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Everything posted by SeeKer

  1. Back in the days Asha abdo- Safari Sound- Pole Pole (This video has the mental pics of Kenya I see not what is there now) Chakacha: Nada Elgal3a- Ismael Isaac- (The new alpha blondy)
  2. **Troller alert** To the people in the East Coast whats this I hear about a mass Eid ul adha at the capitol this year?
  3. Mannings ah? Jeez aren't you jumping the gun? Personally I am not laying my cards down yet It will definitely be a solid season though! Mayb my prayers will be answered and we can finally get in the playoffs :mad: I ended up not doing fantasy football this year, Inshallah mayb next year and mayb we can create an SOL league.
  4. In Virginia there exists a congenial mood when a muslim removes his shoes before entering the synagogue where he is to perform his tarawiih prayers. The muslim community rents the space from the Jews because their mosque overflows with the ummah. Lots of Muslims and Jews in Virginia view each other in a different light after this kind of exposure. Read more I bet you there are no duas for God to strike down the Yahud in any of the sermons . All jokes aside I think its a refreshing change.
  5. Don't worry. I just afured....i thought a bit of caution would scare the aussie (Europe/Africa/Asia) in you. Edit: I thought I had time to post a topic but I think I will have to do it after Tarawiih. Happy trolling.
  6. ^^Do you really have to speak of food?
  7. I did I spent 8 days there. I loved it, the whole cosmopolitan feel, and I think I did more than my share of exploring in that city except for the beaches. Inshallah if I make it across the lake aka ocean again I will send you notice.
  8. Ok folks seems like I am way faster than you and now the words on my comp are swirling. Did anyone notice if the sun was red or had rays emitting today?
  9. NG you seem a tad abrasive today Is it cause she is calling your bluff?
  10. I think he is wondering how you got cushy hours leaving work at 2
  11. Lily sounds like a headache. Ibti......never something about the sun being up and me believing its utter laziness.
  12. ^^ Not everyone pays attention to detail like you mister! Ibti- I don't nap. Zu- when you said hellow I pictured Seinfield doing his weird voice.
  13. Blame Zu.......I was there for 28 days (the country) about '07. I loved the place enough to want to make a second trip and this time I will Inshallah walk on top of the Sydney Bridge. I couldn't last time cause I sprained my ankle right as we docked into Sydney. I loved Port Douglas and perhaps will try gold mining, if I can find a guide.
  14. ~~Throws a shoe at Zu's head~~
  15. I don't think I am fast. I haven't slept for 24 hours now. If only I drunk warm milk before the sun rose.
  16. ^^Did you just post in the wrong thread then edited it?
  17. Ich bin ein Berliner? Isn't the message lost on you? I am physically tired but mentally awake today. PS:- I take back my wisdom, the brother brought suhoor over to me and my cuz at the mosque. ~~Now I can't use my I don't know how he looks like excuse~~ :cool:
  18. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: You didn't stay long enough. I haven't shown you much and you haven't met Inti and her gang. you missed out alot Cuz! Now you tell me. Next time I come, promise to take a week off if you really mean it.
  19. Ok seriously I thought I was making your case for you! ~ungrateful so and so~ Ps:- Stop eating afur by the computer
  20. ^^I like real news not fluff pieces nor the new Tech savvy anchors. Intuition your location rings a bell in my head. Is that a title of a book by Bill Bryson? That was the book that put me on a plane to Aussieland. I still haven't gotten over that trip Wish the tix weren't so expensive. On the other hand I think people should go back to reading newspapers and on the tube someone always leaves it on a seat.
  21. I hate hate watching news channels in the US. I get my news either from the net or through the radio, but recently I have taken to acquiring the daily podcasts of Rachel Maddow's show. This woman cracks me up, feeds me her version of events and makes fun of FOX NEWS I also still luv my two satirist and Jon Stewart.
  22. ^He comes bearing complications of which I can't partake. So ahem I will just swoon to his recitation. What about the other I'tekaf Q? Here is another fav by an australian brother: Your last day in Dunya-Sheikh Feiz. His lectures are informative and best yet he is very entertaining Mashallah. Crickey @ the accent Ps:- This is part of his Death series. He also has a Ramadhan series I believe.
  23. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban: Seeker stop scaring people. :confused: How was I scaring people?
  24. Hongera @ poundy. Wiil iyo caano Inshallah