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Siilaanyo faces stiff competition in his own party Kulmiye!

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In a briefing at a press confrence by Kulmiye secretary general. This is waht he said.



Su'aal: Sidaad sheegtay waxaad isku diyaarinaysaan shirweynahii labaad ee Xisbiga sannadkani yaad usoo wadaan musharaxa madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga KULMIYE?


Jawaab: Arrinta ku saabsan musharaxa Xisbiga KULMIYE ee Madaxwananimdu waa arrin xisbi ahaan aanaan wali go'aan rasmi ah ka gaadhin oo aanu ka wada arrinsan doono Waxaa sidoo kale la ogyahay in shirwaynihii xisbigu aanu wali dhicin, markaa ma doonayo inaan arrinta ka hor dhaco.


Haseyeeshe waxaynu ka wada warqabnaa in Mujaahid Axmed Siilaanyo uu yahay musuul kaalin mug leh kaga jira taariikhda siyaasada Soomaliland iyo halgankii xoraynta dadka reer Soomalilandba. Waxaynu kaloo ognahay in uu yahay guddoomiyahii uga muddada dheeraa ururkii mujaahdiinta SNM. Waa aas aasahii Xisbiga KULMIYE dhidibadda u taagay.


Waxaa kale oo xaqiiq lama iloobaan ah in markii loo sheegay in si madmadaw badan leh uu ku waayay madaxnimada dalka doorashadii 2003, sidii wadaniyad jacaylka ahayd ee ugu dulqaatay xaq-daradaasi isagoo xeerinaya xasiloonida iyo sharafta shacabkii uu naftiisa u soo huray.


Guddoomiye Siilaanyo isagoo leh intaasi oo sharaf ah iyo in ka badanba, laguna yaqaano xilkasnimo iyo waayeelnimo, waxaan hubaa in masuuliyiinta xisbigayaga iyo ergooyinka shirweynahuba ay isku raaci doonaan inuu noqdo musharaxa xisbiga ee tartanka Madaxweynimada ee soo socota haddii ilaahay ina gaadhsiiyo.

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UDUB's ticket to Power has always been unity just as it stands for the United Peoples

Democratic Alliance in english.


President Dahir Riyaale Kahin invited dozens of opponents from the last set of elections into his government ASAD, SAHAN, HORMOD all merged separately with ruling party after loosing humiliating deafeats. Many of them are serving important posts as Ministers and D.G.s today.


Somaliland's first pres. Abdirahman Tuur returned to Somaliland when the country was at the height of election fever and encouraged people to vote UDUB. So did Suleiban Gaal, a man who was the runner up in 1997 election with Egal and former chairperson of asad. They were all absorbed into the UDUB megamachine.


Gabose if anything is damaging Kulmiye, its supporters will look elsewhere when they find out

this guy could be replacing Silaanyo. Same with Musa Bihi......who wants to see the faces from

somalilands civil war again.. The old man Silaanyo must be freaking out rule no. 1 divide & some more divide must be hitting home.

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I think Udub is not such a megamachine as you claim them to be. they only won the last election by a margin of 40 votes and their reputation has been tarnished since then and they are no seen by the majority to be a bunch of incompetent crooks.


I would have voted for UDUB in the last election but of what they stood for but now i know what they are really all about i wouldnt really vote for them.

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UDUB was a great party but Rayaale iyo Ahmed Yusuf Yasin iyo Saleebaan gaal ayaa ku x.aaray. Time for change. UCID has the best political structure among the three of them. It's also more inclusive but their leadership in Waraabe is below average.


Kulmiye needs little tune up. They look like the future leader party of the country.


PEOPLE HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN UDUB any more. That is what I gathered from the locals while I was there last summer.

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I hope UCID could sort its leadership issues out because i would have no problems in voting for them then.


BTW are there any other credible leaders in the UCID part who can replace the Loose Cannon and that is the Hyena of Somaliland.

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I'm sure there are many includinmg teh sopeaker of the house but waraabe was elected againg lasy year to lead the party for the next 5 years.

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What is the reason ? because i'm from you clan. what about the people from cerigaabo, but are under the rule of Buntland ? i mean if those people are allowed to vote i shoud be too

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I think the saying "kud ka guur oo qanjo u guur" applies to Kulmiye if Gaboose and Muusa Biixi become the new leadership of Kulmiye party. I hope those guys will disappear from the Somaliland's list of leadership. But, Silaanyo needs to leave Kulmiye if the party wants to gain bigger base and become popular in all six regions of Somaliland. And I believe a guy like Maygaag will just do that.


The other party which needs leadership change is UCID. Feisal A. Waraabe should either learn how to share party leadership with other party leaders or leave UCID for good.


Ahmed Yussuf is just like Siraanyo because they both know how to lead groups instead of a nation. And please do not even mention Saleeban Gaal who cannot even win Burco where he is from.

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I dont think you should be comparing a man like silaanyo to a dog like ahmed yusuf. Silaanyo, is a man with many faults but he has not plundered, purged and destroyed whole areas just to fill his pockets and kill his enemies. they are not in the same frame group so its too harsh to silaanyo to liken them

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I'd vote for Dr.Gaboose, I dont' really know much of Muse Bixi other than his SNM days. So I need to know his educational level and what not, before I would give him any considerations.

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Stay away from Gaboose if you listen to me ,,,, he better be a normal doctor than practising politics ,,, he has no decisions and no stance at all ,,,,,,,,,,,,


Muse Biixi can be the minister but not more than that ,,,,,,,,,



Siilaanyo is great old man but lacking some kind of leadership and he is sorounded by un-skilled and qabiileystayaal ,,,,,, he should be more strategic and create an invoronment where he can gain the people's support.


Ahmed Yusuf is not in my list at all ,,,,, looser fooqal bilaa faaído ,,, he better open a bakhaar and sell the Abu-walad buscuits :D



Rayaale is not that strong one but at least he has some experience of leading a nation ,,,, he succeeded to build a very powerful military and security forces but still lacking some sort of communication with his people, opposition and others ,,,,,,,,,,,


Faysal is out of my list too ,,,,, UCID would be much better without this guy but seems for me the party has a long long way before they jump to the seat ,,,,,,,,,, i doubt with him they can win anything at all ,,,,,,,,,,

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