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Everything posted by chubacka

  1. Hello ladies (and gents) long time no troll. What have I missed and where is the party?
  2. very unsettlering. Everything seems the same but is eerily different. BRING BACK SOL. At least the bold is semi automatic now ONLY redeeming feature. (that colour thing too. ) Wonder if the camel went into the bin too.
  3. Welcome dear lady, make yourself @ home.
  4. ^ I won't even go there JB. I miss a relative I haven't seen for a long time.
  5. hehehe@ ppl in the marfash, they were prob sitting there speculating as to what all those women were doing with their diracs in the hall... How do I read "arr" in Somali?
  6. My mum went and loved it! well done and hope it was successful fundraising wise.
  7. chubacka


    Hope you all had a wonderful eid iA.
  8. Please spare few mins to sign petition against this event taking place. jzk.
  9. I find Sudaise and Salaah Bukhatir are both beautiful to listen to.
  10. ^ You don't remember the ending @ Che, was like a punch in the face! Richard Parker ringing any bells? Will start this after Ramadan iA, always been meaning to read it!
  11. Today I got heavily fined for not reading!
  12. Naxar,the christians are following their religion and by if by depicting images of Jesus and Mary they believe they are drawing closer to the divine they are more than free to do so without fear of upsetting anyone. Their depiction of Jesus on the cross has no sembelence to Esa (as) as mentioned in the Quran. Muslims do not believe Esa was crucified on the cross nor do they pretend to know what he looked like. There seems no clear link between the christians depictions Jesus and the caricure cartoons which were a form of ridicule targeted at muslims and which rightfully upset the majority of muslims.
  13. Indeed they are free not to observe Ramadan, but they are not free to make a drama out of it and hold a picnic! rebels without a cause comes to mind.
  14. ^ That there are images of Jesus everywhere is neither here nor there. Those images of the Prophet (saw) was clearly disrespectful and were designed to get a volatile response. Allah will indeed protect the honour and dignity of His religion but it would be strange if muslims felt no indignation and anger at the delibrate vilification of their religion often for unclear and confused ideas about terrorists. As for this proposed burning, seems like a PR stunt through and through, but its sad that people think its acceptable to make an event out of burning a sacred text. Would be interesting to see the response for other churches in the area.
  15. chubacka


    Came across some beautiful duas made in Ramadan. Ameen.
  16. Ameen. Truly the greatest calamity to hit the Ummah. May Allah enable us to meet his Messenger (saw)after striving to live his message.
  17. point proved! though after editing, it still doesn't make sense!
  18. I had to stop reading this thread as it me hungry! Got to something about honey and fruit... btw if you can only have one sanbuus, might as well have none.
  19. Ramadan Kareen ppl of SOL. Time to try our v. best to reap the countless blessings of this blessed month.
  20. ^ are you fasting? Where are you?
  21. Good morning all. Need desperate shopping trip before Ramadan sets in.