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Maternity Leave for Teens

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Originally posted by AAliyah416:

lets not forget back then 9 yrs old was fairly mature.

The trend is the opposite, actually. Age at puberty has been getting lower with the type of food and its abundance. Puberty or getting your period is the marker for marriage readiness, isn't it? Because other maturity generally comes with experience, something you simply don't have at 9 (or 13, 14).

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^^^ are we talking about premarital sex or teen pregnancy, cause even though they are related, theyre still seperate issues and they affect different societies differently. youre right, its up to the community to do something but why should teens be punished for the way their community brought them up and failed them? you failed to acknowledge my point of the factors leading to these statistic. you may be shocked at the matter of factness some of us are taking on the topic, i assure you i dont take it lightly, but i'll look at it from a realistic and as non-emotional perspective as i can. if you're worried about your kids falling into the influence of their surroundiings, or kids having sex because their hommies are having it, than i suggest you pay attention to your kids lives (their friends, if theyre dating anyone or like anyone) and stress to them the importance and beauty of marriage from day one. teens are having sex regardless of their friends, because theyre horny and they're horny all over the world and in some parts of the world (like our homeland) they get married young, so its not an issue.

a child with a healthy sense of self worth wont try and get pregnant because their friend shaneequa gets to miss her last semester because shes recovering from her pregnancy. a child from a healthy family, with a strong sense of self worth, and desire to strive and succeed will see the many many many options available to her, including a long lasting monogomous relationship. some girls today are purposely getting pregnant because they dont see that, and shutting a door on them, especially such a lil' door like high school isnt going to help. education in fact may help them acquire self respect, and open horizons to them (like college) that would let them value things they otherwise wouldnt, like ISLAM!!! lets be real, though you have a right to be scared the phenomenon is going to encroach upon your doorstep, it isn't, not in the same way, and it most likely never will. i cant reasonably see muslim girls trying to get pregnant out of wedlock en masse no matter their environment. we prize marriage too much as a society. however, pre-marital sex may be a more plausible concern. though dont think it has as much to do with friends as it does instilled values and opportunity, and its pretty much the same the world over. only difference is that in this countyr kids have more "opportunity" to do it. (theyre unsupervised more).

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Good points, TOBCFMF.


Che, sometimes society has to decide whether its intentions are punitive or effective. If providing daycare for these girls means they are more likely to finish high school and thus more likely to support themselves and their children, then it's ultimately less costly for you since it means fewer life-long welfare recipients.


Nephthys, I totally agree with your parents. I'm convinced that kuwa "umul baan ahay" ku marmarsiyooda tabardaroy iska raadiyaan markii loo taaho.


Ilmaha xitaa, waa in ariga lagu daraa before the umbilical cord is snipped off. Is yeelyeel badanaa.

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Originally posted by AAliyah416:

the prophet csw married Aisha when she was only 9 yrs old).

Salam Aleikum W.W



You're right but times differ walaashiis and I don't think it's fair to compare these MTV driven youth of today whose role models are scums and drug junkies to those times where history considers it to be the "Dark Ages" plus puberty plays it a major role as in those times girls were more likely to reach puberty in early age than today's generation...



Talk to your parents and you will realize why is it that most of them were married in their early teens even the Westerners used to get married early before the so-called Feminism movement swept the women around the world off their feet.



One more thing...most of you are making lame excuses for these girls WHO CHOSE to be in the situation that they find themselves in after all nobody forced them to sleep with their "boyfriend" it's their own CHOOSING...I can understand sympathy and I do sympathize with them but I'm not going to make an excuse for them and make it like it's ok to fall pregnant and have an illegitimate baby in your early teens. Get a Grip Dadyahow.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Giving those girls access to education (a universal right) which will enable them to better themselves and get a job so that they are not a burden to society is not akin to 'making it like it's ok to fall pregnant and have an illegitimate baby in your early teens.'



You can do everything in your power to prevent this situation from happening, but when faced with a girl that has stupidly gotten herself pregnant, the school still has a responsibility to ensure that they have access to education, a parent still has a responsibility to their daughters. Many of girls, take the abortion route because they are told that by having baby they will lose out on the opportunity to education and their future prospects. There’s clearly an advantage to showing some mercy to these girls.

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The education system has failed these students and having 54% teen pregnancy rates in the inner city is testament to that. What’s more shocking though is expecting these teens to attend classes’ day after going through childbirth. Why not just expel them as soon as they get pregnant? Because technically what they’re doing is punishing kids for not teaching them right from wrong in the first place. Yes I know I know it’s the parent’s job but I believe the school and the community in general has to support parent’s value. Or they all have to absorb the consequences.

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I still think kibir baa ka batay. They can have the baby during the lunch period and make it back in time for gym.

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I say give them the four weeks, it’s not like their life will get any easier. If someone makes a mistake, you help them through it, you don’t say it’s your own fault I will punish you more. These girls will do better with the time off than sitting in class spaced out. A few weeks to get your sh*t together wouldn’t harm anyone.


Naden, it wasn’t unusual to marry kids all over the world during that period. Marriage laws have always reflected public knowledge and opinion, only a few decades ago Gay marriages were unthinkable, and not long before that it was a punishable crime and now they are allowed. During Elizabethan England, it was legal for boys to marry at 14 and girls at 12. You can’t hold a crime against a person when it was not called a crime in their lifetime. Nowadays, it would be hard to get away with marrying a 9 year old even in the most religious and conservative nations, where it would be at the very least frowned upon, if it wasn’t damn right illegal. Of course, this is not to say that child-marriages do not exist in ignorant, remote societies.


LoL@Cara, you are what my aunt calls 'ivalad' a Somali version of the word evil.


p.s Nephy, Wa maxay the weird looking woman in your post (hope it's not you, it's a weird pose). I really enjoyed looking at one particular man in your signature, before you blinded us with some sobbing woman that is. I mean, I did feel bad momentarily, but for the love of God, bring back the boys!

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