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Giving Birth- Is He In OR Out???

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Earlier this i went to visit my aunt in Austria (i was supposed to help look after my younger cousin whilst she gave birth and stay with her a lil while).


Let me tell you, I was conned by my abti, he made me go in the ambulance with her (excusing himself so he could take his daughter to someone’s house so we could both be at the hospital) and then in the delivery room...


"abti, do you want a drink?"

"maya abti i'm fine thx"

"i'll get you one anyways, whilst i'm at it, i might as well go back to the house, i forgot the camera"


my reaction was what the #@#%???? Surely he is not expecting me to go into the delivery room. What was supposed to be a twenty minute journey (from the hospital and back) managed to take a lil over two hrs, by that time i had no choice but to go into the delivery room. Mash Allah, during the six hrs my aunt was in labour, she didn't scream once only during the last push did she say "allay hooyo", but the pain on her face said it all...then, as if the sight of my own habaryare blood on the bed and on the floor wasn't enough, they made me cut her umbilical cord which i did twice because i didn't do it properly....


Then I went outside to look for my uncle, to call family etc etc but the worst thing was when I came into the room just as they had delivered the placenta, which seemed just as traumatic. But...its never clear until that moment that another human being comes out of another human being.


All in all, it was an interesting experience, but not one that I would care to repeat anytime soon.


As for him being in or out...I'd say in, but him agreeing to it...that is a completely different matter



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waraa faraha naga qaad adi..Caloosha cumaroow cumaroow a ku


wareer badanaa!!

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this is when i hate somalimen, when they comment with dhooranimo. how can one say i cant see bahalkaas dhiig iyo dhacaanleh. this is hw u come to the world. and this will be hw yr kid will come to the world. if u have such disrespect and disregard, well i suggest then u dont have to go in THERE. period. iam sure there are other xxxx preferences. subxanalah, hw can anyone talk like this? what happened to respect? what happened to being bini-aadam? i really dont find some of the comments funny! say war qeer leh, or else iska aamus.


feebaro, maxad tiri, aaqaseeey? i hope u were implying to the comment made by that dude :mad:

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JACEELBARO sxbkiis see camal, meeshas sxboow wax yaa laga sheeg sheegin weynu kasoo wada baxnay miyaad hilmaantayna, maba habboono wallahi in la yiraahdo waxaas baa ka da'ayo oo ka qubanayo, ee inaga dhaaf niyahoow gabdha badan baa halkan joogee xattaa nimanki baad ka yaqyaqsiissay sida feebara kolley anigu maba yaqyaqsado waayo meeshaas meel la naco maba ahanba hadii uu cunug kasoo baxayo iyo haddii kaleba.

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Waa ka soo wada baxnay waa sax,,,, hawshuna waa dhib badan tahay,,, meeshana cay kuma jirto,, laakiin sow in runta la sheego maaha ??


Juxa,, i know meesha inaan ka soo wada baxnay laakiin marka ay wax ka soo baxayaan FIIRSADA oo DAAWADA la inama dhihin,,, khasabna maaha in la daawado,,,,


Marka ,,, wuu macaan yahay laakiiin naga dhaafa ha na tusina marka meesha dhibaataysan tahaye,,, dad ajnebi ah oo daawanayaan aragnay excuse miyaa??? naga dhaafa bahalka macaankiisa ha naga barninee,,,,, hadhowna qaaraa dhihi doona waan leefaynaa,,,,, see camal ,,,,

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There are ways of saying certain things. Some of u haven't got the knack. All I hear is mafrash talk. Stay there while the wife's in labour and drug yrself to the eyeballs. By the sounds of it wax aad tari laheedeen baa iska yar.


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ there is no point talkint grown up with u.


i guess, what i read of men being put off sex by the experience is true. but if momental joy is more important than the well-being of qofkad nolosha la qaybsanayso, well,,,,,,,halkaas yaan uga haray

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If anybody has any business being put off, it's the woman..


Sometimes I despair of our men. They'd rather not be involved unless there's something in it for them. God help us.


Selflessness. Look that one up, boys.


And when u're looking it up, borrow the dictionary's spine. Some of y'all sure need it.

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shahrazada, i agree sister.


natty brother, its a personal choice, ani kuma dhihin meesha soo jeego dheerow. its what u and the lady in question agree.


some men, dont wanna be there, some do, lakin hadii laga fursan waaye, qof aa iskaga dhigaysaa ma jirto. right?


one more thing. it will put me off sex, afmiyaa. is it all about you and yr needs? iyada naf malahan miyaa? my allah for once ragow think with yr head :rolleyes:

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one more thing. it will put me off sex, afmiyaa. is it all about you and yr needs? iyada naf malahan miyaa? my allah for once ragow think with yr head

Will do, ma'am! Advice taken. You have a point there; thinking with the head pays off nicely smile.gif .

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u know what,


i want my husband (if i get married) to be there with me, has he got a choice- HELL NO!

it took 2 of us to make this baby, and it will take 2 of us to bring it into the world.


ok, so he is faint hearted and whatever, i'll allow him looking between ma legs..


he can comfort me, hold my hand, strock my hair, wipe my 4head with a cool cloth, tell me he loves me, and when that final push comes...cuddle me.


plus he has to be the 1st person to hold our baby and say the SHAHADA, cant ma baby hear nothing before that moment---no-one elses voice! shhh!


u guys complaining about blood, and fluids coming out?......suddenly u saying your crap smells of roses? naah we put up with all your xaar, we support u in whatever u a lil support in our time of need, when we are at our weakest!


if u cant do that then get gone!

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If we really look at it, a father not being there the first day their child is born can be a prelude of what's to come...look at our society for instance, many families are missing father figures and this just might have been the instigating factor that started it u gents, be there to cut the umbilical cord and I guarantee u have a greater chance of being in that child's life/trying to do what's best...otherwise if ur not there for the experience, u won't fully appreciate what it took to bring that 8lbs 5 oz baby into this world and seeing their cute lil' faces looking up at u to protect them, coffeetime and the rest of ur priorities will be out the window...just a thought...


p.s.-suck it up!!!! all u whiners....boohoo..."i hate blood, my culture says thats not manly"..etc..etc...etc.... :mad:

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