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Taxpayers pay for Somalis to live in luxury

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Being economical "fit" or "well off" is not a criteria for having children. Its a blessing to have children and infact a postivie contribution to the muslimah ummah and the parents, in that:


1) It increase the ummah of nabi muhammed (salallahu caliyhe wasilm)


2) Creates another venue for the parents to get ajr by having children who may one day after they themselves (the parents) pass away, can make dua for their parents (this is one of the ways that one can continue to earn ajr after they die).


If you are anger is at because the family consists of 8 kids, then shame on you. For your sentiments are exactly as those of the nonmuslim.


For those of you with short memories, most qurba raised somalis grew up in large family households and were backed by government assistance at one point or another. So don't snuff your noses at people, now that you don't need government assistance and you have shortened your name to 'Sara' or 'Mo'.

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:( Oh my God!!! Some people here are more pis*sed off then the sun readers! Lol


As for the issue of Milking the system: When does it go beyond the acceptable norm- for example EVERY single one of us who grew up in the UK before the age of 16 got child benefit- granted it was only £18 or something and school dinners, but that was tax payers money. Okay When YOU (the older lot) when to university- you all got a grant of £3,500 (Not including the low interest loans for those who took it)- also tax payers money. None of you on here live in houses you owe- few of you rent (half of which rent from crooks who are sub letting their council houses may I add) while the rest of you live in council houses or live with someone who lives in a council house.


Now now, there are 0.01% of you posters who rent or maybe even owe legitimately and grew up else where so did not get child support- but even if YOU as an individual don’t, I can guarantee that the government supplements for a few members of your family- now if any of you are telling me you owe your own home and none of your family are or were on welfare or other working class assistance solutions- then well done to you and yours, but the chance are you was not a refugee from Somalia in the 1990s, but economic migrants from else where or the ruling elite of Somalia who stole all the money or were educated and well placed in foreign jobs before the collapse of the state. icon_razz.gif:D


I just don't understand or like why this family let the sun invade their privacy and post pictures of their house. Or the fact that they are now being used to abuse the Somali community.


On a postive side maybe it will stimulate debate and get our community into jobs and extend the level of support available to them. At the same time- maybe young people would not see the welfare as a legitimate source of income, stop chewing and get a job- or at least tighten the rules which regulate state support so they are forced to work.

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yarta waxmakuu sheegaa, no one is disputing all sort of people get government assistance in this country, remember this is a welfare state.


the shame is for this person posing pictures for the sun and putting his family business out in the open.


there is no courage in being a man, healthy and able (if he is) claiming benefits. khalaas


kheyr i agree, kids are blessing for allah, but allah expects us to contribute to our society and earn halal living if you can.


ps: the council have launched an investigation, need i say the somali communities are already facing numerous investigation in relation to the money claimed from the government

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Juxa: We don't know if he is able and healthy- he looks it, but I cannot see a normal somali person getting the sun or any newspaper into their home. At first I thought the story was fake and made up by the sun, but I see some of the posters know them. Strange thing.


Juxa my point is- since it is a welfare state- really who other than the top 10% of the society can point back at others. Even our MPs are stealing- so really.


Norf: JZK, I read your signature randomly while thinking it is part of your post.

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the sun pays very well for stories, i hope atleast inuu 10k kaqaatay for the hassle he would face

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lol@elites who stole all the money, perhaps they were just people who were given an opportunity and made the most of it!


I know they are not many but there are some Somali families who do work just to get by and living in a state of borderline poverty.


I really think more support should be given to working families, from what I have seen those who work get harassed more than the ones who claim benefits.

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^It's interesting how all sort of reasoning to justify 'milking the system' is being argued here..cajiib!


ps.Abwaan,I dont know them neither do I care about knowing them..


You can all attack, just highlights the extent 'we' as a community have gone to normalize 'extreme welfare dependency'..professional beggars ayaa laa noqdee..waa iska cadhi!..Lol


Work Ethics must be an alien phenomenal huh?

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I know a family exactly like that one. They get three members of their family to send them money each month and they're living like kings back in Somalia through Cabdi & Xalimos hard earned cash. In fact, one of them is even rumoured to be a qat addict. :D


When told about the story, Ibti shook her head and said: "On a postive side maybe it will stimulate debate...." (this seems to be her catch phrase for the week). :D

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malika qarar iga dheh, i feel the same way. i feel ashamed that it is normal for able man to stay home or have fun with his mates instead of working.


lily i did not say he committed a crime, i just dont get why he should pose on national newspaper and embarres himself and his family. imagine those 8 kids, how much they feel today

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Lily you know what I mean- None of us came from wealthy rich families, who upon arriving in the UK brought houses and paid our way. Lets not get ahead of ourself. I just don't know who can mock who or claim the high ground- we've all done our share of the begging- how else did we get here.

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ibti madax adayga iska daa, and get the point.


granted thousands of somali people claim benefits for whatever reason magaratay, higher ground waxla dhaho ama mocking majirto


odayga mocked himself, intuu sawir iyo afleerin sun lasoo istaagay, by doing so, he highlighted a major problem in our community, ie ragii weydiideen iney shaqaystaan


our men, or many of them, think the state is responsible for bringing up their kids, that is the point here

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