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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. Excellent news, if we can get secession fighting we won’t even need a replacement force.
  2. Thierry.


    Ibti Who is her nearest rival so I can vote for them I cannot stand this woman
  3. This is an excellent idea in fact the Jewish community has been doing this for many years with their private schools, it gives the kids the best of both worlds and they have no problem integrating with society. Somalis in the UK are doing a similar thing with weekend schools and the academic performances shows it works.
  4. Loool I am talking about Yacquub, come saxiib I only dwell on those who are still in the game.
  5. I tell you what I am itching to play to Well done boys
  6. Ronaldo (Brazilian) The main reason why fell in love with Seria A. Maradona apart from a stint in 1994 never seen the midget play
  7. Restaurant manager Looooooool Yacquub: The official GM line is, “We will work with who ever wins” however if you cut me in on the sweet oil exploration deals I will work something out with the kins. GD dont get fooled by the old boys modest words his planning a coup from Galkacyo, Nuradin is to young meaning they are from the same generation and Gen Ilka wont have none of it, so he is against both them.
  8. This is a petition to the UK Prime Minster to impose sanctions so if you are a British citizen sign it.
  9. ^Old man Puntland does not need Nuradin or a General they need you. They need a tough guy with wisdom and you meet the criteria.
  10. Diaby Thank you for your concern brother and I will definetly pay heed and never would I in vain compare the blessed companions to any Muslims in our times. However in their actions and interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah we have a clear guidance to follow (the way of the Salaf). The young men of Al Shabaab even before our enemy has left the land have attacked other Muslims, in 2006 they disobeyed the leaders and rushed into a war when preparation where taking place. Now this disobedience and extremism is nothing new in Islam and the Companions (ra) have dealt with in the past, we should study and learn their methodology in dealing with such Fitna. What I hate the most in the world is Anarchy and lack of discipline, if they come on board with the majority of their Somali Muslim brothers they can become a formidable Garrison in the Somali armed forces one that can be feared across Africa, however if they refuse and choose to fight and kill other Muslims then we have no choice but to defend our selves.
  11. Yacquub and Nino the wise men from the land of Punt, I could have not said it better. If Sh Shariff is elected President that will be the end of Nur Cade reign as two sub clan members cannot be at the helm. You want to solve this problem of 550 MP like Yacquub said work through the system to bring about change. If Puntland refuse to work with the new government, then expect no cooperation from the south when the next candidate from that region is elected into power.
  12. GD You have been here for all these years yet still as dumbfounded as the day you walked in, remember Yey brought Nur Cade to the game, thus my camp (ARS) made peace with the man your leader brought. Al Shabaab are as much of an obstacle as the Yey camp are in the peace process between courts and TFG. Calling the clan card every time the game turns sour is making you sound desperate saxiib, the Djibouti agreement is supported by South Galkacyo downwards. I make no predictions but the posture and the united front from the south is the best I have seen in years.
  13. Good for you saxiib support Puntland, if you don’t care about Al Shabaab then don’t talk about the south our families live there and we know peace is the only solution. I was an Al Shabaab supporter until they became the obstacle to peace and stability, not based on clan interest like you mate TFG is still here adeer your key players are gone from Yey to Buube, it still has the support of the people and the international community.
  14. LG we don’t have a leader as of yet, if the person elected pursues the road to peace then we all must welcome it. However if the candidate pursues power like my friend Duke’s now debunked leader then I will be the first to oppose him. Cirdey the Somali problem has for the last 17 years been due to lack of unity in **** Town, as you mentioned they are working on solving that problem when it happens it will a lot easier to negotiate between various factions and enclaves. Nobody is going back to the future folks so get this 90’s nonsense out of your heads. Ps: I know have a new found sympathy for G Duke, my candidate has not even been elected and critics are out in full force. [ December 30, 2008, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. Adeer lets not go around in circles I will embrace Al Shabaab and any other group if they want to be a part of the peace process. If you support Al Shabaab or was it al Kebaab then tell everyone why you support them, I told you why I oppose them.
  16. LST The Multi-clan Muslim Youth were and still to a certain degree are the backbone to the resistance against the Ethiopian forces for if they vanished today the Tigris would walk right back in. They are as important in the war as Khawarij were in Ali (ra) army, but when the fight ended he marched against for what reason other than to eradicate them. It is a very simple choice for the young brothers to either be part of the solution or be part of the problem.
  17. Adeer Nur Cade and Sh Sharif are not my sub clan if you believe that’s where the upper hand is. If they are an obstacle to peace in the south then they have to be eradicated. If you secretly want them to win so that Yey younger brother comes to power just say so.
  18. Lol Adeer cut the Bravado for even with his brave fighters and the thousand Tigre troops Yey could net get passed Villa Somalia and Baidoa. Adeer I am going to feel strange saying this but my leader is winning support from city to city, he has the international community, with the exeption of a few groups he has support from 90% of the people in the south. If Puntland does not want to be apart of the new federal government then that’s their choice but don’t forget that their will be one that will represent you in the NE
  19. Now you are showing symptoms of hypocrisy the replacement not be accepted by Puntland but the warlords and co “representing” the south over the last four years were all gravy. Secondly You did not answere my question did you not pride yourself with that Yey had the support of the people of lower Shabelle et al. was their support in vain? Saxiib Al Shabaab are no problem their strength comes from the Ethiopian presence, once the Tigres are out their purpose ends.
  20. Juje is right they will be replaced, Duke Adeer you disappoint me, not long ago you used to pride yourself that the TFG is the best way forward and that Yey has support outside of the Puntland enclave, this period of isolation that you speak of lately isn’t it a slap in the face of those who supported your leader?
  21. Caamir you are spot on The young men for a long time played an integral part in the liberation of the country, hada laakin their posture of continuation of the war irrespective of whether the enemy leaves has made a lot of clans who allowed them to operate uneasy. Every tool has a purpose Al Shabaab one was to rid the nation of Ethiopia they now have an option of joining national forces or be eradicated. Abu 90% of the South support Nur Cade and Sheik Sharif even the folks of South Mudug who in the past used to fight their counterparts of Banaadir region have put all their support behind it. The time for peace and stability has arrived
  22. Emperor I hope you support the new President who ever he might be as you supported Ina Yusuf and put this he went to bed with this or that group to rest (for the sake of peace and stability).
  23. Ina Illahi Wa Inna Illah rajicun may A;;ah ease the pain of the innocent, the Muslim world has become numb from the suffering of its people. Yet I dont feel we have a better option but to give Nasiixah to our leaders to unite serve the cause og God
  24. Mashallah sister Blessed well said