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Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! icon_razz.gif


Oh,was on the phone with a Somali dude,he insisted on speaking in English,what's up with that? :confused: , :D

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Malika! Your Somali was very bad and he did not understand. icon_razz.gif or as Jb said he works for the government :D


I got on the train today, this old G told me my bag was open, and how this country people waa saqaajaan and would taking things out of my bag. I agreed and then he told me he just came back from Hargisa (safe place, yad yad ya) Then he said he built three houses, and brought two jaago (land slots) and he has three houses here, one for him and two of his grown kids. I was sitting there thinking, erm OK then atheer. Wish I had a dad as rich as you, but why you telling me this. Then he told me he's been in the country for 51yrs, then he said are you from Burco or HArgisa, I told him, then he said are you Clan this or that, I told him, then he said so what are you, so I told him, and then he said THAT is NOT part of clan that, it is a clan on its own. :D I just changed the topic, then he started to tell me about my clan, and old seamen he knew from my clan, then it got scary, because he said who do you live with, I told him, he said I know him, I went to see him yesterday. Then he told me, you are from a very good family and clan. I was thinking should I say thanks?? :confused:


I'm not going to be friendly to any old men again! He got off at Liverpool street and I went back to my book. Oh he told me his fully name, clan and how many kids he has. Wait till I get home :D

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^^He was so old, I did not want to be rude! redface.gif I can never be rude to old ladies and Oodeyaasha, it is a normal thing for them, and it is too late to change them. Pluz he means no harm.

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HaHaHa,Ibti a typical encounter there..


LOL@my afsomali being bad, the dude was trying too hard to sound posh,on the other hand I was dropping Somali here and there,hoping he will just relax..argh!

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