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Crush the Extremists in Mogadishu!

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^ Maybe you wrote it under a pen name, who knows!! Qof kasta wixiisu wuu la macaan yahay. But If you need an outisers opinion, this is nothing but crap!

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You are all missing the mark. But then again who said you were sharpshooting.


The way to crush the violent trouble makers is to genuinely listen to and address their grievances. Even irreconcilable differences can be minimized to tolerable level that folks can live with. There is no such thing as societal problem that is beyond conflict resolution. Awoowe the gap between the two sides can be bridged -- and bridged reasonable realist on the ground will.


Yeah that’s right. As weird as that might seem to some folks, dirrin is where this one will be settled. In one way or another it will be put to rest. They are all tired in reaching out to that invisible golden cup. Remember folks shot, looted, displaced, executed, stabbed, bombed their way to villa Somalia and the golden cup in the villa has gone awol every time, on each one of these factions that reached the top of the hill. Just like the legendary holly grail no one knows where it is anymore.


Awoowayaal this Maandeeq -- a lady I used to be in love with -- is flat on its back with both her legs up in the air; wide open. Both sides are getting their fill in abusing her, violating her honor! Damn them all. They take their turn and shift the blame around.


One says, gimme liberty or death. In the name of Almighty and in the name of principles they don’t seem to understand, they discount what’s happening to Maandeeq as an acceptable abuse. The other side calls family archenemy and gang rape the petite dhuubo-dhexyar and reasons that the act is just an icebreaker that will set her free from a hostage situation.


She keeps on screaming Alla hoogayeey, Alle ba’ayeey; Quman hooyadeeyeeeeeeeeeey Alla hooyo qowsaarka iga qabo. Little she knows even her own mother -- now sleeping with the abusers -- exhorts her to revise the valuse she’s been instilling in her since Allah knows when and replies to her distressed daughter's call Quman Qallanjo-Luuleey annaa qalad sameeyaye, hooyo qoodho lama dilo. The family is wrecked -- dysfunctional and all of that.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Awoowayaal this
-- a lady I used to be in love with -- is flat on its back with both her legs up in the air; wide open. Both sides are getting their fill in abusing her, violating her honor! Damn them all. They take their turn and shift the blame around.

That's a lil graphic, init?




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"Yeah that’s right. As weird as that might seem to some folks, dirrin is where this one will be settled".


not so long as you have ethiopians or their represenatives on the dirrin. ethiopians don't subscribe to you phlasophy of dirrin problem solving, they rather order and demand then compromise and reconcile. simple as that, take the ethiopians and their representative out of your equation and you phlosophy may have a chance otherwise forget it.

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Originally posted by underdog:

quote:Originally posted by Baashi:

Awoowayaal this
-- a lady I used to be in love with -- is flat on its back with both her legs up in the air; wide open. Both sides are getting their fill in abusing her, violating her honor! Damn them all. They take their turn and shift the blame around.

That's a lil graphic, init?

That's Awoowe Baashi for you!


As if the comparison is even close. :( . Dumarka sidaa u dhaan, addeer. The word 'violated' would've summed it up somewhat.

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^Not interested in a cat fight. Please move on to the next thread. Why continue with your toils in the salt mines, right?


At issue is what to do with Ethiopian power.


Option #1: Fight them tooth and nail and drive them out of Somali soil.


Problem with this option: Ethiopian agression while self-evident, the urgency of the fight required to resist and finally dislodge them is not agreed upon proposition among Somalis.


Not only that significant portion of Somali masses are sitting out on the "Resistance" but also some are in collusion with Tigre aggression and argue that the problem is not with the "invited" Tigre merceneries but with some segments of Somali clan collection who are bent to pursue a selfish special interest. Those who took up arms against Tigre are limited to certain localities and communities. Hence the maxim 'House divided against itself cannot stand'.


Option #2 Deny Ethiopia the opportunity to exploit deep entrenched tribal animosity that's pervasive in Somalia. There is school of thought that asserts that the very reason that rendered Ethiopia undisputed power boker in Somalia -- king maker if you will -- is because of the civil war.

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don't pander to ignorant cyber jihadis Baashi. Ethiopia was and will always be a red herring for those who benefit from anarchy. Its a little naive to believe that that you can reason or compromise with people bent on keeping Somalia the way it is if for other reason then the fact that they will never be honest with other Somalis about what they want. Right now, those self proclaimed islamist are in Jibuti for negations but are saying they don't want to talk. when it comes to terrorist, you either surrender or defeat them, there is no middle ground and trying anything else is just a waste of time. The international community is telling the Somali government to negotiate with "moderates" but i wish they would practice what they breach, can you imagine Americans in the mountains of tora bora asking for the moderates to come out so they can negotiate with them.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

^Not interested in a
cat fight
. Please move on to the next thread. Why continue with your toils in the salt mines, right?

ahhh! being catty is all part of my Xaawaleey essence, as you have already deduced :D ! Laakin dagaal meesha ma taal, if you took my posting the wrong way, I can't help you, but something that rubs me wrong a bit is when someone's superficialty crosses into shallowness.

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These extremist need to be stopped in their track. How can they justify killing innocent school teachers and civilians

Well how do you justify childrens getting their throats slid in front of their mothers? or imams getting killed murdered in masjids on daily basis? al-shababs you can call them whatever names you choose them but i am telling you right now those young men are heroes in my book and it's unfortunate cowards like you guys called them terrorists...You guys rather be slaves and watch your family members get raped, robed and murdered..

punch of cowards with fadhi ku dirir..

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Posted to the MOL May 14, 2008, 2:53 pm by General Duke.


In badan baan maqalay iyadoo kooxaha fadhigoodu Asmara yahay ee martida u ah ee Isias Afarwerke ay ku eedaynayaan dowalada Soomaaliya inaanay (dowladu) xor u ahayn go’aankeeda oo taladu ka go’do Meles Zanawi iyo maamulkua Itoobiya, laakiin dhacdooyinkii ugu dambeeyey ee soo ifbaxay intii Qaramda midoobey isku deyeysey inay nabad arimaha soomaaliya ku dhamayso gaar ahaan shirka la doonayey in laga furo Jabuuti waxaa cadaatay in cida aan talada u madax banaanayn ee loo arimiyaa ay tahay Kooxaha dilka iyo deganaansho la’aanta ka wada soomaaliya ee la baxay Isbahaysiga (lama garanayo cida is bahaysatay!).


“Khaladka ay samaysay Qaramada midoobey waxaa weeye in ay dhayal-satay khilaafka xuduudeed ee soo kala-dhexgalay Ereteeriya iyo Jabuuti kaasoo ay ahayd in marka hore intaan kooxda Asmara loogu yeedhin Jabuuti la xaliyo khilaafka labada dowladood, maxaa yeelay Ereteeriya uma ogalaan doonto in shirka jabuuti guulaysto iyadoo ka caraysan Jabuuti, waxaana dhacaysa inay kooxda dib ugu yeerato” sidaa waxaa yiri Cadiyah Ciisawi oo ah khabiir masri ah oo ku xeel dheer arimaha geeska Afrika mar uu ka qayb gelayey dood BBC laanta Afcarabigu diyaarisay oo ku saabsanayd shirka Jabuuti.


Dhinaca kale ma jirto mucaaradad ama “kooxo kacdoon wada” (sida saxaafad beeleed yadu ugu yeedhaan) oo aan ku tiirsanayn ama aan gacan ka helin dowlado shisheeye laakiin marka taariikhda la eego ma jiro mucaaradad sharaf leh oo abid ku negaadey ama u dulqaatay dhaqanka qalafsan ee Asias Afewerke. “Intaan madaxa u ruxi lahaa awaamirta ar-xanka daran ee Afwerke waxaan ku samrayaa kuwa (awaamirta) Cumar Al-Bashir oo ugu yaraan aan ka sulaysanayn in Sudan khariidada caalamka laga waayo” Sidaa waxaa yiri Sadhiq Al Mahdi ra’isal wasaarihii hore ee Sudan mar uu isaga baxay Isbahaysi la dagaalamayey dowlada Sudan oo fadhiigiisu ahaa Asmara.


Xubin muhiim ah oo ka tirsanaa kooxda Asmara ayaa si hoose looga soo xigtey inuu yiri “Ma jirto dowlad caawimo iska bixisa ujeedo la’aan anagana Asmara waxaan ku joogna dilalka suuqa bakaaraha, weerarada saldhigyada booliska xamar, iyo miinooyinka aan dhulka ku aasno marka waa dan is weydaarsi”


Sida ay qortay wakaalada wararka ee Islaamka NABA (Islamic News Agency) Isiyas Afawarke waa saaxiibka ugu dhow ee Yuhuudu ku leedahay qaarada Afrika isla markaasna u adeega danaha deganaansha la’aanta ah Israa’iil, markaa waxaa la gudboon kooxda Asmara in ay doontaan xulfo kale oo u dhaabta ninkan dadkiisiiba ka dhigay waxa uu baro kiciyey iyo wax uu jeelasha ku buuxiyey. (halkan ka eeg waxa wakaalada NABA ka qortay oo Afcarabi ah)


by General Duke


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Originally posted by PlayMaker:

quote:These extremist need to be stopped in their track. How can they justify killing innocent school teachers and civilians

Well how do you justify childrens getting their throats slid in front of their mothers? or imams getting killed murdered in masjids on daily basis? al-shababs you can call them whatever names you choose them but i am telling you right now those young men are heroes in my book and it's unfortunate cowards like you guys called them terrorists...You guys rather be slaves and watch your family members get raped, robed and murdered..

punch of cowards with fadhi ku dirir..
Thats all thanks lunatics you are cheerleading for. But blame were it is. Only moryans in mogadishu, the ones with the religious cloaks or those working for warlords benefit from anarchy, mischief and the condition of the poor people of that city.

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Thats all thanks lunatics you are cheerleading for. But blame were it is

I am not cheering for nobody i am talking about reality, i see these ppl dying as my pple and that's how every somali men should look at it, you on the other hand and blinded by qabyaalid and don't give a rat's a$$ somalis dying in mogadisho, on top of that you ppl have the nerv come over here and mention 2 foreign teachers that died, i am certainly not condoning their killings but pls get real, somalis are dying by dozens.

Somali people use to be proud people but nowadays there is no sense of pride, there are so many amhaaro lovers like you but it's what it is, some people are accustomed nowadays to lower theirself and cheer for amhaars..

Keep cheering for your amhaars hommie but don't try put the blame on Al-shabaab, or maybe if you come out of your inside little qabil box you will understand why these young men putting their lives on line..

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Crush THEM



No other solution for somalidiid - dowladediid.. they benefit from Anarchy and etc ......



Abdiqasim looses election everyone turns islamic scam artist laughable .....



Dahir aweys was part of the balcad team when the TFG was at Jowhare without Ethopians troops - he never reconised the TFG lame excuses today..... Why dident Dahir aweys condem The TNG under Abdiqasim and call it Un Islamic ....



Slowely somali is commin back Thanks to


Alshaba for given somali such attenion from the world community

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