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Everything posted by Thierry.

  1. Task 5 Hassan proposes negotiations with our brothers in the North-West. The aim of these negotiations is to put across our idea of a regional Islamic power, again Hassan starts of with building goodwill by improving trade and forming many collaborative tasks such as the formation of inter-university scholarship, tax free zones on trade between the two regions. Task 6 Improve relationship with Western and eastern super powers, knowing that a negative and hostile relationship can halt our strategic goal at this early stage. Give them economic incentives, use their institutions of higher education and improve goodwill as their collaboration is vital for the next step in our strategic goal. Task 7 With a strong Military option, improved relationship with western and eastern super powers we ask the UN formally to acknowledge the plight of O-G-A-D-E-N region we ask Ethiopia to stop their aggression against the Somali Ethiopian region and ask for the immediate deployment of peace keeping forces in to the region. In the mean time our newly sophisticated NSA secretly supports militarily O-G-A-D-E-N and other disgruntled Ethiopian groups (Oromo etc). We prepare for war but do not instigate war, if need be Addis will burn. Task 8 Turns his attention to Kenya’s Somali region, knowing that this fragile nation is the West’s golden boy Hassan opts to make military intervention as a last resort, he instead proposes that the two nations govern the region together and help the people there. Hassans Strategic goal is in full swing and he gracefully retires as the bags in his eyes and grey hair are a testiment of hard work and wisdom of a man who saw his people great even when they doubted it themselves.
  2. Task 1 Hassan has two options here (his short term goal is to form a coalition government consisting of both government and opposition): A: to join the moderate wing of the opposition or B: to join the TFG. Scenario A: he joins the opposition and persuades them to continue the negotiations, he shows his plan to the leaders and explains to them sincerely the wisdom behind negotiating, he tells them the people want peace and they need leadership that pursues this goal. Scenario B: He joins the TFG he swallows his anger and pride, knowing that his goal is more important than the short term collaboration of those who brought the enemy into our midst. Here he explains again the wisdom of negotiating with the popular opposition, he despises the short sightedness of the old men at the helm of the government, but knows that his nation is in need of a political evolution rather than a bloody revolution, so he pats them on the back telling them this is the best course of action. Task 2 Hassan sees an ideologically minded group that spurned off from the moderate opposition and a merciless Occupation force, who have both contributed to the death and displacement of his people. For this he proposes a solution to the newly formed coalition government. Tell the occupying forces that Somalia posses no threat to Ethiopia and that they should withdraw their forces to non residential areas and starts incrementally reducing their forces in Somali soil. He rallies unanimous support from the coalition government and warns the Ethiopians that a failure to this is an act of war against the whole nation. (Ethiopia knowing that they cannot tame a small district in Mogadishu should abide the orders of the new government). With the ideologically minded group he reads how such groups have been dealt with in the past by leaders, he realises that some will never come to a negotiation and agreement unless their goal is achieved. He shrewdly architects a plan to drain the source of support they have. He knows that the people and merchants of Mogadishu are their main allies. He sets up initially unconditional incentives to help the people displaced and those who need shelter and assistance in the capital and surrounding areas. He gives the merchants tax breaks, builds infrastructure of markets and provides them necessary security and investment. His aim is to win hearts and minds to isolate the few extreme. After building goodwill he asks the people and merchants sincerely for their support in asking the young extreme men to take part in the political process (many will abandon their extreme ways), the few left he asks again for the peoples support in arresting them and rehabilitating them or if need be putting them to death. Task 3 He knows that the majority of politicians in the country do not have the right attributes to help him build the great nation that he dreams of. His aim is to recruit men who know the Faith of Islam as well how to govern a nation in the 21st century. He starts the great repatriation project. Hassan’s predicament is that the intellectual Diaspora have successful businesses, jobs and security abroad and that Somalia is relatively unstable and economically under-developed. So in order to convince them Hassan needs to compensate them. His proposal is to reach their emotional attachment to the motherland and asks them to become investors who receives all the rewards for hard work put in today. He also provides them small government funds to assist with their livelihood. Task 4 With the new found peace and stability as well the intellectual brain gain Hassan and Somalia new Human assets starts work in setting up institutions that makes a modern government successful. The set up: • Independent Islamic Legal system • Shariah based Banking and financial system • Chambers of Commerce • Department of Agriculture • Educational institutions (Focusing on the key skills needed) • A Health system • Oil & Gas exploration • Exporting of other minerals • Military (Forming a system of training all men over 18 effectively making at least a quarter of the population reserves) • Using revenues from oil and gas to fund other economic generating projects • Etc
  3. This is a dedication for those that hail from my School of thought Xiin, Paragon and a brother who recently (just over a year ago) started working with the TFG. Somali Empire (Vision to Reality) Like many Somali students Hassan is an idealist he vividly sees the coming of the second (Ahmed Gurey’s Empire Part 2), to him Somalia is not a war ravaged, corrupt, warlord infested, and famine struck nation. The way most westerners and sorry for an excuse political commentators describe it. He is annoyed by the almost always negative connotation is his country carries in others eyes. What do they know he says all they see is warped statistics that doesn’t tell the complete story (A normal man sees a brick and thinks of it as a brick a visionary sees a brick and thinks skyscrapers). Hassan fumingly says what they know about Somalia, what do they know of our business men who even with the absence of a government defiantly defeated the odds and economically perform better than our “peaceful” neighbours What do they know about our women who show patience in the face hardship, mothers who find it hard to feed their children yet strive every day to find work. What do they know about our faith we worship our Lord 5 times a day together, yet they perceive us as weak and divided not knowing that the lion of unity is within our grasp. Although at times it looks grim and dark the wise one sees this as a preparation for the future, Hassan knows that once this chapter of conflict and instability ends Somalis will cherish unity, peace and stability. While some see our predicament as a curse he sees it as opportunity to practise patience and elevate our status in the eye of our Lord. Hassan has a vision he has a strategic goal one he clearly believe in and sees almost with the naked eye. He sees his nation as the most powerful Nation in the East of Africa a nation that is above all others in military, cultural and intellectual advancement. Hassan knows through historical precedent that his nation has all the ingredients to become a dominant force in the world, at times he even dares to believe that Somalia can become part of the Security Council Veto member and the 8th in G8 in the near future. However unlike many of his patriotic yet idealist compatriots Hassan is also pragmatic he has found a way to exercise his plan. He first lays all the cards on the table and analyses them shrewdly his aim is to find the righteous and easy way to reach his ultimate goal of forming the Somali Empire. The Cards • A corrupt unelected government & Parliament with a legitimate mandate • A formerly successful opposition group that have now divided into moderates and more extreme. • An occupying force • Large displacement of people • A region that has declared independence • An ever increasing Intellectual Brain drainage Although the task at hand seems daunting he knows that great men in the past have overcome greater obstacles, Prophet Mohammed (saw) united the whole Arabian Peninsula, and the Righteous Caliphs after him brought down the giant Persians and Byzantines. Attila the Hun came from a much divided small tribe yet managed to unite his people and overcame the great empire of Rome. Genghis Khan belonged to another small nomadic tribe yet in his reign his empire reached from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic ocean of Europe. The Nomadic Turkmen went from horse riders to the Kingdom of Ottomans whose power brought shivers down Western Europe. Napoleon went from a small soldier from Corsica to the Emperor of Europe’s most powerful nation. Looking at the daunting task a head Hassan remembers two quotes The Future belongs to those who plan today To emphasis the urgent need to plan today to succeed tomorrow. And the statement his teacher you used to make before embarking on every academic year. You eat an elephant by taking a small bit every single day To overcome the size of this overwhelming task.
  4. There you go as I said before innocent until proven guilty, the sad thing is the secular courts cleared them while fellow Muslims have charged these two boys without a shed of evidence.
  5. Norf saxiib the best the desert has is Riz Khan with his mediocre questioning. With regards to the topic it’s a lot of nonsense unless they have been charged and proven guilty I will state that my two brothers are innocent.
  6. Papa bear, waar General D what has happened since you have left the island you have become a full blown Yank. lets use these legendry British anchors gents. Although I am hooked to O'Reilly Jon Snow (Norf) Pittbull Paxman (Duke) and last but not least JB and Layzie
  7. Loooool waraa ngonge ardaayga haa ubaaqin naag walaan a walba ma raadsanidoone, (there are sophisticated ways of vetting while the subject is in quarantine). Serenity I am sure there are worse stories out there and I suspect A&T knows of this but has wisely chosen to censor himself. But I don’t understand the purpose of these stories are.
  8. A&T the story was a nice read but you are ever comfortable with the taboo. Your writing style is excellent but most conservative Somalis like me find the theme appalling. Like Thomas Hardy your stories might become tolerated 50 years after your death however I hope that’s not the case as it would entail a decline in morality.
  9. 99.99% of Somali men would agree with Aaliyah (Nuune we still have a few liberal appeasers in our midst). Give up the “Professional” career temporarily, raise and educate your children until they grow up then get back to whatever you were doing. But then again this is a hypothetical question, when inshallah you get the little cute kids and persuasive husband we shall see what your choice was. Ibti lets not patronise bus drivers especially as he will be paying for your burdensome student loan
  10. There has been a void in this site since the departure of the charismatic Marx. I quote the said mans view on being banned just a week ago “I am a martyr for freedom of speech, and what a worthy cause it was” He should be brought back for the sake of SOL
  11. Mandelson to return to government Peter Mandelson has been drafted back into government in a surprise move, as Gordon Brown reshuffles his cabinet. Desperate times calls for desperate measures, who would have thought Gordon Brown would ever bring back Peter Mandelson. Now I really believe a politicians career never ends it just gets temporarily deactivated like facebook
  12. Wishing you a very Happy Ciid Mubarak you all May the Mercy & Blessing's of the Almighty God be with you, your family, and friends
  13. A&T you will not see me defending nay member of this debunked government and certainly Nuur Cadde is no saint. However if you have two devils it is in ones interest to negotiate/work out a solution, with the lesser of the two. Now PM Cadde might not be perfect for he is the head of a government that implicitly supported the Ethiopian invasion, however for the first time in its tenure the TFG has reached out to the opposition (albeit not all) they have agreed on paper the withdrawal of the Ethiopian forces and for the formation of a unity government. The nationalist and brothers fighting for Islam ought to be angry that traitors participate in the rebuilding of the nation, however lets crawl before we walk, peace stability and the formation of independent Islamic judiciary system (that will charge these men) is a much graver priority than hounding the culprits. A female analyst said the reason why Uganda has not been able to agree a peace deal with the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) is because of charges carried by the government and ICC against LRA leaders. (Would you give yourself up to the ICC). Likewise Serbia & Montenegro, Kosovo et al have established stability because they opted for peace first and then accountability. These are delicate steps Gents do it in any other order and it wont work.
  14. Mr Xiin Is a realist he knows that the only viable solution in Somalia is a political settlement no matter how weak the party you are negotiating with is. In the long run no party, clan or group can permanently eliminate the other so why stay in the rat race, why not look at things from another perspective one that has wisdom and foresight. Although the Djibouti agreement is in paper today the incremental steps are being taken to make it a reality. The progress so far - The “Yuusifites” position within the government has diminished - Gheedi the traitor is out replaced by Nur Cadde and the TFG man of the moment AbdiSalan. - Most of ASR have left Asmara and joined Sheikh Sharif in Djibouti - We have a Un representative who sincerely wants to help Somalis. Short term hurdles left - Power sharing between all factions in Somalia - Ethiopian forces out (replaced by either Muslim forces or a reconstructed Somali government encompassing Al Shabaab et) - Secession of conflict - Laying the platform of dialogue between Somalia and Somaliland on ways forward (although I do not see this taking place until 2010). - etc
  15. A super Xalimo nice one, Comics ey I think I need to relive my youth and start reading some
  16. JZK brother the most important topic of all topics Kitaab At-Tawheed by Shaikh Imam Muhammad Abdul-Wahhaab (Ra) Is one of the most comprehensive books I have read on this critical topic and has in many Wallahi helped in many ways avoid falling into Shirk unknowingly.
  17. Mashallah brother Nur a very interesting take JZK
  18. I have to come out of the wood works for this Mashallah a blessed baby for a blessed family
  19. Ramadan Kariim peeps may we reap the fruits of this blessed month
  20. Emperor come on saxiib you know where these folks are coming from, the liberation of Kismayo is good for the people, the people who liberated the city are in the least in allegiance with the resistance in Mogadishu, so how can you be pro resistance in one city yet call another resistance looters inc, it does not make sense.
  21. Nuuno wa runta imagine Gordon Brown and David Miliband heading to Washington for bush to mediate between them it is inconceivable, yet this chap is prides himself with the Ethiopian interference. He than has the audacity to say the TFG is in control of matters.
  22. Abti Duke, I think we can all agree that the locals enjoyed themselves a lot more in Summer of 06. Your man if he wanted to could have come as the up holder of the constitution but sadly for him and the folks he choose to come with the borrowed helmet. But the folks need not to worry only couple months left now Ibti put away the sword and embrace the brother
  23. Indeed and who can run Mogadishu but the locals, hence as soon as the tanks leave so will those that came with them.
  24. Indeed a stable government minus the following - Yeey (the upholder of the constitution) - The Warlords Ethiopians etc,
  25. Waawaray Emperor defected this is a great loss to the TFG camp, the most articulate defender has left. I admit I suspected something when he urged for the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces last week knowing full well that the TFG are in capable of defending themselves from the resistance. Brother I embrace you with open arms