
Gaas ''Somaliland funds Terror groups Al-shabaab and ISIS and we have the evidence, we shall present it to the World''

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Garoowe - Hogaamiyah Maamulka Puntland Cabdi weli Gaas ayaa sheegay in maamulka Somaliland ay dhaqaale xoogan ku bixiso dagaalka ay qaado Al-Shabaab.

Cabdi weli Gaas, waxa uu sheegay in Somaliland ay garab u tahay Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish, isagoo tilmaamay inay jiraan cadeymo badan oo muujinaaya taageerada.

Cabdi weli Gaas, waxa uu sheegay in cadowga qalqalka amni ku haya Puntland ay ka kooban yihiin Seddex qeyb, waxa uuna qeybta koowad iyo labaad ku kala sheegay Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish, halka qeybta seddexaad uu ku sheegay Somaliland, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.

Waxa uu sheegay in Al-Shabaab,Daacish ay taageero ka helayaan cadawga deriskooda ah,oo uu ku sheegay Somaliland sida uu hadalka u dhigay Cabdi weli Gaas.


“Somaliland waan la socnaa in si hagar la’aan ah ay u taageerto Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish, marka uu arrinku sidaa yahay Puntland waxaa ku waajibtay inay is difaacdo”

“Puntland waxa ay cadeyn buuxda u heysaa qaabka ay Somaliland u taageerto Al-Shabaab iyo Daacish waxaanu xaqiijineynaa in dhaqaale xoogan ay ku bixiyaan silo qalqal galiyo amniga Somalia inteeda kale”

Sidoo kale waxa uu sheegay in Puntland iyo Shacabkeeda ay diyaar u yihiin inay iska difaacaan cidkasta oo ku soo duusahay, waxa uuna cod dheer ku sheegay in Somaliland ay caqabad ku tahay xasiloonida deegaanada Puntland.

Haddalka Cabdi weli Gaas, ayaa imaanaya xili Hogaamiyaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi uu isna ku dhawaaqay in maamulkiisa iyo shacabkuba ay iska difaacayaan Puntland.

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Puntland is wising up, destroying their opponents credibility in the World stage, before striking them (Somaliland) under the pretense that they (Puntland) are fighting a terrorist sponsoring regional state.

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Wax jira allaa og balse su'aalaha dadka madixiisa daalinaysa waxaa ka mida sababta nimabakan dagaalama u laayaan somaalida kale snm uga dhigteen kayd la jecel-yahay.

Xataa kuwa u ololeeya misliyiinta, ama in dhadigu guursan karo dhadig kale yaa lagusoo dhaweeyay hargaysa wax wayn oo naga dahsoon baa ka jira gayiga soomaalida.

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Puntland always knew Alshabab and Jeegaanta made a deal that they Alshabab will not attack or dusrupt their project as long as they give them a safe passage to Golis mountains and let them use as their logistical hub. The strategy of Alshabab is that should they pushed out from the South, Golis mountains would serve as safe haven for their top leaders so as they can still continue their struggle in the South. Simaliland strategy is that Somalia should remain weak and chaotic so they may find that ever elusive Ictiraaf ( recognition) or so they believe. So their respective strategic objectives intertwine for now hence the agreement. Puntland has always had this belief but the rest of Somalis are only awaking to this truth.

Somaliland gives them logistical support which without it they would not last in those inhospitable mountains. 

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This chicken has expired.

When you have Eritrea now more prior than the likes of Ethiopia in the region its a changed game.

Since Eritrea has an ally in Mogadishu "deep state" lol it will not work in Puntland favor.

 We will see how UAE acts about Puntland:

Reconcile to modus vivendi between Somaliland and Puntland

Use Puntland as its way back to Somalia or stick with Mogadishu clan and Eritrea.



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Nin caytamay laga badi.kkklkkl. Tukaraq baad ku  waalatay ina gumeed ina gumeed kale jirin. Shoow waligiin tuulo maydan qabsan hada ka hor :) :) :)

On serious note though Alshabab Somaliland link is strong and plausible. Midakale with all these fancy ancient English you write here, you did not acquire any wisdom through reading. What makes you tthink Americans know everything? War way ku cabsiiyeen maskiinnyahoow kkkkk.

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1 hour ago, Samafal said:

Puntland always knew Alshabab and Jeegaanta made a deal that they Alshabab will not attack or dusrupt their project as long as they give them a safe passage to Golis mountains and let them use as their logistical hub. The strategy of Alshabab is that should they pushed out from the South, Golis mountains would serve as safe haven for their top leaders so as they can still continue their struggle in the South. Simaliland strategy is that Somalia should remain weak and chaotic so they may find that ever elusive Ictiraaf ( recognition) or so they believe. So their respective strategic objectives intertwine for now hence the agreement. Puntland has always had this belief but the rest of Somalis are only awaking to this truth.

Somaliland gives them logistical support which without it they would not last in those inhospitable mountains. 

Everyone knows Alshabab and Daesh do collect tax from Puntland businesses. In fact, the USA has black listed a number of Puntland businesses for their backdoor dealings with Alshabab. You can google it.

Garowe is in a desparation mood. It worked for them once when they snitched Galmudug forces and directed US drone attack in Galkacyo. And they still think they can pull another one of those against Somaliland.

But they forgot that Somaliand is way ahead of them in this game. Nice try. :D 

Dacawo halkii macal ku barato ayay macaluul ugu dhimataa. :D 

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Suldaan would you care to share the link of Puntland businesses that are black listed mise waa been kale? Waraada USA ha caabuduna Allah kaliya wax kasta og. Reerka badownimadu idunkama baaba'aydo xataa hadaad English school tagteen kkkk.

Sxb CIA take facts from PIS and PIS will be sharing these facts with allies in due course. Tankale, This is not new. Puntland has always stated these facts but now they seem to have found strong evidence of collusion between the seccessionist Jeegaan and terrorist Alshabab. Their respective strategies is I stated.

You see this seccessionist clan fiefdom is becoming dangerous to world peace and hence legitimises Puntland forces to act decisively as this is now more than just border dispute between two waring clan entities.

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It you who think by working with and arming terrorist entity in the name of Alshabab and Daesh think you can weaken Puntland so you attack a village and claim non existant colonial border and further a failed and absurd seccession project, you are wrong  my friend. Puntland does not need anything from uncle Sam you speak of as far as war against Jeegaanta is concerned. It just legitimises for Puntland actions against them in the eyes of the IC who have been pressuring Puntland to calm the situations.

Puntland has working relationship with CIA and even fund the PIS so that they can share information. But if you think they have super powers that can watch things in a flick of an eye and  don't depend others for information sharing, you my friend are even deluded more than I thought.

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1 hour ago, Samafal said:

Suldaan would you care to share the link of Puntland businesses that are black listed mise waa been kale? Waraada USA ha caabuduna Allah kaliya wax kasta og. Reerka badownimadu idunkama baaba'aydo xataa hadaad English school tagteen kkkk.

Daesh linked faction imposes tax on local businesses in Bosaso.

Pirates and Terrorists working together now in Puntland

Somalia: U.S. imposes sanctions on Puntland merchant for IS support


ISIS-Somalia and Mahad Moalim

US State Department

ISIS-Somalia was formed in October 2015 after the SDGT Abdiqadr Mumin – then a senior leader of al-Shabaab – and about twenty of his followers, pledged allegiance to ISIS. The group has claimed responsibility for a May 2017 suicide bombing at a police checkpoint in Northern Somalia that left five people dead and injured 12 others and a February 2017 attack on the Village Hotel in Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia – a hotel frequented by foreigners – that killed four security guards. Mumin leads the group with Mahad Moalim acting as his deputy. Moalim is also responsible for facilitating shipments of fighters and arms from Yemen to Somalia.



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7 hours ago, Suldaanka said:

Apart from Mirre guy the rest is fake news and hearsays. Even with Mirre, they don't have anything on him and even if they wanted him they could easily capture him as he has business interests as far Tanzania and constantly travel between Somalia and other countries in the region.

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3 hours ago, Samafal said:

Apart from Mirre guy the rest is fake news and hearsays. Even with Mirre, they don't have anything on him and even if they wanted him they could easily capture him as he has business interests as far Tanzania and constantly travel between Somalia and other countries in the region.


When evidence is presented, is that what you come up?



Source: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-release/sm0284


Mohamed Mire Ali Yusuf (Mire Ali) was designated for assisting in, sponsoring, or providing financial, material, or technological support for, or financial or other services to or in support of, ISIS. 

Liibaan Trading and Al-Mutafaq Commercial Company were designated for being owned or controlled by Mire Ali. 

As of mid-2016, Mire Ali was an ISIS-aligned financial operative who provided funds to U.S.-designated Abdulqadir Mumin (Mumin) for his ISIS-aligned activities.  During mid-2016, Mire Ali ran all of his business activities through his company, Liibaan Trading, located in downtown Boosaaso, Somalia.  Mire Ali was the sole owner of Liibaan, a livestock trading business that served as a front for ISIS-aligned groups in the Bari region of Somalia.  The U.S. Department of State designated Mumin on August 31, 2016 pursuant to E.O. 13224.

As of late 2016, Al-Mutafaq Commercial Company was located in Boosaaso, Somalia and run by Mire Ali.

Identifying information on the individuals and entities designated today.


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The fact is, Fat belly Gaas and co, are just barking like dogs without even looking at the evidence out there incriminating folks from Bosaso and erlwhere from Puntland both in terms of financing as well supporting Terrorism. Not to even mentioned illegal activities like Piracy and human trafficking. 

Fat belly Gaas needs to look into the mirror and take a hard look at himself. 

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Nimanka maraykanku wax walba waa la socdaan, Nimanka SL in dhulka ay taliyaan amni ka dhigeen bilaayadan dadka qalanaysana joogin, haloogu bogaadiyo, laakin in la dhaho iyagu waa nabad waxna kama dhacaan, sidaasna macnaheedu waa la shaqeeyaan waa hadal daciiif ah.

Gobolada kale  sida SL oo kale, shayaadiinta ha iska safeeyeen, laakin inta badan hayadihii aminiga hawl gabay, nimankana waa laga hortegi karaa si fudud, hadii daacad looyahay, Puntland qaniinyadan siyaasadeeysan ha joojiso, Tukaraq na waa sugi.😀

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  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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