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Horror of Mutilated Boys

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^^^Your Reasons were of the many ironies I was refering to...


It seems the issue of FGM is deeply rooted in "Fear"...A fear that one day the girl will committ Zinah and will get pregnant with illegitimate child. That she will bring shame and damage the Family name..Parents who don't know the meaning of mas'uuliyah (their duties and obligations) who will prefer to run away than face the realities of the world they live in...a culture that prefers to look away from the sins of men since they wont bear recognisable signs...It is a tangled web. the failure is not only with individuals but the very foundations of Somali Culture.


Now Dear should someone address this issue? Look for who to blame...that is just what I did in the above paragraph...and you didn't swallow it, did you?


To me, It shouldn't be Women's issue should be Every Man's issue, every husband, every brother and above all every Father. To educate them is the key!!!



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I've always wondered if the thought of a woman enjoying sex was just as horrifying as the act of her bringing dishonour upon the family when they instated this practice.


I always thought (though of course, this is MY assumption which are not based on anything), that once some men realised that women were not that different from men in bed when it comes to pleasure, they started to fear that women might be similar to them in other respects as well. And started to think that women had the exact same uncontrollable urges men had. They knew their own weaknesses and decided to transfer them unto women. They assumed that women -who were thought to be morally and physically weaker - would succumb to the temptation just like they had. But in such a society, a woman's moral weakness would cost the men their reputations, whereas their own wouldn't as much.


I see this might come off as another men vs. women reply, but I don't think it's wrong to persume that if men were in any way against this practice, it wouldn't have found the following it has, even if their women insisted on it. No matter what, they would have found a way to stop it.


Also another point, this one about the psychology of the husband. I wonder what kind of man would insist that his wife be all sown up. I mean, how does such a relationship work, where the man's greatest joy means the woman's greatest pain. In this case, I'm talking about a love marriage here, where the man professes to love the woman (because if the man didn't care about the woman to begin with, I don't suppose her pain would bother him all that much). How would such a man cope with the fact that the one uniting act of marriage is entirely one-sided?


I suppose women tend to keep their pain and ills to themselves, but some men must have known how they were hurting their women. I mean, were they thinking about sex they think about childbirth, a necessary that will always involve pain for the woman?


FGM reminds me of the chinese footbinding practice, though in that case it was usually done for aesthetic reasons. But it makes me wonder, what kind of man would admire something so agonising for the woman.


Maybe it's the woman's fault, for keeping quiet and pretending all is well and that FGM is what she truly wants?

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