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Horror of Mutilated Boys

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Yes, I can, it happens to our women all the time. If this shocks you men, then u really haven't appreciated the brutality of FGM. Does it hit home because it's a penis that has been hacked off?


I feel for the boys. God help them.

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FGM iyo waxaa isku keenee nin aduunkiisa dhan laga gooyo..subxaanalaah.............the Boys lost their freeking perducer........loooooooooooooooool..FGM is nothing compare to this...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I feel their pain walaahi....


wareer badanaa!!!!!!!!

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pain is pain no matter what shape or form, this is alot similar to FGM, at least for these boys the pain is once and the wound heals where as the girls live with the pain reoccuring five days every month as well as other occasions i'm sure you all know about. If you think this is horror, perhaps you should read up on FGM once more.


ta ta

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Tuujiye me I know FGM more than lots of people in here because I have studed it and I suport anyone who is doing some thing about it...


You can't compare the two sis because you are treating what happened to the boys like if it was (guditaan) said is one time pain. HOW? did you think of the pain he will deal with everytime he goes to the washroom?..everytime he feels you know on you can't be serious.....


wareer badanaa!!!

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Three boys were mutilated and the world (or at least the western part of it) goes into shock, the police and the best of doctors are rushed to the scene. Why is it that when such mutilating practices are done on boys the world responses in such ways? Female mutilations have been going on for decades and yet few people are doing their best to abolish this heinous tradition, I have yet to hear doctors trying to find ways of correcting the damages done on these girls or the police arresting the people who perform these things.


I am in no way condoning what has happened to these three unfortunate children, I just find it disturbing that people take notice and take initiative in preventing this kind of stuff when done to the male’s but turn the other cheek when it’s done to females, and blame the cultural differences and justify it by saying that its customs people have followed for numbers of years and therefore can’t be put to stop in an instance.


This reminds of an article I read, the author stated that if men were the ones delivering babies, governments, scientists, doctors etc would do all they could to find some sort of drug to take the pain part of child birth; great deals of money would be spent to accomplish this. And had men been the ones experiencing monthly cramps more research would have been done on ways of eliminating such cramps so they could go through those times without pain. This of course was her opinion.


GT: perhaps I was wrong to say that they would only go through the pain once, but they got artificial members, does that not some what ease their discomfort? Hmm…I wonder if there are artificial parts for women.


oh well..god bless them and allow them to enjoy as much of life as they possibly can. AMEN!


ta ta

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Horta idinka ma waalan tihiin ???


Ragii baa alaabtii laga goosanayaa markaasaad FGM kala mid dhigaysaan. Atleast haweenku iyaga oo FGM lagu sameeyay wax bay dhalaan waala la guursadaa . . .. Idinka haweenkoow xageed rag ka helaysaan marka alaabtii oo dhanba la goosto . .


Walaahi idinka lee oyaaya oo dhihi WAAR RAGGA NOO DAAYA . . .

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maandhay waxa la idinku sameeyey wa wax ah dhaqan xun, insha allaahna waa laga bixi,,laakinse idinka waa idin qarsoon yahay,,wiilashanse physical damage ka waxaa uga daran pysocholical damage ka,Sadex gabdhood oo yar yar baan leeyahay midna in mindi la taabsiiyo u ogalaanmaayo,,dadkuna waa is bedelay oo dee hada wax cadadaa xun sameeya waaba iska yaryihiin??

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Jacaylbaro, what has happened to these boys is a one-off. Do u see millions of men being mutilated? Nope. The men have nothing to worry about on that score. And that comment on women being able to procreate after mutilation, well, that's what I think has allowed this to carry on and on. As long as she can give birth, the beautiful cycle of life can go on.


It is this process of birthing that causes anguish over and over again for the women long after the initial butchery. The mutilated boys will not have to deal with that. Sure there will be trauma, psychological and physiolgical but they're not part of a culture that doesn't discourage it and they're not going to have to go through this over and over...


..copied and pasted..

In order for the consummation of the marriage and childbirth to take place a second operation is necessary. "De-fibulation" is the enlarging of the tiny opening and is usually performed at home by the husband or midwife. The stretching of the small opening is very painful and may take weeks or even months.


Immediate complications following the procedure may include hemorrhaging and infection due to unsanitary conditions. Hemorrhaging, or heavy bleeding, may occur immediately or up to six days later. Significant loss of blood can be the cause of acute shock and death. Infections that set in around the area are common, and the wound may abscess. Septicemia, tetanus, and urinary tract infections are all common results from the unsterile objects and unhygenic salves used on the wound.


Complications that develop over time are a result of an opening too small to allow for urine and menstrual fluid to adequately flow through. It takes an infibulated woman 10-15 minutes to urinate. Menstruation lasts for 10 or more days and can seriously incapacitate women. The build up of urine and blood often result in infection. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) can develop from infection, and infertility can result.


The pain and trauma of FGM continues into pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal mortality is highest in countries that practice FGM. It is common for women to eat very little during pregnancy in hopes of having a small baby so that childbirth will be less painful. The natural birth process is made very difficult by the obstructed vaginal opening. Dilation that would naturally occur does not if a woman has been infibulated. Usually, several episotomies, or small cuts, are necessary to deliver the baby. After childbirth, the wound is resuchered and if not done correctly scar tissue and ulcers may form. After delivery, the woman is once again infibulated and left with an opening the size of a pinhole.

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Africa and the Middle East mostly but it happens in other parts of the world too. 15% of the procedures in Africa are infibulations(pharaonic)- the most extreme kind. The women on whom this is carried out suffer the most; these are the women whose trauma the piece refers to.

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Kenya has witnessed many strange chopping-offs. I remember about a time when witch-crafts were said to have chopped-off young females' breasts as an ingredient for a certain ritual. So JacaylBaro, hang on to them, aight :D .




PS: And about FGM. Ladies, men do not perform FGM, your fellow women do perform FGMs. Ask them to stop it.

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^^^^Right..sounds so easy..

I can just imagine...


**Naa habaryahay waalan gabdhaha birta ka dhah nooh...*** icon_razz.gif


Illahayow dadkaas waalan oo shaytaanka ah na cili. Ameen

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