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Jen. Galaal Dacwada laga soo oogay Maxamed Cali Samatar waa wax sax ah - Caajib..!

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Jen. Galaal "Dacwada laga soo oogay Maxamed Cali Samatar waa wax sax ah"


Jen. Maxamed Nuur Galaal oo ka mid Saraakiishii hore ee Ciidamada Xooga dalka ayaa taageeray dacwada lagu soo oogay Wasiirkii hore ee Gaashaandhiga Jen. Maxamed Cali Samatar oo haatan ka bilaabatay Maxkamad ku taal dalka Mareykanka.

Jen. Galaal oo ay isla soo shaqeeyeen Cali Samatay ayaa ku eedeeyay inuu sabab u ahaa xasuuqii loo geystay dadka ku nool Gobolada Waqooyi, isagoo tilmaamay in dadkaas la rafaadiyay.

"Runtii Dacwada lagu soo oogay Maxamed Cali Samatar waa wax sax oo uu ku muteystay dhibaatooyinkii xumaa ee uu ka geystay Goboalda Waqooyi"ayuu yiri Jen. Maxamed Nuur Galaal.

Waxaa uu sheegay Galaal inuu isaga dhageystay amarka uu bixiyay Jen. Cali Samatar, kaasoo uu sheegay in diyaarado lagu garaacay deegaanada Gobolada Waqooyi ilaa dadkii ay ka gaareen xuduuda Ethiopia.

“Dad badan ayay meeshaas ku rafaadiyeen, wixii qaxayay ayay dayuurado kala dabatageen ilaa xuduuda Ethiopia ay ka galayeena waa ay sii garaacayeen, Maxamed Cali Samatarna halkaasi ayuu joogay oo waxaan dhageystay isagoo dhahaya amarkaasi aniga ayaa bixiyay marka dad shacab ah in la xasuuqo diin fasaxeysa iyo nidaam fasaxa malahan”ayuu yiri Galaal oo eedeyn kulul u jeediyay Cali Samatar.

Dhageysiga Maxkamada Cali Samatar ayaa xalay ku soo gaba gaboobay fashil, kadib markii uu muran weyn uu ka dhashay qaabka Maxkamadeynta, waxaana jiray is afgaran waa soo kala dhex galay Garsooyaaashii Maxkamada oo ku aadan qaabka loo qaadayo dacwada.



Hoyga wararka Somaliyed

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Jen Galal is not a good guy, but here I feel he is telling the truth. Maybe we are affected by the clan issue and the fact that Cali Samatar in la takoorayo not to see what he has done.


I objected to one man's version of Xabsibaa la igu garaacay as if more horrific crimes were not committed in Somalia. But when it comes to genocide matters, I think Ali Samatar is ewvery bit culpable. Ummadda Somaliland ee uu diyaaradaha ku dalbaday darteed waa in loo ciqaabaa isaga iyo the entire command structure in those days. And Siyaad Barre himself posthoumously.


Intaad dadka layso inaad hadhow reerkayagaa miskiin ah oo la igu eryanayaa lagu meereysto ma aha.


But it is also good to see Galal's role in the Muqdisho massacres of the USC!

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I don't mind anybody else calling Samatar guilty - but Galal - out of all people. Not was he only part of the State organised genocide in Waqooyi Galbeed in 1988-89-90. But Galal was an important figure and a contributor to the Somali civil-war.

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Well the difference is General galaal has done things during civil between armed groups, but in the case of cali samatar he ordered the carpet bombings of entire cities, it's like comparing hitler and some english general who took part in the civil war between england and germany.

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Horta ninka dacwada u heysta Cali Samatar bacause of inuu 20 jiroow ku xirnaa sow yaab ma leh?, sow xabsigaas NSS-tu ma xukumi jirin? Ninkii heystay sow Dafle maaheyn?, Rayaalena sow kama tirsaneyn.


Mareykanka JUSTICE laga doonayo sow dad masaakiin ah & xoolo kuma gumaadiin Dhoobleey isagoo ugu mar-marsoonaya Terrorist ayaa meelaha ka dhow?

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Maaddey, maraykaanka themselfs need to be bought in justice for the crimes they in black hawk down. :D

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Oo haddii kuwii diyaaradaha wadey, kuwii shidaalka ku shubayey, kuwii madfaca hoggaaminayey, kuwii dadka guryahay kala soo baxayey ee inta dilaya cagafta ku aasayey ay meelahaaan horteenna ah marayaan tolow maxaa laga rabaa Cali Samatar keligiis.


Bal intaan dib iskugu noqonno inta halkan wax ku soo qortay keliya immisa qof ayaa laga yaabaa inaad taqaanid oo xasuuqa Samatar lagu haysto wax ka geystey? Mase aragtay wax daba jooga kuwaas? Caddaalad baa la rabaa...I don't care about Cali Samatar's calaacal and I beleive that he is guilty but he is not the only one.



Galaal? Hadduuba weli gacanta xumaanto kula dhexjiraa oo isagu maba xishoonayo.

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^So it's all or nothing?


Gen. Samatar as noted by his former subordinate was on the top of chain command. If he goes down,so will others . However, if we refuse to bring him to justice based on the notion that he is being profiled and singled out, then the chances of prosecuting crimes by others will also evaporate into thin air. This is a great opportunity and a starting point of where we could weed out the perpetrators of Somali civil wars and crimes. They must not get away with their crimes regardless of who they are, starting from the top.


Also remember, a war criminal are not usually a field soldiers who obey orders, rather those who give them the orders to obey. In that sense, Gen. Samatar needs to be proven guilty here for us to even move forward.


As somali proverb goes: " Yeele waa ilowbaa, lakinse layeele ma ilaabo"


It's easier for those who perpetrated or partook the Somali civil wars to easily dismissed this as nothing but 'grievance by the usual suspect" or perhaps selective justice, however this is justice with disregard to other side tracking issues such ex.NSS being a President of SL today. So be it as it might, NSS chief is no equal to second in command of the entire country and the chief of military stuff, Gen. Samatar.

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lol@ good move but the truth of the matter is this. Somalis can not use foreign courts to settle their scores if for no other reason then deplomatic immunity... The right wy to go about this if Somalis are truly concerned with justice and it is my opinion that without closing that chapter a new can not be started, then Somalis must get together and start a tribunal for not only the previous regime but the leadership of those who perpetuated the civil war. As things stand now, each peoples are protecting their criminals. Its unimaginable that Somaliland would allow high ranking members of the SNM to tried just as puntland would not tolerate the prosecution of ssdf members or usc in the south... as long as that is the status quo, there is no need to try to settle scores in foreign courts. lastly, as long as somaliland is claiming to an independent nation, their is no hope for national Somali tribunal...

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