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General Duke

For the love of peace, Duke reaches out to secessionists enough

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Originally posted by General Duke:


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.


Its easy to critic the brave who venture into battle with little arms and even less hope of success. I took a great chance, did not care for my reputation and coveted no earthly reward. My belief was simple, that one mans virtues action could change the very nature of SOL and specially its political section.


Alas it seems others are only looking at personal interest above that of the common good. Paranoid they worry about losing face and make excuses.

Again I reiterate my position, this is for peace in order to spare, future Nomads of war.

I may say that you're in par with the Somali saying " get the worse and you get the cow has given birth to a male calf ". You look to be losing the plot of your defence, we are not talking about paranoia and bad-mouthing here and other mental problems but common sense and traditional discussions in order to set up a new relation of family to family in which you're failing to grasp hold of the custom.


So, no hard feeling here again adeer, but we have to have a second thought about giving you our girl for not being consistent and conented with our expection of you. And even though you might be eligible, you do not look to be to the standard to get trusted with our precious pearl.


So, immaturity is one characteristic that expose one's hidden downside tendency or problem, but it is hard for some people to distinguish from other symptoms of one's downfall. Good luck with your try and keep on doing you may get through with other families. ;)

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Adeer with all due respect, you don’t get it. It’s understandable that the man who took no risk, and who wanted to stay in the comfort of the status quo would find it easy to utter the words you just did. No one doubts that every woman is pearl and every man a sultan to his clan. However this Endeavour was bigger than the usual union between two individuals, it was mean to bridge the gap that exists between two communities through a gesture so fine, so refined it is yet to be comprehended by some. Indeed she is one of you finest and worthy of the General from Punt. However its unfortunate that those who claim to lead the secessionist camp can not see beyond the wounds Duke inflected on them. Let bygones be bygones, its high time we rise above our differences to build a better tomorrow.


My offer stands and If rejected it will not be the first time Somali’s seldom miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, Let's play the cards right adeer by reshuffling for a new game, shall we not? I hope you're not digging out old wounds merely to hide and shake off the embarrassment you got inflicted here with your attempted coup failure.


And I hope also that you are not knocking on the wrong door by testing my inner knowledge of Somali history here. Who got inflicted with heavy defeat and involuntarily bit the mud with pain can be seen on their faces in terms of the condition and the plight of living standards for today..... in worldwide refugee camps and unprecedented desparation of sea piracy to get by with whatever they can grab hold with their hands is one part of the story, what history in the making by one unknowingly.


Look before you leap, adeer. We know each other very well in terms battle, custom and creativity!


Watch out sir, and do not expose your inner ills to soon.

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You do protest too much dear lad. It seems I understand where this passionate attempt at preventing the Duke from getting his cyber bride is coming from. You are in love with my chosen one. Don’t you dare deny it. I must say that I admire your new found courage, however Romeo get lost. The problem for you is that this damsel is not in any distress and that her knight in the form of the Duke of Galkacyu has arrived, thus bugger of and find yourself another.


Don’t hide behind mentioning battles you never fought in or fake familiarity for I don’t have the faintest idea who you are.


What gets you angry is the fact that I, a man from a distant land had the audacity to make my intention clear and in writing. While you hid in the shadows frothing from the mouth at the mere mention of her name. Indeed it all makes sense, now we have a secessionist stricken with deep love, who is coming out of his shell to fight for the one. Quite Romantic, but alas you are too late.


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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^No adeer you could not compare to the London Farax's that why I am telling to keep it down.

Let them grown men exchange views and opinions in this delicate matter, but the usually bravado is quite a bore.

:D That argument never fails "let grown men talk". Duke, no bigwigs will waste their time entertaining your silly offer. Get back in the defense line and hold your position, soldier. The affair between Somaliland and Buntland continues. :D


All peace and no action is boring. The scuffle between the waring nomads is what makes SOL political section interesting. Cyber peace is boring.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

You do protest too much dear lad. It seems I understand where this passionate attempt at preventing the Duke from getting his cyber bride is coming from. You are in love with my chosen one. Don’t you dare deny it. I must say that I admire your new found courage, however Romeo get lost. The problem for you is that this damsel is not in any distress and that her knight in the form of the Duke of Galkacyu has arrived, thus bugger of and find yourself another.


KKKKKKKKKK, I knew it Duke that you would sway to back and forth like a car stuck in an icy road. Somali tradition has it that your menfolk are always typical of you by easily getting confused in a normal customary arguement and all of a sudden resort to firing their guns in all directions in desparation. I thought we were just warming up for hot argument ahead not just start pointing the finger on each other for escape route, you asked for my fellow sister from Burao not the other way round Duke. You are not clever enough here to shake off the encountered humiliation.


Don’t hide behind mentioning battles you never fought in or fake familiarity for I don’t have the faintest idea who you are.


What gets you angry is the fact that I, a man from a distant land had the audacity to make my intention clear and in writing. While you hid in the shadows frothing from the mouth at the mere mention of her name. Indeed it all makes sense, now we have a secessionist stricken with deep love, who is coming out of his shell to fight for the one. Quite Romantic, but alas you are too late.


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Kaftan cajiib ah ayaa meesha ka dhacay. Waar horta marka ugu horraysa, inanta Ibtisaam sheekkada ka saara. Inantu, ixtiraam iyo sharaf ayay mudantahay. CL, your jokes are very extreme at some points. The picture you posted, must have belonged to a respected Somali married couple. Hence, refrain from cheap shots. ( Its just an advice ).


Duke V Qolada Goosashada :D


Runtii anigu Internet-ka ma aamino, laakiin anigu Duke waxaan u haystaa magac ay wadaagaan dhamaan qolada reer Puntland :D . Waxaase dhici karta inuu Duke yahay qof aniga oo kale ah, oo magaca hal qof isticmaalo :D


Hadaan soo gaabiyo, Duke ama reer Puntland ha wadaageen magacaas, ama Duke kaligiiba ha noqdo. Waxaa meesha ka cad, Burco iyo Hargaisa-ba inaanay u kaftamin sidii lagu yiqiinay. Waxaana halkaas ka caddaatay, ninka Duke ama qolada Duke inay afka ciida u dareen :D


Red-Sea, Ayoub, Shikaawe iyo intii la socotayba smile.gif .


Odayga S*S, isaga laftigiisu waaku fashilmay dhex dhexaadnimadii iyo shaqqadii nabadaynta ee loo dirsaday.


Waar hadda waa fakradayda iyo waxay iila muuqato.


Affeef: Kalmada "Qolada" markaan qoray. Somaliyeey anigu qabiil uma jeedo!

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^Afka ciida dare( waa saad u dhigtaye) :D waa inuu gabar qaali ah( I heard there is good looking Garowe-girl around the corner) isla caawa la baxaa aan ahayn dee ilaa beri danbe meejatan ha soo fadhi xumaado sidii oday ay ka dhamaatay.



Talo taas dhaanta adba sheeg? :D

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This circus has gone on long enough, 7pages and I have become public property, so let me shut it down and spoil the party.


Dear Duke:

I've been silent and hoping that inaad iis qaabetidi oh wax iskula haadid and with this in mind put up with continuous cantrabqash, and since my kinsmen are far too embarrassed on your behalf to set you straight, I will do so myself.


I am sure you are by now wondering why Ngonge, Oodwenye and JB the so called bigwigs has been ignoring your nacnac, and this is purely for the reason that this proposal makes no sense to them. Now regardless of what culture you (DUKE) practice, WE (the noble people of the north as a whole and noble somali people in general) do not propose, offer, extend our hand, ask, approach, eye up, or even hinqaabo about a women WHO is ALREADY MARRIED.


Now I know Siikawe (nice name indheer and thanks) is unaware of this fact (despite what you think, northerners are not all up in each other business) because he is fairly new and the good Ayoub does not frequent the general section and missed the congratulation thread last May 2009. However I know that YOU know that I am Married for you have approached me previously via private message (which if you object I will dig up and post here) to commence Somali style online shukanis, to which I included in my declining reply that I am married and you sent back your congrats.


Now with that history in mind, I am surprised and deeply embarrassed on your behalf that you feel it is Okay, admirable or acceptable to proposition a married women and even be stubborn enough to ask for an audience with her kinsmen to hear your shameful approach.


With that said maybe there is a strange culture in your village which allows this practice, or perhaps someone told you that like the days of jahiliya you can hijack and kidnap an already women, but I will inform you that this practice only remains alive in primitive (Lacking Islamic enlightenment in this case) societies such as nomadic East Africans who border the Somalis on both sides. Now unless you are from those societies (in which case nacabaadab lam huubo and your peace argument is pants, but it does explain your undying support of the old goat Yey).


I am sure you would not mind in this case if I public tell you to taking a running leap for I am too much of lady to use more colourful adjectives, but the gist of it is “Computer says No”.


Moving on Sayid, it is a shame really that you picked a man who has no shame or respect (in this case for me, because he had some of the barris & Hilib (hindi biryian counts) at my mehr) nor does he value you as his cousin (or he would’ve sincerely advice you to ka jog wa la buuxa) to lead with a fake hangool (I hope you know what that means) and cimamad to supposedly present your case, in fact he has done no such thing, because he partly shares some commonality with Ciigal Shidad but also he has a little bit more common sense than you and the barris in his elephant belly told him it is shameful impossibility, instead he resulted to doing what he does best; Lying and making up responses and muddying the waters for other respected sisters in this forum. He like everyone else knows our Cara will accept the offer and then pour boiling oil on you before hacking your body parts slowly and painfully starting with your tongue and testicles; she will experiment on your body parts, before feeding you to her lab rats, meanwhile she will video tape the whole thing and later put it on youtube to help her plea of temporary insanity.


Getting back to the point and not dwelling on your potential slow and painful death at the hands of dearest gentle Cara, Sayid is a liar, and a shameful man who forgot the hand that fed him once. I’m sure I have said quite enough on his actions.


Juxa, Malika, CL I’m not sure what to say, because really I expected at least Juxa and CL to set the man straight, but alias jar baad ka tuurtin.


To the rest, at best Duke is a mad man (I hope this is the case) At worst Duke somalinimad waxaba kama yaqaano, for he is clearly having problems dealing with the something as small as women out of limits due to reasons of existing stable marriage- culture and religion dictates to leave well alone.


Hungury Me and you go back a long way, I remember when you was a mere teenager in the womens section with Rooble and Xalan, such a long way you have come since brother.



P.s. The double standards against northerners on this site is mind blogging; imagine if JB or Ngonge started a thread like this about a married none Northerner sister, with terms like booty thrown around. The outrage :eek: :eek: bunch of racist freaks.



I am Ibtisam and I authorize this message :cool:

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Ibti,your right and point taken and this should call for resignation from the ya-ya sisterhood club..Especially the Chair should resign [CL]..Is she sufficient as an escape goat in this scandal?



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