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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

^^huuno, ma meel beenta la isu maaweeliyo ayaa ku noolayd?


If it makes you chill, I will search for that article I am refering to. I am sure Google must have stored it somewhere.

Meel been la'isku maaweeliyo iyo dad inka jecel inee beenta isku maaweeliyaan idinka ka hor ma'arkin! Tan waa ii dhineed baan ku idhi...


The Zack, :D


Layzie, LOOOOL@waramps organization waxa laga aas-aa-saa-say S-Land. Wax waalan, long time sxb, intee ka dhuunsaneed?


Dadkaan wax kastaa kasuuroobo, waa baan waxaan maqlijidhay 'hadii been lasheegaayo, too qurxoon aalasheegaa'...The lies they spew dadkaan, I swear sometimes you'd rather believe a homeless crackhead's lie about what he'll do with the dollar he's begging... ;) Disperato at its highest! Alaha usiyaadiyo...

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Here trustworthnes has a value.I like this type of social capital where people trust each other.And that is why I think stabiity prevails in Hargeise, let us not undermine their strength but criticize their weakness in relation with nationalism.

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i think hargeisa is amazing compared to other major cities of somalia. i was there a couple of years ago and was amazed when i couldn't find any single man with a gun strapped on his chest. ee waxaa igu qufulnaa goormaa joogso lugu dhihi doonaa.


it however has many shortcomings. dad waalaan baa ka buuxaa and when jaadka soo dhoco, qof miyir qaba luguma arkaad is leedahay magaalada dhan. nimankiina kala roor naagihiina qaylo. acuudka.


overall, hargiesa is amazing. welldone somali landers. i hope inteena kalena inaan garano laakiin ha iloobin soomaalis are genrally wellmannered and things like respecting prayers times, trust in trade and returning lost things to their rightfull owners have always been our norm.bless us all.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:


But what really strucks them dumbfounded is when at mid-day, a city of around million people goes to the Duhur prayers and all that
Cash and Gold and Diamonds are left as they are untouched unsecured and on the streets.


. Bes hee, xoogaa naga kala yaree, xataa atleast mid run u eg noo sheeg, laakin saan xaaraaan. Kacbadi aaba ka dhigtee meesha ayadaan waxna la xadine.
smile.gif Alla maxaa dadka la waalay. Hargaisa, is a peaceful,beautifull city. And, in comparison to other cities of Somalia, Hargaisa showed a tengible development in construction,city planing and security. Laakiin, waxbaa jira smile.gif . Let me say some points.


(1) Madaxtooyada Daahir Rayaale ku jiro; Waxaa dhisay Bile Rafle waxaana ka tagtay Dawladii Siyaad Barre. Waana meeshii ********ka Morgan ah ku jiri jiray!

(2)Dhamaan Shacabka iyo meesha wasaaraduhu daganyihiin waa dhismayaashii dawladii Siyaad Barre. Wax la taaban karo oo 17 sanno dawladani dhistayna la garan maayo smile.gif

(3)Laamiga magaalada ka baxa, waakii dawladii hore ka tagtay. Isagiibaa qaati hadda taagan oo leh, ( Waaryaa toleey waar halay miciinooy smile.gif ).

(4)Magaalada quruxdeeda, bilicdeeda waxaa iska leh shacabka. Khadka ay ku taagantahay, waakii Bile Rafle ka tagay.


In conclusion,Shacabka ayaa shacab wanaagsan ah. Credit-kana iyagaa iska leh. Suldaan, waar aniga kolayba meesha waalaygu jeeb siibay wallaahi. loool oo been sheegi maayo, maalin baa lay caseeyey. Markaa Suldaanoow dadka ha waalin.

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:

KK, lol, inaa lillaah waa inaa raajicuun.


I read the title and already migraine aa i qabtay.(no joke)


Everywhere you turn, you have another secessioner posting a thread about how wonderful s-land is, its almost as thought they don't believe it themselves, so sanka ay dadka ka galinayaan so ayaga madaxooda u galo.


Seriously KK, soon Suldaanka will claim that the waramps organization waxa laga aas-aa-saa-say S-Land.


So what there are few individuals who had returned lost items over the years? Every society's got them.


Poster, I bet you didn't know that my waramps tag helped me get my keys back. A combination of my car keys(which were $300 to replace (taxes in)) along with my house keys by waramps sent by mail. This great nation of ours, aka my adopted Country Canada has better citizens than your sovereignty seeking little tuulo, ya dig. These types of threadS won't help your overrall goal, ee why don't you try to do a better job next time. That also goes for the other notorious secessioner and his europe-trash tourists postings of the so called "ministers" of your administration, enough is enough.

Why are you hating on somaliland? At least they have peaceful region, even if they have a corrupt regime at the helm. I actually believe they have the right idea, not the separation, but sticking to regional and local politics instead of desperately going after some nonexistent sense of somali unity.

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Originally posted by Faynuus:

dad waalaan baa ka buuxaa and when jaadka soo dhoco, qof miyir qaba luguma arkaad is leedahay magaalada dhan. nimankiina kala roor naagihiina qaylo. acuudka.

:D:D . Dadka waxaa ka sii daran aa la dhahay eriga! Eri carbeed wixi beledka joogoo dhan buun ay isku yeerinaayiin. Caaac!


Suldaan, brother, Allaha inii siyaadiyo nabadda iyo amaanka. Meel waxan joogaa the plant pots-ka on my porch la iga xado. I can not fathom why someone would have the audacity to just walk up to someone's front door and steal potted plants. It's not like it is a money tree or a pot of fort knots gold. Markaa, ha ila yaabin inaan la fajaco Somalia oon waxna la xadayn, it just boggles the mind.

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Suldaanka, inaar waa ku sidee. waxyaabaha qaarkood lama sheego. hargeysa tuug ku filan way haysata kuwo kale ha inagu soo hogaamin. imika inta qof ee usoo hanqal taagaysa inay wax cantoobiyaan waad arkaysaa. nephyna ku daroo. ta kale, ma akhriday ninkan waxa kale ee uu ka qoray hargeysa? wuxuu yidhi cusbataalkii hargeysa waa bastii. anigu waxaan odhanlahaa lacagtaa iska taala inta la xado cubstaalka halagu dhiso. intaanay kuwo xadoo waxba ku falin inoo iman. smile.gif

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^ smile.gif


Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Ee meel walba ee Soomaaliya saas ka tahay, so what is new? Xataa Xamar oo ugu amaandaran saas ah. Wah.

Believe ^^^ you be everything!! Adeer the uniformed police themselves have been known to rob and loot in some places....

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LOL@KK, see tahay sista. I have been in recovery mode, just like hurricane ike victims, but with me it wasn't a hurricane aftermath but soonka. This was by far the toughest Ramadan I have ever encountered.

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Why on earth doesn't someone run and grab? People can explain the sins of theft and quote from the koran until they are blue in the face, I still don't understand why desperate people here don't steal.

Taking into account human nature, there are two possibilities:


1. There are no desperate people

2. There's nothing worth stealing


The first is improbable. The second possibility is supported by the author himself when he admits that US and Euro currencies are locked away. But still, I'm sure people steal the cash all the time, but would you notice if your 2 meter tall brick wall was missing a brick or two? :D


6000 Somali shillings = 1 USD

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