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Reuters: Refugees in Somaliland angry at status change

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

^^^I am sure that
, would rather take his chance against the local gypsy of any passing western city that he may be found himself to be living in than the sort of the idea of legally conjoining oneself with such a linguistically-challenged
"alleged Somalis"
of your description, indeed...

You're not the first retard we came across. Reer Bay/Bakool adiga iyo wax lamida waxba uma oga.

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^What a joke! Somalis of Bakool and Bay are likened to Oromos? So, let me get this right. If they have a dialect, which as you alluded don't understand, they're part of the 'muslim communities of the horn of Africa, like the Oromos?'..


I wonder where your definition puts people who originate from your neck of the woods who were born and brought up in Bay & Bakool? 'Cuz, apart from the lineage, they would be Oromos, right? What a joke!

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^In light of this, I don't know how much knows about people of Bay and Bakool. I don't know if he knows Bay/Bakool is linguistic federation of all Somalis tribes in the horn including the native tribes.


Oodweyne...In few years time eh...? You have been saying that as far as I could remember! Regardless, I don't think you are doing good job when your reer Abti are labelling as Somalidiid :D


P.S. We all exhibit degree of Qabyaalad but yours run deep-cusirinimo kaweyn ma,arkin unless you are pulling our legs.

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Oodweyne, you are insisting on your madness :D .


No matter.


This is my take on it though: the harsh historical narrative in which Oodweyne grew up with taught him to admire those who throughout the history denied his forefathers’ camels to graze in peace, taught him to appreciate D-blocks’ political prowess and the ferocity of their injustice. Unfortunately he refused to extend the same gentlemanly attitude in his dealings with those whose wrath he never suffered.


Fair analysis, Oodka?

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Originally posted by Oodweyne:

, on second thought, I may be even minded to consider such a drastic case, particularly, if my daughter were foolish enough to bring home some
"strapping lad"
of the
"May fadaase"
kind of folks of
regions; in whose his kind of ilk, one used to come across them (
if ever
), in the street of
, as the usual huddled
"teeming beggars"
of that city, in those bygone era of the Somali Republic.... :cool:




Ma mid Afmaay ku hadasho kugu daadisay, so is that why you sound bitterly old and cranky on here? My bad, haddee ku diiday don't you xaar xaar on SOL. Keep your dhaybar on. We can do nothing for you. smile.gif


And I won't stoop that low down with you to insult dadkaa sheegatid, but dadka Soomaalida xalaalka ah iyo dadka sheeg sheegto waala yaqaan. A separatist, who in his inferiority complex claims to be a descent of Carabs, dares to question others' Soomaaliness. Waa yaab. Adduunkii ayaa upside down iska ah.


Go ahead, be my guest to compose another empty, long-winded response that won't be read and that I won't reply back to it, either -- if it helps you sooth your bitterness before you seem to lose your marbles, starting with your murderous mind of planning to murder some imaginary people. Just don't go postal on SOL.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

Guys could it be Oodweyne was reminded Ina Barre and reer Gedo are May May speakers

hahahahaha horta how does the reer may may guulwade songs sound like :D

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Mutual penetration is the ultimate integration

:D wasakh! Really that was awsome line! I might use it

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Originally posted by Qhalib:

quote:Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

^Mutual penetration is the ultimate integration


wasakh! Really that was awsome line! I might use it
That line seems from someone who is a sodomite.

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