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Everything posted by chubacka

  1. I didn't ask for clarification as the point you made was very clear: those who have a problem with their ethnicity and have some self loathing, express this by marrying someone outside their race and thereby lose their "dignity" Maybe you have changed your mind now but that was the jist of your comment.
  2. ^ Your implication that every somali person ( I am including men in this catagory) that marry's outside their race is "self hating" blah blah is very offensive and very childish. Really, we still have a problem with people marrying whomever they please? Bloody least of our worries.
  3. ^Is this an unimaginative script. If not the quality of the Muslim bashers has taken a major turn for the worst. This lady needs to stick to her day job, politics is REALLY not her calling.
  4. Ramadan Kareem one and all dear nomads. May Allah include us all amongst those who are forgiven and receive the blessings of this beautiful month.
  5. May Allah make it easy for them, the waiting is usually the hardest part of these things.
  6. Funniest thing I've read for ages, thanks for sharing.
  7. ^ How is most of the developed world "functioning" everyday with people from all parts of the world living and working together? In an increasingly globalised world, this is just not going to happen and people will have to do what they have always done, learn how to live with change. Any whiff of an anti muslim issue, Dispatches is there. Not surprised they jumped on this.
  8. @ Warsa, If you're brown and wear funny clothes, you must be muslim I think is the reasoning of the very discriminatory EDL members.
  9. Hahaha@Carlton dancing, classic. Funny how everything can become political, the only reason the white guests are not dancing and rapping is because they can't and would be quite embarassing if they tried!
  10. This guy become muslim, somewhere along the line, someone else who is muslim must of told him this was some way to serve Islam. Hundreds of people revert to Islam each year in the UK and quietly get on with their lives. We know this has nothing to do with Islam but there are some amongst us who are filling impressionable heads with tales of violence and revenge. Real work needs to be done with our young muslims, especially those who begin to practise the deen and see things in black and white and through emotions. Mosques and community centres, it seems to me are ideally placed to provide this guidance. The calmess of this guy moments after the attack is chilling.
  11. ^ Just what a capital city should be. These pics look great, can't wait to go but it would be to Burco town first.
  12. haha, your bound to have a good time then. Cheerio
  13. There will also be some of this, esp talk of how beautiful it is! I hope you're taking the kids out not hiding in a shisha place haha.
  14. Haha, nah parks, ice cream and long walks for me my dear Ng, I am a fan of the sun when we do see it.
  15. ^ Good morning Ng, damn should have clocked in on the overground this morning. What a gorgeous day, and it's Friday and Monday is Bank Hoiday, whooooooooooo.
  16. It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring, isn't that right Ng? At least it's Friday
  17. Don't you think it's irresponsible @ Che for a man to take on another family if he cannot support them fully? The kids will grow up but that really isn't saying very much. The fact they survived childhood does not a mean job well done in most cases!
  18. some nice diracs but far too flowy and big even for weddings/parties as I think these dresses were intended for.
  19. Looks like a great opportunity. Thanks for sharing.
  20. AfricaOwn;939948 wrote: A little overly dramatic? I would say so.
  21. haha @ all the guys getting sensitive about reer miyi comment, makes me wonder if they're all banking on a reer miyi second wife some point in the future @ reeyo. On a serious note though, I don't think the fact that she is educated makes much difference, any girl can fall for a guy but it's about having the strength to walk away and facing up to the harsh realities of a polygamous marriage. From my experience, these relationships don't end well, regardless of how they begun. Once married, kids are born, guy gets stretched, first wife is still fuming, second wife expects to be treated as the only wife. Nonone is happy and they all feel hard done by. Of the three I knew of, two ended in divorce and one is trying to begin the process.
  22. ^ And may God protect American from the rest of the world. I do hope it wasn't some crazy so called muslim killing innocent people
  23. What's a VBAC? Sounds like a type of Hoover! . interesting how common c-sections seem to be.
  24. ^ He would probably struggle to live on that for half a day.