
UN & AMISOM start evacuation as Alshabab readies siege on Mogadishu

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you get appoint. Lately, we barely see Turkish activities in Somalia.

Farmaajo has disrespected Turkey by allying with UAE and others while lowering the Turkish standing.

we call his moves: Hasha labada Geel jecel. he lost the momentum. 

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This is related to the power struggle between Abgaal and HG/Murursade on the other hand. 

Mahad Salaad and his Caydh clan, through Gen. Indho Cade, as well as the Ex-Qanyare melitia now under Khaire want to consolidate power in Banadir region. 

The culling of the Abgaal clan melitia, under the pretext of army registration, is just one of the way Khaire/Mahad want to get rid of the powers that they fear will be a big problem come 2020 selection process.

The Abgaal are obvoiusly resisting and things could only go downhill from here. 

The 1990s Gen. Aided vs Cali Mahdi spat is just got different faces and actors. 


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Like it or loathe it,  this country is the only place that we all call home,  and to be honest with you,  its tethering on the edge. We Somalis like to point finger but we as people will lose if the current status quo remains the same.  

There are so many actors in this country, it's very difficult for any one administration to wholly run the place.  Their interests are competing,  and there isn't a sense of dialogue or looking out for the common good of people or country. A case in point is the recent withdrawal by the army from their positions.  Apparently this was a result of government wanting to carry out proper count of forces, vested interest with their ghost army employees decided that ain't on, and asked their fellow tribesmen to vacate their positions. This is the tip of corruption iceberg. I for one am giving up on hoping the country getting better.  And that's hard for me to say. 

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1 hour ago, Suldaanka said:


This is related to the power struggle between Abgaal and HG/Murursade on the other hand. 

Mahad Salaad and his Caydh clan, through Gen. Indho Cade, as well as the Ex-Qanyare melitia now under Khaire want to consolidate power in Banadir region. 

The culling of the Abgaal clan melitia, under the pretext of army registration, is just one of the way Khaire/Mahad want to get rid of the powers that they fear will be a big problem come 2020 selection process.

The Abgaal are obvoiusly resisting and things could only go downhill from here. 

The 1990s Gen. Aided vs Cali Mahdi spat is just got different faces and actors. 


No offence Suldaanow but are you talking out of your arse?

HG and reer Kuwait being allies against unaka leh crew is absurd.

The biggest opposition against this N&N government since day 1 has been HG.

As for the Army's declared war that's being going on Farmaajo government it's Hiraab (HG S/Hoose and Abgaal S/Dhexe).

In short HG doesn't need a Langaab weak clan like beesha Kuwait for an ally when it has always carried itself unchallenged. 

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Granted HG is a 99 problem in itself. More like Mahad Salaad's Caydh boys and Khaire's Murursade powerplay in Banadir region.

It is a quagmire to say the least, but that is the picture that is currently emerging.


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While ago  our esteemed composers described the colonials try to subdue as a futile effort and compared them as handicapped person  trying to raise against able body person.

Ah, how far we came. 

Caqli ruux ku faanoo

Caydii u dhalay iyo

Cashiiradiisa laayo

Cisha walba Gawraca.

Now our own kids are murdering as day in and day out with no solutions.

Americans are saying to us go and finish of this Somali Al-shabaab kids. .One of you must live , so go and finish off one another.

Is there another way other than what uncle Sam proscribed. Is there another way out.

We can't do the same thing again and again while expecting different result. As many have said this is our country and we must help to get out of the hole.

Today, Somalia was the only one who abstained the UN vote against the annexation of the Syrian Golan Height. What would Farmaajo gain by these moves. 


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22 hours ago, galbeedi said:


Today, Somalia was the only one who abstained the UN vote against the annexation of the Syrian Golan Height. What would Farmaajo gain by these moves. 



"Go’aankii Looga Aamusay Qaraarkii Israa’il Waxaa Gaadhay Farmaajo” Siyaasi Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Oo Farmaajo Ku Eedeeyay Go'aankii Ay Somaliya Ka Aamustay

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24/03/2019(BNN) Siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame oo ah hogaamiyaha Xisbiga Wadajir ayaa ka hadlay xaalad ka dhalatay go’aan ay dowlada Soomaaliya ugaga aamustay qaraar ku saabsanaa go’aanka uu Madaxweyne Trump ku aqoonsaday dhulka ay Yuhuudu xooga ku haysato ee Golan Heights.

Go’aanka kadib ayaa Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Dowlada Soomaaliya waxa ay si deg-deg ah ugu yeeratay safiirkii ka fadhiyay magaalada Geneva waxana uu siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakur qoraal uu soo dhigay bogiisa Facebook ku sheegay inaysan safiiradu gaari Karin go’aan dowladeed iyadoo aan la tashan madaxda sare ee dalka.

“Ma jiro safiir go’aan qadiyad caalami ah ka qaadan kara iyada/ isaga oo aan la tashan Madaxda sare ee dalka. Waa la ogyahay cida go’aanka qaadatay iyo cida ku cadaadisay intaba.”ayuu yiri Cabdirasmaan Cabdishakur.

Siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur ayaa ugu baaqay Madaxweynaha Jamhuriyada Federalka Maxamed Cabdulahi Farmaajo in uu qaato mas’uuliyada go’aanka uu ka gaaray arrimaha qadiyada muslimiinta.

“Madaxweynuhu waa in uu si geesinimo leh masuuliyada u qaadato oo uu san Safiirka madaxfurasho ka dhigan, wasaaraduna warqado shacabka ku jahwareerin. Safiiradu waa in ay cadayso in go’aanku amar dawlad ahaa ee aysan aqbalin in maalmo Muqdisho la keeno, ka dibna shaqadeeda lagu celyo, iyaduna eeda qaadato.”

Ugu dambeyntii siyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame ayaa qoraalkiisa ku cadeeyay in hore go’aan sidan oo kale ah uu ugaga aamusay safiirka dowlada Soomaaliya ee Qaramada Midoobay taasoo ku saabsanayd aqoonsiga caasimada Israel ee Qudus.

“Sidan oo kale ayuu Madaxweyne Farmaajo ku cadaadiyey Safiirka Soomaaliya Qaramada Midoobay u fadhiya in uu ka aamuso go’aankii lagu canbaareeyey in Qudus ay tahay Caasimada Israel. Hadii uu Madaxweynuhu ku qanacsan yahay in ay aamusnaanta go’aanadan dani ku jirto, ha yeesho geesinimo uu masuuliyada go’aanka ku qaato. Laakiin ma dhici karto, laga soo bilaabo dhiibistii Qalbidhagax in la yiraahdo Madaxweynuhu ma ogayn.”

Illaa hadda dowlada Soomaaliya si toos ah ugama hadlin go’aanka ay wadamo badan oo Islaam aad uga caroodeen ooku saabsanaa in laga aamiso qadiyada Bariga Dhexe oo lala safto dowlada Israel.

Xafiiska Wararka BoramaNews

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Farmaajo Govt is now totally confused in both Mogadishu and International relations.

He thought would be smooth sailing getting rid of Federal states and consolidating power. Internationally he remains on two trees. Qatar/Turkish and UAE/Ethiopia/Eritrea.

His guards the Uganda/Kenya...are in the Qatar/Turkish side if it comes down to it.


He also missed the Saudi sub group which Ghelleh used perfectly.



  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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On 3/24/2019 at 2:06 PM, Suldaanka said:

Ciidamo horleh oo ka gadooday mushahar la'aan afar bilood ah.



These are mudug and galgaduud boys with guns and they have some conflict with the local people in Shabeele region.  They controlled these area since 90's but now with name of Somali army. Each neighborhood all the way to Baraawe, there are units of 50 - 150 men with uniform but they counted These men do not have any intention to leave their post but want to get pay and keep things the way it is.  They  run all the business and all the fight both sides. Shabeele Hoose belongs South West region and local people are more empowered these days. With  the new leader of south west, the galgaduud boys will have difficulty to maintain their status. Samething with shabeelada dhexe, where the Bantu makes almost half of the population. As local people empowered with alshabaab and Somali government the old group who controlled the old banaadir region will lose their grip and forced to accept the new reality in the ground. 

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