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infamy, infamy....they've all got it in for me!

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Firstly asalaamu caleeykum to one and all....


After salaams comes the dillema i'm afraid. Have you noticed how critical middle aged somali women are of us girls?


Every time I am caught at a conversation with one of them, I feel like I am sitting a test and that all my words are being measured and graded.Needless to say that these women are often the ones with sons.

I figure they are weighing their chances with the girls in Europe and looking for an excuse to get a "good and well brought up girl" for their sons. Which is fair enough. A mother should want the best for her children...


But but but,,,,why put us poor girls in an uncomfortable position? Everything is judged from how often you go to weddings to how you are doing in school.


Now comes the tricky part, for some mothers see girls who are always at weddings in thouch with their culture, while others see those girls as trouble. Some mothers want a smart girl, while others want a girl that is intellectually lesser infromed for her equally uninformed son.


So there isn't one protocol for dealing with these ladies, as each case differs from the next.


Oh and the politeness. Every word seems to be suger coated and somewhere in that politeness is a trap to trick poor girls into "revealing their true nature".


These females seem very dangerous to me. I often get the feeling that no matter how polite I am, they have already made whatever judgement they were going to make of me. So what is the point of playing the mouse to their cats right? well,,,these species have the power to redlist a girl with one swag of the tongue...Oh the horrors of what an unimpressed woman in such position can do!

Once again, why should you care? After all, they are nothing to you, right??? Very wrong...


Us girls have one weakness that these creatures abuse,,,,Our mothers. Whatever impression you make on them reflects on your mother and if a bad opinion is formed of you, it is usually the mother that is seen as the seed of all evil.


So how do you avoid these highly intelligent creatures that seem to sense our every thought?


If I had the answer I would be the dr Phil of our generation.


So tell me, am I suffering from a bout of the dilerious fever, or am I the only one being targeted by these females?

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Heh. It’s all in your mind, dear. These women see your discomfort and proceed to toy with you. It’s not limited to women and single girls either. It happens with men, boys and even old men. You’ve got to get in there before they do. You sweet-talk them, you interrogate them! If you act all sweet and docile, they’ll bounce on you like a helpless lamb and your mother will be leading the charge.



If someone challenges you to a game of football, it’s pointless to put your Tennis clothes on. ;)

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War anagaa wax aragnay.....Tennis shoes aa?? balo!


MY dear the case as it is presently is more of a dirac V garees issue. Were it a shoe related matter, it would be easy to tie it toghether..


If I go for the attack, I will get dacas slapped. These women had been doing lots of muufo making, so their upper arm mucsles are well developed.


As for a challenge...What challenge,,,these women have experienced many duals at dawn and survived it. Little old me can't beat them. So being docile is being save.

Ileen weligaa habar xanaaqsan ma arkin. My advice to you, look down and leave ur footbal shirt at home. They will tear it apart along with you!

Ilaaheey magantiisa hana geliyo bro,,,thats all i have to say..say amiin hee

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I still think you need to go on the attack. I’m not advising you to be aggressive. All you have to do is play the mind games that they play. Be sweet of course, but not too sweet as to allow them to walk all over you. Naah, scrap all that, best play the fool. Turn everything into a joke. You’ll confuse the hell out of them and they’ll never know when you’re being serious or when you’re being sarcastic and playful. They’ll have no choice but to declare that “heblaayo waa fariid”.


** Sexist Mode On **


Is this problem reserved for “old” Somali women or is it something that goes on with women the world over? Henaas, Shaki, Maseer, Xeemis, etc..


Why do women always try to suss each other out and why do they spend hours(nay, months!) trying to work out what heblaayo meant when she said such and such?



Dhumar and Dhib both start with a D, blud. :rolleyes:


** Sexist Mode Off **

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Ngonge,I have a feeling we just might get along...


*female anti-body for misogynistic remarks turn on*


Women across the world are wise, as we females tend to learn from our mistakes and grow from them, rather than throwing tantrums and becoming hung up in an ego driven madness.


Thats why we often ponder situations. If you tried it i am sure you would agree and find a peaceful and more centered Ngonge within you.


It seems hard for some men to understand the philosophical mind of a female and how deep our thoughts run. We dont see one side of the problem, but all sides allowing us to find the best of solutions....


Mind you, we have yet to find a solution for the biggest problem of them all...MEN!


As for dumar and dhib,,,,,If i was male i would counter attack with the words NIN and ***** ,,,But my female mind is above such accusation and i am inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt.


Yep, Ngonge, we might get along just fineee....After all as a female i have a high tresh hold of endurance.... :D


To get back to the topic,,There is a fine line between appearing dumb and silly and being passive. Don't underestimate these highly intelligent mommas...

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Dawaco, I hear yoou sister. I been saying for ages women's enemy is woman NOT men!.Anyways I should agree with NGONGE , play smart and nice and once you sense they feel uncomfortable , say Eedo I agree with you... Eedo I am really admire you.. when you see that big smile of her u throw your bomb and say BUT eedo our time is different than yours .. you should see how she will turn all red :mad:



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what is the natural habitat of this species of women?

Is there any sort of habits that, the other ladies need to know about, are they nocturnal or do they hide behind advertisments of shampoo to jump upon unsuspecting consumers? :eek:


Is muufo the main source of nourishment of these women and ergo is the simple calculation of muufo * middle aged woman a safe bet?


Where can the ladies by special anti-nosey edoo sprays to ward of these attacks upon already fragile ego's.


Perhaps there is a special time of day when the sun is just over the horizon, where people can come out and fetch water with out fear, because these ladies have been temporarily blinded?


I need more information in the event that my sisters ever ask me such a question.

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Qac Qaac   

hey dawoco ama dacawa.. imaqal igaar yahay, look these women got interrogated by their grandmothers why they were young, and now it is your time to interrogate u, so be nice and cool and take all the abusement, u could do the same thing to your daughter generation later on, and get your revenge, and keep the tradition alive. marka macaantiis adkeeso wakhtigaaga ayaa lamarayaaye, and ofcourse wilashooda gabar fiican bay larabaan, just like how u want a good man. even though la isku raacay niman fiican in ay jirin by all the girls... so i would advice to the least bad guy, coz there is no good men.

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Dawoco, try as you may to find it, there's no all-in-one cure for nosey ladies. The safest precaution is to avoid them at all costs. First and foremost, never go anywhere near their boroughs - I mean, homes - lest the situation turn into a replay of a predatory feast on the nature channel. Secondly, if they pay a visit, as they most likely will at one time or other, find an excuse to make a quiet retreat... upon exchanging polite but brief greetings, of course. You may hear the words, "Come dear; don't run away, sit with us?". Do not stay! It's a trap! Find an excuse to leave immediately... something on the stove, urgent assignment, etc.


I've found the best excuse in pardoning myself to make tea for "the guests". It appears simple, but it's superbly effective. Telling the vultures - I mean, guests - you'll go and make tea will not only charm them with your hospitability, it will also allow you to abruptly remove yourself from their presence without appearing impolite. Once the tea is ready, simply get another person to serve it and your escape will be complete. You'll be killing two birds with one stone and essentially outsmarting those oh so clever creatures.

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LOL@ you girls! I feel sorry for ya'll! It actually pays to be nice to the old ladies. I get silver from xamar, xalwo put aside especially for moi and when hooyo is mad one of my xaafad habos sorts her out for me :D


All I do is give them salaams, make small talk and make them shaah before running up2 my room! I'm the quiet one - sow sheeko dheer igama sugaan.

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pearl i the only one that enjoys these women...cuz everytime they come over am actually one to get kicked off of the convo...cuz am to hell :mad: ...i know about the birds and bees...


trick is to ask them questions instead of them askin u...and the best of all questions is..."how did u meet ur husband"....ooh..they just love that...brings back memories..

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lol...ani sheekadaan oo kale hadaan dhageysto waa ku bakaaro aa


waraa Qac'Qac kaalay shekadaan maxaa adi ku dhex gashay? lee kuwada jiree..sheeko gabdheed ma' siyasad aa


ii baashala...shekadiina labari iyo uunsi aa kaoo uris lee ahi ani...ha u

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dacwo, i feel pain!


thats way i quit going to mali weddings! when i saw a grandmama's dancing next to me, i just said, something wrong in this picture!! :confused:


i turned to the net! hey, i can go to school, do research, buy anything i want, hold a conversation with some one in africa, why not get a date!!


i did...and next is history!! ;) so i cut off all the shanangans related to somali aroos scene!!


one minor problem though! now all these houses wives are made at me coz, i didnt invite them to my wedding!! jessze! do they ever give up!! leave me the .... alone doooosh bags!!!!!!lol...sorry lolol.. :D:D

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