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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. You cant have all your eggs in basket. Meeshi dani dadka ugu jirto halaga doono ayadoo la firiniyo danaha shacabka masaakiinta ah ee halkaa ku rafaadsan. Qaarna wax ha soo dhicyaan addis wax haka raadshaan hadi wax laga helayo qaarna halgankii iyo dagaalka hasii wadaan. raggu hoosta haka wadaxariiro.
  2. ^ Lib Dem are asking for Labour only more bariis & boneless hilib on their side of the saxan can Labour deliver that. Tories on the other hand told them ...either the bariis or the hilib not the two
  3. Labour driving a hard bargain with Lib Dem in the coming hours....
  4. Allamagan

    UN HIV Map

    SeaKer, Somalis in the West do not practice safe sex nor do they adhere to most of the tenets of their faith. How do you come up to this? Any source? A man/woman will have multiple partners before settling down and might settle down with someone who has done all they can to adhere to their religious tenets. One will infect the innocent one inadvertently without realizing they are themselves infected. That is one scenario. That was exactaly the same scenario I was referring to [see page 1] when you said to me and I qoute: "Ultimately it is up to individuals to protect themselves" Of course you right but I took it as disagreement to what I've said and you too saying now the same thing. Last time I was in Eastleigh I noticed a few women in black burqa/buibui milling about hotel lobbies or outside of hotels. They were soliciting for sex and guess who they were? Young somali girls that older somali men take advantage of. The fact that you see ppl wearing burqa or shuko or those sporting gardheer doesn't necessarily mean they do adhere 100% to the tenets of their religion. You know and I know these bad women use this burqa to conceal their true identity. Of course, by seing these burqa wearing 'escort girls' actually can bring discredit on those true sister in Islam doing their best to adhere to teaching of their faith or ppl think they all same coz they dress same and look same plus doing these evil & dodgy things. For the most of people these religion sympols like burqa, hijab, garka-dheer, koofida are all sacred things and ppl ought to respect it meel xuna lala istaagin. I remeber, I once saw [back in da ol dayz] in a nightclub this somali hijabi chick wallaahi I was saddened by it just because seeing this good sympol of muslim faith in this shidh place wan naxay ..war hedhe tani waalan maxay ahayd ayan is iri
  5. A blue dressed conservative pensioner couldn't help but beat another innocent red dressed labour pensioner. The labour granny at least tried to fight back but lacked of great courage where is the Lib Dem granny dadkan ha kala qabatoe mise waxay sugeysa kii soo baxa the winner! granny purse fight
  6. ^ hey long time old boy! xagged ka dhacday? hope things going well for ya! new comers on the blok! well done....I believe somalis can have big break through compared to their other black/asian peers. Give them another twenty years we can have a couple foreheaded ministers or even PM regardless of their creed.
  7. ..[they were] sent home," unarmed and without navigational devices, in the small boats they had used to approach the tanker. i.e they been executed and were fed the sharks.
  8. The other day I was passing by this Hornsey Lane Bridge in North London, a hotspot for suiciders, the bridge locally known as the suicide bridge. I was also told gruesome stories about it and how each year more than 30 people jump of there to their death. B, I know you joking balse sxb wax xun ha saadsanin.
  9. Allamagan

    UN HIV Map

    For sure this is map is a gues work. I personally believe that HIV rate in Somalia is probably higher more than ever because of all these fusuq thigs reached every village in Somalia, plus the HIV-infested ethiopians comeing for work everywhere in Somalia and actively distributing it, and dont forget those HIV-infected somalis abroad going back to Somalia for marriage :rolleyes:
  10. "Jaceelkaan afkiyo uurkaba ka jaray igu soo noqoye" ku laha waa ori nin kale, ilmo dhashay sando ka soo wareegen ayuu hadda u heesaya, taloow miyey sixirtay mise haddu hurda ka soo toosay?
  11. This is mad and I am not sure where it gonna lead us to, imagine web addresses completely written in native chinese or hindi or arabic characters. btw latin became universal language and I wonder why ppl not leave it that way.
  12. Subhanallaah! I pray for Dr Hawa and her crew's safety and not be savaged by these xoolo. They've killed doctors and students before and this time wouldn't hesitate in doing so again and again.
  13. Originally posted by B: OMG I couldn't believe this when I first heard. Its very positive to see people are reporting the death of important statesmen. B you remember your infamous thread about the deceased polish president, well you now know what clicks this people and whats news worthy
  14. I am confused and struggling where to cross, for me they all the same.... same old sh1t. I hate labour as much as I hate torys and this muslim brother a labour candidate is counting on me.... so just wanna do to help him in but not out of my personal conviction...
  15. ^lol...20k tahriib to the other side of atlantic or other parts of europe. Lets hope them come to power. Good idea!
  16. War waa Muridi oo miyirkii usoo noqday o wax la fahmi karo maanta qray.
  17. ^Jacphari, day hee waxbaa ka jira waxa gabdhu qortaye. Raggu waa isku jiraan ragna waa soo shaqeystaan xoggaa ayeey meesha soo is-istaagan deedna xaafadoda qabtaan ragna kama kacaanba ma aqaani wax biila. Rag waawyen qaar odayaal yihiin oo wax shaxaadaya wan arkay oo saacado badan meesha fadhiya.
  18. Anyone who still confused about who to vote for, well this will help you decide.
  19. ^ I think we are on the same boat, aren't we? unless you bleach yourself white, whiter than late Micheal Jacson. If not where will you go to ya PeaceNow? Nick Griffin said 'Symptom of Britishness is being white' where are you then sxb?
  20. lool @ Guulwade Siyaad. Talyaanigu waa soomali waxaan laga helin malahan.