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Reality Check

Are Mosques really sister-friendly?

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To those whom it may interest,



I was recently listening to a lecture tape by an Imam Abu Malik, an African American from Brooklyn who is quite popular in these parts, speaking of this very SAME issue. I was shocked, amazed and intrigued that he said THE EXACT SAME THING I SAID...don't believe me, buy the tape, I will provide the info to those who request it. He said that that is a shame that we (men) run women out the mosques, those same people that only fill up the mosques on a friday. To my surprise, he said that if he attends another mosque where they don't have adequate space or no space for women, he will go and open a new one (amazin', init?). He added that he has attended mosques where the men have AC big spaces, and the women are outside praying under the hot sun, and if they were ever so fortunate, they get the second floor, where they can't see or hear anything. He concluded that his daughters will not be treated like a second-class citizen in America.


Guess it isn't just us feminists talking about it.

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Qac Qaac   

Sis i know Imam Malik, and I actually saw him in person... he is a student of Siraj Wahaj for 15yrs.


He ofcourse is right what he is talking about, woman have no enough space in Mosques... but he unlike u didn't take the issue from a zianist paper.. the guy is well educated and he has being to muslim world, lived in Saudia for 10yrs... so DA the question is not about does the woman have big places in mosques... but the question is all about u taking the point right from Zionist ppl... and we were shocked with u.


even to prove ur point even more.. sister. places like Bangladesh there only 4 women mosques in the whole Dakarta capital city... so yeah woman are some how put on a side because of some ****** culture or misunderstanding of our religion. but still it doesn't give u right.. to go and read a zionist paper and raise the issue.. are u saying the woman muslims couldn't raise this issue with out of a help of outsider, who we all know their intensions...


p.s. sis warka kala sax.. wax ha isku khaldin, Abdulmalik is right... but waxaad noogu dartay feminen stuff meesha.. bur iyo biyo oo kale ukala saar.

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I couldn't say it better Qac'qac..Ilaaheey kheer hakaa siiyo sida aad walaasheen u saxday. Jazakulahu kheyr.


Wareer badanaa!!

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Well obviously I don't have an issue with the edition because it was not in error. Too bad someone aired our dirty laundry but in a way I'm glad. We need to shape up in this country, otherwise others will use it against us.


Actually, if you read carefully, I posted the link up for people to read the article, but I never used it as my backup evidence. You need to go back and re-read the entire thread again.


But I, unlike you, don't look at someone's last name, conclude that the author is a) jewish and b)pro-Isreal.



Glad you admire Abu Malik though. And the fact that he said the same thing as I did. But never in a million years would you give me credit for what I said in this discussion. Wonder why?

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Qac Qaac   

lol @ DA..


sister sorry... but i'll give u credit for raising this point.. and i might it has being a great debate too bad i joined late.. and yeah u right i should've have read all the postings.. i am so sorry..


Good to see finally Qac and DA have something in common... but sister we as muslims are one body and we should defend each other woman or no woman. hey i don't know what else to say, it looks like we agree on.. so mac salaama

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To: Qacbaro & Crew


You brought up the fact that Devil's Advocate posted a link to an article written by a jew.


Have you forgotten who controls everything you are reading and watching everyday..???(If you read that is)




Essentially everything you know or you think you know -- about events outside about your neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to to you via-daily newspaper, weekly news magazine, radios and television and guess who owns/controls those???JEWS...



I'm sure you watch t.v, don't you??? You will be glad to know that....



""American Broadcasting Companies (ABC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), and National Broadcasting Company (NBC). Each of these three has been under the absolute control of a single man over a long enough period of time-ranging from 32 to 55 years-for him to staff the corporation at every level with officers of his choosing and then to place his imprint indelibly upon it. In each case that man has been a Jew."


Do you watch movies??? WELL, HOLLYWOOD IS OWNED BY JEWS....



Do you read news papers/magazines???


You will be happy to know that "The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post" all owned and controlled by jews once more....and you realize that these newspaper companies are the once who decide what is news and what isn't on an international level, almost the entire world reads that.....



Do you read books???


YOu will be glad to know that


" The three largest book publishers...Random House... Simon & Schuster , and Time Inc. Book Co....All three are owned or controlled by Jews...The CEO of Simon & Schuster is Richard Snyder, and the president is Jeremy Kaplan; both are Jews too."



Are you fellas happy now???







Good day boyz....

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Lucky we UK Nomads! BBC is a public co-operation. The Murdoch Empire still can't sanction 'some'(or few to be precise) news outlets. Greg Dyke has also resigned. We hope the BBC we love will be less controlled by Jews. Atleast for the sake of neutrality. Although most of BBC TV programmes and Radio broadcast are said to be Jew-controlled, and that BBC retracts from reporting sensitive and critical matters such as 'Middle-East realities, still we wish to kid ourself by believing that we read via neutral source like the BBC.

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I heard The Guardian and The Independent Newspapers are very moderate and neautral. They cover every delicate issue with how it is.


I don't know much about the BBC heads, but I think it is never partial enough according to my assessments for how they obviously refrain from being caught in state of disloyalty to the west and in particular to the British sociaty.

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Oh, sorry, I didn't see lazygirl's remarks pertaining to the reaction of the other person. Hey, lazygirl, am another lazyboy, indeed. lol icon_razz.gif


I think you are fair for everything about the American Press. Domination is the very sigle most problem that many Americans are complaining about, at least these days. There is a growing awareness for that, and things will change soon.


Even the jewish educators on the field of journalism are coming to the point of major conflicts, based on they some of them see as the interest of jewish socaity, while others are considering the domination is the absulate intention they fought for. Read this book titled BAIS, by Goldberg. 30 years of journalistic experience led him to blow the inner systematic lies and fabrications within the ranks of CBS newsroom officials.


I know they own the news and some of the major publishing companies, but they don't own my analytical capacity to filter closely and criticaly whatever they fabricate.


I once wrote this long somali article about the media deceptions, and the methods they use to make a reality of their own that doesn't exist:


Maxaa Ka Taqaan Saxaafada Galbeedka?


Waxaa Maalmahan caada noqotay cajaa’ibta aan kala joogsiga lahayn ee aan kala kulano guud ahaan saxaafada reer galbeedka, taasoo si bareero ah uga beensheegto dhacdooyinka caalamka ka jira gaar ahaan, muslimiinta.


Bahalnimada saxaafada galbeedka ma ahan arin ku tumid kadis ee waxaa jirta taarkhk iyo kacdoon ay salka ku hayso, lana kowsatay xligii soo ifbaxa madbacadaha iyo telegraph-ka oo ah qalabisgaarsiineed oo kara gudbinta qoraalada iyo masawirada. Waxaana 1844-kii hirgashay daabacaada jaraa’idada kusoo baxa cadad fara badan, gaar ahaan, Mareykanka iyo Yurubta.


Mid ka mid ah raggii sida wayn uga faa’iideystay wuxuu ahaa Joseph Pulitzer oo xiligaas ku guuleystay inuu soo saaro muda yar gudaheed cada ka badan 250, 000 oo jaraa’id. Waxaa maanta loogu magac daray Maraykanka biladda qaaliga ah ee la siiyo suxufiga sida xad-dhaafka ah u muujiya howl-karnimo. Balse waxaa is waydiin mudan arimaha ka caawiyay saxaafada inay heer sare gaarto, waliba ay noqoto isha ay sida gaarka ah uga biya cabaan guud ahaan dadwaynaha galbeedka.


Marka hore bulshada reer galbeedka dhaqankeedu dabiici ahaan uma arkin dhibaato xanta, hadalka macna-darada ah, fadeexada iyo sheekooyinka dhalanteedka ah. Sidaas darteed, saxaafada waxay noqotay miro ka dhashay natiijadii dhaqanka bulshada iyo dabeecadihii ay ku hanwayneed oo lagu hormariyay qalabka warbaahinta.


Marka labaad, waxaa jirtay fursad uu oqfka muwaadinka la yiri xaq wuxuu u leeyahay inuu kucabiro ra’yigiisa hadba wuxuu dareensan yahay, balse ay saxaafada u adeegsatay hab xeeladeysan iyadoo dadwaynaha lagu madadaalinayo. Warar iyo akhbaaro kala duwan oo aan qofka ku xamaarayn inuu ficil qaado ama macna wanaagsan kala soo baxo, bulsho ahaan iyo siyaasad intaba.


Marka sadexaad, xiisaha iyo jacaylka ay dadka u qabaan helida akhbaarta iyo wararka iska soo dabadhaca ee maalinlaha ah, taasoo saxaafada siisay door xad-dhaaf ah oo ay ku samayso wararka. Iyadoo ay saxaafadu tixgalinayso xiisaha dadwaynaha ee ku aadan wararka, waxaa dadka warka sameeya (suxufiyiinta) ka go’an inay xitaa hadeey ka fursan waydo sameeyaan warar been-abuur ah iyo sheekooyin xaqiiqda ka fog hadana ku dhisan malapawaal iyo qiyaas. Tusaale ahaan, siyaabaha been-abuurka ah ee wararka ..........



Sorry guys, I couldn't find the rest of the article. I emailed it to myself, but I only find that portion of it. It is hopefuly in one of my many floppy dics.

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asalaamu aleykum, seetihiin.


First of all, i just wanna point out that some masjids dont provide enough space for women because most of the time, men are the ones who pray there regularly except for special events. Anywho, i do think we should have more space, because if you think about all the women with children screaming and you trying to listen, it is just crazy.


And then there was my masjid, so good that it is like a hangout place for all the teenagers in the summer. This masjid provides so many activities for young girls and am so proud of all the ladies who put this events together (allah qeyr ha ka siiyo insha'allah). During the summer, it is so helpful, because it keeps this young girls off the streets and insha'allah, a bigger one will open in a few months, with a gym for both women and men, cant wait.



hada muran waxuu tari aan ba jirin, ee dambiga badan iska dhaafa....

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*Up you go*


I was reminded of this thread on Eid this year. You know how mosques in London are so bloody crowded during Eid prayers you've to get there super early just to find space for your shoes? Well, this Eid I had the priviledge of praying in comfort and style but at a cost.


Our main Masjid is not much to look at externally but it's spacious and very well-decorated inside. The women's section is large, airy, spacious, superbly-wallpapered and carpeted with convenient accessories like shelves of Kitaab Al Quraans and Xadeeths, extra scarves hanging on the walls and a collection of chairs and sofas at the back of the room. There is even rolls of kitchen paper and kleenex boxes on a table at the side. The toilets are immaculate, with several stalls, plenty of caagado for istijo and all other manner of necessities. It's all quite beautiful and luxurious, it even has chandeliers!


I am a Londoner and used to being crowded in every aspect of life, so I was at the mosque by 6.30am although prayers were scheduled for 7.15. Anyway because I was so early I wasn't worried that no other women were there yet (although the men's section was filling up quickly). However, to my consternation, I was still alone in the beautiful stately women's room at 7.30! I kept twiddling my thumbs and lolling around on the sofa until I heard the Imam say 'Allah Akbar' (the Eid sermon was unfortunately in Turkish so I wasn't paying attention) markaasaan cararay oo the front of the room is geeyey. Luckily a young Turkish girl arrived then, so I beckoned to her to stand next to me and salaadaan xidhanay.


It was an equally gratifying (because of the comfort which I was so not used to) and creepifying (what happened to all the muslim women who used to bring their children to the masjid for iftar every day?) experience.

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