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Islam has made Somalia Weak

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I think Islam is dying. Look at the modern world. No one cares about Islam. It is synnous with torture and killing.

I think Somalia would have progressed more if we didn't have it in our culture. What you have now? Somali women raped by Ethiopians. Cold hard reality is that Islam makes you weak.

You don't produce anything, manufacture anything, no technology. you wail and pray, but the ground beneath you doesn't move. Then you wonder, why you are all weak and occupied. Today, the whole Muslim world is a humiliation.


Steps to make Somalia Strong in the future.


Releagate Islam to the lowest level in society. It functions only in places of whorship and charity.

Abolish the clan system, forbide discussion of it in any form at state level


Insitgate a pragmatic foreign policy, based shrewdley on self interest

Look across the ocean and towards India, as a trading partner and build a strategic alliance

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loool, this is.......... :rolleyes: Right of course it is Islam, Now why did I not think of that! Pray tell me, what has not having Islam do for you? ( I’m assuming you don't have Islam because you excluded yourself by using "you" rather than "we" or "US". So tell me the advantages of not following Islam. What should we follow? Modernisation? Liberalism?


How does one relegate Islam so that it only functions in places of worship and charity? Is everything that is good not worship?


Lastly, what features of Islam can hold you back in the modern world (other than riba/ investment). Why can Islam not contribute to the Abolishment of Clan After all Islam says that we have been divided into clans/ tribes so that we may identify one another, not to degrade each other.


Is Cillim/ Seeking Knowledge described in Islam as a never ending process, hence the famous saying "knowledge before action" So education, education and more education Islam says.


If a Whole society is based on self interest you will just emerge with the old class system, the survival of the highest and the demise of the lowest, how would you get around that. Isn't the role of the state in the west community interest, if you agree how does that differ so much from Islam, the role of the welfare of the community as a whole?


How does Islam prevent Somalia from Looking across the ocean to India as a trading partner or strategic alliance, How come the strong presence of Islam in India has not Harm them.


Finally how much of Islam do you know to discredit its benefits, e specially its role in a function political Islamic system.


Do you judge Islam by the followers of Islam or by scripture?

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Actually peacenow, what is really weak is your argument. You blame Islam for all the problems in Somalia, when it is actually the solution!!


Originally posted by peacenow:

Abolish the clan system
, forbide discussion of it in any form at state level

This is the answer right here. This is what you should be blaming for Somalia's troubles, not Islam.

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Muslims throughout the world are week, and Muslim Umma have never been in this low point in history, but we will rise up one day!

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Of all the excuses in the world, you have come down to Islam?


Somalia is weak because of corruption, greed, calanism, arms for everyone and a lack of compromise & of commitment to peace. So try again to blame it on Islam is too simplistic.


As for the Muslim countries being humiliated that’s because the leaders are puppies for the ‘West’, and despite what you may hear, it’s in their interest to keep democracy out of the ME because Lo and Behold! Should they be given the real chance for democracy they might actually elect an Islamic government.


1.4 to 1.6 billion followers, thats like every 5th person that walks this planet, does not spell a dying faith to me :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by peacenow:

I think Somalia would have progressed more if we didn't have it in our culture.Cold hard reality is that Islam makes you weak.

You don't produce anything, manufacture anything, no technology. you wail and pray, but the ground beneath you doesn't move. Then you wonder, why you are all weak and occupied. Today, the whole Muslim world is a humiliation.


Salam Aleikum W.W


Islam makes you weak? Subhannh-Allah, first and foremost brother say Istaghfurul-Allah and ask Allah s.w for frgiveness.


Secondly, Muslims are suffering world over today not because of Islam but Muslims themselves are to blame for turning their backs against their faith and did you know...Islam encourages of all the progress you so passionately speak of and did you also know that all this technology you also so passionately speak of are found right in the Qur'aan verses but only if we Muslims paid little bit more attention.



Don't blame Islam for Somalia's Somalia finds itself in anarchy simply because we undermined our faith and to a degree abandoned Islam and what do you expect to happen when you turn your back against Allah s.w?


Brother we are reaping exactly what we sow and unless we repent and forget about this sickness called tribalism we will remain the laughing stock of the universe as Islam teaches and mind you, it was also in the last sermon of prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) that ALL MUSLIMS are equal and therefore are brothers & sisters.


so my brother don't blame Islam for Somalia's madness...Blame your so-called elders for deceiving you when they told you that your tribe is superior to all the rest and therefore its OK to murder, rape and loot the wealth of all those who aren't your tribesmen/women for they are inferior to you.


Just because we have puppets as Muslim leaders today doesn't mean Islam is weak or dying as you put it because the religion of Islam belongs to Allah s.w and he will protect it no matter what the infidels do to the followers of the religion of Islam.


Just make sure you don't lose hope or faith in Allah s.w and Islam because of few hypocrites who would rather see Islam wiped off from the face of the earth but we all know that will never happen as Allah s.w himself promised in the Qur'aan that he will safeguard it...they can burn the Qur'aan or flush it in the toilet all they want but Islam will always be there and will keep on flourishing right in front of their eyes.


May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Peacenow sxb, I feel ya brah u look at the world and the Muslims are in the worst position, their lands are occupied, their resources are stolen, they are 85% of world refugees, they haven’t produced any scientific innovations in last century, their societies are backward, they have no leaders, their women are second class citizens, their poor are mistreated, marka I think u are just frustrated sxb nothing more playa and its understandable. First Understand this Quranic ayat: “We give men by turns.......”, this is how the world works civilization rises, another falls its part of nature........when Abu Sufyan was asked during the time of the Prophet scw who wins the battles between you and Muhammad scw? He replied sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.........mida kale I don’t think u know the glorious history of Islam, Muslim Spain when the Islamic Empire reigned from the heart of Europe to the Gates of China......I know its just history, but history serves a great lesson what made them glorious and Muslims today humiliated? Was it education? Was it science? Was it Philosophy of men? The prophetic scw mission started in mecca, his followers were mostly poor, slaves with no means, and they were persecuted, but within span of a few decades these poor nomads were victorious and transformed arabiya from warring factions into one civilization and their legacy, the legacy of those Muslims is what produced the greatest most tolerant civilization ever known to man, not only ruled by Arabs as u may think but Asians, Africans it is the only civilization in history to have been ruled and defended by men of all is the same civilization that up started European Renaissance, the same that produced great scientists and scientific works still used today by the West.........marka ask yourself brah what gave them their rise if not Islam?


As for Somalia I honestly think they are the worst Muslims in the world and in muslim history maybe don’t blame clan walaalhi that is just ummm bull.........


1. same ethnicity, same language, same deen...........yes Muslims have killed each other cause of poliics, greed, governments called muslims have committed artoicies bombing civilians, gassing them ie kurds...........but when its between the civilians, the shacabs of Muslims, in the history of Muslims (even somalia=same ethnicity, language, deen) I have never in my life heard muslims even their militias who have ie: gang raped each others women even eldery women and young girls, set ablaze each others dead, or burn alive in fussto other muslims in war.........somalis are the worst “muslims” mushriiks yet they are still proud loooooool

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Assalamu Calaykum,


I gues all the answers have been given.


Peacenow, read closely at the numerous opinions presented here, you will find your answer, but don't make poor judgements again saaxib without having that much of knowledge of the history of Islam and the great things it has done for the world. Islam is a law, if you follow it, you will find yourself among the best, but if you blind yourself from it, you are doomed to fail, an experience muslims are going through. Muslims of today have been borned to Islam, however they have not taken advantage of what Allah has granted them for free, so as a result they will suffer until the day they realize their misfortunes.




Assalamu Calaykum.

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Never mix two things together. xox



1. Islam as a religion is God's law on this earth, it doesnt belong to any particular nation but, to all mankind.


2. Muslims or to be specific, the Muslim polital groups who say there actions are generated from or reflect Islam.


I hope you are talking about the second as the first is unquestionable if you are a muslim.


Political Islam in Somalia falls mainly into two categories. Both of them failed to appeal or confince Somalis as a governing alternative.




They failed to understand the somali mentality as they tried to implement a copied version of ideologies.


One party is impatient and dont give any importance to build a society with a solid foundations. however, they are very active and can mobilise the crowds.


The second is more patient and give (atleast theoretically) importance to build on a good foundations, their weakness is though, they are totally dependent on their Arab parent organisation and somewhat far from understanding the somalis.


Any Islamic group that unlock the somali mentality and own their process instead of copying from outside will lead this nation.


No secular ideology will succeed. That is reality.

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4 - Anti-Islamic: No one will be allowed to insult Islam and Muslims under any circumstances. Your post will be deleted and/or username banned if cought with any anti-Islamic attacks. Your views are welcome but your deragotory language against Islam/Muslims will not be welcomed at the expense of those muslims who pay the bill for this privately owned website.

Where are ALL the Adim people? I guess they are on holiday at the moment. This is the best time to take the apportunity to break the rest of the rules i guess. ;)


PS Well said everyone else. Mashallah.

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