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General Duke

TFG: Courts and Xsan Dahir are the greatest danger to peace....

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My last post to Duke.



Not everybody measures government in how many of his clan members have a position in there but rather the quality of the leaders and their trustworthiness. Can they deliver? Are they men who practice islam accordingly? Or are they the remnants of what destroyed somalia(the warlords) to begin with?


If I was a clanist, I would defend the TFG because Aidid.Jr is there happily singing to the tune in Baydhabo. I am not interested in how many losers the TFG unites under its banner but what have they done for Muqdisho so far and what their plan is ignoring the poor image most members in the TFG have. Their efforts were Zero sum. In fact, if A/Y got his way long ago, Muqdisho would have been a battle ground inwhich the fighting force from our enemies would happily destroy what is left of the town and its residents. People rejected it. It is the same again.


The warlords whom A/Y feared are gone, so why call Ethiopia to come to your aid and who are you fighting against? If A/Y can't trust Somalis, he should quit because he has no right to fire a single bullet at anyone. The entire government doesn't equate in merit to a drop of blood of a somali. The TFG is not something any sensible person would and should die for, likewise, no one should be threatened and his life taken for the sake of it.



Also, Sharif Xasan opposed the deployment of Ethiopian troops into somali soil and believed agreements can be reached by somalis without foreign meddling and power since Somalis were willing to support the TFG anyway. Many of us on this forum had to defend Sharif from your usual propaganda and attacks against him. He is a somali person who deserves the support of every sensible being when he is right. When he is wrong, people should oppose him vehemently. That is the tradition of excellence and good characteristics. You give everyone their due right and don't deny them what they deserve just because they hail from clan X or B. Even A/Y himself is welcome if he proves to be a man interested in Somali's well being by giving up on calling for his ethiopian friends. As soon as he sits with others and shows he can deal with them, he is welcome. If not, he must be on his way to a happy retirement. No one is interested and no lives lost.


Unlike you, most somalis support men based on merit rather than the man being from your/their clan.



If Muqdisho and its surrounding inhabitants decide this government is a menace to them, A/Y and his small group will spend the remainder of their time in Baydhabo. No amount of foreign power can help him rule over them.


Government means safety and security, it means justice and brotherhood, It doesn't mean how many ignorant clan members have been appointed to a seat.


Horaa looga soo daalay clan issues, Gar ahaan in Muqdisho, we don't want it anymore. Allah has given us islam, inshallah we hope it stays put and strengthens the bond of somalis who live in Muqdisho from all clans. So far the residents are happy and all praises. The only thing that can unite hearts that hate each other is Allah's beautiful guidance. The TFG is not offering any healing but deepening clan animosities since it is an institution based on how many clans have how many members and what clans are sent to the back seat because they are worthless minorities. Such an institution based on such injustice is no institution. It will be and is for a fact a source of contention for the simple minded somalis who look at other clans and think they are elft out. It is sickness. No more corrupt elites coming to power through clan infested organizations like the TFG.



We need to free ourselves from corruption and nepotism, bigotry and hate and the only way we can do it is to resort to Allah's book. Anything less is asking for failure.

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^^^Much of the same useless, baseless rant.


Instead of an all inclusive governemnt. You would have us support a court run by a single clan. Headed by the elite of warlords, Cirfo, IndacADE, Abukar Cadaan, Xasan Dahir.

Where are the people? Where are the unarmed clans, the down trodden, the weak, the poor?


This is your view of justice, progress and furthering the national cause?


I want to free all my people, every man, woman and child, every town should have its say, and decesions should not be exclusive to those with the most guns. Including my clan....


I want to build on an imperfect government and system, it takes time and sacrifice. I do not fancy living in denail, pretending that crimes against Somalias are only commited by the old enemy Ethiopia...Somalia's greatest enemy has been ourselves, we destroyed our cities and killed our people..


You talk a great deal but all along you have been on a quest to defend your clan, and not the people of Somalia. A silly quest, with no facts or reasoning to support it..


You have tried to make Mogadishu your own, when it belongs to all. I told you, I have as many relatives in Mogadishu as you, yet you always attacked me becauase my clan were chased out of the city, thus you assume I have an inherent biased towards it, when I do not..


I never took you seriously specially the repetitive nature of your arguments.


So long my brother...

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Wallahi saxib, sometimes waa ka xumaadaa sidaan kuula hadlo. But anyway, learn few things:


A- Patience and giving others the chance to prove themselves. Is it difficult for you to see beyond clan affliation?


B- Admission of the progress others make, the courts have proven worthy by pacifying a city no one was willing to waste their time and blood on including A/Y. You forget it is teh residents who supported them and funded them throughout the war.


Muqdisho qofna kama xigsanin, I oppose foreign troops coming to it if people don't want them.


Nice weekend.

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Duke, did you ever went back to Somalia or you are just rotting in refuge and exile? Are you part of these guys whose mentality is still with the 1991 civil strife and clan conflicts? Bro, after 16 years there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you have any iota of intellect, you should quit this clannish mentality. Yeey is a sick old man ..probably like you. He will never work for the interest of Somalia and that is why majority of Somalis are against this Ethiopian hand-picked transitional government of the warlords. the ICU is a new revolution and it is not Qabiil based. You will see them flourish in other regions of Somalia.

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^^^Xoogsade, so much for the last post. :D

As for your defence, the courts came to power on the back of the peoples loathing for the warlords.


Their recent action speaks volumes, I really dont have the time to give the benefit of the doubt to the usual suspects, Sheikh Sharif seems honest but Xasan Dahir, Inda Cade and Co, are running the show. If you insist we show them respect, then why did we attacl Musa, Qaynayare and Co?




I was a child in 1991, fortunately I left the country before the war. The issue with me is justice, botom line, one must not speak about foreign aggreesion when there is homegrown ones.

I hope your new professed stance will mean you will fight the homegrwon injustice as much as you pretend to fight the Ethioipains..

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Ma dashan miya? After 16 years? would not our energies be better spent in supporting a national program, TFG,to restore our nation rather than what new slogans the criminals of Mogadishu come up with every few years.

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Thought Duke was an old guy. My gosh he was just a kid when the civil war started in 1991, that is 16 years ago? so, where are the mathematicians? the numbers don't ad up.

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Originally posted by Faaraxov:

Thought Duke was an old guy. My gosh he was just a kid when the civil war started in 1991, that is 16 years ago? so, where are the mathematicians? the numbers don't ad up.

:D:D As usual, most guys are thirty and girls never go beyond that magic twenty one number.


But honestly saxib, one can be obsessed with politics and be a die-hard clanist at the same time be in their late twenties or in their early thirties. Either way, one's political orientation is not a measure of how old they are. It actually makes sense Duke to be not that old, The trauma of running away as a kid and the negative stories you grow up with can do a lasting damage to one's reasonability. All you know is how to get back at your enemies even if you have to use ethiopians, hope to get some air-power so you can bomb them to pieces or as duke put it, ISOLATE MUQDISHO and its surroundings, it is all about getting back to people you don't like.

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GO FIGURE:.......

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Xoogsade, lol. I loved the whole post. I feel you bro.

Emotiven bable aside what new ideas did

you contribute to the thread? I told you before, the only people isolating Mogadishu are the warlords you support. The TFG, is for all Somali's its a shame you choose a warlord court run by your clan.


Wiilo, go figure who destroyed Somalia

a) Warlords including courts. b) TFG c) Ethiopia..


As for my age and background, now that would be telling.. ;)

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asalaama allaikum all


I really do not understand why you -good people- are giving these small minded people who have nothing in their small minds but narrow view and self and clan interest. they really do not deserve a sec. I know it is harsh to say this, but when you think of the thousands of kids and mothers and young and old who have to suffer in somalia, our country, because of warlords and their malitias, i believe anyone who opposes the only chance for peace is useless and does not deserve a word. I will even go further, the admin of this site should ban such individuals because of their heinous views, seriously.


Aws and Khasraj, two Arab tribes who fought tough and hard for ages were finally united and pacified by Islam. Somalia and her people have no other solution but Islam. Period.


Besides, if anyone respects the views of the public, majority of the people who live around all the areas that the admin of the Courts have reached are reported to be glad and have much better security and life is general is good. Shouldn't that be respected???????????

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Courts and Xsan Dahir are the greatest danger to peace

This has been the talking point for the proxy representatives in Baydhabo. Perhaps, General Duke does not speak of his mind. He’s just reiterating Melez Zenawi’s point of view. Hassan Dahir may be a threat to Yeey & the Zenawi regime but not to Somalia.


Wasiirka ayaa intaa ku daray in maxaakimta ay kaga khatar badan yihiin hogaamiye kooxeedyada, ......

One big fat lie.

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