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Originally posted by Ibtisam:

Cadaan has a share with FB! LOL

Geez, just trying to help out a sister and this is what people say :D

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^^LOOL ^sorry


Ngonge, the two brothers don't owe it anymore?? :confused: Does it still have somali food??


I'm passing it on to others to make some fuzz.


P.s. Because it is near the mosque and all the young kids are hanging there day and night, with the qaad joint next to it provides a deadly mix.

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I understand that but we live in the UK not Al Shabab land. The Mullahs can advise but they can not close anything. I'd bloody riot if they did (and I have nothing to do with it).


Tayo still has Somali food but it's half owned by timo jilic now.



I think there are three qaad joints within a walking distance of the mosque. That's the beauty of freedom, is it not? :D want to pray, go right. You want to chew, go left...

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^^The beauty of freedom indeed. Speaking of such freedom, I just got another huge flowers, even bigger than yesterday, with the same bloody note. This person is having a laugh! :mad: Even worse, This one is from M&S. :mad:

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looooooooooooool@Ibti ,,,,, you just need to listen to him or he will continue sending for the rest of his life ,,, :D



Ngonge, It is sometimes the same here ,, you will find cinama or Mafrish just in front of a Mosque ,,,,,,,,, or a red house just next to a Madarasah ,,


Yeah ,, it works sometimes ,, :D

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^^ You're being stalked by an Arab? Just wait until the expensive perfumes start to arrive. It wont be long now (you can give them to charity if you don't want them. I know a very good one). :D

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JB what is the red house?


I would've listen to him/ her but there is no name!


Ngonge; Charity for the flowers?? :confused: It say they have a life line of mini 7days.


I already got a D&G bag, but I think it is fake. I like perfume (not the nasty Arab ones, Oh please god no, not those)


I'm not being stalked, someone is very grateful for something I did presumably

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I urgently needed a few days off work, but I knew the Boss


would not allow me to take leave.


I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' he would


tell me to take a few days off.


> >>


So, I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny




My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing.


I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb, so


that the boss might think I was 'Crazy' and give me


a few days off.



A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and


asked, 'What in the name of good GOD are you doing?'


I told him I was a light bulb..


He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.'


Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.'


I jumped down and walked out of the office...


When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her,


'And where do you think you're going....?



She said, 'I'm going home, too. You can't possibly expect me to work in the dark!?




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^^Who, I don't know anyone I want to stalk. I already offered them to few of my co-works, now they think I'm evil and keep breaching to me. redface.gif


JB LOOOOOOOOL smart blond! HAha lol

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How grateful can one be, Ibti? Flowers for two days in a row and you still don't know who it is? Dee naga daa... icon_razz.gif

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^^^Well unless you told your brother where I work icon_razz.gif ooops I forgot, he is gone off me icon_razz.gif


I swear I don't know. I'm waiting for the call, to say did you recieve yad ya..

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Heh@JB's joke. :D


Ibti, if you get more flowers tomorrow but get no phone calls, how long will you leave it before you start to panic? :D

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^^^Why would I panic, I will open a shop out front and start selling them icon_razz.gif:D It will just be creepy, but it doesn't bother me, I'd just be sad that they are wasting their money on something I am allergic to.

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