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'F- list causes controversy

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MARSHFIELD (WAOW) -- A Marshfield principal violates a federal educational standard by posting an 'F-list' for all students to see.


The School Principal says the list was intended to put some urgency into his students. But, parents feel it's public humiliation and a violation of privacy.


This controversial list was posted Thursday outside of Principal Dave Schoepke's office. It lists every student in the Marshfield Middle School with a failing grade. Anyone on this list can't go to the school dance.


James Krier is a concerned parent with a daughter on the list. He says, "Their name, class and the F by it. It showed the F grade. I was pretty distraught when I got there I took a picture of it."


Krier's daughter is one of a hundred names on the 'F-list' posted for the entire school to see. Krier says, "She couldn't believe it that she was on that list she was upset."


Principal Dave Schoepke says his intent wasn't to embarrass students.


Schoepke says, "What the kids have known for a long time is that if they have their names on a failing list, they may not have the opportunity to go to a dance or a field trip or something like that. Their privilege is gone."


It's the first time he's posted the 'F-list' in public. He says posting the list of kids with failing grades was his way of motivating them to get their assignments in so they can go to the school dance and it seems to have worked.


Schoepke says, "I also told the kids that once they get their stuff in and get them off the list then you'll be eligible to go and I think we're about half way through our list and we probably half those kids getting assignments turned in, projects turned in so this failing grade will go away."


Still, parents feel publishing failing grades is a violation of their child's privacy and not a form of motivation.


Krier says, "You should notify the parents. It's not up to him. How is it going to help? It's going to run them down into the ground even further."


The Superintendent says Principal Schoepke did violate student privacy rules. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act known as FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records.


He says Principal Schoepke had good intentions, but it was a bad method. He says they will follow-up on this and guarantees it won't happen again.



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For those of you with kids- do you guys feel its okay for the school administration to post all failing students as a method to motivate them? I mean its okay to have a A-list and brag about it, but its an issue of privacy when it comes to failing children? I remember in grade school teachers would put our graded projects in color folders. When they handed back to students, the 'A' grade was in a white folder, the 'B' grade was in blue folder, the 'C' was in yellow' and everyone below those letter grade would get a red folder; so when everyone gets their grades back you pretty much know who was failing. I always that was a brilliant idea.

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Nothing beats our African education system adventure.I was always shackled by my teachers.They held me down in a bent-over position with my buttocks protruding two feet away while canning my asss...Hahahaa...Though my academic freedom views have changed and I don't approve of this principal approach,I still think kids need something to wake them up...


My African education system adventure was one of its kind..I dread it up until today, but I'm still grateful and no hard feelings to my former teachers..In Africa I remember my math teacher Monday morning strolling down the hallway you better not missed any of the quiz questions or else Mr. Njoroge was there to torment and torture you both psychologically and physically in front of your peers! Mathematics was my weakest point in freshman high school, but when I was sophomore I was solving all the problems in my dreams...


I remember my biology teacher lecturing through the window before he stepped in the class (and your asss better be ready to answer the questions about cell when he stepped inside the classroom)..How about my chemistry teacher Mr. Njuguna making as memorize the periodic table and its molecular formula.If you missed a question you were the joke of the day because he was always ready to embarrass you in front of your classmates if you missed any letter 0r number..


I was surprised the first time in American classroom when I got back my first exam and the teacher folded it nicely , smiled at me and handed my exam to me as if I was buying narcotics..... :D


I'm still thankful to all my teachers for preparing me to fit in any educational system....Discipline was and always be the word!

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Oh, how I wish I could do that! It'd wake up those lazy students, who for odd some reason think they're doing way better even when you confront them with their work. But what he did was a violation of privacy.

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