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^^^Was he one those, I am smart and I will show you just HOW educated I am fellas?? :D AAhh bless em they give me jokes! loool

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^Lol,I think so dear,but at least if it was a shukansii session but this wasnt you know..LOL




I am bored and its only Tuesday the 7th of October!! :( *sigh*

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Ibti, even with the old men i never thought you will answer some questions they ask ....


A trick: Bomber them with thousands of questions so that they will not have time to ask you questions ,,, :D

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oh, Ibts, don't be so sure. Once upon a time, odey baa sidaas oo kale conversation i la galey. His conversation became sexual.


I just blinked and made help-me faces at another Somali man who happened to be there to witness my embarrassment. He himself was cringing & when he got off the bus he threw me a last good luck look. Age ain't nothing but a number. Expect anything. I got off the bus feeling sick. Ha ka gurin odeyaasha, they will put you off sex. LooL.

You've got 4 years left.

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Talking of shukaansi. I was at a deserted bus stop earlier. A very pretty Arab girl comes over and sits two feet away from me. I steal a quick glance at her and notice the perfume, stylish hijab and expensive clothes she was wearing. A typical gulf girl, I say to myself. She flashes me a smile and I smile back then return to my daydreaming. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a very smartly dressed Indian young man appears. He stands there preening for a minute or two. He looks at me then looks at the girl. He shuffles his feet. He takes out his mobile phone and makes a quick call. He speaks loudly for a few seconds then hangs up. He walks towards me then walks towards her. He turns around and stands in his original position. He shuffles his feet some more. He gives me one last glance (but I pretend to still be daydreaming). He finally goes and sits next to the girl.


Do you mind if I have a word with you, says he.


Huh? Replies she.


I'd like to have a word, he says.


Ok, she replies with a shy smile.


Where are you from? He asks whilst devouring her with his eyes.


Huh? Replies she.


YOU, where from? Says he whilst (unconsciously I suppose) reverting back to his roots, with a shake of the head to boot.


I am from Kuwait, says she with her best-practised English.


Is that near Abu Dhabi? Asks he.


Yes, says she (still smiling and ready to be wooed).


Have you been in London long? Asks he.


Huh? Says she.


London. You here very long? Repeats he (with another Indian shake).


Last week, says she.


Is this your last week here? He asks with a start.


No. I came to London last week, she shyly replies.


How do you like London? He asks.


It is nice. I came here many times before. Says she.


I stood there thinking to myself that this random meeting has potential. The girl obviously likes this guy. However, she suddenly asks him a question that ruins the whole thing. :D


Where are you from? She says.


I am British, he replies.


Yes. But where are you originally from? She insists.


India, says he.


As her face drops, mine beams with a great big smile. :D


The bus arrives and both the girl and myself get on it. We watch the man's hurt face as the bus drives off. I am still to decide if he was hurt by her rejection more than my smile or by my smile more than her rejection.



This reminds me that in all my life I have never approached a woman in the street in such a way(well not seriously anyway). Am I, err, een, erm, deficient? And is it too late to fix the problem?

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^^^Loool. I hate them damn indians with their shaking heads. Why do they insist on talking to everyone women, they don't care is she is white, Asian, Arab, hijabi or naked (they don't like Black :eek: ) Lol.


sheh you are too nice, If the convo went down that road, I would throw shoes at him and swear at him loudly and haarbar :D

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Heh@JB. Nothing happened. She sat one place and I sat in another.


Ibti, nothing wrong with talking to old men. They help pass the time with their endless questions. I once met an old man and his wife at Heathrow. I was just about to make my way to the departure gate when they stopped me and asked me to for the plane to Denmark (can't remember the city now). They were both at least in their eighties. Anyway, the usual questions were asked only to discover the old woman was present at my birth and that their daughter is married to my father-in-law's first cousin. Heh.


Somalis, eh!

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When approached by strange men you would rather not talk to you just have to perfect the confused, dazed, indifferent & slightly too busy look.


The last Farax who was worth talking to couldn't be coaxed to speak English, he had too much of a strong accent. Oh well.


p.s. hi folks.

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^^ I think we have to ask A&T these sorts of questions, saaxib. I bet he's got a story or two about a gang of toothless old crones in Harar who target young men. :D

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