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THIS IS GREAT NEWS-- SL PL agreement!!!

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It has been more little over a year since the the two peaceful northern regions of Somaliland and Puntland got into armed conflict.

In that day both sides captured and took many prisons from the other side.Since then they have been talking about exchanging their prisoner's of war, so today it finally came when both sides exchanged their prisoners.I am really glad,because those young men can finnally go home to their love ones and get back to normal life unless offcourse they are sent once again to the frontlines. None the less it's great news for them to do that.


Somaliland Iyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Oo Maanta Isweydaarsaday Maxaabiis Dagaal

Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 5 December, 2005



Hargeisa ( Maxaabiistii Dagaalka ee lagu kala qabsaday Dagaalkii ka dhacay agagaarka Adhi-cadeeye oo u dhaw Magaalada Laas Canood ee Gobolka Sool Muddo hadda laga joogo Sannad iyo laba Bilood, ayaa maanta Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland iyo Maamul Goboleedka ******teeniya ee Puntland isku waydaarsadeen Xaflad ka dhacday Beriga Magaalada Adhi Cadeeye,


Xafladani oo ay ka soo qayb galeen Taliyayaasha Ciidamada Somaliland iyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxaa la isku waydaarsaday Maxabiis Tiradoodu dhammayd Xagga Somaliland 24 Maxbuus oo laga soo daayey jeelasha Garoowe iyo Boosaaso, iyo Xagga Maamul Goboleedka Puntland 12 Maxbuus oo laga soo daayey Jeelka Dhexe ee Maadheera, ayaa la isku waydaarsaday halkaasi, Maxaabiistani oo muddo sannad iyo dheeraad ah labada dhinac ay kala haysteen ayaa waxaa dedaalka sii dayntooda qayb weyn ka qaatay Haayadda xuquuqda Aadamaha ee qaramada Midoobay AMNESTY, haayadda ICRC iyo haayado Madax bannaan ee ka jira Somaliland iyo maamul goboleedka Puntland, sii daynta iyo iswedaarsiga Maxaabiistani ayaa muujin karta talaabo horumarineed oo kor loogu qaaday in xal loo helo muranka Xuduudka Somaliland iyo Maamul Goboleedka ******teeniya ee Puntland.







Salamu Calaykum.

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This is most certainly good news, but I wouldn't go as far as call it great news. Its definitely a step in the right direction, for the admins of Garoowe and Hargaysa to swap POWs.


But, to me, great news is when the militias of Dahir Riyaale and Cadde Muuse return to their homelands, Hargaysa and Garoowe, respectively. Then, both the SL and PL admins can sit back and let the leaders and civil society of Sool and Sanaag regions decide their collective destiny.


When will there be direct, high-level meetings between the two conflicting parties? When Dahir Riyaale and Cadde Muuse - who are both ready to see young Somali men loose their lives for some unknown cause - meet face-to-face, talk about reality and try to find a lasting resolution? When will the Somali citizens of Sool and Sanaag regions be taken out of this political limbo?


Good news, indeed. I have yet to see great news emerge out of the pointless border conflict between those two peaceful administrations.

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Originally posted by Yeniceri:

[QB] This is most certainly good news, but I wouldn't go as far as call it great news. Its definitely a step in the right direction, for the admins of Garoowe and Hargaysa to swap POWs.


Salamu Calaykum


Yap that is true, but let us take step by step in the right direction. Don't look ahead to what tomorrow has in stored,let us praise the fact that the politicians from both sides of the aisle have used little bit of their brain finally.


Everytime they reach peaceful solutions it's great news no matter how small it is as long as it makes positive impact as this. Sure enough, it would be the best to see the two northern adminstrations have peaceful negotations and reach a complete agreement to withdraw their troops from the current positions. However, with that being said, the "great news" that I was refering to was the current news at hand, but if it so happens that two side agree even more, it would mean even geater news and therfore would be the great news of the day on that day, but today this one is a great one and let us hope for more.


Finally, you do raise valid points bro and I couldn't have agreed with you even more.



salamu calakum.

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Puntland iyo Somaliland oo isweydaarsadey Maxaabiis ay kala Haysteen


Maxamed gaaxnuug





Kadib markii ay ka soo wareegtay Sanad iyo shan iyo Sodon cisho ayaa saaka si rasmi laysu dhaafsaday maxaabiistii lagu kala qabsaday dagaalkii 29/10/04 ka dhex qarxay Ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland iyo Ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ka dib markii ay weerar Soo qaadeen.ciidamada somaliland iyagoo fooda isku haleelay Tuulada Adhi Cadeeye oo iyadu u jirta magaalada Laascaanood 30 km.



Maxaabiistii Puntland


Maxaabiistii Labada Dhinac oo Isasalaamaya


Taliyayaasha Ciidamada Puntland iyo Somaliland.

Maxaabiistii Somaliland


Maxaabiistii somaliland


Ergo kasocota Hay'ada Cilmibaadhista Puntland


Isdhaafsiga maxaabiistan ayaa waxa dhinaca Puntland hormuud ka ahaa taliyaha Ciidamada Puntland Col.C/laahi Cali Mire (Carays) iyo wasiiro isla maamulka puntland ah halka dhinaca Somaliland ay ka socdeen saraakiil ciidan.


Maxaabiista lays weydaarsaday ayaa waxa ay ahaayeen 24 ka soo jeeda ciidamada maamulka Somaliland iyo halka kuwa Puntland yihiin 11 waxaana lagula kala wareegay goob iyadu u dhow amase ay gacanta ku hayaan maamulka somaaliland.


Dhanka somaliland waxaa horkacayey Taliyaha ciidanka Somaliland Nuux Taani iyo koox saraakiil ah waxay labada dhinacba cadeeyeen in uu jiray xidhiidh joogta ah oo ay ka yeelan jireen aaga muranku ka taagan yahay iyo maxaabiistaba waxa kale oo ay xuseen in ay dad badani kala shaqayn jireen sidii loo sii deyn lahaa maxaabiista labada dhinac.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa saaka lagu guulaystay isdhaafsiga labada dhinac maxaabiis. Hase yeeshee waxa ay indhahaygu qabanayeen tikniko badan oo ku jiray hareeraha goobta shirka halka qaarkalena joogeenba goobta shirka tiknikadaas oo ay lahaayeen ciidamada somaliland halka Taliyayaasha iyo wasiirada puntland aysan ka muuqan wax tikniko ah iyo ciidanba marka laga reebo raxan askari oo ah ilaaladii maxaabiista kuwaas oo ku hubaysnaa hubka fudud AK.




laas4.jpg Maxaabiistii Puntland


laas5.jpg Maxaabiistii Somaliland


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Look at their faces they dissappoint me, I don't know why they fight for disgraced old men, they all of the same people more or less look same puch of maryooleey to me, I couldn't really have known which is which had I not seen the statements under the Pictures.


Positive developments, at last they came to their senses.

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Maxaabiis xaflad loogu qabtay madaxtooyada Garowe!!!

-Garoowe - 05.December.2005




Waxaa maanta aqalka madaxtooyada ee magaalada Garoowe, xaflad ballaaran loogu sameeyey maxaabiistii ka tirsanaa ciidanka

daraawiishta ee ay gacanta ku hayeen maamulka Somaliland, maxaabiistaas oo maanta la is weydaarsadey.


Maxaabiistan oo ka koobnaa 12 ayaa waxaa si weyn ugu soo dhoweeyey madaxtooyada magaalada Garoowe, madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, ahna kusimaha madaxweynaha Puntland, Xasan Daahir Afqurac.


Soo dhoweyntii maanta ka dhacday madaxtooyaada Garoowe ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay xubnaha labada gole ee maamul goboleedka Puntland, saraakiisha ciidamada, ardayda dugsiyada iyo dadweyne aad u fara badan sida uu SBC u sheegay agaasimaha waaxda hab maamuuska madaxtooyada Puntland, C/salaan Xasan Ducaale.


madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, ahna kusimaha madaxweynaha Puntland, Xasan Daahir Afqurac, oo la hadlayey maxaabiistan ayaa sheegay in la qabqabtay iyaga oo difaacaya dalkooda iyo dadkooda isla markaasna la siin doono abaal marinta ay mudan yihiin.


Maxaabiista ay maanta is dhaafsadeen labada maamul ee Puntland iyo Somaliland ayaa u muuqda in uu gacan ka geysanayo jawiga nabadeed ee deegaannada Puntland iyo Somaliland.


Maxamuud Faarax Bile

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prisoners of war my ar$e .


some one gimme a militia and i'll shoot all the ba$tard$ in ill-fitting colonial metality safari suits my self.


Their worse than a pack hyenas the lot of them how can you take you brother prisoner.


god save us from these demented dim-witted vultures

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Thank you Bro Red Sea, the exchange of POWs of Somaliland and Puntland is a crucial step forward – a peace dividend.


However, we need urgent solution for the Somaliland-Puntland’ burning conflict over Sool Sanaag and Cayn.



From the list of POWs exchanged we see the fact that exchanged POW’s from Puntland side were almost from Sool clans except 1 from Bari. In contrast, All POW’S from Somaliland side were from Northwest ‘Hergeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle’ [half from neighboring east Burco], and few from Awdal.


I am not intending to draw clan lines (since all Somalis are one brotherly people), BUT my aim is only to have better understanding of two opposing parts of the conflict in order to get a lasting solution for the Sool Sanaag and crisis, we need honestly to realize who is fighting and why??????


I believe the for the most part the elders of Laascaanood and East Burco communities should find solution for Somaliland-Puntland Conflict



1) The two communities are brothers and neighbors


2) the most soldiers of the Puntland army are from Laascaanood, and at least half of soldiers of the Somaliland army are from East Burco


3) The elders of the two communities must prevent from their young men to be fuel of warfare, and NOT deceived by nonsense ‘war’ between Puntland and Somaliland


4) For centuries the two communities lived peacefully in Togdheer, cayn, sool, and Sanaag.


5) Certainly, if real war starts, most of the victims will be from these two communities


6) We know somali politics is nothing but pure tribalism, so If these two communities agree and choose peaceful co-existence,definitely they can prevent both Puntland and Somaliland to wage war over their territories.

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I could have guessed you are killer 95 rashid, but now you sure have improved your spellin. :D

And i await to also see Zainab iyo moxaaji.


But i am wondering why have all these ppl teamed up on me at once?

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Originally posted by Simply_I:

I could have guessed you are killer 95 rashid, but now you sure have improved your spellin.

And i await to also see Zainab iyo moxaaji.


But i am wondering why have all these ppl teamed up on me at once?

What is wrong, abaayadiis? Are people here deliberately bothering you, walaashiis, or there is something we don't know...? If so, they have no right to. Ee noo sheeg waxa jiro.

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