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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. ^^Thats a new low even for FOX news channel.
  2. Seriously I must have being sleeping to have missed this supposed documentary being aired on FOX channel on Nov 5-6.I didn't even hear anything about it in the regular channels of mouth that are activated when something that concerns muslims occurs. From the creators of Relentless, comes a new film that will challenge the way you look at the world.Almost 70 years ago, Europe found itself at war with one of the most sinister figures in modern history: Adolf Hitler. When the last bullet of World War II was fired, over 50 million people were dead, and countless countries were both physically and economically devastated. Hitler’s bloody struggle sought to forge the world anew, in the crucible of Nazi values. How could such a disaster occur? How could the West have overlooked the evil staring it in the face, for so long, before standing forcefully against it?Today, we find ourselves confronted by a new enemy, also engaged in a violent struggle to transform our world. As we sleep in the comfort of our homes, a new evil rises against us. A new menace is threatening, with all the means at its disposal, to bow Western Civilization under the yoke of its values. That enemy is Radical Islam.Using images from Arab TV, rarely seen in the West, Obsession reveals an ‘insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real.A peaceful religion is being hijacked by a dangerous foe, who seeks to destroy the shared values we stand for. The world should be very concerned. If there is a documentary that you need to purchase and invite all of your friends and neighbors over to watch, it is Obsession: Radical Islams War against the West. The Islamists hate everything other than what they are themselves. They killed, for example, over 100,000 Algerians who disagreed with their brand of Islam. These are [their] fellow Muslims Watch Obsession and comment on what y'all think of the documentary.
  3. I looked in the archives before I posted and I couldn't find the info I needed. If you are so inclined please drop the name your favourite arabic tunes and where I can find them (free download if you please). I recently lost my arabic collection and I want it back. Help a sista out please
  4. ^^Bought the cd for my sisters but ended up making a copy for myself. Its a folky cd and I was plesantly suprised that he spoke of God in general terms. Removes the notion of one God for each religion instead of different interpretations of God. I don't think he moved very far from his old nasheed except maybe the guitar strums but then sami yusuf has piano, 786 or something like that does it with instruments too.
  5. Originally posted by Zafir: Lazy, Seeker is a lavishly stunning girl who drives a BMW. She is no cab driver, not that there is anything wrong with that. HEHEHE..........are you sure you talking about me? Lazy, don't tell me Taxi drivers are the only ones who make tips? I was waitressing dear and somalis are horrible tippers. So folks, remember to tip your waitress/waiter on your way out!
  6. Rudy prudy your lil rhyme had some messages underneath it or is it your subconscious speaking? Turkey day sucked! I only got 15 bucks in tips
  7. ^^^Did you really go search all the way to 2001 for a post when all you had to do was scroll the categories to spot the poetry section? ***Just puzzled***
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: This is unfair, people, unfair I tell you. All along I was under the impression the problem was one of comprehension but now it turns out that you don’t even read what I write before commenting on it. GRRRR. :mad: Seeker, Did you see the link to The Sun website that I put in my first post? See her photo? In addition, the photo that now regularly accompanies her column is not one of her wearing the hijab (this is what started this whole thread – read dammit). Excuse you luv, but the link you posted was an article with her wearing a niqaab and one of her not wearing one. Am I to draw conclusion from those two photos that this is her path now? Pardon me for being skeptical but the only way tabloids get readership is by sensationalizing and those pics could be just that. I wasn't sitting by you when you read the sun or when you spotted her column photo so I have no reason to believe you. Comprende mijo? **Someone needs some chemicals in their bloodstream**
  9. ^^^Notes it in her PDA. I might just need a connection on that side of the ocean in a few months.
  10. Originally posted by NGONGE: Do you think she abandoned her hijab out of pressure? Choice? Or is she just confused? Is ditching her Hijab also a principled stance just like when one puts on a veil or wears a hijab? What think you? Does she not wear the hijab now and where is it mentioned? As far as I could tell, she wrote an article about the security at the airport not checking her face under the niqaab but nothing else hinted to her not wearing the hijab. Don't you think it would be speculation on our part to attach a reason, if indeed she doesn't wear the hijab anymore, to her abandonment of the "bushel". As to her being a token journalist, many of us would have to ask ourselves that about our job. Did you get your foot in the door because of EOE laws or by your own merits? I think there are plenty of muslim female journalist's out there and a number of them who do cover their hair. As to whether its a personal choice or a ploy to get the job, all you have to do is wait and see. When opportunity arises when she has to bail on her principles to get her leg on a higher rung and she takes it , she was a faker and vice-versa.(Principles and honesty are rare commodities in the workplace these days and I think the right business mind will reward them accordingly.) Ps:- What are you hoping to unearth @ NG
  11. ^^^Are the Tim Horton's in TO drive thru ones?
  12. Thought I heard in the news today that the publishers are not going ahead with the book and FOX won't be doing the interview anymore. That wound is still fresh in people's head, no need to drudge that up.
  13. Originally posted by Khayr: From your statement, one can conclude that the the protagonists/lovers/main actors in the movie take the right directions in their lives. By that I mean; since they have a brain and 'morals', that there choices are correct and free from error . So if they chose LOVE at the expense of ALL ELSE i.e. family, religion etc., then it is the right choice for them to make. Priorities Love is #1, Family #2, Allah #3....or #3000 You are echoying morden sentiments and cheapening things to -sentiment (love). Tsk........How about clarifying my position for you since your brain context is placing my statements in constraints that weren't there when I wrote my statement. Generally speaking,there is a notion that most "preachers" on the net lay their "calling" on. That is, the person you are speaking it has no action potentional capablities in their brain cells to tell if their actions are wrong. To degrade your audience further you are also under the assumption you are right. Lo and behold anyone disagree with you then out comes the verses to further cement and prove your correctness. All people are not cut from the same cloth, furthermore a person's religious do and don't are their own demons to wrestle and no matter how much you would like to believe that what you say impacts them, as soon as they close that screen your words fade to black. Which leads me to ask, Why the need to carry your religion on your sleeve? Is it to your own "selfish" end or is it to a betterment of society? Remember, Birds of the same feather, flock together . The person that constantly reaffirms your thinking is one you will keep near and the one who doesn't finds themselves on the other side of the fence with you. Lets not turn this into a senseless arguement. I concede you are right in your world and therefore keep up the good job and convert those dumb heathens, who can't think for themselves, to the right path. Back to the movie, I can't see myself watching it unless it happens to find itself into the house.
  14. Originally posted by cynical lady: *****exposure of the flash*** " woman are seen as an object, not heard, her will is not hear own to control, more likely to be raped, dehumanised and not seen as a factor in this world". Am sorry do u even hear ureself what a load of rubbish i assure u the fact that woman are seen as an object is not down to the fact of adverts,its been happening through out the centuries, as for our will am sure i have mine and i am in sole possession of it, as for woman being beaten and raped am sorry does NO MEAN YES even if a woman is naked does not convey a man the right to rape a woman, man beat and rape woman for other sick issues not because those advert, if such is the case that there is a strong link between rape and naked woman what does that say about man? that they cant control themselvz there weak? sexual pervz? am sorry my take in those adverts is choice some woman will choose to express themselvz as they see fit isnt that what the woman libertine fought for? freedom of choice and expression, anyway why ist its always a man who will grace us with his views on woman and there proper conduct in society so we can fit in? i assure u i am not effected by those woman because i am a firm believer that everywoman is a sole guardian of her virtue and and she can choose when to forfeit them, i do have to remaind u that we are in a state where virtue is overrated but that does not mean woman like I and millions out there are dehumanised by those adverts to tell u the truth i make haste to buy those product does that mean a man is allowed to rape and beat me also? for one am looking forward to the xmas Diet cola advert with the sexy man and the CK boxers adverts does that mean i want to run and beat man, rape them or that dehumanises them NO. Woman have been made secondary class citizens not by those adverts but by the chains that have been forged upon us from the day the doctor declared that a daughter has been born. I suggest you reread the beginning of the post and concentrate on the context I placed the reiterate I said ,"in the ad world, a woman...." As for what you just wrote, I would say you have some deep seated issues with men
  15. ^^^I can't help but say this so forgive me. When I read that I pictured a dude in a dishdash and Quran preaching at street corners. Don't you think you are holding that leash a little too tightly? The "sister" has a brain and morals too and can figure it out herself. "Someone gots to say it"
  16. Nancy Pelosi had to eat crow today because Hoyer is majority leader over Murtha, whom she supported. What shocked me though, was Trent Lott's win over Alexander for the Minority Whip position. I didn't see that one coming. :eek: I will be looking forward to Hillary's candidacy in the presidential especially after seeing her going after General Abizaid.
  17. Finally something we can all use. Ipod announced this today just as Microsoft's Zune hit the shelves. Its a nice sleek device but I doubt if it will pose a threat to apple's ipods. Starting next year, six major airlines will install iPod connections in their in-flight entertainment systems, Apple said Tuesday.The on-board connection will be available on selected flights of United, Delta, Continental, Air France, Emirates and KLM airlines. The service will be available only in seats that have in-flight entertainment systems already in place, typically first- or business class seats. The planned upgrade, rolled out in a partnership of the airlines and the Cupertino, Calif.-based iPod manufacturer, is the latest development in the increasingly heated competition to offer more in-flight entertainment, particularly to elite travelers. With about 70 million units sold, iPods have become popular among travelers who want to access their own downloaded songs and TV shows. "People want choices. People are trapped in planes, and we want to respect their time," says Delta executive Joan Vincenz. The iPod service "takes it a step further." Available starting mid-2007, the connections would power and charge iPods in flight. It would allow travelers to watch and listen to videos and songs of their choice, instead of having to watch airlines' programming. Instead of using the small iPod screen, passengers will be able to watch TV shows or movies on larger seatback monitors. They range from seven inches to 23 inches depending on the cabin class. Read more on USA Today
  18. All I know about it is I have to get it for a kid when it comes out. Its the third system in the house and I still don't see why every couple years there is a new one. For that matter why do all tech gadgets have new addons each year that makes them more expensive. Just cause you can use wifi on it, save games, controller that is touch based and ability to connect to a keyboard and HDTV capabilities. :confused: What will the next one have? ability to transport your mind into the gaming console?
  19. Originally posted by Northerner: Seeker, is usually a good bet but what makes you think there is no flu there? I didn't mean to be flying to Egypt to get away from the flu. I would require pretty deep pockets to be taking such trips. Thanks for the tip though.
  20. ^^^ U know Khalid Yassin was unable to make it to a seminar he has last weekend because of legal problems? Wonder if anyone knows what happened :confused:
  21. ^^^Glad you agreed. Apart from small waist, small feet and unnaturally large feet, during the Renaisance period thick women were the standard of beauty. My qualm arises from me seeing my little sister (8 yrs) not eating and I can practically count the ribs on her malnourished frame. In the past, children were children but now they are a market to be exploited and swayed and frankly its deplorable. Where do you draw the line? Subjected or not ads have taken their art form to a different level, one that seems to be leading the Z generation into a dark tunnel. Its not only the objectification that's bothering me but the effects (long & short) of it.
  22. ^^Thats called a third person effect i.e it affects everyone but me and mines.
  23. Naden, First off images are very powerful medium and thats why they are used. The images that are being used widely these days do what a thousand words don't. Its the subcouncious guttering of the female form. You don't have to be flipping through a magazine to encounter these images. They are on the billboards, the sides of the buses, in between your fav tv show. If you want to see the effect of it ask a little child in elementary what a perfect woman is and I am sure the reply would include thin,tall & showing cleavage. The images teach a young girl earlier on that she is expected to be skinny, fashionable, sexy.........she is not taught that she can be a smart, innovative woman. Case in point when Nancy Pelosi got her position as speaker of the house the way the media covered her was in terms of her female role, her clothes, her being a mother of children not her achievements.
  24. SeeKer


    Finished Hadji Murad and didn't get what the fuss was about. Apart from his style of detailing something from a first contact kind of view, I thought it lacked something. My cuz, the agnostic, bought The God delusion and offered to let me read it before we argue about his belief system.Can't say I am looking forward to it. It is said that the book was like preaching to the choir and isn't meant to sway believers.
  25. Flu season is here and most of the household has the darn bug. I can't seem to break my fever and I have a twenty page paper due in a couple days. Anyone know where I can get cheap air fare to egypt either from US or UK? I hate my life