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Everything posted by Geel_jire

  1. jawiga ay ku noolyihiin caruurta ayaa ka awood badan. aniga markaan arki jiray caruur aan af-soomali ku hadli karin .. waxaan odhan jiray eeda waxa iska leh waalidka. lakin caruur 10 hours school ku maqan oo markay guriga yimaadaan TV daawanaya xagay ku baran karaan afka hooyo. hada anigay i haysata .. xal aan ahayn inaan sanad weliba diro ma arko. ku bilaaba makray af barayaan oo aadka u yaryarihiin awoowe iyo ayeeyo hala soo jogaan baadiyaha.
  2. Geel_jire


    you sound paranoid sxb. i dont anyone is out to get you isdeji
  3. Hello NG, everywhere that I've worked the bean counters have always been to put it politely very strange people. I wonder does the profession make you guys like that , or the odd ones attracted to the profession.
  4. subax wamaagsam dhamaan. I'm finally back home, ive spent the better part of the last 2 months in hotels .. badar somali sidaan ugu xiiso qaba hadaad ogtihiin .. bring on the indho-badan
  5. ^ maanta tabar uma hayo, lakin maalin kale ayaan usoo tafo-xaydan doonaa.
  6. Originally posted by Blessed.*: *hugs Ibts.* Hang in there, my love. p.s that article was St*upid. sida la ii barxiyay ma aragtaan .. I wanted to say that .. lakin muran & jiidjiid ka bixi maysid baan is idhi ee iska daa.
  7. The F'ed up thing is, I had to searc google and sift through so much Spam to get this story.. after a freind told me about it .. this happened last monday on May 10. if it was a muslime bombing a church, synagouge .. all the newspapers/ cable news would have a field day .. with their muslim terrorist headlines. I guess it is not newsworthy when muslims are on the receiving end. how many SOLers have heard about it ?
  8. FBI Agents re-emphasizing the seriousness of a possible hate crime at a Jacksonville mosque. The FBI is looking at this case as a possible hate crime, and now they're analyzing it as a possible act of domestic terrorism. "It was a dangerous device, and had anybody been around it they could have been seriously injured or killed," says Special Agent James Casey. "We want to sort of emphasize the seriousness of the thing and not let people believe that this was just a match and a little bit of gasoline that was spread around." Casey says surveillance video from the Islamic Center shows the arsonist carrying gasoline and the pipe bomb. When the explosive went off, parts of it were found 100 feet away on 9A. Despite receiving few phone calls from the public, investigators are following up on leads. Call CrimeStoppers with any information Story
  9. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote:Originally posted by chocolate & honey: What they need to do to protect themselves is STOP whoring. DONE! Everyone is safe and sound then. What you need to do to be pleasant is STOP judging. DONE! Everyone can have a good time then. Don't judge .. this has become the cookie cutter response for every deviant/abberent behavour
  10. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: What they need to do to protect themselves is STOP whoring. DONE! Everyone is safe and sound then. Attacking the problem at the source is effective.
  11. reminds me of the maah-maah "Doqon xadhkihii lagu xidh-xidhi lahaa xusuladay ku sidataa"
  12. ^ I think she has a pretty strong case but not for breaking up her marriage. The original contract was in her name, they shared private information without the her consent. this is a weird case .. the only way this case can possibly get more convoluted is if: The other guy sues her for breach of privacy when she identified him after the husband asked about the number on the telephone bill that she had hour long conversations with. he should sue her for emotional distress, and putting his life in danger
  13. Engineering teachers, postsecondary 34,270 (2) 92,970 (2) That one looks about right. Electrical engineers 151,660 41.47 86,250 39.96 maybe pre-2008 but now this is likely for the most senior positions ..
  14. NGoge I have no idea what is implied by that story. lakin aniga waan ka faa'idaystay sensitivy training it is like a mini-intro to office politics. it lets you know whos is fair game and who cannot be touched with a 10" foot pole. and who cannot be fired/disciplined no matter what they do for fear of accusations. who knew the office was a mine field.
  15. I work with a team of about 10 guys. 7 of whom are philipinos ... I thought the karaoke thing was a stereotype but im here to report it is worse than you think. they have competitions in the office on slow days .. they have extensive collections of karaoke CD's .. i've never heard of karaoke before i met these guys
  16. ^ sidaydoo kale waxa lagu diri lahaa 'sensitivy training' .. mid xunoo laga roone ah markaan agtyada ka kiciyay that was when i was new to the corp. world. hada wax kuma darsado .. iyagana way iga quusteen. Waad salaamantihiin dhamaan reer Troll ma faydaan ?
  17. @ Blessed mar-mar waxaan is waydiiyaa ma adaa waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa. where is the critical thinking ?, where is the enlighted hor-mar, reer-magaal people it is as if we are sheep whatever manure is shovelled their way .. they swallow .. hook line and sinker. we do a better job of defending those who insult the prophet P.B.U.H than standing up for other muslims.
  18. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: quote: sheeko kale ay lacag ku helaan miyay waayeen horta ... naagtan dabadeeda banaanka dhigata si loo sawiro miyaad noo aamaanaysaan. 'model' iyo 'prostitute' maxay is dhamaan .. naagta prostituteka ah .. dabadeeda markiiba hal nin baa arka .. meesha naagta model-ka ah dadka oo dhan hal mar wada daawan karaan. :eek: :eek: Such ugly outburst for what? Are you mad because she is a model or Somali or speaking about such Hideous practice of cutting off one's genitals? Would you rather that she didnt speak about an integral part of her childhood and upbringing? Horta maxey nimanka isku qalajiyaan when this practiced is pointed out for what it is? Mideeda kale, to answer your question yes there is a world difference between Prostitution and modeling and you know it! So dont call a girl, specially a Somali sister a whore just because she chooses to wear less clothing. Thats between her and Allah Subxanahu watacaalaa. Also, yes she has an impact on the issue and she should. Who better advocate against any ill practice other than the one who suffered through it? Ayoub, You have no point because you're stating that FGM doesnt work because the sole reason of this practice is to discourage promiscuity or sex itself. Then, how do you know she is promiscuous??? have you read a word of what i've written ? serously even one xataa ? first of all stop being defensive .. your making a strawman arguments ... every person who posted in this thread so far has expressed anti-FGM views including myself so why you insist that Horta maxey nimanka isku qalajiyaan when this practiced is pointed out for what it is? as if someone here is defending this pracice is beyond me. The FGM angle is not what im talking about here .. had you read any of my prevous posts you would know that. you have either deliberately misunderstood every single point i made except the comparison of models and whores or you didnt get past that point. and FYI Ayoub and myself implied the exact opposite of what you are insinuating. ku noqo .. you mihgt reach a different conclusion ayoub made an excellent point here. no doubt you are aware that the people who still practice FGM .. believe that it prevents or inhibits promiscuity ... if this is the audience that the film is supposed to reach ... do you really think the best messenger is (as 2+2=5 put it) a loose woman. she is exactly what they are afraid their daughters might become. ^ Read agan plz.
  19. This is pure hypocrys on the part of the free speech wailers. do you know england, and ireland and many other countries have blaphemy laws on the books ? do you know 'holocaust denier' is a prosecutable offence in austria ? or is it only free speech when it comes to insulting muslims. the worse thing about this is .. you have puppets who echo their talking points like an empty chamber. I dare you to say anything semi-insulitng about jews in public ... you will be shutdown from every corner so fast your head will spin. marka dadkiiga gaalada uu jiibanaya .. isjira waxaad fakar la'aan u daac-daacsanaysaan waa la idin qorayaa.
  20. Malika I agree this issue must be debated. marka let me respond to a few points. ladies you are being a bit hypocritical here aren't you ? I'll address a few issues. 1- " Don't Judge " this is a naive reaction .. judging is human nature we all do it every second of every day we judge others and we are judged by others by how we present ourselves, our manners, speech, way of dress, expression of ideas. right this moment you are judging me based on my posts .. I might not like it but .. that is the trade off for airing my views in PUBLIC if you make a fool of yourself in public you will be judged whether you like it or not. now what you do in private is between you and your creator. this woman appears naked on film .. that gives the right to judge her morals I'm old fashioned that way I'll propose a challenge to prove my point .. if anyone of you think he/she does not judge ... I will bring up a post of yours here on SOL where you did judge another SOLEr, a public figure who was the topic of discussion , etc. anyone up to it ? 2- " The message vs the messenger " The messenger has an a affect on the message he/she is trying to impart. ayoub made an excellent point here. no doubt you are aware that the people who still practice FGM .. believe that it prevents or inhibits promiscuity ... if this is the audience that the film is supposed to reach ... do you really think the best messenger is (as 2+2=5 put it) a loose woman. she is exactly what they are afraid their daughters might become. the reason i object to the messenger is because she is being given this false legitmacy and being built up as a role model for young girls to look up to. to prove my point look at Lazy.G post Originally posted by LayZie G.: Geeljire, the truth is you cant date a model, why else are you bitter about her nakedness? she implies that a model is a actually desirable .. whereas i think she is just 1 rung below a prostitute. confused, impressionable young girls like Lazy.G will also get confused. 3- "men cannot understand the impact of XYZ" this is the old "walk a mile in my shoes" this is a ridiculously high bar to set dont you think ? otherwise if we follow this to its logical conclusion no social issue can be discussed or dealt with. today you say "men cannot understand the impact of FGM" tomorrow it is "no woman who has not undergone FGM can possibly understand what it feels like" apply this to evey issue e.g "if you have not been raped, you cannot speak on behalf of rape victims " and the other big problem with this idea is ... contrary to what you think in families that still practice FGM the men do wield a lot of influence .. you can convince the man that this practice is backward .. it will help the cause .. but just saying "men cant understand" works against you. and just to reiterate so that my point doesn't get lost in a sea of words, you are preaching to the choir everybody here is anti-FGM so that point does not require a debate at all.
  21. Waa talo wanaagsan. lakin wixii public la soo bandhigo, ray'iygayga sow kama dhiiban karo ? mise waxaad rabtaa in dadku isku wada fakar noqdoo oo xumaan la soo bandhiga sacaba loo wada tumo. it is not the message I have a problem with, it is how it is delivered, and the type of people they are buidling up as a 'role-model' waa dadka ugu liita .. waa is qaawisaa for a living .. maxay dad kala talin ?
  22. the well has not dried yet has it ? Ayan xirsi, iimaan, waris etc. how much longer can they milk this thing ? sheeko kale ay lacag ku helaan miyay waayeen horta ... naagtan dabadeeda banaanka dhigata si loo sawiro miyaad noo aamaanaysaan. 'model' iyo 'prostitute' maxay is dhamaan .. naagta prostituteka ah .. dabadeeda markiiba hal nin baa arka .. meesha naagta model-ka ah dadka oo dhan hal mar wada daawan karaan. as if they are all from the same cookie cutter .... cant they even come up with an original fairytale anymore. my beef is not with the anti-FGM .. but these people who exploit this for their own fortune.
  23. Mabruuk walaal. guurgka ilaahay ha kuu barakeeyo.
  24. ragiinan qudo siro difaacaya. asxaabul masaafo are a force to reckon with they have single handedly revitilized the economy of daafeed. meeshaas meel ka cajiibsan way ii dhamaantahay.. caasiga ka yimid xamar markuu soo istaago daafeed 10 wadaad ayaa kugu soo boodaya .. mid kasta raba inuu idin meheriyo. the whole affair takes less than :30 minutes. aniga waxa shaki yar iiga jiraa ... wadaadka gabadh wali u noqonaya aabaheed oo 90 KM jira oo nool. inuu meherka dhaco dan baa ugu jirta wadaada marka he is a bit biased