Deeq A.

Former Somali President to lead new political party

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Deeq A.   

MOGADISHU (Caasimada Online)–Former President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has been elected on Sunday to to lead a new political party – the Union for Peace and Democracy (UPD) in Mogadishu.

The new party is made up of two groups – Daljir and Horusocod caucus led by Hassan Sheikh Mohamud after an election held at Guest hotel in Mogadishu.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was the 8th President of Somalia from 16 September 2012 until 16 February 2017.

Mohamud was born in central Hiran province, he grew up in a middle-class neighborhood of Mogadishu and completed his diploma in technology from the Somali National University.

Then after earning a master’s degree in technical education from Bhopal University (presently known as Barkatullah University) in India, he returned to Somalia and worked with various NGOs and UN bureaus during the civil war.

Mohamud remained in Somalia throughout the 21-year civil war unlike many other Somali intellectuals, serving as an educational campaigner and a peace activist.

Meanwhile, he won respect for his work in civil society and education, and was one of the founders of Mogadishu’s Simad University, where he became a lecturer and served as its dean for 10 years.

After resigning from his post as the dean, he founded the independent Peace and Development Party (PDP) and entered politics.

In 2012, in the first Presidential election in over 40 years, this former academic and university head was elected as the 8th President of Somalia.

Caasimada Online
Mogadishu News Desk

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Is Culusoow trying to become the President again? Isn't all the money he stole enough to give him comfortable retirement? This is very strange. 

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Ama  moxog diirataya ama dad madhiisaya ama dhiig miirato noqotoya. The koonfurians will wave the fake blue flag and say they are wadani muwaadinin with a straight face.  Mix it with a bit of niiko iyo dabowareejis iyo hebel talyaani iyo baastoyaro qalalan.  They will say somalinimadu waxay taala inside the amisom bunker.

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Waa lagu dhaganyahay Xasan Sheekh. They usurped another 'political' party's name that was created seven years ago.

Xisbiga uu Xasan sameystay oo muran galay iyo xisbi kale oo ku dhegan


Sida aan wararkeena hore ku sheegnay waxaa lagu wadaa in Xisbi uu hoggaaminayo Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud looga dhawaaqo magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimada Somalia.

Xisbiga cusub ayaa waxa uu qorshuhu yahay in lagu dhawaaqo maalinta Khamiista ee fooda nagu soo heysa waxaana soo baxaaya is qabqabsi Xisbiyeed oo ka dhashay magaca Xisbiga cusub ee Xasan Sheekh.

Is qabqabsiga Xisbiyeed ayaa soo shaac baxay kadib markii C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo Wasiir ka ah Maamulka Koofur Galbeed uu sheegay in magaca Xisbigiisa ay qaateen Xisbiga uu hoggaaminayo Madaxweynihii hore Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud.

Xisbiga uu sheegtay C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan inuu aas aastay 2011 ilaa 2012 ayaa lagu magacaabaa  Midowga Nabadda iyo Dimoqraadiyadda Soomaaliyeed (Somali Peace and Democratic Union- SYPDU), halka Xisbiga uu hoggaaminayo Xasan Sheekh lagu magacaabaa Midowga Nabadda iyo Dimoqraadiyadda (Union For Peace and Democratic- UPD) kaa oo isna lagu dhawaaqay 2018.

Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan Xisbiga uu hoggaaminayo Xasan Sheekh ay dafiray in labada Xisbi ay isku magacyihiin isla markaana ay dadku yihiin kuwo isku khaldaaya.

Waxa uu sheegay in uusan ka mid aheyn Xisbiyada uu diiwaan geliyay Guddiga Madaxa Banaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaran, magacaabida Xisbigoodana uu yahay mid ay horay uga sii fikireen inta aanay ku dhawaaqin, si aanay u dhicin inay qaataan magacyo ka mid Xisbiyada la diiwaan geliyay.

Marka la’eego magacyada labada Xisbi ayaa ah kuwo isku eg, waxaana muuqaneysa in Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo garabkiisa ay afduubteen magaca Xisbiga C/llaahi Sheekh Xasan oo Wasiir ka ah Maamulka Koofur Galbeed.

Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale fursad u arkeysa inay ku duulaan tagto in magaca Xisbiga cusub horay loo diiwaan galiyay isla markaana aysan suuroobi Karin in mar kale ay Koox kale isticmaasho.

Si kastaba ha ahaatee, is qabqabsiga Xisbiyadeed ee ka bilowday Muqdisho ayaa mugdi galinkara badqabka Xisbiyada kale ee horay loo diiwaangaliyay, iyadoo ay cabsi dhanka magaca ah lasoo daristay madaxda kale ee Xisbiyada.


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. Farmaajo won't come back and Hassan is an old story. Hassan Sheikh is done, the Somali political card is one time use.

We need a new alternative group that has new ideas.

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There are know new people maybe salaad cali jeele will win eebow qaxmahuurto waaye. Ileen wa markoodi and the pirates might get the deputy in the amisom bunker. Sheikh Sharif is running he learned English he is a candidate. Not sure if he was ikhwaani or  salafi jadidi jihadi.

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Isbeddel lama filaan ah oo lagu sammeeyey Xisbiga cusub ee Xasan Sheekh

Xisbi siyaasadeedka cusub ee magaalada Muqdisho laga sameeyey, islamarkaana uu hogaaminayo madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, ayaa lagu sameeyey isbeddel lama filaan ah oo dhinaca magaca ah.

Xisbigan oo magaciisa hore uu ahaa Midowga Nabadda iyo Dimoqraadiyadda ama Union for Peace an Democracy (UPD), ayaa waxaa loo beddelay Midowga Nabadda iyo Horumarka ama Union for Peace an Development (UPD), kadib markii muran la geliyey laguna qabsaday magacii hore.

Siyaasiga Cabdullaahi Sheekh Xasan ayaa markii xisbigaas lagu dhawaaqay durba sheegtay in magaca xisbiga uu leeyahay isaga, islamarkaana kooxda Xasan Sheekh ay bililiqeysatay. Cabdullaahi Sheekh Xasan ayaa soo bandhigay caddeymo muujinaya inuu magacaas isaga la baxay sanaddii 2011.

Kooxda Xasan Sheekh ayaa markii hore ku doodday in magaca ay qaadaan karaan maadaama uusan Cabdullaahi Sheekh Xasan si rasmi ah u diiwaan gashan. Si kastaba waxaa hadda muuqata inay magacaas ka tanaasuleen una daayeen Cabdullaahi Sheekh Xasan.

Xisbiga cusub ee Union for Peace an Development (UPD) ayaa waxaa si rasmi loogu dhawaaqi doonaa xaflad weyn oo maalinta khamiista ah lagu qaban doono magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya.

Xisbigan cusub ayaa waxaa ku midoobay kooxaha Damu-Jadiid, Daljir iyo Kutladda Horusocod, waxaana la sheegay inay xubno ka yihiin ilaa 80 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan baarlamanka Soomaaliya.


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2 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

Xisbigan oo magaciisa hore uu ahaa Midowga Nabadda iyo Dimoqraadiyadda ama Union for Peace an Democracy (UPD), ayaa waxaa loo beddelay Midowga Nabadda iyo Horumarka ama Union for Peace an Development (UPD), kadib markii muran la geliyey laguna qabsaday magacii hore.

If you can't come up with a unique name for your political party, then you don't deserve to be in politics period. Someone should tell the former president "inta yaree karaamada iyo sharaf kuu hadhay ha iska lumin"

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20 hours ago, cadnaan1 said:

In the history of Somalia there's never been president elected twice, why is he wasting his stolen money.

Why can't he be the first. There is always the first to everything.



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20 hours ago, Peace Action said:

If you can't come up with a unique name for your political party, then you don't deserve to be in politics period. Someone should tell the former president "inta yaree karaamada iyo sharaf kuu hadhay ha iska lumin"

Actually old name works better to create a good connection between present and past when going to new future. People feel more comfortable.

I am not sure if it will work for him, but in most places that works best.


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