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When The Sun Comes Out, SOL Dies!

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So I spent most of my time going for a ride with adeero google. Here is what I learnt..


One of the marriage rituals of the Roma gypsies is to kidnap the bride. Apparently, if nuune was a Roma gypsy (not that I am saying he is) and he happened to like the look of, err, say Cara, all he has to do is kidnap her (the use of drugs, robes or weapons is not mentioned but I would also wager that he would not attempt to 'lagdin' her either). The happy couple are declared married if he manages to hold on to her for two days or more.


I also learnt that in parts of Borneo a married couple must not use the toilet (for both numbers one and two) for the first three days in order for their marriage to be declared legal (the family keeps watch over them).


Staying with the theme of marriage, I read the following Arabic jokes (alright, alright, I'll translate):


A stingy dying man makes his loyal wife promise that she will burry all his money with him when he dies. The wife makes the promise. On the day of his funeral and as the men are about to carry his body to its final resting place, the wife runs up to them and stuffs a little something in the coffin. When she returns, her best friend asks "you didn't fulfil the promise and burry his money with him, did you?" The wife replies, "Of course, I did. I wrote him a post dated cheque".


An Indian asks an Egyptian "Why don't you do like us and burn the bodies of your dead?" The Egyptian replies, "We're not silly like you, we bury them first and god burns them later".


On a serious note, I went back and reacquainted myself with the history of the Mamaliks. Briefly, these Mamalik are said to be white slaves that were bought by the kings of Egypt during the AL Khilafa AL Cabaasiya. They were brought up and trained to be soldiers, bodyguards and generals for the reigning monarch. Later, due to a crazy process of treachery, backstabbing and ambition, one of them became the king. After another serious of infighting and intrigue, another became king. Then another, then another. One of them, Al Dhaahir Bebars (no idea how to spell his name in English) defeated the Moguls at Ayen Jaloot.


I read a few more serious things but I'll probably tell you later....

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Wooow I didn't know Nuune and Cara were that friendly! Congrats to both and I hope I'll be invited to that wedding before A&T. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^War Ngone wuxuu leeyahay meherka waxaa ka horeya inuu marka hore Nuune innanata uu dafo uu la dhuunto oo uu deedna ugu yaraan labo maalin hadduu Cara guri ku hayo howshii waa isku dhamaatay markaa waa guur sharciyeysan.Su'aashu waxay tahay Nuune ma ku dhacaa in Cara dafo? :D


FG. *BOB, nidaamkan oo kale cidda looma baahna ee A&T na huguriga ha ka so ridin :D

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The Seven Stages of Murqaan



The first stage – Ecstasy:





Stage two – adaptation to your surroundings:






Stage three – Contemplation and reflection:





Stage four – Disengagement from the world around you:





Stage five – Delusions of grandeur





Stage six – Disconnection




Stage seven – Paranoia



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:D adeero google yuusan ku waalin, sxb,



But you forgot the most important stage:


The Skyscraper stage :D



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ahahahahah that is lovely pictures


ngonge why would they hide when the sun comes out, heaven knows uma baahna tanning oo waa wada mugdi reer sol eh

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Originally posted by nuune:

adeero google yuusan ku waalin, sxb,



But you forgot the most important stage:


The Skyscraper stage




stage kaan caadi mahan waa stagaka buurah

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looooooooooooooooooooool..... now I know why aa odayaashiina reer UK noo waashaan waqtiyadaas lool specialy in the politics side.....



War kuwaan qarkaan amee kasoo dhacaan? and is that a niqaami I see on the corner? looooool inama caadi ma aha arintaan......nuune, meeshaas in buug laga soo qoro waaye....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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