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Detaining and sending political dissents in exile in Somaliland

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Detaining citizens for their political beliefs, suppressing freedom of belief and ideology, and stifling embryonic, intellectual thinking seems NOT to have passed away with the military regime as many proponents of democratic political ideologies would have hoped.


Where do the nomads stand on the issue?




Dagaal ka dhacay gagida diyaaradaha Hargaysa

- Monday, June 23, 2003 at 18:12


Hargaysa, (AllPuntland)- Dhowr iyo toban nin oo ay isku qolo yihiin Jamac Maxamed Qaalib (Jaamac Yare) oo hubaysan watayna 2 gaari ayaaa maanta barqadii soo weeraray Garoonka diyaaradaha Hargaysa, iyagoo muujinaya sida ay uga xun yihiin xariga Jamac Yare oo Jama-yare.


Dagaal socday 15 daqiiqo ka dib waxaa ku dhintay nin ka mid ah raggii weerarka soo qaaday, waxaana ku dhaawacmay dhowr qof oo askar iyo shicib isugu jira, dadka dhaawacmay waxaa ku jira ilaa 3 qof oo ka mid ahaa dad la socday mid ka mid ah 4 diyaradood oo garoonka markaas joogay.


Waxaa khal khal galay shaqadii garoonka waxaa baqdin xoog leh gashay magaalada oo dhan.


Galinkii dambe arrimuhu caadi ayey ahaayeen, waxaadse meel walba ku arkeysaa askar tuuteyaal xiran iyo hub aan hore logu arag Hargeysa in askartu la soo baxdo.


Wararka laga heleyo sababta weerarkaan ayaa xaqiijinaya in nimanka weerarka gaystay ay doonayeen inay is hortaagaan masaafurin ladoonay in Hargaysa looga saaro Jamac-Yare.


Ilaa shalay iyo ilaa xalay buuq xoog leh oo siyaasadeed ayaa ka jiray Hargeysa, shirarkana looma kala kicin, haba u weynaado mid 8 saac u socday madaxweynaha maamulka la baxay Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin iyo taageerayaasha JamaC-Yare oo u geeyey Riyaale inuu deg deg u sii daayo, isna uu ku xiray Jamac Yare inuu joojiyo Somaliland diidnimada iwm.


Waxaase markii dambe cadaadiskii yeelay Riyaale oo sheegay in maanta subaxnimada loo duulin doono Jamac Yare dalka Jabuuti.


Sida ilo xog ogaal ihi u sheegeen AllPuntland Jaamac-Yare qabashadiisu waxay ka dambaysay markii garoonka diyaaradaha Jabuuti looga soo sheegay bilayska Hargaysa inuu Jamac saaran yahay diyaaradii uu ka soo raacay Jabouti, taasi oo markii ay cagaha soo dhigatayba laga soo dhex qabtay.


Inkastoo hadda xaaladu caadi ay tahay Hargaysa, haddana, waxaa socda eed iyo is-eedeyn ah wixii dhacay ma astaahileen (ma u dhigmeen) geerida iyo dhaawaca iyo waliba magac-xumida soo gaartay maamulka Riyaale ee is lahaa gool ka dhaliya kooxaha ay siayasadda isku diidan yihiin.


Jamac Maxamed Qaalib oo darajada sareeye Gaas ka gaaray Booliiska Somaliya, soona noqday taliyaha booliiska Somaliya iyo wasiir dawladii Somaliya ayaa isagu ka mid ah siyaasiyiinta dhalasho ahaan Hargaysa ka soo jeeda ee aan taageersanayn kala go'a Somaliya, Jamac waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha Hargaysa laga qabtay laba maalin ka hor isagoo la socda diyaarad uu ka soo raacay Nairobi oo uu kaga qaybgalayay shirka Somalida halkaas uga socda, Jamac wuxuu kusii jeeday Muqdisho markii la qabanayay halkaas oo reerkiisu dagan yahay.


AllPuntland, Hargaysa

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Samurai, saxib, this is sad. Riyaale should not have been worried by a Somalilander having a pro-unity stance in a democratic society. Democracy doesn't operate like that.


It is also an embarrassment for the parties involved because violence based on one man's personal opinion should have been a thing in the past in Somaliland which claims to be the "beacon of democracy" in the horn.


People like Hadraawi and Jaamac Ghalib should be allowed to have their political opinions.


Oh well, I guess Riyaale's old habit are proving hard to suppress.

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Libaax I agree with you about political freedoms.

Lakiin it was unclear to me the role of the man in question in the Nairobi

Conference. :confused: If he was there pretending to represent the interest of Somaliland and Somalilanders,then he was committing treason against the state and disregarding the constitution. The president clearly stated before this conference that no one was to represent Somaliland's interest at that conference. I have a feeling he was being used as a token "somalilander". Maybe you people can elaborate on his role in Nairobi.

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If this allPuntland story is true, then it shows Riyaale has little if any political maturity more than the individuals who even dare go to that Nairobi gathering. It is sad to hear about the loss of life but the people involved should have known better than taking the law into their own hands. I don't think Riyaale should be worried about people who are trying to make a living out the handouts being shared in Kenya, he should concentrate on helping the people rebuilding Somaliland.

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First of , this article has no substance. There was no such thing as a "dagaal". I am not fimiliar with the site but it seems to be putting Somaliland in a negative light, albeit worthless.


Now, the man cliams to be a Somaliland citizen where contrary to what this article preaches allows freedom of opinion and political believe however where does one draw the line on this issue?? What constitutes treason against the state and what constitues political freedom?

If the man takes the same stance as Hadrawi who is pro unity campaigner (although even this is up for debate because I heard otherwise), then clearly he woud not have faced the same situation. But how does democracy deal with a man who represents the interests of his people in a political forum that they clearly and outrightly rejected?? Surely this constitutes high treason and should be dealt with accordingly. He is selfish, greedy and damn right ****** . I think Riyaale dealt with him appropriatley. I am proud of the way my country is progressing, our security is indeed tight and our intelligence gathering adequate for a state that just emerging from the dark shadows.




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Angel-Dust, I think Allpuntland is one of the most credible Somali news websites today, if not the best, na'mean. News is just news na'mean. If it happens it should be reported. don't ya think?


About the dude in jail, well he shouldn't have travelled to Riyaale's turf na'mean. lol.

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Quote “Surely this constitutes high treason and should be dealt with accordingly. He is selfish, greedy and damn right ****** ” Since when did selfishness and greediness constitute or amount to treason?.


Quote “But how does democracy deal with a man who represents the interests of his people in a political forum that they clearly and outrightly rejected?” Is this your interpretation of Mr Ghalib’s political beliefs?


In other words you are condoning the loss (1 person) of life, injuries (4 in number) and damage to property (two airplanes damaged on the tarmac) due to the political beliefs of the individual?


Read the reports from Cige of the BBC for verification.


Rasaas ka dhacday garoonka diyaaradaha Hargeysa

Posted on Monday, June 23 @ 22:48:27 BST


BBC- Axmed Saciid Cige


Saaka abbaarihii 11kii subaxnimo ayay rasaasi ka dhacday garoonka diyaaradaha ee Hargeysa kadib markii ay soo weerareen garoonka dhallinyaro hubeysan oo la sheegay inay ka careysan yihiin xariga General Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo labadii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyeyba ku xirnaa xabsiga dhexe ee Hargeysa, dawladduna ii sheegtay inay go'aamisay in galbata Jamhuuriyadda la baxday Somaliland laga masaafuriyo Generaalka.


Garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Hargeysa oo markiiba aan tegay daqiiqado kadib rasaastaasi ayaa waxaan ku arkay ciidamo isugu jiray boliis iyo milleteri oo qaarkood ay wateen hubka culus ee tiknikada.


Taliyaha ciidanka Booliiska Somaliland colonel Cabdilqaadir Muuse oo aan kula kulmay duhurkii madaarka, waxaa uu ii sheegay in dhallinyaro hubeysan oo watay laba gaari oo yar-yar nooca loo yaqaanno MARK II ee fatuuradaha ahi ay dhinaca hawdka ka soo weerareen oo ka soo galeen garoonka, rasaasna ku fureen askartii ilaalineysay halkaasi.


Taliyuhu, wuxuu sheegay in saddex ka tirsanaa dableydaasi iyo saddex askari ay ku dhaawacmeen rasaastaasi la isweydaarsaday.


Taliyaha ciidanka Booliisku, wuxuu kaloo caddeeyay inay qabteen qaar ka mid ahaa dhallinyarada soo weerartay madaarka.


Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland, Ismaaciil Aden Cusmaan oo isna galabta sheegay isagoo joogay

madaarka in dhallinyaradaasi oo tiradoodu ahayd 8 ruux ay haatan wada hayaan, marka laga reebo ayuu yir mid dhintay.


Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in generaal Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib ay dawladdu go'aansatay in la mausaafuriyo

oo galabta loo masaafurin doono ayuu yiri dhinaca Jabuuti oo uu isagu codsaday.


Wasiirku, wuxuu uga digay sharikadaha diyaaradaha ee yimaadda Somaliland inaay soo qaadaan shakhsiyaadka caanka ah ee la yaqaanno ee denbiyada ka galay Qaranimada Somaliland, waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo ah wiil uu dhalay Generaalku ayaa isna ii sheegay maanta in aabihii uu ku jiro jeelka Hargeysa, Madaxweyne Riyaalena buu yiri uu laba qodob inuu yeelo midkood u soo bandhigay oo kala ah in uu ka noqdo federaalka Soomaliya ee uu aaminsanyahay oo sidaasi lagu

sii daayo iyo in la masaafuriyo.


Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib, wuxuu intaa ku daray in aabihii Jaamac uu diiday labada qodobba, mar haddii aanay jirin ayuu yiri wax denbi ah oo uu galay oo loo heysto.


Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdilqaadir oo BBC-da la hadlay, wuxuu isna sheegay in madaxweynaha

isaga iyo odayaal kale ay ka wada hadleen in Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib la isu dhaafiyo ayuu yiri halkii uu u socday, lana dhawro degenaaanshaha iyo nabadgelyada Somaliland.


Rasaasta saaka la isku weydaarsaday madaarka Hargeysa, waxay dhaawacyo fududi ka soo gaareen oo kale laba diyaaradood oo kala leeyihiin sharikada diyaaradaha ee Gallad Air iyo Daallo Airlines, laakiin ma jirto cid shicib ah oo wax ku noqotay halkaasi oo sida dad goob joog ahaa ay sheegeen in rasaastu ay socotay 15 daqiiqo. Hawlihii madaarka Hargeysa, ayaa baadigoodii ku soo noqday duhurkiiba.


Genaraal Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib oo lagu qabtay madaarka dayuuradaha ee Hargeysa sabtidii gabbaldhicii, iisagoo ka yimid Nairobi, waxay xukuumadda la baxday Somaliland, gaar ahaan Wasiirka Arrimaha Guduhu hore u sheegay in loo heysto denbiyo la xiriira –waa siduu hadalka u dhigaye- minjoxaabinta jiritaanka qaranimada Somaliland.

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Are you advocating another Somali police state? What did you guys expect from Mr. Kahiin? :rolleyes:


Former minister deported from Somaliland


NAIROBI, 24 Jun 2003 (IRIN) - A former interior minister and police chief of Somalia, who was detained by the authorities of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, was "deported" to Djibouti on Monday afternoon.


Somaliland Information Minister Abdullahi Muhammad Du'ale told IRIN on Tuesday the ex-minister, Gen Jama Muhammad Ghalib, had not been charged because he was in transit.


"It was decided that since he was claiming to be in transit not to prosecute him, but to deport him," Du'ale said.


Ghalib, who hails from Somaliland, is a delegate to the Somali peace talks currently under way in Kenya, and a vocal supporter of Somali unity within a federal system of government. He opposes Somaliland's unilateral declaration of independence from the rest of Somalia. He was detained on Saturday at Hargeysa airport, where his aircraft landed in transit to Mogadishu.


Du'ale said a group of eight young men protesting against Ghalib's arrest attacked Hargeysa airport on Monday. One of them died of wounds sustained during the attack, and the rest were arrested. Also wounded in the attack were two airport security officers. Du'ale added that "airport operations were back to normal within one hour".


On Monday, the minister told IRIN that any Somalilander who called for reunification with Somalia "calls into question the existence of the country and will therefore face the law".



Source: IRIN, June 24, 03

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^^^^Let's repeat your post Bari Nomad so Angel Dust understands about how "tight" "Somaliland"'s security is.




Former minister deported from Somaliland


NAIROBI, 24 Jun 2003 (IRIN) - A former interior minister and police chief of Somalia, who was detained by the authorities of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, was "deported" to Djibouti on Monday afternoon.


Somaliland Information Minister Abdullahi Muhammad Du'ale told IRIN on Tuesday the ex-minister, Gen Jama Muhammad Ghalib, had not been charged because he was in transit.


"It was decided that since he was claiming to be in transit not to prosecute him, but to deport him," Du'ale said.


Ghalib, who hails from Somaliland, is a delegate to the Somali peace talks currently under way in Kenya, and a vocal supporter of Somali unity within a federal system of government. He opposes Somaliland's unilateral declaration of independence from the rest of Somalia. He was detained on Saturday at Hargeysa airport, where his aircraft landed in transit to Mogadishu.


Du'ale said a group of eight young men protesting against Ghalib's arrest attacked Hargeysa airport on Monday. One of them died of wounds sustained during the attack, and the rest were arrested. Also wounded in the attack were two airport security officers. Du'ale added that "airport operations were back to normal within one hour".


On Monday, the minister told IRIN that any Somalilander who called for reunification with Somalia "calls into question the existence of the country and will therefore face the law".




Freedom of speech and the so-called justices for all, huh?

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I think you all are making a mountain out of a molehill.I think you all need to hear Jama Yare's interview on BBC before you start accusing the somaliland government.The man clearly states his dislike of authority and the government in Somaliland.There is a written law in Somaliland and if you do not recognise that law you are better off not visiting where that law is practised.This has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech since there are a million people who exercise that in Somaliland today contrary to what some of you might wish to portray.

To end this on lighter note if Jama Yare would have landed lets say for the sake of argument in Garoowe or Baidoa or even Mogadisho knowing his convictions would he be deported or would he meet some other fate????

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any Somalilander who called for reunification with Somalia "calls into question the existence of the country and will therefore face the law".

The key word here is somalilander , and the words of the minister are surely taken out of context. I'm sure he was refering to Jare's involvement in the kenyan conference and how it is contradictory to the constitution every Somalilander should respect. If Yare is a Somaliland citizen, he has a duty to respect and abide by the constitution. If he doesn't, then its only fair he face the law. Personnaly, I feel we should have some new legislation to be passed in parliment regarding TREASON. Somaliland is like any other country, if you do not wish to abide by its constitution and laws, then you should never take up citizenship.

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The tragic incident in Hargeisa raises a few important question among Somalilanders. The most important one has been posted by Angel Dust, 'what constitutes treason and what constitute political freedom?' . The question is; where is the thin red line between the two? Allowing opposing opionions is a good thing - what if the former Chief of Police want to invite a few hoodlums from Nairobi to meet in Hargeisa, should that be allowed or is it treason? If this about opinions then the Police Chief and his chums should have presented it to Somalilanders in the recent elections before claiming to represent us in Nairobi. I think the airport situation was bad handled, but you can't say Somaliland does not exist and expect first class service at the airport from people who worked so hard to rebuild it.



are you advocating another Somali Police state?

No. The former Chief of Police is a police state on legs. He just wants his old job back and anyone who supports the Nairobi gathering is guilty of of advocating a police state. How can you people who support the grand gathering of the most evil in Kenya lecture us on the state of our beloved Somaliland? :confused: You wish you had a police state in Somalia;) .



.are you condoning the loss of life, the injuries and the damage due to political beliefs?

This sort of thing might be a common in most Somali region but very rare in Hargeisa and Somaliland in general. Shock and sadness has been the reaction to the loss of a life from all Somalilanders i've spoken to. What happened should not be allowed to be the norm otherwise we will be like other Somali regions. This is just a reminder how much harder we need to work and we don't need this sort of bad news from people who are competing to be the ones to tell us first and a few times after that.


Viva The Republic Of Somalinad! Viva!

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Horn Africa,


What point are you trying to arrive at with these blank quotations??


Brother, I think you need to learn a thing or two about constitutions, democracy and the law. The lines must not be crossed over.


There are two conflicting issues here:


If you take citizentioship in any given state, then you must abide by the law of that country.


Secondly, one is entitled to thier opinions and political stance however, you must not in the name of greed and ignorance claim to represent the mass when infact the opposite is true. If you look back on Jama's stance you will notice that he has personnel issues with the parties in Somaliland, he was and is to this day rejected by the political groups active in Somaliland and it is becuase of this bitterness he joins the political shambles in the south.


The Somaliland government position on this is that of any goverance.


As Gediid put it, the man was deported as done by any self respecting, human rights obying state, one wonder what would have been the fate of the man had the same situation occured in Somalia????



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hello all


eventough i am new in this forum i already new about this story concerning jamac yare. i think this whole story has been blown out of proportion.


yamac yare fallsly claimed that he represented the people of somaliland in the somali reconciliation conference. how could he be representing people of state that he says doesnt even exist.


yamac yare is a confused imbecile. all he thinks about is that when somaliland and somalia re-unite he will be rewarded a job in the government for his continuing determinination to unite the two states once again.


the matter concerning his deportation i think has gone too far. eventough he went against somaliland law he should no be deported but imprisoned for his crime.


if he was an american and declared that usa was not an independent state but should re-unite with the british would that not be agianst the usa constitution and therefore a crime.


those people that claim that udub government are punishing him because of what happend in 94 between the government and tuur's militia are plainly ignorant. if that was the case half of the people in togdheer would be arrested.


so that surely is not the reason that he was arrested. we dont really need to elaborate on this point too much because the point here is that jamac yare committed a crime agianst the somaliland state and has been punished for that.

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How ironic...the Anti-Somalia camp are in the horrible position of defending the former NSS commander :rolleyes:



You wish you had a police state in Somalia

Ummm. No :confused:



if he was an american and declared that usa was not an independent state but should re-unite with the british would that not be agianst the usa constitution and therefore a crime.

You obviously have not read the US Constitution. No, that would not be a crime or against the constitution. Although they would probably laugh at him and recommend a good mental institution :D

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