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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. ^^I am a cautious guy but Xasan Aadan Samatar is coming over to my place for the Inauguration party tonight
  2. Inspirational leader and one of my role models. Inshallah the Republic will be back
  3. Nuune the Sheikh is hip he needs to send emails on the go. I also hear he updates his ipod on a weekly basis with nasheeds.
  4. Loool A&T you sound like an disgruntled Hillary supporter who was forced to support Obama, nevertheless we welcome your support for the New president. This ahlu clan nonsense will be out of the window soon, the man if elected will appoint the best from all corners of Somalia. But the onus is on everyone to work with him from within. Rumours has it he will be the first president to use the iphone
  5. Of course his kinsmen love him they haven’t had a young politician like him for years
  6. the man got love in every corner of the country lads lets not hate and congratulate
  7. H.E President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed I wish him success and if elected he faces heavy burden and Inshallah we will help and advice our Sheikh Ps: Che what kind of low key post is this, I will do a more glamorous one later on Inshallah pps: JB Puntland is a stable region, the Sheikh number 1 priority is bring peace and security to the south and he wishes success and prosperity on all Somalis where ever they reside
  8. Ngonge It is well documented that the youth then led by Indha Cade and his lieutenant Abu Mansur disregarded the advice of the designated leaders. In terms of control the fact that they didn’t even consult with him let alone take orders from shows how decentralised the organisation was. With regards leadership: at the height of the occupation when everyone even myself supported a violent resistance against the Ethiopians the man chose the peaceful road and its reaping full of fruits today as opposed to then when he was called a traitor. No man is perfect but in this game of mud wrestling he has the whitest shirt
  9. King's students doing a demo, strange times
  10. Nuune They aint bringing jack to the country nor can they restore any peace, but that is no reason to attack them, if they are going to be removed lets just tell them to leave. Ngonge The situation back then in the peaceful 6 months was not that different from today. Al Shabaab were live and kicking back then along side the ICU, they just coexisted peacefully I don’t know where this notion that they came under a centralised organisation led by him came from. But the question that needs to be asked if he didn’t negotiate with the TFG would the Ethiopians be gone from Mogadishu today? If no then that’s a bold move he made and a virtue only true leaders have
  11. A&T No Childish arguments once the youth wing attacked Baidoa there was nothing left but to fight as the Tigres started the attack. Saxiib he never quit the war he chose to fight a political one and he is riding high on his victories today. Lool you know nothing about the south do you, who gives weapons, young men, shelter and food to Al Shabaab, you think their resources came down from the sky. If the women, business men and elders who let Al Shabaab operate under their wing have publicly stated “no bloodshed” and put their weight behind him and Nur Cade what options do they but to negotiate or get expelled. Adeer the cards on the table are very simply for all Card 1: Take part in negotiation Card 2: Do not touch civilians or Amisom forces Ngonge The war was in full swing if he would have worn a Savile Row suit you still would have criticised him
  12. A&T You waffle too much Adeer and know your facts before you utter such nonsense. The man was negotiating when Indha Cade and his likes sent the young men into a premature war. The man has worked tirelessly for over two years to bring an end to the Ethiopian presence and he killed two birds with one stone by getting rid of Yey. The women and Men of the south have spoken no more bloodshed and who ever wants to continue this resistance you take it to Addis
  13. Norf 1 Oodweyne My comment to Xiin was not intended to be taken as some sort of consolationary brush off with regard to future SL/Somalia relations. It is the truth saxib. Not only is it prudent to have and maintain dialogue with Somalia (regardless who is in charge on both sides) but it’s also good for Somaliland’s image both at home and internationally. If Somaliland considers itself independent then it must act as such. It is already doing that when talking to its other neighbours so why not do the same with regard to Somalia? Is Somalia not a neighbour? A reluctance to do this only results in Somaliland still being viewed as part of Somalia. Such dialogue does not mean Somaliland is compromising any of it’s goals of gaining independence/recognition. I believe it furthers that cause and at the same time gives the opportunity to say ‘we are not coming back’. Having said that however, there will be the risk of being talked around and enticed by what Somalia has to offer as a larger state with membership of various respective organizations (UN, AL, AU etc). Such an enticement with guaranteed autonomy, greater political involvement and the chance to shape what goes on around you can also be tempting. This of course will come after a few years of stability in the south. Talking to Somalia is a good thing for all sides. Whatever the outcome, a mutual agreement/understanding is a must. DISCLAIMER This is the opinion of the writer and should not be equated with the political views of his right honourable Mr A Silaanyo or the Kulmiye Political Party. I will raise a glass to that
  14. This is hardly surprising we have Muslims and apostates (Hirsi, Rushdie et al) who speak ill of Allah what chance do Palestinians have against their filthy words.
  15. I am hearing the clan elders are rallying behind Sh Sharif and Nur Cade, they were the ones who advised the Asmara camp to start negotiating with the Djibouti camo. They intend to do the same with Al Shabaab once they have strengthened their base.
  16. Now that the aggressors and the stooges are out of the picture its time for peace and unity.
  17. The Good news keep flooding in Xiino Originally posted by Qalbi-Adeyg: Would it not make more sense to scrap the TFG and create an administration in the south similar to puntland and somaliland, where are all the clans in the south are represented. How many of these so called transitional central governments are we gonna experiment with before we realize this approach is not working. Adeer both can be formed simultaneously but like JB said the statement would have sounded more credible if you posted it when you first joined in june
  18. Thierry.


    No doubt Norf the young boys have done a fantastic job, they are the engine room in the rightful resistance. But when the Tigres leave there is no reason to fight your own Muslim brothers it defeats the purpose. I am very optimistic that they will pay heed to the wise words of elders.
  19. Xiin your vision and patience is impeccable this is a very good news.. Also the elders and intellectuals from Hiiraan are calling for peace as the Ethiopian forces leave.
  20. Very positive step this is the same Zakariye who was very critical of the Djibouti agreement.
  21. Wada hadallo u socda Garabyada Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ee Asmara iyo Jibouti Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi Khamiis, January 15, 2009(HOL): Mas’uul sare oo u hadlay Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya garabka Asmara ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in uu jiro dadaal ku saabsan in lagu heshiisiiyo garabyada Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta uu u kala baxay ee Jibouti iyo Asmara. Mas’uulkan oo lagu magacaabo Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi ayaa isagoo ku sugan Dalka Isu tagga Imaaraadka Carabka waxaa uu u sheegay Idaacadda Shabeelle ee Magaalada Muqdisho in ay socdaan dadaallo ku saabsan sidii loo mideyn lahaa Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta, isla markaana uu afkaar mid ah u yeelan lahaa. Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi oo si kulul u weerari jiray Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya Garabka Jibouti ayaa hadalkiisan wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah oo ku sugnaa Dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan Caasimadda Muqdisho ay xalay ka wada baxeen Magaalada Muqdisho. Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo lagu dhisay Dalka Eritrea ayaa wuxuu ka kooban yahay Xubno la baxay Baarlamaanka Xorta ah Maxkamadaha Islaamka, Xubno ka socda Bulshada Rayidka Soomaaliya iyo Xubno kale oo ka socda Soomaalida Qurba-joogta ah, hayeeshee labo u qeybsamay kadib markii Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed iyo Guddoomiyaha Golaha Dhexe Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan ay ogolaadeen in ay wada hadal la galaan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, iyadoo wixii xiligaas ka dambeeyay ay xubno Isbaheysiga ka tirsan oo Asmara ku haray ay sheegeen in ay bedeleen hoggaankii Isbaheysiga, ayna doorteen mid cusub. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Hadalka uu sii daayay Sarakiye Maxamuud Xaaji Cabdi ayaa wuxuu yahay mid meesha ka saaraya in uu khilaafka labada dhinac sii socda iyadoo ay baxeen Ciidamada Itoobiya oo muddo labo sano ka badan ku sugnaa Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online Mogadishu, Somalia