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Tea and its side effects

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there is no doubt that somalies are the most tea drinkers after the british of course, so its not surprising that i drink to much tea around 4 to 5 cups a day.this did not concern me untill recently when i find out that apparently tea absorbes the iron you get from lean meat, which explains the fact that so many of our sis are low in iron. but how can one quiet tea, its the first thing that u drink in the morning and with nearly every meal, and mot to mention when visting others and they offer herbal tea, do you ask for hot water instead.

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its true tea drinking isn't enocouraged in the region am from either....and as a result i don't drink tea as am some what still aware of my mom's words....but i can't confirm what u think the reason behind it is....unless u tell me what it is..... :D

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Ohhhhh come on Girls ,,,, now u r making my life more difficult by not drinking tea ,,,, i usually drink tea minimum of 10 or 12 cups a day ,,,, and u r telling me this ???


I'm gonna die then ,,,,,,

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Well, are we talking about the girls that grew up sipping Tim Horton's tea and Sturbuck's caffe late or the girls back home who, because of sugar shortage, weren’t allowed to drink tea?.


Zynab, I think the benefits outweigh the negative. Tea is actually good for your health and if drank in modaration mines the sugar ofcourse will cleanse your body and give you clear glowing skin. It has also shown to soothe allergies, stomachaches, and menstrual cramps to name a few. :D


As for moi, there is no amount of iron deficiency that will stop me from getting my daily fix. Must have my hot Apple-cinamon tea in the morning and cherry flavor in the afternoon.

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"drinking tea is absolutely inappropriate for young ladies, oh why back in my days girls wouldn't dare go near tea" my mother's words, she occasionally has a fit when my sister drinks it, me on the other hand am not a tea fan...milk plz with ice(the more ice the better) and oh make that 2% milk.


:confused: she never really said why it was bad...anyone know?

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*** Pours herself a cup of Tea with hayl and qorfal…hmmm smells great …starts to take sip of her tea…tastes even better *** icon_razz.gif


Habluhu Shaaha ma cabaan baa la idhi The Story :D


19 Seventy coodh coodhkii bay laba odoy geed hoosti iyagoo shaah cabaaya ku shireen. Sheekado waxay ku saabsanayd Shaah iyo Dumar.


Xaraaro Waar heedhe maalintii koob kaliya baan guriga ka cabaa, mar ala markaan idhaa iigu soo biis, islaantii waxay ku odhanaysaa shaahii wuu dhamaaday anaga iyo hablihii gura baa cabnay. Markaan tiraa mid kale kari …waxay ku odhan, dhuxul badka lagu shidaa ma taal, sonkortii baa dhamaatay, ama biyohii baa go’ay. Markaa sidan si maahe we must come up with a plan.


Ina Hayl Dhagoole Waar waa runtaa, aniguna maqaaxi kama dhamaado adaaba ladan oo koob gurigaaga ka soo cabee. We should tell them shaahu dumarka uma fiican, waayo…sidan iyo sidan buu ka dhigaa (too many I dare to mention…ala maxay waxkasta ku hadleen) Markaa we should get our story straight and only tell xaaska…leave it to them to distribute the news to Dumarka kale. Word of mouth waa khatar when it comes to dumarkeena soo maad garan.



Markaa waxaa oo dhan was down to laba oday oo Sucuudigu gacmaha jaray :DBal maxaa u diiday in ay Jawaan sonkor ah. Jawaan Dhuxul ah iyo Foosto biyo ah guriga soo dhigaan bil walba :rolleyes:

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Markaa waxaa oo dhan was down to laba oday oo Sucuudigu gacmaha jaray
Bal maxaa u diiday in ay Jawaan sonkor ah. Jawaan Dhuxul ah iyo Foosto biyo ah guriga soo dhigaan bil walba :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by Cawo:

*** Pours herself a cup of Tea with hayl and qorfal…hmmm smells great …starts to take sip of her tea…tastes even better ***


Habluhu Shaaha ma cabaan baa la idhi The Story


19 Seventy coodh coodhkii bay laba odoy geed hoosti iyagoo shaah cabaaya ku shireen. Sheekado waxay ku saabsanayd
Shaah iyo Dumar.


Waar heedhe maalintii koob kaliya baan guriga ka cabaa, mar ala markaan idhaa iigu soo biis, islaantii waxay ku odhanaysaa shaahii wuu dhamaaday anaga iyo hablihii gura baa cabnay. Markaan tiraa mid kale kari …waxay ku odhan,
badka lagu shidaa ma taal,
baa dhamaatay, ama
baa go’ay. Markaa sidan si maahe we must come up with a plan.


Ina Hayl Dhagoole
Waar waa runtaa, aniguna maqaaxi kama dhamaado adaaba ladan oo koob gurigaaga ka soo cabee. We should tell them shaahu dumarka uma fiican, waayo…
sidan iyo sidan buu ka dhigaa
(too many I dare to mention…ala maxay waxkasta ku hadleen) Markaa we should get our story straight and only tell xaaska…leave it to them to distribute the news to Dumarka kale. Word of mouth waa khatar when it comes to dumarkeena soo maad garan.



Markaa waxaa oo dhan was down to laba oday oo Sucuudigu gacmaha jaray
Bal maxaa u diiday in ay Jawaan sonkor ah. Jawaan Dhuxul ah iyo Foosto biyo ah guriga soo dhigaan bil walba

^^lol :D ,, so it all to do with economic reasons,,armaa in shaaha gabdhaha u wnaagsanayn wax ka jiraan ;)

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Cawo: Word of mouth waa khatar when it comes to dumarkeena soo maad garan.

:D Cawo, nice theory walaahi. Waxaaba ii soo baxay image ah, laba oday oo geed qurac ah hoostiisa shaaha sidii loo xakimi-lahaa kaga shiraya :D . Wallee waa runtood, dumarkeena waaba aaladda warbaahineed tan ugu khatarsan, the best mass communication we have had till the telephone was invented smile.gif .

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A-Ladiif--Hunno no such thing is true. As usual somali men have brain washed our women into thinking such bizzare crap!



Its beyond me how we(women) would listen to such tales. Where has our scanty common sense disappeared to? Somali men are wonderful fabricators ;)

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Originally posted by Keyf:

Well, are we talking about the girls that grew up sipping Tim Horton's tea and Sturbuck's caffe late or the girls back home who, because of sugar shortage, weren’t allowed to drink tea?.

I don't think that "Shortage of Sugar" was the main reason for not letting the Somali girl to drink tea at that time. In the past, the Elders used to believe that if the girl started to drink tea, she will gain weight & become fatty, her body will lose its firmness and she won't be active to do the housework.


Girls used to start drinking tea only when they deliver a baby.


But, I don't believe that all the somali girls in SOmalia are still not drinking tea. Perhaps some of them are still following their Grannies' and mamas' words, but not all of them.


Now we enjoy tea with all flavours:-

Tea w/Milk

Tea with Mint

Tea with Cardamom

Tea with cinnamon


Tea with Coffee (Tried that?! so tasty)

Green Tea

Tea w/Lemon

Morrocan Tea

Genseng Tea

Tea with Thyme,,, etc


What a Great Revolution for the somali Girls to drink tea,and eat with their Male-relatives in the same table :D


What side effects?! I rest my mind and I don't give any care to these things. First docs & researchers say Tea is good for brain and heart, then another study come to the lights saying that "No, quit drinking tea coz it causes Heart Attacks and Brain Damage" !!!!


I'd say "Eat/drink/sleep & enjoy moderately & u won't get any Side Effects inshallah"

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Lemme tel ya da best tea forever:


Take some concentrated milk ,,, pour it in a pool and put it on the fire ,,,,, add some sugar and a lot of tea ,,,,,,, (don't even think to add water) ,,,


Taste this and tell me your BIG MARQAAN ,, :D:D

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