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Okay, here's the next step. Go to this page(after you've logged in)


Go down to "photos" and on the right side of the page is "edit settings" click on that and in the "wall" tab there is an option that says "never publish any stories from photos". Next, go to "profile" tab and under "privacy", choose "only friends" or whatever you want. I'm not sure if that will stop the photo stories on everyone's wall, but it's worth a shot.

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Bloody JB outposted me. :D How did you get to 20000 posts? :eek:


But check the previous page on the bottom, I added another option.

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Originally posted by Cadaan:

Okay, here's the next step. Go to this page(after you've logged in)


Go down to "photos" and on the right side of the page is "edit settings" click on that and in the "wall" tab there is an option that says "never publish any stories from photos". Next, go to "profile" tab and under "privacy", choose "only friends" or whatever you want. I'm not sure if that will stop the photo stories on everyone's wall, but it's worth a shot.

Just in case you can't be bothered to look in the previous page. :D

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Sheh,sorry to hear about the job.


Read Surah Al-Hadid,it usually helps me focus,when am in doubt.


Insha'allah kheyr.


Salaams Folks!

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I figured why I had a such headache last night. I'm allergic to bloody flowers. I only realized now that I've been sneezing and my eyes are going puffy since I got in to work. Damit! Moved them from my desk.


Edit: them biscuts look yummy and I don'#t even like biscuits!

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Malika, and xoogaa jimicsi as well in ur list smile.gif



Cadaan is FB promoter in the marketing department.

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^LooL. Poor thing, right under your nose, eh?

I can't explain mine; been with me for over a week now; on and off, on and off. Accupuncture time me thinks.

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^^I feel like I have two eye lids on top of each other, and headache coming on again.


Where is Ngonge today? I have another question for him.

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Sadly no shiisha today, saaxib. Bloody rain. But I am planning to leave early and then maybe I'll pass by somewhere with indoor shiisha.


Ibti, another letter? icon_razz.gif

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^^^There is a new SOMALI shisha joint in Mile end, opposit tayot, and on the same side of the mosque. I keep seeing kids outside it on the bus. I even know the guy who opened it. I'm suprised the shikas have not shut it down. :eek:


As for the letter; You are too late, someone already translated.


But you can be useful, Mr. Critical, I just got an alter that the European parliament is at its final stage to grant Israel the right to be a member of the European Commission. Worth a campaign. I'm in a "can't be bother mode/ don't have the energy to be honest". redface.gif :mad: subxanallah I think I will.

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^^ Will make no difference other than wasting your time and energy. I'd tell you to do it for the experience but I don't think you really need any new experience there. Write a letter and leave it at that. :D


I'm boycotting Tayo ever since it was bought by the Pakistanis. :D:D



Why would the shieks close a normal business? Thy would get their Mosque burned if they tried. Heh.

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