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C/allahi Xasan Firinbi, major dhabo-dhilif warlord, oo maanta bakhtiyay

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C/laahi Xasan Ganey Firinbi oo u qaabilsanaa dowlada KMG ah ee la shaqeysa gumeysiga Itoobiya ku xigeenka dhinaca siyaasada ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa maanta ku geeriyoodey isbitaalka Madiina ee magaalada Muqdisho.



Mudane Malcoon Firinbi was one of the infamous 9 warlords oo isku bixiyeen, Isbaheysiga Ladagaalanka Argagaxisadda, whereas the rest of the shacab knew them as Shahaado(tawxeed) la-dirir. Him and his cohorts(all TFG 'MPs') specialized in the kidnapping and selling of Somali scholars and other 'undesirable elements' to the CIA for interrogation(read: torture), after which they were returned and murdered at Bali-doogle airport. This reign of terror continued thru early 2006 until the Islamic Courts-led uprising destroyed them and rescued Mogadisho from the grip of Ethiopian-backed dhabo-dhilifs.


During a recent gathering of dhabo-dhilifs in Xamar to give thanks and show gratitude for their Xabashi sponsors, Mudane Firinbi was quoted as shouting sycophantically like a well-trained house nigger: Meles Zenwai ha noolaado.


Ninka saas uu hadlay maanta waa baqti. Eesh cala poetic justice.


Various comments by Somali netizens on the bakhtifying of Mudane Firinbi:

Firinbi gala racii weynaa haduu geeriyooday alaha naarta ku fogeeyo koley qofwalbaa wuxuu ku xusuusan doonaa hadalkii uu ka jeediyey sadax todobaadkahor xafladii gumeysiga dhigtay ee uu gabre xiriiriyaha ka ahaa isagoo ka yiri hanoolaado Malaz lakiin isaga ilaahey ma nooleyn naftana waa laga qaday inta harsan ee uu berlawe ka mid yahayna hada wrar so dhacaya waxey leyihiin isna wey ka duushay ee wuu baqtiyey

Cabdillaahi firinbi, ha lagu cibro qaato. Waxaa inoogu dambaysay isaga oo aan toobad keenin. Waxay u badantahay in lala soo xaadiriyo kuwii uu jeclaa. Haddii aanu tawxiidka haleelin oo aanu toobad ku dhiman Alle Cadaabta ha ku fogeeyo.

Salaanta islaamka ka dib, ilaahay mahadiis weeye hadii ilaahay naga oofsaday sharkiisa, inta la mid ah waxaan ilaahay ka baryayaa inuu naga qabto shartooda & waxay la maagan yihiin shacabka soomaaliyeed

Waxaan aad ugu faraxsanahay in uu geeriyooday Galo racii waynaa ee mr firinbi, waxaa Illah ka bar yayaa in qofkasta oo muslimiinta dhiba in gacantiisa wayn Illahay uga qabto islamku insha'allah.

waxaan rabaa in aan wano ujeediyo dadka islamka ah'waxaana leeyahay illahay ka cabsada Islamka haka xigsanina Gaalada :ee soo noqda raaca Dinta islamka

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Honestly speaking, qof dhintey in la sii daba galo ma wanaagsano, marka Ilaahay baa la xisaabtamayo, halkaas aan kaga harno, Wabillaahi Tawfiiq.



Inta hartey ee Tigrey la shaqeesana ha raacaan wadada Firinbi!

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Guys, saying "amin Allaha u naxariisto" in this thread is just like looking for trouble. This thread is not kinda ala-allaha-u-naxariisto thread if you know what i mean :D

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Subhanallah, What a propostrous thread...


Where is the Admin... Do something, this is beyond normality, we are muslims and as such we have to respect the dead, it's a humble request of mine that it should be included in SOL's golden rules...


I wonder how this guy manages to escape from a ban, cosidering his shortsighted, inadequate and offensive contributions, discussion approach and utter disregard for other members of SOL and overall behaviour... :confused: SOL wax halaga qabto... Firimbi caruurtiisa/walaalihiisa oo muslimiin fiican ah ayaa aqrisan kara...


*****Shakes head and leave******



PS: Allaha unaxariisto Marxuumka, Al7isaab 3indalaah

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^ Why loo mamnuucaayaa kashafa? He is an excellent muslim and better than all who support the TFG which is responsible for the mass killing and dispalcement of muslims, and is engaged in the most unislamic deeds ever in our homeland to this minute. Selective islaanimo equates munaafaqnimo. Where is the islamness in supporting the genocide and mass murder of muslims in Muqdisho? Anyone who is capable of blinding himself to the attrocities perpetrated by the TFG has no voice in islam. Allah in his Quran says:


And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and the Wrath and the Curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him.

A/Y, Maxamed Dheere, and the likes of them expressed indifference and total acceptance of their responsibility in the mass murder, you have individuals supporting these criminal men while they claim to believe in the Same God who clearly states in His Quran such severe punishment. Marka, islaanimada yaan been laga sheegin, the least qualified to speak on behalf of islam are people who support the TFG.


As for the thread, Ilaahay ha u naxariisto ma dhahaayi, isaga iyo camalkiisa. That should be enough.



Bro Kashafa.


Ducaadaada uun ka reebo though aa xaq u leedahay inaa lacnad ku tuurtid anyone who willfuly participated in the suffering of somalis. Leave it to his deeds, that should be enough although you have every right in the book to throw lacnad on any criminal murderer.

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Emperor: Maxaa kaa waalaaaya? Maybe Kashafa went little over board calling a deceased muslim "bakhti", but you of all people to speak is laughable. You accuse him of offensive contribution when you sir, are guilty of spamming the entire forum with offensive TFG crap and posts that are celebrating and rejoicing over the Ethiopian attacks on our civilians in Muqdisho. Ma af aad ku hadashaa kugu yaal?


As far as I'm concerned Kashafa follows the rules set for the site. You on the other hand have been banned at least once [if not more] that I know of. Some of your earlier [and current] posts made you look just like an angry child on the playground who just had his kickball taken away. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you place this current name with the other banned names in your collection...



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The defeated groups are celebrating death, thats the difference between them and us.


May Allah give mercy to the man who died, to abti Farimbi and his imdediate family my condolence.


Alla Ha UNaxariisto

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May he rot in hell!'


Emporer(don't throw stones if you live in a glass house) if anyone should be banned it should be you and the others who constantly declare a victory when helpless somalis are massacred; when you explicitly engage in naked tribalism, when you quote qabiloutlets and when you are on record calling for the cleansing of Muqdisho.


I can't utter the words "allaha ha u naxriisto" to people whose actions have resulted in the murder of innocent somalis.


Don't insult our intelligence; You and some of the neurtrals on this site don't care about Muqdisho. All you care is to line behind Abdullahi Yusuf

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Originally posted by Odey:

May he rot in hell!'


Emporer(don't throw stones if you live in a glass house) if anyone should be banned it should be you and the others who constantly declare a victory when helpless somalis are massacred; when you explicitly engage in naked tribalism, when you quote qabiloutlets and when you are on record calling for the cleansing of Muqdisho.


I can't utter the words "allaha ha u naxriisto" to people whose actions have resulted in the murder of innocent somalis.


Don't insult our intelligence; You and some of the neurtrals on this site don't care about Muqdisho. All you care is to line behind Abdullahi Yusuf

I couldn't have said that better. They aren't fooling anyone but themselves.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

The defeated groups are celebrating death, thats the difference between them and us.


May Allah give mercy to the man who died, to abti Farimbi and his imdediate family my condolence.


Alla Ha UNaxariisto

Are you sure about that son? Because we have some of your comrade ie the Abdullahi Yusuf Cult- bragging that killing the I.C.U fighters was like slaughtering pigs and one even declared that it was " fun" when the Ethiopians were killing the I.C.U fighters. It is notable that you and your comrades were awfully silent during that massacre of Somalis during the American bombings. But of course you guys are known for your silence and tacit approval when it comes certain issues!In fact on certain lad claimed that clan cleansing and genocide was nothing new!But, I can't be bothered to dig all those posts up. As for this guy, I pray that Allah guides the rest of the sorry souls that declared war on their religion like this fellow and if they are not guided; I pray that Allah shakes the earth on their foundations and humilate them in the Dunya and the Akhira!



Emperor, did you make dua and say "Allah ha u naxaristo" on all the thousands of " terrorists" that were killed in Somalia? Did say " Allah ha naxaristo" to all the fallen I.C.U soldiers? Or did you boast about their killing and wished thousands of them could be slayed?

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