hargeysa,that is where my heart lies which I dont' need to have a permision from you to realize that,so move along yaa shiekh.


Kamal"Diin",dameer dhaan raacday ha noqon,adigu hadaad nin tay,Red Sea mar gooni ah lahadal rag kale waxba ha iigu soo hoos gaban you get that baby boi smile.gif

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Me is a Soomaali hardcore nationalist, a breed that can hardly be found these days. I agree everything he stands for, an unadulterated, unquestioned Soomaalinimo. A high-end elusive quality found in few Soomaali people in these trying times.


Me, keep going and doing what you are trying, walaaloow. Stay strong in believing in afkaaga, dhaqankaaga, hidahaaga, dalkaaga, dadkaada iyo diintaada. You are not alone.


As the old Soomaali saying goes, "sankuneefle iga sareeye ma jiro." That is how confident old Soomaalis were, believing no breathing creature can be above us, be it a man or beast.

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^another idol worshiper of that so called nationalism,talk about your faith more,that is what you exist,singing the tunes of Aabow Siyad isn't going to get you anywhere.


It's unfortunate that you people name call the noble folks like "Surwaalgaabs" while worshiping idealogy based on rubish believes such Somalinimo,when does one take pride of being a Muslim,when does Muslinimo become your priority?

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^^ Maybe not idol worshiping but the concept of nationalism is dead ma is tiri sxb. If I understand Redsea better, what I understand of his words, I would say he is advocating for the Islamicity of Somaliness over all else. This meaning, one should make the criteria of his/her Somaliness be based on shared-Islamicity, secondarilly strengthend by other common factors (such as culture and language), instead of making these other factors the priority, to arrive at a faith-based identification of our society.


I find nothing wrong with that, to be quite honest, because nationalism as a criteria gives way to regionalism (Puntland and Somaliland), which inevetably gives birth to clanism, hence divisionism. To avoid such divisionism, then, wee should use faith as identity.

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Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea:

I am sorry Xaruuri, so since when did someone says he likes Riyale Kahin just because he has created political turmoil in Hargeysa and Somaliland,a one who always claps and wishes that Hargeysa was under Aabihii Afweynimada isn't a hater...very good looking out mr.Xaruuri.Also since you dont' visit this place I am assuming,you should do little research of what this guys says daily about mr.Red Sea,whether it's calling him a liar or even worst things,I gues you wont'see that eh?


someone who speaks on behav of all Somalis everywhere doesn't have the characteristics of the so called mr.Me,because I know he itches whenever he sees a new mall,hospital or positive note coming out of that corner,he simply cant stand it,however the likes of Che,Paragon,Xiinfaniin,Soo maal, Abadir, these are true Somalis in my book.


as for Hargeysa,that is where my heart lies which I dont' need to have a permision from you to realize that,so move along yaa shiekh.


Kamal"Diin",dameer dhaan raacday ha noqon,adigu hadaad nin tay,Red Sea mar gooni ah lahadal rag kale waxba ha iigu soo hoos gaban you get that baby boi



As usual you see throught qabyaalad eyes. I am happy with what Riyaale has done, I am proud at what he has done and I think he is a genius for deflating the secessionist mafia's balloon, but with saying that does that make me a hater for the people of the North West? I don't think so, I am from the North West, I do not hate myself, I do not hate my people, I love all my people and thats why I believe We should work together to improve the lives of our people, to stop discrimination based on qabiil, to build a strong nation where there is justice for everyone. Am I hater? am I short sighted for believing in that we should all live together and we should learn from the mistakes of the past? am I hater or are those durbaanka u tumaya, difaacayana faysal Cali waraabe ayaa nacayb ku jiraa? Is weydii suáalahaas.


Hargeysa igama lihid, waqooyi galbeedna igama xigtid, marka umad dhan afkaaga ha ku qaadin, waligaa ma matali kartid dadka reer waqooyi galbeed. Taada un ka hadal.


Laba wajiile un baa marna diin islaam ku gabanlahaa marna nin walaalihiisa Soomaaliyeed raba in uu laayo difaaci lahaa. Badacase laba wajiilaad tahay. Aduunyadanna laba wajiiluhu waa dadka ugu xun, uurka ayaad xumaan ku sidataa.


Hadii aad diin islaam la jirtid, toos ula jir, diinta islaamku qabyaalada in dadka lagu kala takooro ma ogola.


Soomaaliya ha noolaato!


ps. I do not have to itch for something good happening in Hargeysa, guri baan ka dhistay sanadkan smile.gif


pss. You know what would be funny, if you where one of those soo galeeti, oo magaalada aan wax ku lahayn.

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^emotional outburst which is mostly based on personal assumptions.



If I am a qabalist then is notable to Allah,I will let the almighty,the owner of sole decide where my final destination will be.


To move down to the points that I tended to make,let me first start by saying that it's really amazing how you time and again you label red sea of being two faced,when you seem to be the champion in that department.


My friend no one is saying that you don't belong in hargeysa,nor denying your right to reside,build a home anywhere you desire,in fact that is your personal choice not mind.However,when someone says he loves all of his/her people,but his/her actions point out much negativity time and again towards suprisingly his/her home region,then one has to wonder what is the deal?


The people in Somaliland dislike the leadership of Riyale Kahin,not because is as you said he is undermining the cause of Somaliland,but he is mis managing the people's assets while robing the pockets of the poor.Instead of building hospitals,public roads,educational institutions,he has chose to create an account which he will deposit the hard earned money of the ordinary citizens.As result he has built homes in Egypt,Dubia,Djabuti,to name few we know thus far and you Mr.ME love him and admire him for that,once again that shows what you are made of.


Morever,to further go into details,you are supporter,you justify his inhumane actions commited by his forces under his orders,you say it was the right move to level your home city to the ground and force its population to flee,yes indeed you are big supporter of Aabow Ziyad and ,yet here you are claiming to be a true Somali,hmm one wonder how that works?


I personally don't know what clan you belong into,however all I know is that you are from Hargeysa based on what your profile displays,for that reason I may not judge you based on your Qabiil since I have absulately no idea of what it's,with that out of the window,let me point out that I admire all the goodwork done by all somalis,I admire the work done in Somaliland,Puntland and currently in Southern Somalia,I only critise the regime,such I do with Riyale kahin and SL adminstrations as well as Pl and the TFG.


Ninka aduunka ugu xun aad sheegtay nin xun maa'aha,ee aan kuu sheego ninka aduunka ugu xun.Ninka aduunka ugu liita waa ninka diintiisi,dadnimadiisii iyo imaankisaba siistay national pride aka Kibir,ee kana jeestay oo aan awood saarin diintiisa,iyadoo ah waxa aakhiro lagu kala baxo,Aakhiro somalinimo meel kuma gaynaso,imankaaga iyo waxaad kastbatay aduunka oo ah camal wanaagsan oo diiniyan ah ayaa ku hormarinaya.Somali kun gobol ha ukala go'do haday doonto,laakin hadii ay kufarax san yihiin sidaa oo ay diin iyo Imana ku haystaan ayaa ku muhiimsan iyadoo dictator ama nin xun lahoos yimaado sida Siad Barre kaasoo oo aad utaageerto.


Wixii intaa dhaafsiisan Allah og,wayna wada joognaa.


PARAGON: that is it,exactly my point.When I do consider of who is a true Somali in my opinion you are usually on the top of my list,it would be nice to have open minded inviduals like you around,maybe the Somali problems would have solved long ago.


Che,the statment you made is exactly what I am talking about.You blindly defended somalinimo,while seemingly poking fun of "surwaalgaabs",the irony in there is that having shorten your pants above your ankles is actually something we inhertied from our beloved Prophet,did you know not?

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